Chinese version
Chronicle Note
**I have not heard one single episode of this radio program myself for a lot of reasons. To do a radio program majorly featuring me was discussed on 07/01/2004 conference call. The radio program has been produced by United States 106.7FM or Clear Channel and on air since 2005??suppose??. I am a Chinese, the major featured person(suppose). Following are what I gathered from impacts of being the major featured person and may not correct. Please contact me at somebodyinMA@gmail.com if the content is seriously incorrect and please provide references including broadcasting channel and time, thanks forward.
老爸爸方文海,你其实是被我给信托了, 我所信托的财产很安全,你也很安全,请尽快和我联系,或者联系南京紫台025-8333-2227,请赶紧和美国领事馆联系(任何地方的美领馆, 上海021-8011-2400),不用担心你是否有有效证件证明身份,他们可以做DNA鉴定来确定你和我的亲生父女关系的。如果老爸爸你因为自己的亲身经历,想在国内找找妈妈王博贤的消息,也最好是在和美国领事馆核实妈妈是否已经在美国之后,或者至少和我方敏取得联系之后,再一起商量商量如何找妈妈并和妈妈取得联系。紫金山天文台http://www.pmo.cas.cn/ztjj/lxfs/
你也可以看一下你是否有如下医院的保险:上海国际医院名单, 索引文章
06-15-2018 Why so-so riches deserve to search a much richer? For what they already have self-produced for their own self-enjoyment?
Heard this morning's shocking broadcasting.
My response: The search-threat announcer is a common salary rich in reality, not even a hedge fund manager rich nor any superior rich to be this loud.
This entire time, it seems a lot of criminal activities defined by the U.S. criminal laws as well as the Chinese criminal laws have been promoted on this radio program as privileges and been constantly called upon "to make it happen" in the name of "practicing to be a politician".
I assemble some examples I have complained about, please correct me if I am wrong:
1: Money's lawful ownership is publicly challenged by the willingness to own the money which resulted in actual illegal money ownership transfer.
2: Intellectual Income is challenged to be re-categorized as sexual-intercourse income which also resulted in actual illegal money ownership transfer.
3: Reality broadcasting or news reports is challenged to be re-defined as "Announce the wish to make it a Reality" through promotion after each broadcasting which resulted in illegal hate-promoting and illegal harassment-organizing, I heard it is intended to achieve illegal property(valuables) ownership transfer.
4: "Politician or Politician-to-be" is not in-office to serve the people but to practice superior privileges in front of all laws, and to enjoy sex & money as well as privileged biological reproduction, and to expect to be financially handsomely supported by tax-collected from the people?
----June 15th, 2018
In China, only one major group that is known for politicians' training organization: Chinese Communism Youth Party. I heard tons of people that have some stories on this blog are currently professionally associated with this Chinese Communism Youth party.
"First-born daughter", "Ex-girl friend's" family, Private assistant's family, 2004's prominent Chinese males' and their possible true loves, etc. A lot of them have demanded money publicly on this radio program without any legal ground, some resulted in actual illegal money ownership transfer.
----June 15th, 2018
06-14-2018 Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to my children, my darling, my sweethearts,
You are biological, you are my own blood,
You are biologically my blood no matter what others say,
You are mine, you are mine,
You are mine no matter what others say.
----from mother
06-13-2018 Do I have money in the United States? Yes, of course, I Do.
Heard the confusion if I indeed came from a rich Chinese family to have money.
My response: Well, I append some information here.
This grandfather Fang, Zhiren(方智仁)is in the U.S. government's records as part of my immigration document. My father's name is Fang, Wenhai(方文海). This Trust should be listed in Hong Kong's Registry. I do have money in the United States which are provided by some of my up-stream grandfathers' Trusts.
06-12-2018 Wives frustration presented in this featured story of "who is who, what is what"
Heard yesterday's episode was reacted as ugliest arrogant from the audience.
My response: The problem was because this episode did not introduce the background of how this two irrelated groups could possibly have this kind of talk at all.
It is the similar issue to another featured story almost a year ago regarding how a foreign female who insisted on to have a child with an American rich could actually have the opportunities to approach to personally demand to have sexual intercourse to be conducted just because she wants to have a rich American's child.
How this two irrelated group or persons, who don't share any office space or any social event to meet at all, can be arranged to sit down have this "catch the moment and catch the lifetime opportunity" to approach to personally demand money or sexual intercourse is what has been missing in the radio program.
----June 12th, 2018
Heard this morning's broadcasting of "who is who, what is what".
My response: I heard it takes the entire bar's eye-witnesses to say that was an innocent comforting hug to the crying one to comfort the agitated wife. I heard the severe frustration was that it was a hug from an apparently very handsomely young and attractive but truly senior-already man to an apparently very young and pretty but truly in my late-thirties girly cry.
I was lucky I met two cousins from the same great family in just two days, and I was not lucky because we all got some youth-GENE from our mothers that made me so frustrated for all these females' frustration all these times.
I heard the frustration I felt with the audience of this radio program has been from wives of the cousins who either got this youth GENE or didn't. The frustration range from the anger why the same "aged" cousins can be obviously "so attractively" young and handsome to the frustration of the others that facing the obvious strong competition because of this "so attractive".
By the way, the Hong Kong Trust I inherited from my own birth grandfather (my father's father) is actually never a shabby on at all as a lot of people have impressed from my blog.
This Hong Kong Trust has been the original $15Million US Dollar Trust-Investor to the current 香港长江实业(集团)有限公司(Hong Kong's Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited) since 1949 or so.
This Hong Kong Trust was set up by 5 Million Silver Dollar in 1948 as I published before, the exchange rate in 1948 that I did not publish was 1 Silver Dollar = $3 US Dollars, this $15Million US dollar was in this This Hong Kong Trust's registry record and has been in its business investing since 1948.
My grandfather had left himself about $450,000 U.S. dollar (150,000Silver Dollar) when he set up this Hong Kong Trust, he had been miserable because of his decision to keep his wealth in the Silver Dollar instead of in the U.S. dollar. The Silver Dollar's collecting rate from the People's Republic of China in 1949-1950 was fixed to 1 Silver Dollar = ¥1 Chinese RMB, and the exchange rate had been fixed to ¥1 Chinese RMB = $1 US Dollar since 1949 till 1980 or so.
My grandfather's wealth shrank to 1/3 of what he had planned for himself caused my great-grandmother a lot of tears to watch her son doing the living expenses calculation. Her own wealth, which was the similar size of what my grandfather had at that time, was in the same situation but she only needed to support herself and my father at that time. I heard her younger son was in similar financial stress because he had hand-in the majority of his wealth to the Chinese Communist Party as the Party-member Fee. My great grandmother did not give a penny to my father whom she had raised since birth but all to her own born three children (2 sons and 1 daughter).
Well, this Hong Kong Trust was set up for me by the youngest generation grandfather of mine so I would assume the impression that this Trust is the most shabby gift I have received won't be an issue to all those grandfathers of mine who have blessed me, well, they were father & grandfathers to my grandfather as well to expect my grandfather to behave repsectfully not to complain about this shabby gift impression. So, I just take it easy.
----June 12th, 2018
06-11-2018 This morning's featured stories of Nanjing, China (南京的人和事)
I am happy to hear my father's news and I can't wait to see my father in person.
----June 11th, 2018
Some said why not give out random money to those who are demanding as "donations".
My response: Well, when the helpful-amount is limited, never unlimited of course, why I have to give a penny to those who shits me all over, wish me evil and being abusive to my beloved? Why I have to thrift a penny from what I can help to those who have been so nice to me and taking care of my beloved? I refuse to consider any donation to those who threaten me, harm me and being evil to me or my beloved.
Line-up marriage or marriage freedom, both are none of my business nor my concern, by LAWS.
I reject any financial demanding related to this line-up marriage or marriage freedom story.
----June 11th, 2018
05-23-2018 请出示够资格向我索要钱财的法律条款及事实依据
没有任何关联是我方敏没有亏欠你任何人情债金钱债的最好证据, 所以我对你既没有任何法律上的责任义务, 也没有任何道义情感上的亏欠, 我方敏不乐意给你一分一厘我自己的钱。
也就是说作为美国公民, 我方敏的钱是按照美国法律界定为我方敏自己合法拥有的钱财, 只要我方敏没有美国法律所界定的法律责任义务必须给你钱, 我方敏就是不乐意给你一分一厘。我方敏来自中国, 2015年6月前曾是中华人民共和国的公民, 只要我方敏没有中国法律所界定的法律责任义务必须给你钱, 我方敏也还是不乐意给你一分一厘。
对于坚持以编造故事或者将他人故事予以剪辑的手段对我方敏栽赃造 谣诽谤以混淆大众视听进行讹诈钱财骚扰恐吓敲诈勒索的人员及行为 ,我方敏誓言按照中国法律美国法律捍卫我方敏的一切合法权益。
1: 请出示我方敏必须承担法律责任义务必须抚养你及你家人的事实依据 及法律条款依据(中国法律和美国法律)。
2: 请出示我方敏必须承担法律责任义务必须瞻养你及你家人的事实依据 及法律条款依据(中国法律和美国法律)。
3: 请出示我方敏必须承担法律责任义务必须偿还对你及你的家人所欠债 务的事实依据及法律条款依据(中国法律和美国法律)。
4: 请出示我方敏必须按照中国法律和美国法律必须归还本应由你及你的 家人予以继承的财产的事实依据及法律条款依据( 中国法律和美国法律)。
5:请注意,按照中国法律和美国法律对财产继承的定义,继承从被 继承人死亡时开始, 而不是因为财产赠予人和财产受益人之间的性交关系是否还存在。我 方敏所继承的是信托,我去世的爷爷生前是委托人,立有遗嘱, 我是唯一受益人,继承及受益方式由遗嘱信托文件规定。
05-23-2018 请出示够资格向我索要钱财的法律条款及事实依据
没有任何关联是我方敏没有亏欠你任何人情债金钱债的最好证据, 所以我对你既没有任何法律上的责任义务, 也没有任何道义情感上的亏欠, 我方敏不乐意给你一分一厘我自己的钱。
也就是说作为美国公民, 我方敏的钱是按照美国法律界定为我方敏自己合法拥有的钱财, 只要我方敏没有美国法律所界定的法律责任义务必须给你钱, 我方敏就是不乐意给你一分一厘。我方敏来自中国, 2015年6月前曾是中华人民共和国的公民, 只要我方敏没有中国法律所界定的法律责任义务必须给你钱, 我方敏也还是不乐意给你一分一厘。
对于坚持以编造故事或者将他人故事予以剪辑的手段对我方敏栽赃造 谣诽谤以混淆大众视听进行讹诈钱财骚扰恐吓敲诈勒索的人员及行为 ,我方敏誓言按照中国法律美国法律捍卫我方敏的一切合法权益。
1: 请出示我方敏必须承担法律责任义务必须抚养你及你家人的事实依据 及法律条款依据(中国法律和美国法律)。
2: 请出示我方敏必须承担法律责任义务必须瞻养你及你家人的事实依据 及法律条款依据(中国法律和美国法律)。
3: 请出示我方敏必须承担法律责任义务必须偿还对你及你的家人所欠债 务的事实依据及法律条款依据(中国法律和美国法律)。
4: 请出示我方敏必须按照中国法律和美国法律必须归还本应由你及你的 家人予以继承的财产的事实依据及法律条款依据( 中国法律和美国法律)。
5:请注意,按照中国法律和美国法律对财产继承的定义,继承从被 继承人死亡时开始, 而不是因为财产赠予人和财产受益人之间的性交关系是否还存在。我 方敏所继承的是信托,我去世的爷爷生前是委托人,立有遗嘱, 我是唯一受益人,继承及受益方式由遗嘱信托文件规定。
----June 9th, 2018
Heard about this morning's touch on "dating service".
My response: Well, I heard even horrible rumors how a child was locked outside but fully informed the purpose of locking the door was to produce a child because she was too spoiled, and it was much, this sort of. I heard the child's account was broadcasted already.
I heard the girl, who stated in the same episode that “not-mothered by that Chinese woman who is a famous fake rich but mothered by a Chinese diplomat", is biologically parented by Chinese diplomats. Her mother's last name is Yu (于), one of my grandfather's former private assistant's sibling's child.
----June 8th, 2018
06-07-2018 Amusing incident (乌龙事件)
Heard this morning's talk about "Bahamas" registration.
My response: I heard the person who owns the Bahamas registered company can't stop laughing at his own confusion now: He owns the Bahamas registered upmost-investor company so that he only demands its American investment's "Pejoves" Fund company's ownership instead of the entire investment chain's nor its British investor company. His family name has been associated with the "Pejoves" Fund's British investor company for centuries.
I heard that $650 register fee company is a newly registered company that has nothing to do with the American "Pejoves" Fund company. Possibly, this is what "It is in the Bahamas registry" means this morning.
I totally know what this is like when Chinese community can't bear to hear me announcing my grandfather TangXuanZong (唐玄宗) was the last Emperor of the Tang dynasty. The information was so available on the internet that there were more than ten Tang dynasty Emperors including my grandfather "Ingnyama Mufasa(唐穆宗)" and "Simba" after this TangXuanZong (唐玄宗), and I had announced him the last Tang dynasty Emperor for 7 years.
I heard my Trust which has been investing in American "Pejoves" was set up for me in 900AD or so by my ancient grandfather Southern Tang dynasty Emperor Li Jing (南唐中主李璟).
----June 7th, 2018
06-06-2018 Rumors I heard about my family
Heard this morning's talk about who is my family.
My response: Well, I am the family birthmark girl of my birth mother's lawful husband's line.
----June 6th, 2018
Heard about the frustration regarding my grandfather's wealth.
My response:
I contribute some rumors I heard about, I will update this page if I hear more.
----June 6th, 2018
06-05-2018 All about what is Trust Inheriting and related (都是有关信托继承及其相关的)
Heard this morning's talk about American "Pejoves" Fund Company (中文附后).
My response: This was referring the U.S.government's rescue financing during 2008 financial storm to the auto industry. The American "Pejoves" had received U.S. government's help together with the Ford Auto as one of its investors. It was in the newspaper that all these financings on Auto industry have been paid back with interests. And Ford Auto is famous for it only needed a few financing helps and it was when the interest rate was more comfortable. The American "Pejoves" Fund is still a 100% private company.
Owning a car or owning a house need to be registered with the RMV or the local government to pay auto tax or property tax, owning a company also has a company registry as well to pay the company taxes. I heard in the government record, this company has been registered 100% fully owned by its British Investor Fund company, and its British Investor Fund company has been 100% fully owned by a French company. All since the year 1600 or so. O'Connors' confusion is similar to this.
I had experienced the feeling of the similar, it was when I found out my ancient grandfather (唐玄宗) was not the last Emperor of the Tang dynasty as I had so comfortably thought, there were over ten Tang dynasty Emperors after him.
----June 5th, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about the conflicts between my grandfather's offspring and his private assistant.
My response: It was rumored that there were 1/3 of the bank savings that my grandfather's left behind had been transferred to this private assistant's bank account. My father's siblings had experienced "annoyed" attitude from this private assistant when they went to ask financial help and they had eye-witnessed the huge difference of the financial situations ever since my grandfather's death. My father was similar, especially that my mother has been a low-income wife who is not good at managing family finance.
I heard my grandfather had given my father and my father's siblings a letter(last will) in 1965, each in person, and I heard my father did not receive a bank note or a check as his siblings had was the reason my father threw out my grandfather's letter. So, I don't know if this 1/3 of the bank savings was given by my grandfather.
I heard my grandfather had entrusted 5 Million Silver Dollar to the birthmark girl from his eldest & birthmark son's line (my father's line) which left himself only 150,000 Silver Dollar to support his family in 1948 when my father, being the eldest, was still a high school student.
I heard my grandparents had been kept rejecting my father's any demand but spoiling my father's siblings' for anything financially ever since. I had made the financial arrangement about my father's health care and emergency support ever since the day I inherited my Trusts and I will be the one to comfort my father if that bank transfer to the private assistant was indeed from my grandfather's wish.
I have expressed my willingness to gift my father's siblings ¥500Million each, each is about 10% of what that 5 Million Silver Dollar in 1948 worth today. I heard my great grandmother who raised my father was often in tears to see all her children had to calculate the money to make the ends meet, so I am willing to gift my grandfather's siblings' families the same size gifts. I am not willing to gift those who I never met nor heard of even if they are my father-side cousins by blood, because I did not take their money, and I did not owe them any money nor them any caring.
Like I stated before, I am stilling listening instead of accusing immediately regarding what happened to the ¥9,000monthly providing since my birth because all my grandfather's offspring had been safe during the difficult time of the Culture Revolution (Red Guards Revolution).
----June 5th, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about what means inheriting.
My response: This confusion has been pissing me off all this time. Since June 30th of 2004, I kept saying I inherited and I was kept being told that I have to know this or that living person refuses to give me money.
Yes, I inherited Trusts means I got my money from some deceased persons who were my own birth grandfathers from different generations.
----June 5th, 2018
买车买房要向政府RMV注册登记交纳车税地税,办个公司也要向政府注册登记交纳公司税。我听说这家公司的政府注册登记的记录是从成立至今,这家公司都是100%归其英国投资公司所拥有,其英国投资公司是100%被更上级的法国投资公司所拥有。让欧家困扰不已的那家美国基金公司也是类似情形, 且都是从1600年左右成立就如此。
06-04-2018 Is this a Social Project or an Organized Crime?
Heard producing team felt being dis-appreciated regarding their efforts to "teach me to behave when I am just an unwanted woman without a child".
My response: How could I possibly appreciate them? I can totally imagine what it is like when I heard those Fords' wives complaints broadcasted publicly on the radio program was "without searching the entire house, the process to verify that child is not associated with their marriage just can't finish." Why this is necessary? What kind public curiosity can it be?
Regarding "teach me to behave", this must be motivated by the proud decisive power wanton producers to match me with prostituting industry standards they so grow up with. Otherwise, how "unwanted" can be the teaching subject for a lesson to a financially independent female? The organizer's family education must be prostituting so that to confuse knowledge-teaching education with the prostituting practicing growing up experiences.
