
Showing posts from March, 2018


Chinese version - Chronicle Note ** I have not heard one single episode of this radio program myself for a lot of reasons. To do a radio program majorly featuring me was discussed on 07/01/2004 conference call. The radio program has been produced by United States 106.7FM or Clear Channel and on air since 2005 ?? suppose ?? . I am a Chinese, the major featured person(suppose). Following are what I gathered from impacts of being the major featured person and may not correct. Please contact me at  if the content is seriously incorrect and please provide references including broadcasting channel and time, thanks forward. 老爸爸方文海,你其实是被我给信托了, 我所信托的财产很安全,你也很安全,请尽快和我联系,或者联系南京紫台025-8333-2227,请赶紧和美国领事馆联系(任何地方的美领馆, 上海021-8011-2400),不用担心你是否有有效证件证明身份,他们可以做DNA鉴定来确定你和我的亲生父女关系的。如果老爸爸你因为自己的亲身经历,想在国内找找妈妈王博贤的消息,也最好是在和美国领事馆核实妈妈是否已经在美国之后,或者至少和我方敏取得联系之后,再一起商量商量如何找妈妈并和妈妈取得联系。紫金山天文台 你也可以看一下你是否有如下医院的保险: 上海国际医院名单 ,  索引文章 致上海公司律师:只有我亲生父亲方文海所持律...