Regarding "throw the same kind to be a match in socializing", I heard it is so appreciated to be promoted as a home-pussy and expected to be the envied of in Chinese community. Well, I don't think this home-pussy proud can be very popular among Chinese who is not a born whore-beggar. Plus, I already denounced myself from the Chinese communities abroad. And because I am a non-lesbian female, so, I say, I refuse this kind of opportunities of being thrown a home-pussy at to let this whore-beggar proud to be appreciated by born whore-beggars.
Since ancient time, a polygamist marriage in China had been similar to a polygamist Muslim marriage in the Middle East. Only after 1920, in Republic of China time, a polygamist marriage means a Concubine wife was either a whore or a beggar. I heard this may be related to the 1920's New Culture movement(新文化运动).
I came from a traditional polygamist marriage that my grandmothers were all from decent families who were not married for food. Both my grandfather(married in 1930) and my father has only one wife.
I am the heir of my ancient polygamist family who is expected to be a male-privileged polygamist in my marriage. I am never the same kind to a Concubine wife.
I expect my children to carry their fathers' names and to be part of their fathers' families if I have a polygamist marriage, so, my children's fathers will never be the same kind to a Concubine wife equivalent.
Regarding the barren. If a barren woman deserve to be trashed to make the trashing process a "social project"? I assume this is law professions' evaluation of what degree of the felony this can be. By the United States Laws, discriminating a female for barren in reproduction is forbidden, not to mention to make it a "social project" to trash a "barren" female so outrageously public.
Also, a barren can be helped by the modern medical technology of In vitro fertilization, and further helped by a surrogate mother to have a biological child. This is what I did to help myself to have my biological children. And I saw a lot of news reports how a maiden mother or sister reached out to help a barren to have a biological child. Why trashing a "barren" can be such a "social project"?
My daughter was announced in 2012 in the most comfortable way for all parties, for the best interest of hers as well, why public curiosity means searching everyone's house to impress the public "no such child", just to publicly trash her as so unwanted by any Ford anyone ever heard of, can be necessary to produce a radio program?
I heard there was some confusion if that is a physically biologically realistic child or just a painting is the reason for verification necessary, well. why it is already verified it is a video instead of a painting of a biologically realistic child is not enough?
Why identify the birthfather, to interview the birth father and to introduce the birth father to the public is so important? It is to whom it is so necessary that the birth father has to be presented?
For the best interest of that child, why the fact that the mother has own financial resources to support the child is not enough?
If there is any private curiosity or confusion, why this female or that female can be so privileged to ignore the fact that the United States laws forbid to abuse the child nor to harass the birth father in any way nor by any means? How dare this can be said as a public interest?
----originally published on June 3rd, 2018, updated on June 4th, 2018
Heard the confusion from Chinese community that what happened to me is just a social project.
My response: "The social project" must be referring to all these organized harassments and harms conducted to me, and public robbery conducted to my money, via the producing and promoting of the radio program, so I say this social project is the nickname stands for organized crime to kidnap me in poverty. and the organization that hosting this organized crime is the radio program producing & promoting related. No wonder I have to constantly contact law enforcement for help.
Organized crime is a category of transnational, national, or local groupings of highly centralized enterprises run by criminals who intend to engage in illegal activity, most commonly for money and profit (Wikipedia)
In the United States, the Organized Crime Control Act (1970) defines organized crime as "[t]he unlawful activities of [...] a highly organized, disciplined association [...]". Criminal activity as a structured process is referred to as racketeering. (Wikipedia)
----June 4th, 2018
06-03-2018 Wanton producers' whore curiosity can't be mistaken as the public curiosity
Heard this morning's talk about why it takes law enforcement's help to have a providing check signed.
My response: Well, because there was some confusion if that British Investment in America is an independent American company or owned 100% by a British investor company.
I heard in the government records, this American company has been registered as a British Investment in America as well as paying taxes as a British Investment in America since the year 1600 or so.
I heard this confusion caused the American company refuses to sign the providing check as instructed by its British Investor was the reason for law enforcement's help to have the British Investor's instructed providing check signed.
I don't know a lot, but I am comfortable because what I heard tells me that my Trust is an investor from up-stream has been acknowledged and I have been protected by laws. I don't know anything beyond that there is some confusion but I am protected.
----June 3rd, 2018
Heard this morning's curiosity about how I provide for my children if I do have biological children?
My response: I heard that was the office-mate Raquel from Janus Associates. The intellectual income was the software based on Secure_Transport prototype that was broadcasted as the cool software that can transmit data securely together with video.
I heard my share of intellectual income from this software prototype has been either in investment on my behave with good intentions or have been "deserved taken with an announced ruling" which I have called law enforcement's help.
My biological children should have been provided for their daily expenses, and they should also have been covered by mine for emergency protection and special concerns such as skin care and cotton dresses. The arrangement for my side coverage was decided as not from my intellectual income.
----June 3rd, 2018
Exactly what is the public curiosity regarding my biological children?
My response: I heard there are "public curiosity" who is the exact "seeder" to them and exactly which bank accounts pay for them, I doubted this can be from any public curiosity, so I did call law enforcement's help on this possible child abuse intended and harassment intended.
From my understanding, the efforts to dig-out all from this producing group's curiosity is beyond normal or ordinary already, and all these intentions are to manage the "seeder's" underwear or to gain access to the "seeder's" underwear to trash the children and to have access to the bank accounts to steal or to publicly rob the money.
It is already well known they are not on any radio program producers' personal spending. It is never any wanton producer's deserves to know their exact whereabouts nor their exact financial situation, nor to express the wanton producers' own opinions on who can better serve their "seeder's" underwear, nor how unworthy the children can be to have a father who loves them only.
This is entirely the whores' curiosity, never a public curiosity.
----June 3rd, 2018
Heard producing team felt being dis-appreciated.
My response: How could I appreciate them? I can totally imagine what it is like when I heard those Fords' wives complaints broadcasted publicly on the radio program was "without searching the entire house, the process to verify that child is not associated with their marriage just can't finish." Why this is necessary? What kind public curiosity can it be?
She was announced in 2012 in the most comfortable way for all parties, for the best interest of that published girl as well, why searching everyone's house to impress the public just to publicly trash her as so unwanted by any Ford anyone ever heard of can be necessary to produce a radio program?
I heard there was some confusion if that is a physically biologically realistic child or just a painting is the reason for verification, well. why not verifying it is a video of a biologically realistic child is not enough?
Why identify the birthfather, to interview the birth father and introduce the birth father to the public is so important? it is to whom it is so necessary that the birth father has to be presented?
For the best interest of that child, why the fact that the mother has own financial resources to support the child is not enough?
If there is any private curiosity or confusion, why this female or that female can be so privileged to ignore the fact that the United States laws forbid to abuse the child nor to harass the birth father in any way nor by any means? How dare this can be said as a public interest?
----June 3rd, 2018
06-02-2018 Do I dare to claim who I am after this morning's broadcasting? Yes, I do.
Heard this morning's broadcasting of agitated cohort team.
My response: My personal opinion, if this is the cohort team I am a member of, why can't they confront me on the school blackboard? why the need to go the route of the radio program instead of getting the answer from me directly? I publicity is preferred, why not after confronting me and publish the answer together?
The great part is, this is the cohort team has technology person, several medical people, accounting person, a business professor, and a lot of them either are veterans or having Chinese colleagues or Taiwanese friends. The even greater one, this west coast college has a law school.
I already published some references on the blackboard in MBA506 to ask for the cohort team to confront me that I even sent out several emails asking, "please confront me". I am confident about my authentication regarding who I am, and I am a scientific-enough person to know it is realistic to adjust inaccuracy. I am comfortable confronting all these denials and seek the answer to why this organized denials regarding who I am? Why all these hostilities and who is trying to arouse these hostilities?
----June 2nd, 2018
Heard some agitation expressed this morning, I explain what I can.
1: Why the CEO refuses to talk about rumored "drag out" experience?
My guess: Possibly, the rumored experience is a pending lawsuit. If so, it is not a surprise because this is the United States.
2: Do I dare to claim I am a U.S. Military 3-Star General from now on?
My answer: Absolutely. The "verification" group is not the authenticating group nor any experienced investigating group so that their conclusion can't be the decisive one nor the authoritative one.
I was well-known recruited with a 3-Star rank in a teleconference in January of 2004 by the United States Military, I accepted with no pay and no station-office.
I was well-known asked to leave on July 1st of 2004 with the stars taken back in the teleconference.
I heard I was recruited as a 3-Star General Strategist of a research institute, a combat role.
I heard I have my rank kept because of my lifetime contribution.
So, I am a 3-star U.S. Military General Strategist.
3: Why I say I have children?
My response: Because it is announced with a published Digital Video that resembles me. I resemble my ancient grandmother of 7th or 8th century and I don't resemble any of my modern-time relatives.
The published girl resembles my grandmother from the ancient family painting that I have inherited, and she resembles me from a 2012-published 1997-recorded Digital Video. I heard she has a brother who also carries my blood.
I heard the broadcasted arguments were between some O'Connors and some Rockefellers, I heard both parties have been confused as the public and both are in-laws to some unrelated Fords, but how can that broadcasting be the reason that I should not have biological children? or how dare I say I have my biological children after that "so critical" broadcasting?
This entire time, this radio program has been ridiculous on who can have what sayings on what matters. In old saying, this is called "not behaving" or "not even educated" of the producing team, well, you heard the response that was broadcasted was they are the "proudly spoiled decisively powerful wantons".
----June 2nd, 2018.
06-01-2018 My Own Birth Grandfathers' love I received is also the huge responsibilities I inherited
Heard this morning's talk about the Cohort team.
My response: I have expressed myself as "I go to school for education, not hyperthyroid". So, I do my explanation on this blog, and I will stay clear of the anxiety from the excited cohort members. I am a resident on the east coast so I really don't know why they are this excited on the west coast.
This refusal to have hyperthyroid is also the reason I stay clear from this or that name who have their own confused romances with this or that man whom I have nothing to do with romantically. I refuse to build up some allergy symptoms if the blackboard posts are from free spirits.
I had been accusing this or that name's romances kept on harassing me whenever I try to study, now I get the points expressed that the intention understood was I study academically is to take over this or that wealthy man's family businesses. Well, the ridiculous thing is this or that man are not the same persons who have associated with me romantically for their own romances to have this misunderstanding or anxiety.
Some insist on this or that is the same person who moved on already. Well, if this is the case, it was already clarified on July 1st of 2004 that I can be consulted by his family businesses because of the romantic association, but my decision won't be the final one nor mandatory. The person himself is the decision maker on his own business as well as his own family businesses. I am the decision maker on my own businesses.
Do I have my own businesses to study for or to make decisions about? Of course, I do. I have very handsome blessing from my own birth grandfathers, and I already inherited them on June 30th of 2004 when I was only in my thirties, unlike this or that person who can be this lucky enough to still be an apprentice to their own loving Senior to build up the experiences.
I am not this lucky to be shielded by the loving protective Senior, I have been guided but I have no shelter to my own responsibilities on my inherited. My father is the typical scientific scientist and my grandfather passed away before I was even born. I understand the huge inherited wealth also means the huge responsibilities to look after what I have inherited. I am lucky enough already to be guided all this time by the great entrusting groups, and I am learning to have the academic knowledge to understand them.
I haven't been enjoying the luxury of my wealth nor having the luxury to experience any normal romance. I know it had been my own fault that I was not interested in dating at all before my inheriting. I am working on to improve my life quality because I want to enjoy my romance life at the same time when I can academically understand my entrusting groups.
I hope my decision on taking care of my parents' health has protected them well so I can reunite with them soon, I hope it can be soon enough that I can really look young and healthy pretty as I have wished, and I hope my healthy children are well-beloved and well taken care of when I am not around. I have not been available to my parents and my children, but I have been the "Western Union -- Connecting families around the world" to them ever since I inherited on June 30th of 2004.
----June 1st, 2018
05-31-2018 Inheriting means money received is from a deceased who should be a dead body corrpse already, never from a living prominent
Heard this morning's talk about $400Million.
My response: Since this $400 Million is American money in confusion, so I use English to explain what I heard of.
First of all, I said, "I inherited money" and I was never corrected the entire time on both June 30th and July 1st of 2004. Inheriting means I got my money from some already dead persons who died on or before June 30th of 2004. The intention to use the money ownership confusion theme to curse all these living prominent rich is never from me.
Second of all, I inherited is the Trust Inheritances, not the family inheritances. The difference can be illustrated as: A grandfather of mine gave me a gift of Trust as a Christmas gift on the morning of a Christmas day, and he died in a car accident on the next day which is the December 26th of the same year. Is that Christmas gift of Trust can be counted as what he left behind? Never, of course. The Christmas gift of Trust is what I inherited, what my grandfather left behind his death was the family inheritance. I inherited my Trusts from several generation grandfathers after their deaths so that these Trusts are my Trust Inheritances. I inherited each of my Trust inheritance as the sole beneficiary person according to the settlor grandfather's will.
Third, I heard there are actually 2 instances of $400 Million in this morning's broadcasting. One was transmitted on November 1st of 2014 which is the one currently in Connecticut's New Haven area, the other one argued that is still in Washington area is the one transmitted to Treasury Department on November 1st of 2016. Both have $400,000 service fee paid each month to the Treasury Department for a full year from the November 1of the paying year. These 2 instances of $400 Million are from two different Trust Inheritances of mine. This $400Million a year is my daily living expenses providing that Treasure Department agreed to help to transmit to me on July 1st of 2004.
Fourth, this morning's Chinese producing team, I heard, is heavily staffed with the offspring of the siblings of my grandfather's former private assistant. This private assistant's own offspring and related are also involved. I heard they have been involved in producing efforts since 2014.
I heard, this private assistant was the receipt person in Shanghai who had received ¥9000 RMB each month since the month I was born till I left China in 1996 when I was 29years old. My parents never received a penny from this ¥9,000 RMB monthly living expenses providing ever since I was born.
I heard, this ¥9,000 RMB per month had been part of the $10,000 U.S. dollar per month which had been paid by the American "Pejoves" Fund, the exchange rate had been fixed $1=¥1 till 1980 or so. I heard the amount of $10,000 has not been changed since it started in July of 1967.
My grandfather passed away in 1965 before I was born, I heard this private assistant became my grandfather's assistant since my father joined the Chinese Army in early 1949 and served my grandfather until his death. I heard this private assistant Yu(于) was a son-in-law to my grandfather romantically involved ex-girlfriend's cousin. I heard my grandfather never involved with this private assistant's mother-in-law. I heard the ex-girlfriend's marriage family as well as her child from the marriage, biologically, have been Hong Kong residents since 1948. The Trust this grandfather set up for me is the Hong Kong Trust which has nothing to do with any $400 Million in the U.S. Treasure Department stories but $500Million transferred from Hong Kong in 2004 story.
I was born in the crazy 1967 when China was having the Culture Revolution (Red Guards Revolution) and I grew up smooth are the reasons that I am listening what happened instead of accusing immediately. But you can hear from this radio program's broadcasting, it is all about who truly deserve this living expense providing instead of who lawfully own this $400 Million.
----May 31st, 2018
05-30-2018 每月一万美金是怎么回事以及我现在究竟有没有生活费用
05-29-2018 My apartment from Boston Housing Authority
Heard about this morning's talk of how I moved into this Housing Project Apartment.
My response: I heard the enrollment specialist Veronica who enrolled me into my current MBA education of a west coast college in 2017is the same social worked Veronica from Boston Hope Found who had signed me this apartment I currently living in Boston, MA in 2010.
She is the same caring helpful on my MBA education. I heard she enrolled me through random enrollment campaign call, and I assume it must be really surprising to her that the person who picked up the phone was the Boston Min Fang she knew as a homeless.
She was the person tried to ask me some questions when I was homeless she helped as a social worker. I regret my rejection, I should let her probe a little because let me be a homeless was advised by a person who might have been provided for by that $10,000 monthly living expenses providing from the American "Pejoves" Fund since I was born in July of 1967 till I left China in October of 1996. I heard the adviser was mothered by a sister of the person who had received this monthly providing in Shanghai to sent it to Nanjing to my parents but my parents never received a penny.
I heard this receipt person was a private assistant (于)to my grandfather after my father joined the Military in 1949 till my grandfather passed away in 1965, I heard all his own offsprings and his siblings' offspring and some of their marriage families associated have been in the Chinese producing team of this radio program.
I heard this private assistant's wife was not fathered by my grandfather and his mother-in-law was never involved with my grandfather romantically. At least, this "not fathered by" certainly can be verified by a DNA test.
This morning's story about how my grandfather willing to financially support dating activity instead of academic advances. This story was this Mr. Private Assistant's family saying about my father's relationship with my grandparents whenever my father demanding something he really wanted. Well, if you read this blog, you already knew with me this was because my grandfather was so eagerly waiting for me to be born to ease his financial strains. He entrusted 5 Million silver dollar to the birthmark girl who should be born from my father's line, the Hong Kong Trust I inherited, and all he had was only ¥70,000- ¥80,000 at the time to support his entire family which included his 4 adult children and my grandmother for the rest of his & my grandmother's years.
This Boston housing apartment from Boston Housing Authority was booked on July 1st of 2004, together booked some food stamps with cash assistance for my homeless adventure. I moved in since 2013 and got my food stamps at the same time. But it was only supposed to be one year in this apartment and I only on-and-off got $300 cash assistance for Massachusetts' disabled since January of 2015.
I wish I could tell this angel Veronica that Boston refuse to listen to my story that I inherited money is the reason I got stuck in my current housing. I kept screaming I said I inherited something to a lot of people from Boston on July 1st of 2004 which means I got money from someone who died already on or before July 1st of 2004, my inherited money should not be from any living one.
Trusts I inherited have been paying everything on time as decided on July 1st of 2004. I suppose to have food and cash from Boston or Massachusetts Food Stamp card but amounted as a computer programmer's salary income since 2014 or 2015, I should have moved into apartments with paid maid-service since 2015, etc. All these should have been paid on time already. Rumored $400 Millions yearly providing is not paid to Boston or Massachusetts but these should be paid to Boston or Massachusetts. Since 2015, everywhere I asked has kept quiet to my inquiries which seems to imply no such money should have been allocated, now I know it was not a secret that all these prominent males had announced nothing to do with me at all or moved on already through some channels. But all these should have been paid by my own money that I inherited from my own deceased birth grandfathers, not some living prominent males.
It is already 2018 and I heard this morning's announcing efforts from the radio program to evict me from this apartment because it is so confusing to some females how I could have money without a sex partner. Well, my money is either inherited from a deceased grandfather or my own making. I am currently waiting to be "rescued".
----May 29th, 2018
05-28-2018 My "rebut" on this morning's Judges' Rulings
Heard this morning's broadcasting of the Chinese American Judge's and the People's Republic of China's Judge's ruling.
My response:
I never contacted such 6 patrons nor anyone for any financial providing to me nor the children who I have claimed my biologic children.
I have already asked U.S. law enforcement's help on the possible child-abuse efforts from the radio program producing & its related promotion to target the 2012-published girl.
I have already contacted the U.S. law enforcement regarding radio program's intentional blackmail against my public image.
I have already contacted the U.S. law enforcement regarding the efforts of the radio program producing to intentionally culture hate against me being the financially independent female.
The efforts of my biological & same parents' younger brother and his marriage family to take-over my father's own apartment had caused my biological lawful father currently being missing and being legally announced the death.
The efforts of my biological & same parents' younger brother and his marriage family to take over what I lawfully own have caused my financial well-being together with my personal safety in jeopardy.
I have informed the U.S. government's official and the People's Republic of China's government officials that I refuse to be provided by my biological & same parents' younger brother nor his marriage family for any reason, and I refuse to provide for my biological same & parents' younger brother nor his marriage family for any reason.
My life has been threatened by Albert Gore's murder-intended-for-money publicly announced
multiple times on the radio that produced to call for actual murder action in reality on the soil of the United States, and today also in the name of protecting this marriage family on the soil of the People's Republic of China.
I have already contacted the U.S. law enforcement regarding my accusation against Albert Gore's public robbery and public murder-attempted-for-money through the radio program producing since 2007.
I have contacted the U.S law enforcement regarding my income from this radio program has been, rumored, illegally taken with the help from the American rich Rockefellers' family.
I have already contacted the U.S. law enforcement regarding severe sexual harassment and hate culturing efforts that targeted me in the producing & promoting of this radio program.
----May 28th, 2018
05-26-2018 我父亲家里究竟有钱没钱?我所继承的究竟是什么钱?
据说从1997年起,这每月一万元的福特控股支票是以我的名字“方敏(Min Fang)”作为支票支付原因。我当时已到美国生活也已经认识了一个福特先生,我听说这就是为什么福特先生们的恋爱关系女士都是各个扯着嗓门的在广播剧上说自己才是收到每月一万美金的生活费用那一个,不怕比。今天早上的那个听着有点闹吃醋的是个拉丁美洲裔女士,我听说是广播公司的高层,是一个福特夫人,她丈夫和我一点关联都没有,闹吃醋似的就是因为这个每月一万美金的原因。
1996年我来美国之前这钱都是付到中国的,从2007年起至2018年4月,我听说这每月一万美金是支付给了一个Jessica Petroves,据说就是现在在波士顿96.9FM上做节目的R夫人。我还是同样的想法,就是我用英语已经表达的,不管什么原因我没有收到一分钱的生活费给付,这每月的一万美金和我继承的信托规模根本没法比,我相信让我能够安全继承比收到这每月一万美金重要。经历过2004年我的继承日大花钱之后,我更是不会多想了。那一天加上投资在唱歌跳舞上的,我一共花了有40-50亿美金。就是这40亿到50亿美金的花销让很多人说我那天一定是花了洛克菲勒家的钱,其实不是,我从来都是在花我自己的钱。当时是有一些我想投资于唱歌跳舞的那些钱是被R家给“花了”,这也是为什么从广播剧上你们听到了洛克菲勒家族公司的一些非洛家血脉的机构投资公司代表所发出的“洛家族人把投资机会都给抢走了”的抱怨。
据说那个被我爷爷方智仁带着去接我父亲火车的,就是负责替我爷爷的朋友将国外送的礼物转给我妈妈的人, 听说是姓“于”。我估计这“北京前女友”是认识了这人。把我妈妈的结婚礼物拿走是至少6-7年以后的事了。据说她在广播剧上说她家1967年以后是每个月都有生活费可以拿,后来不知怎么就停了,我就回答说那是因为方智仁的孙女我没当过兵,坐了飞机一路冻得哆哆嗦嗦就飞到了美国。
05-25-2018 The impacts on me from the Family Story and the Produced Stories
Heard this morning's mention of the impact of the O'Connors' Confusion.
My response: Ya, I felt it too because I haven't received my rumored $400Million providing for the year 2016 yet.
I heard O'Connors are so confused because they have the family story that there had been over 30 years hard saving in order to invest in this American Fund Company
What I heard was there were two Mr. O'Connors (father &son) decided not to pick-up their attorney-fees no matter how they had been persuaded to, and Accounting Department of this company needed their signatures to complete the accounting procedure were the reasons that O'Connors has this family story.
So, I heard this O'Connors' family saying is true but this American Fund company has been 100% privately owned by its British investor in this entire time since it has been established 400 years ago. All of O'Connors saving plus the interest-incurred, together with the first year's agreed-upon providing, were given to the first Senator O'Connor. I heard this are all in records.
This Ameican Fund Company has been 100% privately owned by its British Investor Fund Company. The Trust I inherited in 2004 has been its investor through its upstream investing chain.
I am the sole beneficiary of the Trusts I inherited that any of my relatives don't have any share in any of my Trusts.
I have to clarify that any of my relatives don't have any investment in this American Fund Company's investments in China.
To this American Fund company and its British Investor Fund company, I am investor owner similar to a stockholder of a public listed company who receives yearly dividends but not part of its business operation nor its management. This is the same to all of its investments.
----May 25th, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about $400Million of the Pejoves name.
My response: I heard this $400 Million is my year 2017's living providing that paid out by the American "Pejoves" Fund company to the Treasure Department as decided on July 1st of 2004.
I used "Pejoves" name to identify this American Fund company but what I referred is actually a British family's name that associates with this American Fund company and its British Investor Fund company. This American Fund company is a great-grandchild investment of a Spanish Fund company through its British Investor.
I heard the Miss Pejoves featured in this morning's broadcasting is a Spanish lady, not a Hispanic, who works for the Treasury Department. Her name has the spelling and her family is from Spain are the reasons for this morning's featured joke.
Rumored this has been a produced story intended to take away the $400 Million paid-out providing.
----May 25th, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about my cohort study.
My response: I am an east coast online student registered at a west coast college who obviously has very limited social with local online students.
My current financial thrift situation is not a secret in Boston, Massachusetts where I am a resident of, and I am comfortable with this in the cohort class. Those "romance shits" on the radio have made me the well-known target of all kinds of gossips as well as severe sexual harassments, and I am not comfortable to be part of any gossip of any confused romances that I have nothing to do, are the reasons I will stay aloof in this cohort class at least for this semester.
I heard this morning's $60,000 was announced by a Miss Jessica "Pejoves". Well, I heard this announcer is a British-American female who adopted her last name from her birth mother. I heard she is the same Jessica "Pejoves" who is the announced mother of David Petraeus' child or children.
Both David Petraeus and Jessica "Pejoves" are none of my business people. As long as this announced $60,000 is not paid by my money, it is none of my business whatever this Miss Jessica "Pejoves" wishes to announce to pay. I heard this Jessica "Pejoves" was the female sitting at the table in college cafeteria rumors in Boston.
It is rumored this Miss Jessica "Pejoves" has deposited some of my major-featured-person fee-income from the radio company into her own bank account and paid tax in her name as well. I did call law enforcement's help on this rumor. I refuse to pay anything that David Petraeus or this Jessica "Pejoves" has announced.
----May 25th, 2018
05-24-2018 作为可能的继承人母亲处女身进了我家的门结婚,我的奶奶们没有一个是妓女收房的 (All my grandmothers were married a virgin, none was a brought-in home-pussy)
Heard Chinese government has been so confused if any of my grandmothers was a brought-in home-pussy, so I assume this may be the reason of so-supported home pussy's
professional shit-throwing radio program (中文附后).
My response:
All my grandmothers were married a virgin. None of my grandmothers was a brought-in home-pussy.
Among Chinese dynasties, only Song dynasty and Ming dynasty were known for certain of their first-born son inheriting rule, all other dynasties in Chinese history have each's own inheriting rule that some of which are very certainly not the first-born son inheriting while others may not be the first-born son inheriting.
My grandfathers were all born by decent virgin daughters from local officials or local squires. Only one of my grandmother was the first wife, all others were not is a true statement, but none of my grandmothers was concubine nor brought-in home-pussy.
Being local officials or local squires, the reason that my grandmothers' maiden families willing to let their daughters marry my already married grandfathers with the handsome blessing from their maiden families, was because every one of my grandfathers was in for a decent polygamist marriage to have the heir of the family.
All my grandmothers were married a virgin, none was a brought-in home-pussy。
----May 24th, 2018
作为可能的继承人母亲处女身进了我家的门结婚,我的奶奶们没有一个是妓女收房的 .
Heard the confusion expressed this morning is the Chinese tradition of Firstborn Son Inheriting Custom.
My response: First Born Son inheriting is not the custom of Chinese Emperors' family.
West Han dynasty (西汉, 206BC - 8AD), East Han dynasty(东汉, 25AD-220AD), Tang dynasty(唐朝, 618AD - 907AD), Yuan dynasty(元朝, originated from Genghis Khan, 1279AD-1368AD) and Qing dynasty(清朝, 1644AD-1911AD) were having own inheriting rules that were not according to the firstborn son inheriting custom, especially Tang dynasty, Yuan dynasty and Qing dynasty are well known not firstborn inheriting. I do not know if Yuan dynasty or Qing dynasty had female heir disguised in male's appearance to inherit. I am the female heir of Tang dynasty Emperors and I had a grandmother crowned herself a Wuzhou Empress with the support from her Tang dynasty Emperor husband's heir son (my grandfather). Her Emperor husband was Emperor Gaozong of Tang(唐高宗李治)
西漢 (West Han dynasty)
(1) 漢高祖 劉邦 (前206-前195) (my grandfather)
(2) 漢惠帝 劉盈 (前194-前188)
(3) 漢高后 呂雉(漢少帝 劉恭,漢少帝 劉弘) (前187-前180) (a wife)
(4) 漢文帝 劉恆 (前179-前157)(竇皇后)(a wife)
(5) 漢景帝 劉啟 (前156-前141)
(6) 漢武帝 劉徹 (前140-前87) (possibly my grandfather, 东汉的开国皇帝是光武帝)
(7) 漢昭帝 劉弗陵 (前86-前74)
(8) 漢宣帝 劉詢 (前73-前49)
(9) 漢元帝 劉爽 (前32-前7)
(10) 漢成帝 劉驁 (前32-前7)
(11) 漢哀帝 劉欣 (前6-前1)
(12) 漢平帝 劉衍 (1-5)
(13) 孺子 劉嬰 (6-8)
----January 9th, 2018
05-23-2018 请出示够资格向我索要钱财的法律条款及事实依据
4: 请出示我方敏必须按照中国法律和美国法律必须归还本应由你及你的家人予以继承的财产的事实依据及法律条款依据(中国法律和美国法律)。
6: 请回答为何不上民事诉讼法庭解决所有这些民事法庭上就可以依据法律解决的金钱纠纷?我方敏的态度是一定会追究这种坚决不上民事法庭却通过恶意制造负面社会舆论对我方敏实施敲诈勒索的行为的刑事责任。
( 信托----维基百科 )
第二条 本法所称信托,是指委托人基于对受托人的信任,将其财产权委托给受托人,由受托人按委托人的意愿以自己的名义,为受益人的利益或者特定目的,进行管理或者处分的行为。
第七条 设立信托,必须有确定的信托财产,并且该信托财产必须是委托人合法所有的财产。
第八条 设立信托,应当采取书面形式。
第十三条 设立遗嘱信托,应当遵守继承法关于遗嘱的规定。
第十五条 信托财产与委托人未设立信托的其他财产相区别。设立信托后,委托人死亡或者依法解散、被依法撤销、被宣告破产时,委托人是唯一受益人的,信托终止,信托财产作为其遗产或者清算财产;委托人不是唯一受益人的,信托存续,信托财产不作为其遗产或者清算财产;但作为共同受益人的委托人死亡或者依法解散、被依法撤销、被宣告破产时,其信托受益权作为其遗产或者清算财产。
第四十三条 受益人是在信托中享有信托受益权的人。受益人可以是自然人、法人或者依法成立的其他组织。
第四十四条 受益人自信托生效之日起享有信托受益权。信托文件另有规定的,从其规定。
(中华人民共和国信托法: 中华人民共和国信托法 )
第二条 继承从被继承人死亡时开始。
第三条 遗产是公民死亡时遗留的个人合法财产。
第五条 继承开始后,按照法定继承办理;有遗嘱的,按照遗嘱继承或者遗赠办理;有遗赠扶养协议的,按照协议办理。
( 中华人民共和国继承法 中华人民共和国继承法 )
05-22-2018 I am a Female and I have no willingness to pay for another female's sexuality
Heard this morning's broadcasting of the Vietnamese Anh's story again.
My response: This morning's broadcasting certainly is demonstrating if a decision is purely based on willingness, then this decision can be expected to be changed.
The Vietnamese Anh's story is so unique and worthy to be featured is that this Vietnamese Anh is a College Cafeteria's famously unwanted story in Boston, MA just several years ago, and now she is the proud of a rich man's hard to get the wish-come-true story. This intended theme of this morning's featured story may be the reason for the confusion if that is the same rich man.
Well, it is the same or a different rich male is totally none of my business. My only concern is whose money actually is the paying account. I heard a male has announced his willingness to pay to let his family enjoy life as his family wish, but I already had some bad experiences that all these kind of announced spending's actual paying account is rumored from my $4.5Billion income as a major featured person.
I totally against this broadcasting theme to imply if giving me endlessly enough time and put me under the condition of no-chance-not-to-bent, my refusal to give out my money can be changed with the joint efforts. I accuse this kind of efforts is armed kidnapping.
I came from a long history polygamist family as a female heir with the expectation of a male's privilege in marriage if I have a polygamist's marriages, and I have no moral issue with whoever's wish to live their romance life the way as announced this morning.
My only anxiety is if that is my cash again or why my money? It is purely because I am a Female and I have no willingness to pay for another female's sexuality, and it is also because I came from the culture that no tolerance on overlappings among polygamists' marriages.
Also, I came from China that I heard enough how an honorable-name can mean nothing if I just wait for the never-going-to-happen-paying-back of my own money. So, I did ask Law enforcement's help and expressed myself that I have no willingness to be abducted in Poverty nor wish to be washed-clean by rich names own malicious abusiveness towards their own names.
I have this doubt all this time that why the Chinese government's strong supporting voices are in this sort of the broadcasting theme of Mistress Proud To be Paid For Sex parade?
The People's Republic of China is known for how its ruling government determined to against Corruptions which includes corruption of taking its central reserve's money or corruptions of keeping a Mistress in a marriage ever since the 1949 establishment by the Chinese Communist Party.
Why this shouting to support this morning's efforts of making a Marriage with a Mistress a public known acknowledgment is actually from the current administration of the People's Republic of China that is still completely governed by the Chinese Communist Party? Is China really governed by the rumored "Brothel administration" currently?
05-20-2018 Why I say "I refuse you abuse my money, I refuse you steal my money, and I refuse you publicly rob my money"?
----May 22nd, 2018
05-21-2018 I would listen to what my father says and On different proud in a team of a successfully implemented project (我会听我父亲方文海怎么说)
Heard this morning's talk about my father (中文附后).
My response: My father was pushed out of a moving vehicle after he was invited into the chauffeured Chinese Premier Li's office's equipped-car was a complaint I filed to the People's Republic of China's Government via an email to Chinese Consulate New York.
What I heard was my father was invited to share a ride in Nanjing City by the Chinese Premier Li. There was a female on the other side of the Chinese Premier Li who was very agitated and initiated push. I heard her agitation was because of my inheriting, her maiden name is my same last name and from same hometown origin of Nibo City , but I am not certain if she has any blood association with me or she is the same branch of the " the real Zu's family heir" who has the Fang last name who has no blood association with me at all (only 79% similarity from DNA test).
I heard it was a hard fall that my father couldn't get up immediately but he did not say anything either. I would definitely ask and would listen to what my father says about what happened and what else.
Attached at the end of this blog is the letter I sent to Chinese Consulate New York.
----May 21st, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about being a creative person.
My response: In a movie-making project, a creator is different with script-writer, producer or director, not to mention the movie-making crew.
In a technology related project, other than each project's team member definitely has a different assignment on own specialty that the successful implementation of the project would bring out a totally different proud from another team member which obviously not on each other's toes, the proud of making a successful project is also different among the project's leaders.
A project initiator who normally is a business person.
A project leader who has to be a technology background and technological enough.
A project coordinator who may be a technology person, or a business person, or an administrative person.
Obviously, the proud of implementing a successful project is not going to be on each other's toes for the entire technology project personnel.
For a business related or a social related project, a local community project or statewide project, from the human resource perspective, a firm sized big is the same as a region sized big. All need some project members, as a group or as an individual, who has a different assignment but work together on a different aspect of the same project. These team members as the group or an individual who got different assignments, certainly don't step on each other's toes on their contribution to the success of the project, some fights may exist in the same group who has the same assignment.
Example for this would be me and the Viagra(blue) research team on our contribution to it. Nobody needs to argue what I contributed which was how much research time plus research money I contributed to saving, but there may be tons of arguments on who contributed more to research academically among its research team members.
The project team leaders of a business project or a social project would be similar.
A project initiator who may be a representative of a community, a community leader or state leader, or a commoner who has a great idea that these leaders agreed.
A project leader, who has the professional knowledge of the business or the true understanding of what the community needs that can prioritize and organize the project resources, and also has the capabilities to manage the project team. This person may be a business leader, a community leader, or assigned by a business leader or a community leader.
A project coordinator, who most likely is a business leader, a community leader or even a state leader.
Well, obviously, the proud shared among these business project or social project leaders shouldn't be the same and shouldn't be on each other's toes.
----May 21st, 2018
我听说的是我的父亲在南京被中国的李克强总理邀请才上的李克强总理的小轿车。 在中国总理的另一边坐着一个女的,那女的情绪很激动,最早开始推推搡搡的就是那个女的。我听说那女的很情绪是因为我方敏继承财产的事,她娘家姓方也是宁波镇海人,但我不清楚她和我是否有血缘关系或者和那个姓方的“明朝朱家的真正大少爷”是同一支的。那个广播上播出的方姓“明朝朱家的真正大少爷”也是宁波镇海人,但和我是一点血缘关系都没有 (DNA鉴定结果只有70%左右的相似度)。
M F Tue, Jan 16, 2018, at 12:13 PM
To: 纽约中领管侨务
1: 我弟弟的婚姻注册妻子与中国总理李克强有性关系,据说是拉上窗帘但房门打开方式,就在女方的娘家居住地附近。
2: 我父亲现在是失踪,而且我父亲是人所共知的没有发生任何财产继承的一个。我父亲所有的全部 就是他自己买的那一套房子以及他被从那房子里赶出去时没能带出来的全部积蓄。我父亲从被从自 己家里赶出来的那一天起,就是靠他那每个月发放的退休金生活着。
3:我听说的是:我父亲就是在南京的北京东路上,就是在大白天,就是在天文台宿舍大院的前面被 公然推出已经启动的汽车而当众摔倒在地的,就在我父亲好不容易从地上站起来回到家里的同一天 (或者第三天),就收到他儿子的老婆递上的装着我父亲身份证件的小塑料袋并被告知永远别回来 了。我2015年一月打电话回家时, 我被那女的告知的是我父亲已经走了。
4: 我的父亲是被人拖着上的小轿车,再被人从已启动的车里给推出去,那人是看见我父亲摔倒在地, 没等我父亲能够站起来,就轻轻松松扬长而去的。但我没听说是什么时间。
05-20-2018 Why I say "I refuse you abuse my money, I refuse you steal my money, and I refuse you publicly rob my money"?
Heard this morning's broadcasting of "Rockefeller Investor Group"
My response: Why I say "I refuse you abuse my money, I refuse you steal my money, and I refuse you publicly rob my money" this morning?
First of all, this morning's is the newly formed, as you heard on the radio a couple of months ago, "the Rockefeller 100% Chinese Only Investor Group".
Second of all, that $400 Million is my income from my Trust (investment income or dividend income ) that I withdraw to cover my living expenses. No reason for me to live on a welfare standard (housing project, food stamp, no cash assistance) in order to invest this money.
Third of all, this $400Million had paid $400,000 per month service charge for consecutive 12 months to the same place but the different office and paid investor tax for the same paying year.
Fourth of all, I had bad experience since 2015 that there were so many males I never even heard of had shouted on the radio program that he never wanted me, followed by a female' announcing herself a true love to that him, and rumored, followed by Albert Gore's arranged announcements to have some of my intellectual incomes which actually transacted on the same day after each broadcasting without me even need to hear about it. This was when I was frantically searching where is my money because I was living on Massachusetts' welfare. I have been constantly calling laws help since.
Fifth of all, I am allergic to R's name associated romances is because with the full house shitting me on the radio, my $3Billion income of being the major featured person from radio program (2005-2012) was taken by announced R's romances in the mid of 2016 and rumored, another $1.5 Billion in 2017. With each full-housed shit spelled at me that followed by who might be the real deal romance announced, I have built up the anxiety to call law's help to find out whose money would cover this or that romance's really wanted "own financial security" while I am living on Massachusetts' welfare.
I know the Rockefellers' names, at least some, are decent names from this experience, and I really don't know anything at all, but I did develop some allergy about "handling my affair" from the Rockefellers' names associated. I did refuse to let the Rockefeller Investor Group handle my money.
I do have my own inherited wealth that I have my own independent attorneys and accountants groups who have been handling my investments all these time, before and after my inheriting in 2004, is the reason I really do not need any of Rockefellers' romances to handle any of my own financial matters.
I am not responsible nor obligated to provide the financial security feeling for anyone of Rockefellers' romances. I am not willing nor privileged to spoil anyone of Rockefellers' romances.
I am upset, not because I don't take Rockefeller a decent name, but the reality I can't have access to my own providing because all my cash providing and all my intellectual incomes have been in this similar situation no matter how many situations have been taken care of by the decent ones.
----May 20th, 2018
05-19-2018 Boston's Chinese Supermarket C-Mart and Residential Kensington Palace (波士顿的中国超市和肯辛顿宫居民楼)
Heard this morning's broadcasting of Chinese Supermarket C-Mart in Boston City(中文附后).
My response: Most likely, all four were on the conference call on July 1st of 2004. Plus, there were other from another major Boston Chinese Supermarket, a joint-venture with C-mart (平价超市). I can imagine what was the shock when they were informed I am such a "fake" right after that conference by Chinese Foreign Department. But another C-Mart's joint venture "Jiahe Supermarket"(家和) did open in 2012 or so as well-expected after 2004, at the corner near the same famously expected newly-built "Kensington Palace(肯辛顿宫)" residential building.
They were the people might even have seen me counting my fingers and how I was interrupted "Is that 5 enough (male underwears)? by Chinese diplomats, and how I obviously not satisfied by only 5 fingers. Well, what happened was I was counting which grandfather in China, from how many generations ago, had blessed me this handsomeness locally in the United States. So far, the American Fund company has been operating on the America soil for 400 years already, 5 generation only covered about 200 years. Obviously, 5 fingers were not satisfying enough.
Yes, I heard this American "Pejoves" Fund is a co-investor of these Chinese supermarkets was the reason a Miss Jessica Pejoves told them I was never a Ford woman this morning. This is the Fund has been paying my $10,000 a month providing upon its British Investor's instruction since I was born in July of 1967. My father-side eldest cousin was born in the mid of 1964, and my younger brother was born in the mid of February of 1969 were the reasons of this morning's broadcasting of July of 1964, June of 1967 and January of 1969's accounting record of this monthly payment.
It has been smooth whenever I went grocery shopping in the past, so, I am not concerned what it will be like after this morning's broadcasting those yellings from the four brothers who own the majority of C-Mart supermarket chain: "I hate this Chinese woman Min Fang in Boston's local Roxbury area."
Also, it was mentioned on July 1st of 2004 that my first cousin would be in "Jiahe Supermarket" to learn to run his own company. He has been in the grocery business since 1992 or so and has a very successful career as an independent agent representing some big foreign investors in Shanghai were the reasons for that conversation. That discussion never meant to make him a CEO or the Investor Owner of "Jiahe Supermarket" but sort of a "visiting trainee".
I currently seldom go grocery shopping is because of my health, I still feel tired and need to lie down often. And I seldom go luncheon out because of the same reason. I often make do with porridge and throw-in some meat and vegetable. Ya, I need to pay attention to my nutrition. And I am still on Food Stamps.😃
----May 19th, 2018
他们有可能还亲眼看见了我在数手指时是如何被中国外交部吓阻,问我“5个(男裤档)够不够啊?”, 而我还真是明显一副意犹未竟的态度。我的解释:当时是我在数一数究竟可能是由我的哪一代远在中国的爷爷能够给我这么一份在美国当地的丰厚投资。现在知道了,这个美国基金公司在美国这片土地上营运都已经有400多年了。5个手指头就只有5代爷爷最多也就200年左右啊,很明显是不够的。
对,我听说了美国“Pejoves”基金公司是这些中国超市的投资人之一,这是为什么这家的一个小姐Jessica Pejoves 今天早上会对这几个中国超市老板说我从来就不是什么福特的女人。就是这家美国Pejoves基金公司按照其上级英国投资公司的指示从我1967年出生就每月支付我一万美金的生活费用。我父系的大表哥是1964年的年中出生的,我弟弟是1969年2月中旬才出生是今天早上播出这每月一万美金生活费未在1964年7月及1967年6月支出而在1969年1月就已经有该支出财务记录存在的原因。
05-18-2018 Radio Program Producing is not Judicial Justicing (制作广播剧不是在进行司法上的裁决)
Heard this morning's talk about a "Chinese delivery guy" Peter (中文附后).
My response: I had not even attempted to contact this "Chinese delivery guy" Peter since the year of 2001 or 2002, which is after I was told by a Miss Li, who picked up his apartment's phone I called, that she already moved into his apartment as his romance.
I knew nothing about his life or his life experience since 2001. I am not obligated, nor interested to know anything about this "Chinese delivery guy" Peter at all. I am not obligated nor responsible for anything about his life or his interest.
If anyone concerned about this featured story in this morning's broadcasting, please contact the LAW enforcement.
----May 18th, 2018
Heard this moring's talk about the "radio-program-announced ruling".
My response: I heard that those rulings announced on the radio program were announced by the Judge-licensed, but do not have the court ruling sequential number of the year from the Court that announcing Judge belongs, nor related court-records number, nor related case name or number as part of the court's records keeping references from the Court that announcing Judge belongs. I heard there is no court record at all for all those radio-program-announced rulings.
----May 18th, 2018
05-17-2018 I have been provided for $10,000 per month since I was born (从我出生开始就有每月一万美金的生活费用给付)
Heard about this morning's mention of I have been provided for since I was born.
My response: I heard this morning's talk of $10,000 monthly providing since I was born in July of 1967 that paid by the American "Pejoves" Fund Company upon its investor British Fund Company's instruction.
It is true my parents and I only heard of this today. I know it is very handsome size even in the United States, not to mention how handsome it was at the time when my parents only got the joint income of ¥45/month in China in 1967. The exchange rate was one to one till 1980 or so.
Looking back, I don't know a lot why I had not received a penny but I knew I grew up with affluent food (may have received some subsidy on food 😋), good shooling, best college and education I wanted, and easy childhood growing up. My parents and my younger brother had not got affluent food as much as I got and my parents had to worry about how to make the ends meet each month may be the impacts I can think of regarding I hadn't received a penny of this handsome monthly providing.
Compare to the handsome blessing I inherited, the American Fund Company itself is about $400 Billion and the British Fund Company is even bigger, this $10,000 per month is not the size would make me itching even I fully aware what this $10,000 per month means in my childhood time in China. Plus, after I heard some historic stories that already called "tradition" in Britain, I really have no reason to complain at all why this $10,000 dollar had been spent all these years knowing I hadn't received any. I heard the paying to China had stopped soon after I left China in 1996.
Regarding what happened to this $10,000 per month providing, I don't know anything beyond my mother hadn't received her wedding gift yet which was given before I was even conceived. If I received this $10,000 dollar monthly providing, I would be raised by my birth parents but provided by my ancient birth grandfather instead of raised by my birth parents' own hard-earned salaries.
By the way, the Trust invested in this American "Pejoves" Fund company was set up for me by my ancient grandfather who was already in hometown Nanjing city a thousand years ago, the second Emperor of Southern Tang Li, Jing (南唐中主李璟 即 南唐元宗 916-961年8月12日, https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%9D%8E%E7%92%9F/29096 ). My mother had been telling me ever since I was little that I am a premature-born, my due-birthday was August 4th of 1967 or so.
----May 17th, 2018
我所继承的信托所投资的这个美国基金公司就有大概$400Billion 的规模,其上级英国基金公司规模还要大。和我所继承的信托规模相比,就算我很清楚这没有收到的每月一万美金会让我在当年贫瘠中国的童年富足很多到什么样的幸福程度,这金额都不是会让我心疼肝疼肺都疼的一笔支出。再说了,在我听说了一些历史真实都已经在英国被称为“传统”了,我更是没有任何理由抱怨为什么明知我一分钱都没收到还继续支付这每月的一万美金。我听说在我1996年离开中国后不久就已经停止了这每月的一万美金对中国方面的支付。
顺便提一句,那个投资于美国“Pejoves”基金公司的信托是由我那个1000年前就已经在江苏南京(金陵)的祖爷爷南唐中主李璟为我设立的(南唐中主李璟 即 南唐元宗 916-961年8月12日, https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%9D%8E%E7%92%9F/29096 )。从小我妈就告诉我,我是个早产儿,预产期应该是1967年的8月4日左右。
05-16-2018 Investor Ownership can only be by LAWs, never by some published arguments
Heard this morning's "the husband shares the wife's children with his mother-side cousin biologically".
My response: I heard this conclusion is drawn from the arguments, confrontation and frustrated verbal fights among the Chinese producers and their invited guests.
I just can't stop laughing because I also heard over a year ago that this same wife mother all her husband's children are the facts that factually supported by physical DNA test results conducted by the trustworthy groups and tons of curious groups.
----May 16th, 2018
Heard this morning's talk of the O'Connors confusion.
My response: I heard the real reason to produce the two pieces of the O'Connor confusion and above "clarification through arguments" together to broadcast is to "turn over the case" of who owns that American Fund that I call "O'Connors' confusion." I heard the efforts are from the Chinese producing team. "The CEO since 2011" is a Chinese as you heard from broadcasted clarification later in this morning's same episode.
Somehow, it was understood in China and Chinese Communities abroad that I have some investment in that American Fund via its investing chain is only a "truth of the arguments" through an episode broadcasted several months ago.
By factual & physical company legal registration, by its factual & physical tax-paying history, and by the company's factual & physical internal records, this American Fund company (I call O'Connors Confusion) is lawfully owned 100% by its British Investor Company since it was founded around the year of 1600AD. A Trust I inherited lawfully has some investment in the American Fund company via its investing chain. Investor Ownership can only be by LAWs, never by some published arguments.
I share the same frustration of this "announce to own" misunderstanding regarding the anger expressed by the government of the People's Republic of China and Chinese communities abroad towards confusion how I can have wealth really owned by me as inherited, in reality, only by me declared I am the heir of an ancient Chinese Emperor without any credible physical evidence.
Well, I have explained a lot about this already. I am the heir of an ancient Chinese Emperor is by the fact I have this Emperor's famous inheriting birthmarks physically and biologically on both of my father's hands and both of my own hands, and by the fact I inherited the Trust set up for me by the known Emperor heir of this ancient Chinese Emperor on June 30th of 2004.
I inherited this Trust because I am my father's daughter who has this family birthmark and my father's name is listed as the beneficiary person's father-by in the entrusting legal documents together with all my ancestor grandfathers from this known Emperor heir of this ancient Chinese Emperor.
That American Fund's ownership is not decided by any arguments, broadcasted or not broadcasted, but by LAWs. That broadcasted piece is announced by the O'Connors family as the guided exposures of the true O'Connors' confusion. The confusion of O'Connors family and my anxiety over this O'Connors' confusion have impacted the American Fund company in a lot of ways which includes the rumors of over 400 employees (40% of all its staff) have been laid off from that company since 2013.
By factual & physical company legal registration, by its factual & physical tax-paying history, and by the company's factual & physical internal records, this American Fund company (I call O'Connors Confusion) is lawfully owned 100% by its British Investor Company since it was founded around the year of 1600AD.
A Trust I inherited lawfully has some investment in the American company via its investing chain.
----May 16th, 2018
05-15-2018 If I owe money? should be a case of a lawfully valid Judicial Court, instead of being the reason to build public hate and hostility through public channel broadcasting
Regarding today's title (中文附后)
My response: My understanding, there are tons of confusion if I earned my intellectual incomes or if I indeed have inherited some money or why I am the only one in the family who got the money that may have caused a lot of public confusion, but the public confusion should be broadcasted by the guidance of laws to report and to clarify the confusion instead of mounting these "why not give out money"complaints & frustrations only, and via a public channel's broadcasting, in order to demand money without any legal grounds and to arouse public anger and hostility against my refusal of all these ridiculous and illegal demands of financial arrangement that I call Extortion efforts.
----May 15th, 2018
Heard of this morning's broadcasting about another orphan.
My response: What I heard earlier was that Chinese producing team has prepared 6 female orphans to demand the acknowledgment of birth daughter relationship and to demand financial arrangement as a birth daughter acknowledged. I heard radio program has already broadcasted 2-3 orphans' such demands. I am not certain if this morning's broadcasting is the fourth orphan or one of the already broadcasted. All my life till today, I have not yet been pregnant yet.
The orphan who I have mentioned in my web blog that may be a birth daughter to He, Guoqiang ( from the Shanghai Communism Youth Party), I heard she is a Chinese Communist party member, born in the year of 1989-1990. Her mother was a resident of Chongmin before her mother entered college, I heard her mother had been a resident of Shanghai city after college graduation and came to the United States and had well-known worked in restaurants since mid of the 1990s. All above is what I have heard of and have mentioned on my web blog. To sue my web blog conducted name-harm to He, Guoqiang's name, etc. using this morning's broadcasting materials will be understood as bilking.
----May 15th, 2018
Heard this morning's broadcasting of "No Money & No Property is painful, how dare Min Fang refused to give out Min Fang's own money?"
My response: What I inherited according to my several generations grandfathers' wills are Trusts that my grandfathers specially set up for me, which are the gifts to me from these grandfathers before their deaths. What I have inherited are never family wealth that left behind by my grandfathers at their death. My closest grandfather who fathered my father died in 1965 which was 2 years before I was born. Ever since I was born till I was college graduated, I was raised and had been provided by my own parents' on their own salaries.
According to Laws, the United States' Laws as well as the People's Republic of China's Laws, to those who I have no obligation nor responsibility to raise, nor to take care of education & medical expenses, nor to shelter with housing & senior care, I have no obligation nor responsibility to provide financial arrangement to pay for housing, nor living, nor education, nor medical, nor senior-care expenses. I have no obligation nor responsibility to provide financial arrangement means I refuse to give out my money.
If anyone deserves to have my money, I expect that person to provide lawful pieces of evidence of why I owe & how much I owe to the lawfully valid judicial Courts.
----May 15th, 2018
05-14-2018 Heard this morning's broadcasting of the car accident.
Heard this morning's broadcasting of the car accident.
My response: I have heard the saying that this Fund shares the same great grand or the grand investor Fund of the American (Pejoves) Fund which I have already announced that had provided for me for the year 2017 on this web blog, and I agree what has been announced about this American Fund's on the radio program.
Regarding my own ancient birth grandfather's Trust that may have been the sole investor of this American Fund through its investing chain as announced on the radio program:
----May 14th, 2018.
05-12-2018 引发奥运会创意人困扰的原因
05-11-2018 True statement in reality
Heard this morning's talk about the Chinese in-laws.
My response: That was the big Chinese wife I have complained about in my blog articles several months ago.
I am the sole beneficiary person of the famous Asian Man's Trust is the real true statement in reality.
----May 11th, 2018
05-10-2018 谢谢中国法律和美国法律依据事实的调查澄清了2008年北京奥运会开闭幕式的创意人是我方敏的事实。
我方敏2004年6月住址是美国康州斯坦福市夏街900号的4E套房,就在夏街1010号的Janus Associates公司傍边。我是2004年7月-9月搬到麻州的波士顿居住至今,Janus Associates公司也在2004年2月我离开公司后不久就已搬离该地址。
*physical evidence:看得见摸得着的证据。
*中美警务人员(非演员)的现场事实调查:我听说今早所播出片段是录音室现场事实真相调查而不是现场案件调查,由在录音室现场的中美警方职业调查员进行,不是由演员进行的表演。 I heard the in-studio investigation of the factual truth regarding "who is the creator of the Opening by factual evidence" is conducted by the law enforcement's investigators presented at the studio. The broadcasted piece is not a piece of performing art but in-studio investigation of the truth (not the case).
05-09-2018 我方敏从未反对中国共产党,我方敏从未反对中华人民共和国的法制建设。
我方敏从未反对中国共产党对中国960万平方公里土地的管理和统治权, 我方敏从未反对中国共产党,我方敏从未反对中华人民共和国的法制建设。
我方敏坚决反对阻碍中华人民共和国法制建设的任何行为, 我方敏坚决拒绝特意向违反中华人民共和国法律的人士提供任何财务资助的任何企图。
I, Min Fang, never against Chinese Communist Party's ruling over the land of China.
I, Min Fang, never against China to be a lawful country.
I, Min Fang, refuse to provide financial assistance specially &intentionally to anyone who is convicted by the Laws of the People's Republic of China.
I, Min Fang, refuse to let any unauthorized person spend my money.
I, Min Fang, refuse to let anyone spend my own money against my own wish.
I, Min Fang, refuse to be the victim of the helped harassment through glasshouse cancer. Anyone who deserves to have a place to chat important matters can certainly be redirected to their own glasshouses via the webpage-similar redirecting technology.
----May 9th, 2018
05-08-2018 MBA Education and Economic Theories
Heard this morning's talk about what is the general administration in MBA.
My response: I decided to go for MBA education is because of my ambition to be a business person that inspired by the book of <Macroeconomy>.
An Economy is a financial entity and careful managing of it. The Macroeconomy is about the financial entity that has the size of a country or of a region while the microeconomy is about the financial entity that has the size can be small as a coffee shop or big as a multination corporation.
I entered the world of economics from the Macro side which is about the infrastructure of producing, trading and financing the microeconomy in a region or a country that opened my view that is above the size of a multination corporation, but I lack the understanding of how to carefully manage a multination corporation or a coffee shop in its daily operation and in its detailed business transactions. The is the answer I gave when I am asked what I want to learn from an MBA education: When I step into an empty room that I rent to open my first coffee shop, where should I start? Other than the knowledge about how to arrange counters and brew coffees, what else I need to know to run this coffee shop business to make profits?
I read that Macroeconomy when I was a college student and I had worked in a one staff company to take care of all non-managerial matters after college graduation. General Administration of the MBA is the education that I lack in between is what I am studying now: General Administration of the MBA.
My work experience as an independent computer programmer has helped me to bridge the gap between the Macro and Micro of the economy. I had worked in a team that had only 3 full-time and 2 helping hands staff on a window's security software project under the guidance of a former IBM R&D director, the fact that I had to work independently in each assigned module has helped me to learn to work from the infrastructure conceptual to detail out any software's coding issues systematically.
Under the guidance of the former IBM R&D director, I learned to approach each assignment from the effort of understanding the theoretical concepts of the assignment, then to break down the assignment to the theoretical research of each concept in order to create my own module based on the theories of the concepts.
With this independent research experience, I have been confident that I can correctly assess a technology project's progress in just several brief exchanges with the project team. Ironically, this quick assessing ability that impressed a lot of technology people on June 30th and July 1st of 2004 that I have been so proud of myself was how I got the title of "a performing actress who kept on saying things that are universally correct and applicable".
Actually, all those things I said were all infrastructure-approaching of the project assessment that each brief question & answer exchange had ceased only when the frustrations and issues had been discussed effectively. I am working on to build this confidence and ability in managerial related progress assessment.
.----May 8th, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about how I could possibly learn without reading enough.
My response: This MBA is the first major I do my homework is a true statement, but I had been a very intense learning listener in most of the in-classroom sessions for the other two majors I graduated, which is a BS in Pharmacology major and an MS degree in Computer Science major.
I was known for doing nothing at all beyond classroom sessions attendance in my entire college years and in my entire graduate education in computer science, while a lot of my college mates needed to study till 1AM-3AM and got up at 5AM daily for some semesters that heavy loaded with Basic Medicine System plus Pharmaceutical courses in pharmacology major. I heard the broadcasting of my saying that I did learn a lot from my college education has triggered a lot of anger from my college mates from both colleges. I only meant to express that I did learn instead of didn't from my college education, how much I actually had learned is surprising to myself as well. Most likely, the real anger is related to how I could earn intellectual incomes so hugely different with their salary incomes from this lousy learning experience.
I am currently a "cancer" patient under constant micro brain surgeries that certainly affected my reading ability. I am a full-time student who can only read for less than 15-20 hours a week. My treatment progresses well that I can now finish most of the required basic reading materials plus do my homework on time.
I may need to learn those what I haven't from some work experiences and I know I will be guided like I always have been.
.----May 8th, 2018
05-06-2018 What is the need to announce "No Such Children" on this Mother's day?
Heard about this morning's talk of "No such children".
My response: I heard the Ford house featured in this morning is the 5th or 6th generation offsprings of a Miss O'Connor, and this grandmother Miss O'Connor was a Senator's daughter.
No wonder these Fords' mating is O'Connors' to authenticate.
My anger has been why O'Connors so impressively do not allow me to have a child or children? No one ever has expected any O'Connor to concern or to raise my children, why my mother-hood is O'Connors to deny?
So, what is the need to announce "No Such Children" on this Mother's Day?
My anger towards the name Rockefellers is that why this name supports the efforts to belittle a female's value to the degree that completely deny a female's value can be beyond attraction to the biological mating desire from a male? Especially when I am being the female who never attempted to contact anyone from this name in the past to demand anything, how this name needs to have this enormous agitation so impressively in broadcasting as if I have demanded a lot?
But Rockefellers' name is the name insist on to clear out the PPC curve* of my Trusts' investments in their family business as "no association announced". So, I do not know what Rockefeller name means in the matter.
----May 6th, 2018
Heard about this morning's broadcasting about "Judge's Ruling".
My response: My complaint about this radio program has been how it has organized these unrelated & unprofessional to debate these none-of-their-business matters on a public broadcasting channel in the authoritative tone as if announcing the "final ruling", the same as the debate in Chinese you heard from this morning's broadcasting.
I am angry at the fact that all these "performing debates" to devoid me or my wealth are still going on, not for the entertaining purpose but for announcing unauthorized financial transactions purpose.
All my intellectual incomes have been debated by unrelated people through this kind of performing arts, and "ruled" by these Chinese who own Judge licenses as you heard from this morning's broadcasting, and factually transacted in reality since 2007 by rumor.
There never have been cases filed by me or the companies who granted these intellectual incomes in any judicial court for anyone who has a Judge license to rule. And all these transacted money never went to anyone who has intellectually contributed to the companies to deserve a reward that has been in any disputes with the companies who granted these financial rewards of received intellectual contributions that I contributed. These are the rumors I heard and I did call laws help on why my intellectual incomes have been deposited into whoever's bank account and paid taxes in whoever's name?
These efforts are organized by Albert Gore to take over my intellectual making and giving out against my wish is the reason I have to declare Albert Gore's manhood is not privileged to change what I have declared as what I want or what I refuse.
I do not have any association with this Albert Gore is a common knowledge. So, why this Albert Gore's manhood activity is my money to pay or to compensate? Why my wish of how to spend my own money is this Albert Gore's privilege to deny or to challenge? Who the Fxxx this Albert Gore is?
----May 6th, 2018
05-01-2018 My anger is why my name is O'Connors to shit all over on the radio?
05-02-2018 I refuse sexual harassment
Heard about a Vietnamese-Chinese girl Anh was featured in this morning's broadcasting.
My response: I heard she is the same Chinese Anh in the same cohort team of risk assessment of mine.
And I heard she was associated with some rumors related to Boston University was the reason she was featured this morning and the announced $5000/month. And I heard this is to encourage this Anh to register for any class that I register from now on.
None of these is my business as long as that is not my money which includes the paid-out $3Billion that was taken by the announced mother of this same person's child. Entire Boston may have heard of this rumor since 2016.
Well, all I care is I am protected by the U.S. laws from sexual harassment and this Anh is not the person privileged to harass me.
I refuse to be harassed by this Anh for any excuses including the blackboard discussion. There is no team project for this course.
The other patrons associated with Charles Ford/Charles Schnieberg name are also not privileged at all to harass me by registering for this online course.
----May 2nd, 2018
05-01-2018 My anger is why my name is O'Connors to shit all over on the radio?
Heard this morning's talk about O'Connors anger of me yelling their family name.
My response: I have the same anger why my name is their's to shit all over on the radio in the name of performing?
1: My providing has nothing to do with their providing.
My providing is from American Fund company's capital account (Investor's dividend account), their agreed-upon providing from this same American Fund company's own operating expenses.
Upon my receipt of my providing, the paid-out amount will eventually be deducted from the Trust I inherited on June 30th of 2004. My providing is part of my Trust's dividend income from this American Fund company, not this American Fund company's own expense. O'Connors don't have any saying over my providing at all.
2: Why fight with O'Connors for the ownership of the company owned 100% by a British company?
Well, O'Connors had claimed they own 100% of this American Fund company because of their great grandfather's letter, but this American Fund company is the investment of the Trust I inherited, I knew this for certain on June 30th of 2004. This American Fund company is the one which associated with the Black Freedom story. I don't know how much share my Trust has been investing in this American Fund company, but after O'Connors have claimed 100% of it, where my share can be caused this ownership argument, and if they insisted & emphasised on the agreed-upon providing is the factual evidence of their claimed ownership, what else can be the answer other than "it is in process of stopping."
3: The MBA graduated business person Charles Ford /Charles Schnieberg romance.
Tina O'Connor has been a wife and mothers an attorney's children already, why her marriage issue can be the reason my biological children are not allowed to exist? No matter who father them, by this Ford or not, they should not be O'Connors to raise or to concern, why they are O'Connors to clear out the legitimate ship as if they are in all O'Connors' door-step that so deserved to be kicked out, who the Fxxx O'Connors are?
-----May 1st of 2018
04-30-2018 No reason to be freaked out (不用过于害怕担心)
我自己是一直都是自己付费也一直都是在治疗当中, 除了整天被气死,然后经常要躺一躺之外,不担心健康是否可以恢复,美国有技术可以100%治疗到100%康复。
11-05-2017 都是有关脑控癌的
Heard this morning's "No Ball" man.
My response: First of all, this might be the typical pathetic psycho Tina O'Connor's invention of "perfect man" who may have nothing to do with my biological children.
Second, if this is a man who fathers my biological children, by the United States laws, being who he is to me should not be the reason we are punished together no matter how pathetic and daring this Tina O'Connor might be.
Third, this rumored "no ball as if never born with" can be treated completely in only several hours time (emergency treatment) by currently already available medical treatment technology. I heard its full function is approximately 100% of his same-old, but I would say only his wife would know the accuracy of the real number in percentage if that is the same-old performance. And I heard the office-hour-visits treatment is the testimony of practicing patience, a really lengthy patience practicing but visibly well progressive.
*The treatment has not open to the public, but if being a victim can have needed emergency treatment, the law enforcement has the much louder voice than any currently enlisted or any veteran. Regarding if emergency treatment is needed, that would depend on if the possible infection reason can be removed effectively by enforcing laws and infection can be treated by medication.
----April 30th, 2018
Donation for treatment is not financially practical because this is not nature disease that has rare chance to re-occur once completely cure. This is a man-made bio-medical situation that can be infected at the moment after it is treated completely cure. Donation may encourage corruption that spur this re-occurrence experiences which may impact on patients of being never healthy again.
Currently, from my own experience, United States law enforcement and United States government are working effectively on to make infection or unlawful-recurrences be effectively blocked by enforcing laws and effective management. And treatment technology is there already to achieve complete cure. As I said in the morning, the current effort, from my own experience as a patient, is to make treatment affordable to the majority.
*Glasshouse cancer is some bio-engineer research can only be authorized to participate. Unauthorized is called infection.
11-05-2017 All about Glass House Cancer related
04-29-2018 My Trust is "about the Rockefellers size" is what I was told on June 30th of 2004
Heard this morning's important announcement related to me.
My response:
The Lady Judge is not the grandmother of the person or the group of persons I intend to sue severe sexual harassment.
The "Charles Ford(Charles Schnieberg)" who fathers that in-hiding child is the person who never has anything to do with me.
My trust is about the Rockefellers' size. That is the same as what I was told on June 30th of 2004 after I inherited Trusts my grandfathers set up for me which includes the famous Jew Freedom Fund and Black Freedom Fund.
I did not realize that a lot of people who heard this "Rockefellers' size" on July 1st of 2004 from rumors had thought me being a "self-imagined-owner of the huge Rockefellers wealth". I did not realize I am a publicly well-known "hard to imagine nonsense" ever since that July 1st of 2004.
Well, to be honest, ever since June 30th of 2004, I do have the attitude that impresses people I am a Rockefeller richer who is much wealthier than a Ford. I never have argued if a Ford can provide me or my children better than myself because this "the Trust is about the Rockefellers' size" is what I was told on the June 30th of 2004. And I have never felt if I am more prominent than a Ford name.
----April 29th, 2018
All these American Funds announced by me have been operating on the soil of America since the year 1600.
The Rockefeller House is famous for their family wealth originated from the Colorado or Texas Oil Industry after the year 1900;
The Ford House is famous for their family wealth originated from the Automobile Industry after the year 1900;
The Walton House is famous for their family wealth originated from the Sam's Club & Walmart after the year 1900.
I have announced all these American Fund's provided for me because my Trusts have been investing in these American Funds companies since the year 1600.
----April 21st, 2018
04-22-2018 没有了你们永远都不意味着失去。
传言中由中国政府发放的北京08奥运会开闭幕的优秀创意奖金,在中国政府主导的对我方敏的公然造谣诽谤谩骂之后,在中国政府奋力谩骂我为“假冒”之现实,以及奥运会创意人就是我方敏的事实证据之间,如何由中国政府来颁发这分传说中已经从预算中播出的奖金钱款?都知我在美国的智慧产权不存在这些问题就在于美国这些叫着不认可 我应该有智慧产权的只是一些纯粹非专业, 根本上的外行,也就是一些不干活就是“应该”白拿钱之流, 既不是智慧产权评定机构也不是智慧产权的发放机构, 更不是司法仲裁机关, 更没有什么钱财纠纷所引发的已经上了法庭的法律官司, 一切就只是法律上的是否偷窃抢劫问题以及究竟是怎么回事。而中国这些对于我对中国贡献的奖金,包括奥运会开闭幕式创意,沙漠改造,大棚蔬菜农场,中国地铁建设等等,中国政府在2012年之前就我方敏对中国的这些有事实证据可以查核的创意贡献是否就已经有发放奖金,以及这些奖金是否已经在中国政府财政账册之外可随时提现,现在这些钱在我方敏被这一届2012年上任的习近平李克强政府公开造谣谩骂之后又如何名副其实按照事实依据归我方敏所有?
我方敏拒绝和我同母的我父亲的儿子的婚姻家庭以及他妻子娘家的陈家人士支付我的任 何费用包括丧葬费用,我方敏拒绝支付和我同母的我父亲的儿子的婚姻家庭以及他妻子 娘家的陈家人士的任何费用包括丧葬费用。 这是我方敏就此的正式立场。
Heard this morning's broadcasting of "under arrest".
My response: The person under arrest is an identified person to the public audience, I doubt this can be a broadcasting-purpose only announcement, especially when this is the broadcasting that is saying this is a government official* performing the law enforcing duties, the under-arrested is a currently enlisted identifiable Military officer. *I heard that is a Military officer.
By the United States Laws, show business never means the privilege to destroy an identifiable person's name honor in public channel's public broadcasting for broadcasting purpose only.
My own personal experience is all those announcements regarding me on this public channel's nationwide broadcasting that I have kept on call law enforcement's help about was never meant for broadcasting-purpose only but mean to destroy my life permanently in reality. I am protected by the United States Laws.
----April 22nd, 2018
我很清楚我的父母才是在我同父同母的弟弟饿的时候管饭, 冷的时候添衣的人,从来不是我。 我很清楚我自己只是一个和他一起长大的姐姐, 从来就没为他的头疼脑热不能安眠。
在我得知我弟弟支持我的父母年迈后是不需要有人在乎是否冷了饿了 ,更不需要有人知疼问病之后, 在我知道了生我养我的父母是被我弟弟的婚姻家庭因为要我父母的房 子或被气的一病不起或被公然赶走, 我就已经表明了立场是我选择在乎生我养我的我自己父母, 我不会幻想我弟弟或者我弟弟的婚姻家庭会在乎我的死活, 更不用说他们是否会在乎我的生活起居或者我的情绪跌宕。 我也决不会去幻想我的生活会需要他们的小孩来过问照顾。 我的生活里永远都不会需要他们。我很习惯没有他们的生活。
我相信我的父亲很好,我也在找我母亲的故事。 我不会允许我自己及我自己婚姻家人的生活被他们所吵闹骂砸, 我更不会允许我自己及我自己婚姻家人的法律权益被他们所践踏。 该报警该采取法律行动时,我从未犹豫过,我也永远不会犹豫。
----published on 2018年3月16日。
我方敏是唐太宗李世民的血脉传承的继承人是真实,我方敏是1996年离开中国的,我现在已经是美国公民了。我方敏是否有政治立场已经和中华人民共和国及海外华裔社区没有任何关系, 请不要以任何借口认为我方敏没有中华人民共和国或者海外华裔社区就难以生存以避免不必要的误会。我方敏会捍卫我方敏自己作为美国公民的合法权利和利益,我方敏也绝不会就此犹豫妥协。如果任何人认为有需要向北京政府或海外华裔社区广为告知我方敏对此事实的态度,我方敏不会阻拦。
04-21-2018 All these American Funds announced by me have been operating on the soil of America since the year 1600.
All these American Funds announced by me have been operating on the soil of America since the year 1600.
The Rockefeller House is famous for their family wealth originated from the Colorado or Texas Oil Industry after the year 1900;
The Ford House is famous for their family wealth originated from the Automobile Industry after the year 1900;
The Walton House is famous for their family wealth originated from the Sam's Club & Walmart after the year 1900.
All these American Fund companies I announced that provided for me are all never investor-owned by the Rockefeller House historically, and never investor-owned by the Walton house historically, and never investor-owned by any Ford house historically.
I have announced all these American Fund's provided for me because my Trusts have been investing in these American Funds companies since the year 1600.
----April 21st, 2018
04-19-2018 Pharmacologists' Anger
Heard this morning's broadcasting of "Pharmacologists' Anger".
My response: My college major was pharmacology may be the reason for this "pharmacologists' anger."
I have a blog article about exactly what my contribution to Viagra (Blue)is.
What I have figured out 7-years after I heard male sexuality enhancement is very lucrative business abroad is:
"Why not increase sponge area to satisfy sexuality enhancement instead of trying to resolve the entire issue of reproduction?"
On that June Sunday in 2004, I extended this research question to:
"Is there any element in those traditional herbs, etc. can improve this sponge area's local circulation?"
I heard my vogue question on a June Sunday of 2004 had echoed by the research professionals in this specialty who acknowledged that my contribution to the Viagra research was not too late.
I heard my explanation about what my contribution might be to the Viagra had brought understanding from those Viagra researchers who acknowledged that as long as my saying about the contribution is accurate and the reward given to me is based on the fair evaluation.
I heard my explanation also angered a lot of pharmacologists who are not in this specialty. So, I try to explain it again here and I put the link to my explanation below, please let me know if there is any missing piece. It had taken me 8 years to have this vogue contribution to this Viagra.
Obviously, the Professional Knowledge on this specialty is the Key to acknowledge if I contributed to the Viagra.
11-27-2017 All About Viagra(Blue) and Why is my contribution
----April 20th, 2018
Heard this morning's sad stories involved the two former radio program producers.
My response: I heard they are cousins who never romantically involved with me, both are pharmacologists, and both have been angered about how could I possibly have contributed to Viagra as a pharmacologist.
So, I heard, from their unhappy in-jail experience, one got an unwanted child from the voluntary sex partner, one got my intellectual income from the Viagra.
So, I wonder, why my money is involved in this none-of-my-business jail experience?
I heard it is done by Albert Gore again. I don't understand why Albert Gore can be so comfortable to evaluate anything that he obviously does not possess the knowledge to evaluate? Plus, from the attorney professional knowledge that Albert Gore should possess, this Albert Gore should know it is a judicial Judge's privilege to evaluate any monetary disputes and to make a ruling if any correction is needed, this is never any radio program's any producer's privilege.
I am not willing to be evaluated by this Albert Gore, and I am not willing to be the person to compensate for that pharmacologist's unhappy jail experience.
----April 20th, 2018
04-18-2018 都是有关我的方家亲戚以及方家后人的
All these American Fund companies I announced that provided for me are all never owned by the Rockefeller House historically, and never owned by the Walton house historically, and never owned by any Ford house historically.
I refuse to be sexually harassed by "Child Bilking" or "Children Bilking" efforts.
----published on April 15th, 2018
04-17-2018 About my gifting to my father's siblings and my grandfather's siblings.
Heard this morning's talk about Fedexed money from China.
My response: I heard there are two impressions about this saying.
1: it means money from the People's Republic of China's Centre(Federal) Reserve.
Well, unless this is used by the non-U.S. residents, otherwise, this income needed to be reported to the U.S. government for tax reason.
2: It means Chinese woman Min Fang's money.
This is the same rumor how my intellectual incomes have been taken by those "privileged women". I heard a good numbered people are announced on the radio for their deserved sexualities by Albert Gore himself or by Albert Gore's help to be announced, and I heard most of my intellectual incomes have been demanded to be sent there right after each of such announcement was broadcasted.
----April 17th, 2018
About my gifting to my father's siblings and my grandfather's siblings.
My response: I am so glad to hear my $700Million from my Hong Kong trust is on its way to my ID-name (Min Fang) accessible bank account. This $700Million includes my promised gift to my sibling, my father's siblings, and my grandfather's siblings, but the updated gift size has not been decided yet because I have not been fully informed accurately how the condition of this gifting has been violated.
I was asked why not all grandfathers' siblings' offspring. I am explaining that I did not give out my gift just because they are my father's or my grandfather's siblings. I was willing and I am still willing to give out this gift is because they had been nice to my father and me.
My father grew up with my great grandmother who lived with my grandfather's younger siblings before they got married. They had enjoyed my father accompany that made my father's childhood a great memory I often heard my father mention. My father's siblings had made my 5-years college time in Shanghai could always have a place to look forward to be whenever I longed for some family time for weekends.
I heard some of them have been pissed off why they need to receive this gift from me instead of inheriting their own father's money from the Hong Kong Trust. It is because the Hong Kong Trust which I inherited in 2004 was never their inheritable.
The Hong Kong Trust I inherited was set up by my grandfather in 1949 which was 16 years before 1965 when my grandfather passed away, the money that my grandfather had put into the Hong Kong Trust was no longer my father & my father's siblings inheritable. According to my grandfather's will, the Hong Kong Trust was never their inheritable.
I can imagine the anger of "refuse to understand" but I am not comfortable to be in the troubles as if I deserve to be "cursed" or "robbed" whenever they visit. I have to say that I am not willing to receive any visit from these relatives of my father side till they have fully consulted their own attorneys to know that I truly did not take a penny of their deserved money. And I won't hesitate to call 911 if there is any such situation.
----April 17th, 2018
According to the historic referring to the fact that I am lawfully the sole beneficiary person of the "Asian Man's Trust.", I am the British East India Company's Financier.
According to the British Crown Prince William's wish, I have no child nor children biologically shared with the British Crown Prince William. No Such Child. No Such Children.
----April 16th, 2018
That four British children residing in the United States do not carry my biological blood is the reason I won't provide for them. They are provided for by some other company that has East India in the company's name. I was asked if I am certain of this four children's blood or if I need to do a DNA test myself, I say I can do a DNA test myself but I doubt if that is necessary because There is no logical reason at all for the British Crown Prince William to have the children born for the denouncing purpose without any lawful benefit at all to himself or the British Royals.
Don't listen to such rumors that it is by laws that I won't be able to visit those rumored "denounced my biological British children", that is equally saying I should give out money without check out the blood of the rumored "denounced children". No Such Child. No Such Children.
----April 16th, 2018
04-15-2018 Exactly, Who is the British East India Company's Financier?
I have argued about O'Connor family regarding an American Fund I remembered I should have inherited in 2004 on Boston 96.9FM in 2015-2016. The following is what I heard of and what I know. please contact me at somebodyinMA@gmail.com if there is any. I have no intention to spread wrongful rumors but I won't be able to correct anything without authentic and authoritative correction.
Heard this morning's talk about the British company.
My response: I heard there has been several hundred "British.. East India .. " company ever since the great success of the British East India Company. I am not certain which one was the one broadcasted this morning that declared has nothing to do with me at all or have provided for a Bostonian yearly.
The British East India Company has been over 400 years old already, and I heard the British East India Company's French Financier Fund has been over 600 years old, this British East India Company's French Financier Fund's British child Fund company is the one I claimed that has entitled me the British East India company's Financier for about 200 years because I am the sole beneficiary person of that famous "Asian Man's Trust".
I heard: I was provided by the famous "Asian Man's Trust" that I inherited in 2004 via this British East India company's British financier Fund company through its American child company one time only in November of 2015. So far, I have been provided by 4 of my grandfathers' Trusts since November of 2014, one grandfather one year.
This one grandfather's Trust per year is the reason you have also heard a French actress performing this morning of the confusion over a French Fund's American child company's paid-out in Nov. 2017 and Jessica Pejoves's confusion on the radio for another British Fund's American company's paid-out in Nov. 2016. And some American Pejoves and some American Petroves are cousins may be the reason you also heard some American Petroves' confusion over the same paid-out from the American company that historically never associated with some American Petroves name. By the rumor, the two American name associated two American companies share the same Spanish great grandparent company.
And you have also heard Albert Gore's desire to own a $200 Million from a Portugal Fund's American child company's paid-out in Nov. 2014. The ridiculousness that Albert Gore's name only associate with that American company since July of 2004 may have been why his name needs a reason to demand his desire to own the money.
As far as I know, as the British parent company has been clarifying about the confusion between me and O'Connor's family, the correct relationship is:
All these American Fund companies I announced that provided for me are all never owned by the Rockefeller House historically, and never owned by the Walton house historically, and never owned by any Ford house historically.
I refuse to be sexually harassed by "Child Bilking" or "Children Bilking" efforts.
----April 15th, 2018
04-14-2018 All those American Fund companies I announced had provided for me handsomely are historically never owned by the house of Rockefellers, nor Waltons, and nor Ford.
Heard this morning's announcement of my bladder issue.
My response: My bladder issue was caused by severe harassment through glasshouse cancer technology, rumored performed by Chinese community remotely from Chicago and some O'Connors. An American company that 100% owned by a British company, the same American company which has caused ownership confusion from the O'Connor family, rumored has a Foundation in Chicago that has some O'Connors participating in its management team.
If the harassment is the reason of my bladder issue, I agree that my health situation would get better because the British company is clarifying that American company is 100% owned by the British company which means the O'Connor family do not own that American company at all.
----April 14th, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about Four British Royal Children.
My response: These rumored four children do not carry my biological blood, and I have not been harassed by the rumored British Royal father of the children for providing. I do not know anything beyond this knowledge.
I assume the confusion if I mother any British children should already have been clarified after the British Royals' smash since November of 2015.
No such British children and I refuse to be harassed by "Child Bilking" or "Children Bilking" efforts.
----April 14th, 2018
About this diplomat "director" David Rockefeller.
My confusion: Rumored this Mr. David Rockfeller is a U.S. diplomat who works in New York City area. Rumored this Mr. David Rockfeller is in his late 40s or so.
I had met a Military officer David Petraeus before August of 2004 when he was already in his 50s, rumored is family name is first by James or Tom (Tim). I have been a resident of Boston, MA since August of 2004.
I do not understand why this Mr. David Rockefeller needs to meddle my private life as if he has such desperation to self -rescue from my stuck-on efforts. I do not understand why he needs to make the public impression as if I am a sex-offender?
I have to publicly announce that I never show any interest in this Mr. David Rockefeller. If anyone impressed that this Mr. David Rockfeller has this desperation of me harassing him, please help this Mr. David Rockefeller to realize that is 100% purely from his own illusion.
All those American Fund companies I announced that have provided for me are all never owned by the Rockefeller House historically, and never owned by the Walton house historically, and never owned by any Ford house historically.
I refuse to be harassed by "Child Bilking" or "Children Bilking" efforts.
----April 14th, 2018
04-12-2018 继承信托和继承遗产的区别
01-09-2018 All About my Imperial Ancestry and My Royal Titles
Another way to get my providing is to let my trust wire that money directly to me which is seldom used by investors because of inconvenience caused by tedious procedures. Also, the Investor's tax for each providing check is paid to the country according to its signing local company's geographic location.
01-09-2018 All About my Imperial Ancestry and My Royal Titles
04-11-2018 For over 200 years, I am historically referred as the Asian Man's Child ---- the British East India Company's financier
Heard this morning's broadcasting of a 5-months old British company.
My response: I heard a lot this kind of stories that very impressively about how daring and challenging Chinese communities abroad are nowadays.
I heard I was the inspiration for this demonstration of daring and challenging ever since 2004. Well, I have to say I do have attorneys to ensure that I am guided by laws.
I have been addressing myself the British East India Company's financier because this has been how I referred historically in Britain and in France ever since the great success of the British East India Company. And I will continue to address myself the British East India Company's financier because I am the sole female beneficiary child of that famous Asian Man's Trust.
The British East India Company is a 100% owned by its French parent company, and its British brother company owns its American investment 100%. This American investment is the same American Company that I had argued with Tina O'Connor about ownership. This American company is 100% owned by its British parent company.
----April 11th, 2018
04-09-2018 "A Female's Brain never equals to a Female's Buttock, A Woman's Profession never equals to a Prostituting Occupation, A House Wife never equals to a Pig-Reproduction"
Heard this morning's talk about "grabbed a wallet on a street".
My response: I once grabbed a handbag on a street in Nanjing, China.
It was a summer, I was locking my bike when I saw a passing-by couple behind me was carrying a same strapless handbag in her hand, it was the exact same as I was carrying that day. I chased after her and grabbed that handbag, her innocent look on her face when she turned prompted me frantically searching for my own. You can certainly imagine the humiliation when I found out my own handbag was in my own hand the entire time.
----April 9th, 2018
Heard some rumor that why paid-out investment became expenses?
My response: I heard this confusion is the reason I am blamed for spending other people's money which I didn't.
I heard the investments have been paid back with decent returns (profits). The best is to ask the person who received the original paid-out investment about updates or who received that paying-back check of the original investment plus the profits.
I heard this radio program has been paying the investors' profits from this radio program together with the producing team and me (major featured person) since late half of 2005. It has been paid monthly to the bank account provided by the investor, my major featured person has been accumulated in the radio company's account, the $3Billion paid-out in 2016 was my major featured person fee between 2005 to Dec. 31st of 2012.
I handle my expense separately with my making. I reject anyone to take my making and(or) spend my money without my authorization. I refuse to let my income routed to anyone's expense without my authorization.
----April 9th, 2018
I was asked who I am fighting about what.
My response: I am fighting for what my authentic intellectual achievements are,
I am fighting a female's pants-on achievements from a non-prostituting profession can't be confused as if the same value as a female's sexual glamour.
As broadcasted on the radio some time ago, I have been fighting with those males about what is mine or what never theirs, and about those males are not privileged at all to take what is mine because I have nothing to do with all those males.
I am not fighting whose lap I deserve to bare-butts on because I choose to only bare-butts on the lap of my love, on the lap of my marriage partner, on the lap of my marriage family who I share my life with our children together.
I am not fighting for whose child deserve to have more money provided from whom because I am making enough to provide for my own blood on my own, and I have been providing for my own blood handsomely on my own birth grandfathers' blessing.
So, shut the fuck up if you already know I can afford to have my children wealthy enough without a bit of your biological blood.
And, shut the fuck up to stop confusing anyone as if you are the only person who can have a sperm.
I don't want to comment on if your sperm can be any good for my biological children, but I say to you to shut your fuck up and go fuck your cheap as you wish.
From the enormously determined presentation of the only possible source of any woman's money, by the efforts of this radio program's never-strayed producing trend, I wonder who are the rich supportive investors of this radio program that have been providing to their own birth daughters from their Joyful Stick. And, is it possible every single one of all the wealthy daughters of this supportive investor group has been provided for by a Joyful Stick and calls it the allowance from the birth father?
Luckily, this is definitely not the Chinese Tradition my maiden family came from. Plus, all my grandfathers who blessed me wealthily have passed away before I was born. Not a chance to be wondered.
----April 9th, 2018
04-08-2018 My questions about if China has a government and how Albert Gore got such huge financial power?
Is that a government other than the almighty ruling power from a dictionary definition? Or, is it more appropriate to have the doubt if the People's Republic of China has laws as published by this ruling government?
So, I put their information that I have found out on the internet as attachment of this blog article for everyone who has been reading this blog.
----April 8th, 2018
(卢沛宁; 盧沛寧; ) is a former United States Deputy Secretary of Labor. He also served as Assistant to the President and White House Cabinet Secretary for United States President Barack Obama from 2009 to 2013, as well as the co-chair of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Lu graduated from the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University and from Harvard Law School, where he was a classmate of Obama's. Following Obama's successful 2008 campaign for presidency, Lu was appointed executive director of the Obama-Biden Transition Project. When Obama appointed Lu as Cabinet Secretary, The New York Times described him as "one of the highest-ranking Asian Americans in the Obama administration".
卢沛宁 (英文名Chris Lu),美籍华人,2008年成为第44任总统巴拉克·奥巴马的核心幕僚,被委以白宫交接小组执行总管的重任,与奥巴马同在1991年毕业于哈佛法学院。他曾任奥巴马的参院办公室立法事务总监(legislative director),后来被擢升为办公室幕僚长。11月24日,被美国当选总统奥巴马提名为内阁秘书。
(Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Lu )
04-07-2018 I refuse any request for me to provide for this woman or anyone in similar stories
Heard this morning's talk about a child.
My response: That man factually never has anything to do with me.
I did hear some rumors in 2016 that there was a man jailed for some reason, and a woman was assigned to his jail room because she was willing to help release his sexual agitation.
I don't feel bad about that woman's tears, if there is any, because I truly don't know the truth and I truly don't like that I am the person be demanded to ease her financial concerns by, rumored, Albert Gore who I accused of attempted murder for my money. I heard Albert Gore has taken some of my intellectual income as well as has announced to let others have my intellectual income, and I heard he has publicly announced on the radio program about his dedication to murder me by letting me get infected or implanted through some advanced biological technology. I haven't been able to visit the public library because of some possible severe on-and-off infections. I refuse any request for me to provide for this woman or anyone in similar stories.
I also heard rumors there is an "Order Form" that anyone can fill out to request me to be abused through biological technology remotely. It is rumored that this "Order Form" was invented by Christopher P. Lu (卢沛宁, the former United States Deputy Secretary of Labor.) and routed by participating employed (Chinese, majority) without any internal order-transmitting authorization, into those facilities that have the biological technology to achieve what has been requested. All these requested have been achieved because it was transmitted to facilities from trusted offices. The fact that any abusiveness requested can be achieved through this "Order Form" is the reason I am constantly threatened "If you dare" by the Chinese community, plus what happened to me on the radio program and my father in China, I have denounced myself, the authentic biological heir of over 10 Chinese ancient Emperors of two Chinese dynasties, from the People's Republic of China and Chinese Communities abroad by sending my statement to the Chinese Consulate New York together with the U.S. Consulate in Shanghai early this month (April of 2018).
My father was announced "death" on Oct. 4th, 2013 by a Chinese herb hospital(江苏省中医院)which was not my father's primary care hospital and also far away from my father's residence. I heard, since that day, that my father's pension has stopped and my father was not allowed to live in his own apartment. My father's current status is missing without any valid Chinese identification. I was told in January of 2015 by my same parents' sibling that my father "died" on that day. I have contacted the Institute my father retired from and the Chinese Consulate in New York City after I heard all these ridiculous rumors in February of 2018, I have not heard any feedback from them about my father but the rumored broadcasted stories on the radio that there can be multiple volunteers to be paid to be "the father get provided for" since March of 2018 which was after my contacting efforts. I am certain all those broadcasting were not out of any confidence in my father's well-being.
I am lucky I have entrusted my father to the same group I have entrusted my Trusts. I have also entrusted my mother as well but my mother's story was in 2006 when China was ruled by the former administration of the People's Republic of China (current administration started since 2012). So, I am still listening to rumors about my mother and I am confident about her well-being.
----April 7th, 2018
我方敏是唐太宗李世民的血脉传承的继承人是真实,我方敏是1996年离开中国的,我现在已经是美国公民了。我方敏是否有政治立场已经和中华人民共和国及海外华裔社区没有任何关系, 请不要以任何借口认为我方敏没有中华人民共和国或者海外华裔社区就难以生存以避免不必要的误会。我方敏会捍卫我方敏自己作为美国公民的合法权利和利益,我方敏也绝不会就此犹豫妥协。如果任何人认为有需要向北京政府或海外华裔社区广为告知我方敏对此事实的态度,我方敏不会阻拦。
----published in April, 2018
04-06-2018 Rumored his old neck still needs the Cervical Braces(Metal Neck Collar) to support
Heard this morning's talk about pseudo named Mr. Jack Rockefeller.
My response: I remembered that was the name once on Massachusetts Police Amber Alert in 2009 for abducting his own younger child from the mother. It was announced on the radio that is a pseudo name then.
I also heard this same pseudo named Mr. Jack Rockefeller almost got his neck broken by his adult daughter in 2007. It was because his beloved adult daughter Jessica announced her sole ownership of the Javits Center in New York City on the radio program, and she went to the center to insist on demanding rent should be paid to her after the broadcasting. That was before she married to the authentically young and handsome Mr. Rockefeller. The result was his old neck was almost broke by the anger explosion from those real owners of the Javits Center.
Well, she announced a lot more on the same radio program after her marriage which include the announcement of owning everything I own in 2014, and rumors that she truly has gone to everywhere to tell everyone that everything I own is actually owned by her had prompted me called police officers help but I don't know how police officers do their normal fights.

(source: https://www.depuysynthes.com/patients/aabp/researchingtreatmentrecovery/braces)
By the way, she was the person wrote letters to say the paid-out arrangements to cover my living expenses are actually should be hers/ Actually, the Fund that had paid-out the $400 Million check for my living expense in 2016 (obviously delayed) together with a $400 Thousand monthly service charge is not associated with the famous Javits Center in New York City but famous London building.
----April 6th, 2018
04-05-2018 The O'Connor family's shared confusion is the reason for some O'Connor-s' frustration.
Heard this morning's talk about notorious Tina O'Connor's "successfully conceived" story.
My response: My own children are factually not biologically associated with her birth children.
----April 5th, 2018
Heard this morning's correction on Mr. James Rockefeller's age.
My response: I have no problem to remove the Mrs. Petroeus title from Miss Jessica Petroves. It is still a great marriage even though she is a Mrs. Rockefeller only.
----April 5th, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about if my inheriting complete.
My response: It is none of anyone's business because I am the sole beneficiary person of the Trusts I have inherited. No confusion if there is any other possible beneficiary person so that there is no eligible person to confront anything about my inheriting. The money in those Trusts is none of anyone's business at all.
I am the sole lawful owner of those Trusts that set up for me.
----April 5th, 2018.
The O'Connor family's shared confusion is the reason for some O'Connor-s' frustration.
My explanation: To me, it seems O'Connor family's shared confusion is their great-grandfathers' contributions have been under-valued.
Also, it seems that some O'Connors' frustration is these arguments on what is appropriate recognization has gone beyond the boundary. By the way, these frustrated O'Connors are Politics profession O'Connor-s, Attorney profession O'Connor-s, and Accounting profession O'Connor-s.
Let me do the explanation on what I heard of.
About 200 years ago, there was a chance that the young United States needed a railroad. The company set up a team to compete for this opportunity with some other companies. The team worked as business representatives of the company to make all the contacts and to arrange all the necessary meetings, it took them over a year to present the company to be good enough for this railroad deal.
Well, Senator O'Connor's significant contribution was achieved quickly but not easily. Senator O'Connor's great vision and explicit points were expressed clearly by his robust elaboration to make everyone understood the importance of reaching this deal with the company. He achieved this deal by only several of his great speeches.
I heard both the representing team from the company and Senator O'Connor were greatly appreciated by the company. The appreciation was understood as appropriate by both the representing team and Senator O'Connor at the time.
The frustrated arguments I have been participating is O'Connor family shared confusion if their great-grandfather's contribution to the company has been undervalued because that deal was the fundamental reason of why the company is this great today.
Well, being a new immigrant who has not participated the glorious developing history of the company, all I could hear from these arguments have been "the Chinese don't deserve anything". And my frustration has been that O'Connor family can't ignore the fact it is the Trust I inherited that has been participating the funding to all these great achievements. I understand I have not sweated for this company's growth but I deserve to point out that the Trust I inherited is my ancient grandfather's hard-earned, and I do share the company's enthusiasm to support O'Connor family to devote themselves to serve the United States when O'Connor-s' talents were needed but public posts were not paid-jobs .
The reason of current argument if Senator O'Connor's contribution has been undervalued that O'Connor family deserve to have the entire ownership or some ownership of the company to justify it, to my understanding, is that some O'Connor-s have ignored the facts that it has been everyone else's sweats in that company to make that signed railroad contract a real transportation. To my understanding, this is precisely the reason some O'Connor-s are really frustrated about this beyond boundary argument.
The fact is it was the construction crews on the field sweating to lay down the logs, that fact is it was the management team who overseeing the logs been sent to the worksite, the fact is it was the administration team who ensuring those logs and construction crews got paid on time, the fact is it was the entire company's sweats to ensure those tracks kept on extending. O'Connor family can't deny it has been everyone's contribution to make the company this great today. Some said, well, the everybody employed by the company only got paid by salaries. I say, well, all those invested-in money only yield at an average of 5%-7% a year. *This Trust I inherited in 2004 has been investing in this American company through its parent company for about 400 years now.
By the way, I got the similar frustrations about my Intellectual Incomes from those frustrated O'Connor-s who understand it has been the sweats from the entire company. These frustrated O'Connor-s are the ones who have supported the understanding that it is the sweats from the hard working people in those companies that made Taiwan's touching glass an industry, not my two minutes brief "neuron talk", or my half an hour smartphone annoying conversation.
Well, I say to these frustrated O'Connor-s that if they believe their own great-grandfather's great vision and explicit points were the real contributions to the company, the same greatness as their own contributions they are currently making in their own professions, please don't say my hard-earned intellectual incomes are nonsenses. I have sweated 5 years in a medical college and another 2-plus-5 years in computer science to have the knowledge & vision to make that half an hour talk.
----April 5th, 2018
04-04-2018 Why not Seeking Free Volunteer Attorney's Help?
Heard this morning's talk about what it would be like if I "beg" for some help in Chinese Communities.
My response: I heard that was said by Lu, Pei ling(卢沛宁) and his rumored romance (mother of his child).
I was advised to seek free volunteer attorney's help through Bar Association's referral service. I did not go to a volunteer attorneys association in Boston once in 2015 to file bankruptcy to clean my band debts to open a bank account, but I was rejected because I stated in my letter that I have my inherited wealth under entrusting.
I have no problem to seek free volunteer's help when I am in need, and I have no reason to restrict myself to only seek help from Chinese communities because I can communicate in English about my frustrations thoroughly.
I haven't sought any free volunteer attorney's help regarding my frustration from the radio program, my concern is the possible hostility employment opportunity offering from the party who has been frustrating me.will have huge impacts on my lawful interests. If Jessica Petroves can spend $400K U.S.dollars a month to promote that I have no money, it takes a no-brainer to imagine that this Jessica Petroves would have no problem to offer this $400K U.S. dollars to employ an attorney who happens to be a volunteer attorney helping on my case. And I know for certain this Jessica Petroves is not the only person who frustrates me this way.
I have constantly called law enforcement's help and completely ignored "so annoying" rumors, this comfortableness is from the confidence I learned from the American cowboy movies what "the badge of laws" means to the United States' law enforcement, plus, I do have inheritances that come with local attorneys who can work with my entrusting attorneys if needed. I am protected by the United States laws.
I don't know what it was exactly like in this morning's broadcasting because of my own personal experiences regarding this same radio program, I have never met this Mr. Lu in any occasion, and I don't foresee that I would call on his help from his attorney's professional knowledge. So, most likely, I am being honest to state that I may not have the opportunity to meet this Mr. Lu in an occasion even if I am in a situation.
----April 4th, 2018
04-03-2018 $400 Million = $400,000 monthly providing X 83 years (It is Never her saved money)
Heard this morning's talk on a Jessica Petroves.
My response: I heard this is the family name associated with Javits Center in New York City as well as Ford Business. Obviously, she married well to be a Mrs. Rockefeller & Mrs. Petraeus.
But I don't get why she thinks I am so afraid of her? And why she needs me to be another terrified one? Obviously, her husband and her in-laws are all enormously terrified by her, it is really hard for me to imagine that strong attraction towards the multi-aspects of terrifying.
And I don't get the idea why she needs to spend her maiden monthly providing of $400,000 to tell everyone I have no money? Why would she say that could be a strategy when it is actually abducting me in poverty efforts according to the United States Criminal laws? I just don't get the idea what she intends to achieve? By the way, it was this Jessica Petroves this morning who announced my SSI from SSA would stop.
Also, why she insists on getting my money? The accusation that I spend some of her husband's or her inlaws money is a fake accusation if not misunderstanding. As far as I know, those accused unwillingly spending during the 2004-2005 time were all actually profitable investments on hot popular shows or profitable hospital that those popular shows already handsomely paid back their original investments together with the average yield returns (profits).
I am wealthy enough compare to her husband, I have no reason at all to need her husband's money. That $400Million paid-out by a Ford Business in Nov. 2016 or so is $400,000 thousands to cover my 2017 living expenses which would eventually be deducted from my own Trust that I inherited on June 30th of 2004, well, it has to be upon my receipt of it.
1: I am not the person and I won't be the person terrified by this Jessica Petroves because there is no imaginable reason at all.
2: That $400 Million is the size of over 83 years savings of every penny on a $400,000 per month budget which is so clearly obvious that $400 Million is never her money. Never her Money.
----April 3rd, 2018
我方敏是唐太宗李世民的血脉传承的继承人是真实,我方敏是1996年离开中国的,我现在已经是美国公民了。我方敏是否有政治立场已经和中华人民共和国及海外华裔社区没有任何关系, 请不要以任何借口认为我方敏没有中华人民共和国或者海外华裔社区就难以生存以避免不必要的误会。我方敏会捍卫我方敏自己作为美国公民的合法权利和利益,我方敏也绝不会就此犹豫妥协。如果任何人认为有需要向北京政府或海外华裔社区广为告知我方敏对此事实的态度,我方敏不会阻拦。
03-31-2018 Pass down the Family Wealth ----The Husband's Financial Support to All His Wives & The Father's Love to All His Children(分家产的时候----是丈夫在提供对他所有妻子的财务保障,同时也是父亲在表达对他所有孩子的爱)
Heard about this morning's broadcasting of the family story (中文附后)
My response: That is what I heard of too.
Every generation is similar to this. At the time when the Senior was about to go, the dying Senior would call in family accountants (账房先生)to make the financial arrangement. My family has been long history polygamist family, the dying Senior knew multiple wives with clustered children would mean big fights if he did not make financial arrangement before the time he had to leave. So, the family wealth inheriting has always been done by each generation's dying Senior himself, the proof is there hasn't been any family story about this kind fights happened in any generation.
I certainly would believe the dying Senior would allocate enough money for each of his wives to financially support his wife for the life. I certainly would believe he would allocate enough money to raise all his children from each of his wives, he would allocate some father's love to bless every one of his young daughters' marriage, and a son's share for each of all his sons. This morning's story was about how the dying Senior protected his younger son's share by setting up a Trust for the younger son. I can certainly believe this is the same father's love in every generation. None of my grandmothers had remarried.
My family has been long historically rich, and there has been a family tradition (祖制) of how to decide a son's share and an heir son's share. Every generation's dying Senior had been advised to follow the tradition to avoid too many arguments and I would assume every generation's dying Senior would have no problem to follow the family tradition to shower the father's love to all his children.
I heard this morning's broadcasting also mentioned I had been "the extra son" of each generation caused a lot of agitation that my share is from the dying Senior's other sons allot at the time when each son's share was decided. I doubted my share eat into theirs because even my grandmother (the Senior's wife) would fancy doing that but my family's tradition (祖制) is not what my grandmother could disregard or ignore, plus the dying Senior would not think that would be necessary.
The first grandfather who blessed me was an ancient Emperor grandfather of 1200 years ago, what he decided how to calculate my share has been the family tradition (祖制) for my other grandfathers to follow. This grandfather was a very rich and well-beloved Emperor when he passed away, so I think he must have made a very appropriate family tradition. What I mean is when he decided the total share for all his non-heir sons, he decided the appropriate share size with me in his mind as an extra son already. If the non-heir sons' total share has been allocated by percentage, I would be more or less blessed by the Senior of each generation according to how many sons that dying Senior fathered from how many wives.
1: The trusts my grandfathers set up for me before I was born are the loves showed me from my grandfathers that no one can take away.
2: The shares I got never eats-in other non-heir sons' share in any generation.
3: In 2004, I was asked to make inheriting arrangement. That discussion was never an arrangement because I was(am) not a dying person as well as there was no such biological child(ren) from me who need to have such arrangement. The Chinese who asked to have arrangement never have associated with me romantically or biologically. This Chinese was the same person who "predicted" that my father "can only live a year" if I dare to reunite with my father, this Chinese was the same person who suggested it was necessary for me to be a homeless on that same day in 2004. It was rumored that he had been the person who monitored me when I was in China as a Chinese secret service.
4: It is nothing surprising ever since 2015 when it has been so public that my grandfather's decision to stay in the People's Republic of China may have made him, me and my father the objects being monitored which certainly means my family was never welcomed in the People's Republic of China. If this is the truth, well, it is the truth I have no reason not to publicly point this out. It is the fact that I am the heir of Tang dynasty Emperor (唐太宗李世民 )by blood, I left the People's Republic of China in 1996 and I am a U.S. citizen now.
----March 31st, 2018
5: 我方敏是唐太宗李世民的血脉传承的继承人是真实,我方敏是1996年离开中国的,我现在已经是美国公民了。我方敏是否有政治立场已经和中华人民共和国及海外华裔社区没有任何关系, 请不要以任何借口认为我方敏没有中华人民共和国或者海外华裔社区就难以生存以避免不必要的误会。我方敏会捍卫我方敏自己作为美国公民的合法权利和利益,我方敏也绝不会就此犹豫妥协。如果任何人认为有需要向北京政府或海外华裔社区广为告知我方敏对此事实的态度,我方敏不会阻拦。
I am a registered online MBA student, and I appreciate this morning's broadcasting of truthful report to reflect my current life focus which is my health and fulfilling my longtime dream of being an MBA student. Other than my wish to be reunited with my family as soon as possible, I am happy with where I am now. I just wish my school and the cohort team won't be harassed till pissed off.
*I have arranged the same great health care for my parents on July 1st of 2004 is the reason there are tons of rumors about my parents. The medical health arrangements include general care on anxiety and on malnutrition, etc. which certainly means my parents' anxieties over housing and food providing have been covered together with other anxieties over unknowns or uncertainties. I do not know my mother's story yet, but the broadcasted "cremated story" was not her story.
---- March 30th, 2018
03-29-2018 "this company is 100% owned by a British Company"
Heard confusion of "this company is 100% owned by a British Company", exactly what this means?.
My response:
It means the CEO of this company can't issue any stock or Initial Publis Offering (IPO).
It means this company never had an Initial Public Offering (IPO).
It means nobody can demand any dividend from this company.
It means this company only has the British company as its one and only owner (Aka investor).
It means this company is never a publicly listed company (Aka stockholders' company).
It means there is no stock share (common or preferred) has ever been issued by this company.
It means no stock share of this company can be publicly or privately tradeable in any market.
It means no stock share of this company at all.
It means only the British company's investor (Aka owner) can be this company's investor (Aka owner).
It means no individual patron nor any private family can be the owner (Aka Investor) of this company.
It means nobody can demand any providing from this company.
----March 29th, 2018
How about my providing from this company?
My response: I have explained that my providing is paid by my trust who is the Organizational Investor of the British company.
Explanation: What I have inherited are trusts that my birth grandfathers set up for me before I was born.
Another way to get my providing is to let my trust wire that money directly to me which is seldom used by investors because of inconvenience caused by tedious procedures. Also, the Investor's tax for each providing check is paid to the country according to its signing local company's geographic location.
----February 27th, 2018
----March 29th, 2018
Explanation: What I have inherited are trusts that my birth grandfathers set up for me before I was born.
Another way to get my providing is to let my trust wire that money directly to me which is seldom used by investors because of inconvenience caused by tedious procedures. Also, the Investor's tax for each providing check is paid to the country according to its signing local company's geographic location.
----February 27th, 2018
Chronicle Note
**I have not heard one single episode of this radio program myself for a lot of reasons. To do a radio program majorly featuring me was discussed on 07/01/2004 conference call. The radio program has been produced by United States 106.7FM or Clear Channel and on air since 2005??suppose??. I am a Chinese, the major featured person(suppose). Following are what I gathered from impacts of being the major featured person and may not correct. Please contact me at somebodyinMA@gmail.com if the content is seriously incorrect and please provide references including broadcasting channel and time, thanks forward.
老爸爸方文海,你其实是被我给信托了, 我所信托的财产很安全,你也很安全,请尽快和我联系,或者联系南京紫台025-8333-2227,请赶紧和美国领事馆联系(任何地方的美领馆, 上海021-8011-2400),不用担心你是否有有效证件证明身份,他们可以做DNA鉴定来确定你和我的亲生父女关系的。如果老爸爸你因为自己的亲身经历,想在国内找找妈妈王博贤的消息,也最好是在和美国领事馆核实妈妈是否已经在美国之后,或者至少和我方敏取得联系之后,再一起商量商量如何找妈妈并和妈妈取得联系。紫金山天文台http://www.pmo.cas.cn/ztjj/lxfs/
你也可以看一下你是否有如下医院的保险:上海国际医院名单, 索引文章
06-15-2018 Why so-so riches deserve to search a much richer? For what they already have self-produced for their own self-enjoyment?
Heard this morning's shocking broadcasting.
My response: The search-threat announcer is a common salary rich in reality, not even a hedge fund manager rich nor any superior rich to be this loud.
This entire time, it seems a lot of criminal activities defined by the U.S. criminal laws as well as the Chinese criminal laws have been promoted on this radio program as privileges and been constantly called upon "to make it happen" in the name of "practicing to be a politician".
I assemble some examples I have complained about, please correct me if I am wrong:
1: Money's lawful ownership is publicly challenged by the willingness to own the money which resulted in actual illegal money ownership transfer.
2: Intellectual Income is challenged to be re-categorized as sexual-intercourse income which also resulted in actual illegal money ownership transfer.
3: Reality broadcasting or news reports is challenged to be re-defined as "Announce the wish to make it a Reality" through promotion after each broadcasting which resulted in illegal hate-promoting and illegal harassment-organizing, I heard it is intended to achieve illegal property(valuables) ownership transfer.
4: "Politician or Politician-to-be" is not in-office to serve the people but to practice superior privileges in front of all laws, and to enjoy sex & money as well as privileged biological reproduction, and to expect to be financially handsomely supported by tax-collected from the people?
----June 15th, 2018
In China, only one major group that is known for politicians' training organization: Chinese Communism Youth Party. I heard tons of people that have some stories on this blog are currently professionally associated with this Chinese Communism Youth party.
"First-born daughter", "Ex-girl friend's" family, Private assistant's family, 2004's prominent Chinese males' and their possible true loves, etc. A lot of them have demanded money publicly on this radio program without any legal ground, some resulted in actual illegal money ownership transfer.
----June 15th, 2018
06-14-2018 Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to my children, my darling, my sweethearts,
You are biological, you are my own blood,
You are biologically my blood no matter what others say,
You are mine, you are mine,
You are mine no matter what others say.
----from mother
06-13-2018 Do I have money in the United States? Yes, of course, I Do.
Heard the confusion if I indeed came from a rich Chinese family to have money.
My response: Well, I append some information here.
This grandfather Fang, Zhiren(方智仁)is in the U.S. government's records as part of my immigration document. My father's name is Fang, Wenhai(方文海). This Trust should be listed in Hong Kong's Registry. I do have money in the United States which are provided by some of my up-stream grandfathers' Trusts.
The Reference about my Hong Kong Trust that set up for me in 1948.
My grandfather Fang, Zhiren(方智仁)passed away in 1965. His name is in my U.S. immigration record as my birth grandfather who fathered my birth father Fang, Wenhai(方文海).
This Hong Kong Trust my grandfather set up for me has been the original $15Million US Dollar size Trust-Investor to the current 香港长江实业(集团)有限公司(Hong Kong's Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited) since 1949 or so.
This Hong Kong Trust was set up by 5 Million Silver Dollar in 1948, the exchange rate in 1948 was 1 Silver Dollar = $3 US Dollars. This $15Million US dollar($15,000,000) was in this Hong Kong Trust's registry record and has been in its business investing since 1948.
*I heard the $15Million U.S. dollar($15,000,000) in 1948 was the amount of the famous afterwar thrift budget-approved in the year of 1948 for the entire U.S. Military.
I heard there is confusion about this Hong Kong Trust's registry data.
1: it was updated in 1971.
My response: This is invalid update if there is such update. The reason is the settler Fang, Zhiren (方智仁)passed away in 1965 and no inheriting yet. I am the sole beneficiary person of this Trust.
2: There is another update in 2007.
My response: I inherited in 2004, this 2007 update may reflect my inheriting.
3: If that is my grandfather's younger brother or some other person's money.
My response: This is a 5 Million Siver dollar($15,000,000 U.S dollar) Trust on the entrusting date of 1948, my grandfather's younger brother's family has been stating he had sent 10,000 Silver Dollar($30,000 US dollar) to HongKong in 1948.
The two amounts($15,000,000 vs $30,000) are no comparison at all to be confused. This is my money because I am the sole beneficiary person according to the will of Fang, Zhiren(方智仁) and I inherited it on June 30th of 2004.
4: The confusion of the $500Million transfer from this Trust to the U.S in 2004-2007.
My response:
The check was initially written by an account payable/receivable specialist (a Book Keeper) from an operating account of this Trust's business investment instead of the capital account of this Trust's in the business investment, and associated afterward had caused confusion if this $500Million U.S dollar transfer is legal. This $500Million U.S. dollar transfer was never some money laundry scheme, the account payable/receivable specialist is a bookkeeper instead of an accountant, and this $500Million U.S. dollar written-check was adjusted between bank accounts, not the accounting accounts.
----June 13th, 2018
06-12-2018 Wives frustration presented in this featured story of "who is who, what is what"
Heard yesterday's episode was reacted as ugliest arrogant from the audience.
My response: The problem was because this episode did not introduce the background of how this two irrelated groups could possibly have this kind of talk at all.
It is the similar issue to another featured story almost a year ago regarding how a foreign female who insisted on to have a child with an American rich could actually have the opportunities to approach to personally demand to have sexual intercourse to be conducted just because she wants to have a rich American's child.
How this two irrelated group or persons, who don't share any office space or any social event to meet at all, can be arranged to sit down have this "catch the moment and catch the lifetime opportunity" to approach to personally demand money or sexual intercourse is what has been missing in the radio program.
----June 12th, 2018
Heard this morning's broadcasting of "who is who, what is what".
My response: I heard it takes the entire bar's eye-witnesses to say that was an innocent comforting hug to the crying one to comfort the agitated wife. I heard the severe frustration was that it was a hug from an apparently very handsomely young and attractive but truly senior-already man to an apparently very young and pretty but truly in my late-thirties girly cry.
I was lucky I met two cousins from the same great family in just two days, and I was not lucky because we all got some youth-GENE from our mothers that made me so frustrated for all these females' frustration all these times.
I heard the frustration I felt with the audience of this radio program has been from wives of the cousins who either got this youth GENE or didn't. The frustration range from the anger why the same "aged" cousins can be obviously "so attractively" young and handsome to the frustration of the others that facing the obvious strong competition because of this "so attractive".
By the way, the Hong Kong Trust I inherited from my own birth grandfather (my father's father) is actually never a shabby on at all as a lot of people have impressed from my blog.
This Hong Kong Trust has been the original $15Million US Dollar Trust-Investor to the current 香港长江实业(集团)有限公司(Hong Kong's Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited) since 1949 or so.
This Hong Kong Trust was set up by 5 Million Silver Dollar in 1948 as I published before, the exchange rate in 1948 that I did not publish was 1 Silver Dollar = $3 US Dollars, this $15Million US dollar was in this This Hong Kong Trust's registry record and has been in its business investing since 1948.
My grandfather had left himself about $450,000 U.S. dollar (150,000Silver Dollar) when he set up this Hong Kong Trust, he had been miserable because of his decision to keep his wealth in the Silver Dollar instead of in the U.S. dollar. The Silver Dollar's collecting rate from the People's Republic of China in 1949-1950 was fixed to 1 Silver Dollar = ¥1 Chinese RMB, and the exchange rate had been fixed to ¥1 Chinese RMB = $1 US Dollar since 1949 till 1980 or so.
My grandfather's wealth shrank to 1/3 of what he had planned for himself caused my great-grandmother a lot of tears to watch her son doing the living expenses calculation. Her own wealth, which was the similar size of what my grandfather had at that time, was in the same situation but she only needed to support herself and my father at that time. I heard her younger son was in similar financial stress because he had hand-in the majority of his wealth to the Chinese Communist Party as the Party-member Fee. My great grandmother did not give a penny to my father whom she had raised since birth but all to her own born three children (2 sons and 1 daughter).
Well, this Hong Kong Trust was set up for me by the youngest generation grandfather of mine so I would assume the impression that this Trust is the most shabby gift I have received won't be an issue to all those grandfathers of mine who have blessed me, well, they were father & grandfathers to my grandfather as well to expect my grandfather to behave repsectfully not to complain about this shabby gift impression. So, I just take it easy.
----June 12th, 2018
06-11-2018 This morning's featured stories of Nanjing, China (南京的人和事)
I am happy to hear my father's news and I can't wait to see my father in person.
----June 11th, 2018
Some said why not give out random money to those who are demanding as "donations".
My response: Well, when the helpful-amount is limited, never unlimited of course, why I have to give a penny to those who shits me all over, wish me evil and being abusive to my beloved? Why I have to thrift a penny from what I can help to those who have been so nice to me and taking care of my beloved? I refuse to consider any donation to those who threaten me, harm me and being evil to me or my beloved.
Line-up marriage or marriage freedom, both are none of my business nor my concern, by LAWS.
I reject any financial demanding related to this line-up marriage or marriage freedom story.
----June 11th, 2018
05-23-2018 请出示够资格向我索要钱财的法律条款及事实依据
4: 请出示我方敏必须按照中国法律和美国法律必须归还本应由你及你的
6:我是从2004年6月30日开始自称继承了钱财, 也就是我是收到了于2004年6月30日之前死亡的人留下的死人 钱。继承从来都是收到了死人留下来的钱, 继承从来不是什么活人的裤裆钱睾丸钱。
6: 请回答为何不上民事诉讼法庭解决所有这些民事法庭上就可以依据法 律解决的金钱纠纷? 我方敏的态度是一定会追究这种坚决不上民事法庭却通过恶意制造负 面社会舆论对我方敏实施敲诈勒索的行为的刑事责任。
6: 请回答为何不上民事诉讼法庭解决所有这些民事法庭上就可以依据法
06-10-2018 我投诉中国政府的信件原文
05-09-2018 我方敏从未反对中国共产党, 我方敏从未反对中华人民共和国的法制建设。
05-09-2018 我方敏从未反对中国共产党,
我方敏从未反对中国共产党对中国960万平方公里土地的管理和统 治权, 我方敏从未反对中国共产党, 我方敏从未反对中华人民共和国的法制建设。
我方敏反对中国国家主席习近平及中国国家总理李克强以他们共同利 益相关的程虹作为提拔标准来选拔任用中国的国家及地区的领导者, 我方敏反对中国国家主席习近平及中国国家总理李克强以他们共同利 益相关的程虹作为中华人民共和国的最高国家利益的唯一准则以及中 华人民共和国法制权益的特别高级的拥有者。
我方敏从未在乎中国国家主席习近平及中国国家总理李克强以及其他 已经公开宣布的中国政府官员和他们所共同挚爱的程虹共居一室拥有 他们自己的私人恋爱性生活或者一妻多夫的父母子女家庭生活, 但我方敏坚决反对中国国家主席习近平及中国国家总理李克强以他们 和程虹的恋爱及性行为作为全面篡夺中华人民共和国的党政军权力及 立法司法权力的原因和理由。
我方敏所投诉的一直就是我方敏在作为中国公民在海外生活期间以及 我方敏在成为美国公民(2015年6月) 以后被中国中国国家主席习近平及中国国家总理李克强以中国国家政 权以及中国政府资源所侵犯的中国公民合法平等权益( 2015年6月前), 我也已经向美国政府投诉我成为美国公民后被中国政府以中国国家政 权所侵犯的美国公民合法权益。
我方敏坚决反对阻碍中华人民共和国法制建设的任何行为, 我方敏坚决拒绝特意向违反中华人民共和国法律的人士提供任何财务 资助的任何企图。
06-09-2018 The difference between government federal reserve and individual private wealth (政府国库和一个公民私有财产之间的区别)
My anger has been it is never my intention to promote myself to the government level, and I refuse my private wealth to be abused in the name of politics.
My understanding:
To improve people's lives are the sworn responsibilities of those who are devoted to serve the people, never any individual person's voluntary power to invade any individual citizen's private life;
What the best interest of the people might be is often the debates in the government and the Congress, never any individual citizen's lawful private wealth's ownership;
A lawful private wealth is part of an individual citizen's life, never the funding capitals to better the common of the nation, nor any group of any privileged.
My understanding:
To improve people's lives are the sworn responsibilities of those who are devoted to serve the people, never any individual person's voluntary power to invade any individual citizen's private life;
What the best interest of the people might be is often the debates in the government and the Congress, never any individual citizen's lawful private wealth's ownership;
A lawful private wealth is part of an individual citizen's life, never the funding capitals to better the common of the nation, nor any group of any privileged.
----June 9th, 2018
我一直以来的愤怒就是从来就不是我自己想把自己拔高到政府的地位 ,我一直就在拒绝我个人的私有财产被以政治为名而掠夺。
我个人认为,如果中华人民共和国是有政府管理的, 就没有可能没有一个司法部来执行政府职能中的法务管理, 就不可能任由任何中国公民在没有中国法律法规支持下提出“ 必须要求由其他公民的合法私有财产来解决改善其私人财务状况” 的任何要求, 就没有可能把政府职能中的改善人民生活的政府执政目标, 变成针对我方敏私有财产的由中国政府公开支持的公然敲诈勒索抢劫 行为。
任何中国公民要求改善其私有财产状况的问题从来都应该是中国政府 的问题,从来都应该是中国政府改善中国人民生活的政治奋斗目标, 而非公然无视中国法律法规的针对私有合法财产实施公然掠夺的犯罪 行为。
4: 请出示我方敏必须按照中国法律和美国法律必须归还本应由你及你的
6:我是从2004年6月30日开始自称继承了钱财, 也就是我是收到了于2004年6月30日之前死亡的人留下的死人 钱。继承从来都是收到了死人留下来的钱, 继承从来不是什么活人的裤裆钱睾丸钱。
6: 请回答为何不上民事诉讼法庭解决所有这些民事法庭上就可以依据法 律解决的金钱纠纷? 我方敏的态度是一定会追究这种坚决不上民事法庭却通过恶意制造负 面社会舆论对我方敏实施敲诈勒索的行为的刑事责任。
6: 请回答为何不上民事诉讼法庭解决所有这些民事法庭上就可以依据法
06-09-2018 The difference between government federal reserve and individual private wealth (政府国库和一个公民私有财产之间的区别)
My anger has been it is never my intention to promote myself to the government level, and I refuse my private wealth to be abused in the name of politics.
My understanding:
To improve people's lives are the sworn responsibilities of those who are devoted to serve the people, never any individual person's voluntary power to invade any individual citizen's private life;
What the best interest of the people might be is often the debates in the government and the Congress, never any individual citizen's lawful private wealth's ownership;
A lawful private wealth is part of an individual citizen's life, never the funding capitals to better the common of the nation, nor any group of any privileged.
My understanding:
To improve people's lives are the sworn responsibilities of those who are devoted to serve the people, never any individual person's voluntary power to invade any individual citizen's private life;
What the best interest of the people might be is often the debates in the government and the Congress, never any individual citizen's lawful private wealth's ownership;
A lawful private wealth is part of an individual citizen's life, never the funding capitals to better the common of the nation, nor any group of any privileged.
----June 9th, 2018
Heard about this morning's touch on "dating service".
My response: Well, I heard even horrible rumors how a child was locked outside but fully informed the purpose of locking the door was to produce a child because she was too spoiled, and it was much, this sort of. I heard the child's account was broadcasted already.
I heard the girl, who stated in the same episode that “not-mothered by that Chinese woman who is a famous fake rich but mothered by a Chinese diplomat", is biologically parented by Chinese diplomats. Her mother's last name is Yu (于), one of my grandfather's former private assistant's sibling's child.
----June 8th, 2018
06-07-2018 Amusing incident (乌龙事件)
Heard this morning's talk about "Bahamas" registration.
My response: I heard the person who owns the Bahamas registered company can't stop laughing at his own confusion now: He owns the Bahamas registered upmost-investor company so that he only demands its American investment's "Pejoves" Fund company's ownership instead of the entire investment chain's nor its British investor company. His family name has been associated with the "Pejoves" Fund's British investor company for centuries.
I heard that $650 register fee company is a newly registered company that has nothing to do with the American "Pejoves" Fund company. Possibly, this is what "It is in the Bahamas registry" means this morning.
I totally know what this is like when Chinese community can't bear to hear me announcing my grandfather TangXuanZong (唐玄宗) was the last Emperor of the Tang dynasty. The information was so available on the internet that there were more than ten Tang dynasty Emperors including my grandfather "Ingnyama Mufasa(唐穆宗)" and "Simba" after this TangXuanZong (唐玄宗), and I had announced him the last Tang dynasty Emperor for 7 years.
I heard my Trust which has been investing in American "Pejoves" was set up for me in 900AD or so by my ancient grandfather Southern Tang dynasty Emperor Li Jing (南唐中主李璟).
----June 7th, 2018
06-06-2018 Rumors I heard about my family
Heard this morning's talk about who is my family.
My response: Well, I am the family birthmark girl of my birth mother's lawful husband's line.
----June 6th, 2018
Heard about the frustration regarding my grandfather's wealth.
My response:
I contribute some rumors I heard about, I will update this page if I hear more.
- 1-1: Great-grandfather passed away in 1930, because of food-caused-discomforts related incidence and sort of overnight death.
- 1-2: My grandmother passed away in 1955, also because food-caused-discomforts related incidence and died in the hospital. She was found and sent to the hospital by my grandfather's private assistant.
- 2-1: My great-grandfather passed away in 1930 which was after his massive wealth arrangement. My great-grandmother passed away in 1955 or so.
- 2-2: My grandfather entrusted most of his wealth in 1948 to the birthmark girl from his eldest & birthmark son's line.
- 2-3: My grandmother died a year after my great-grandmother's death. My great-grandmother was known wealthier than all her children at the time.
- 2-4: My grandfather passed away in 1965, this morning's frustration was about what exactly happened around his death.
- 3-1: My great-grandmother was my great-grandfather's second wife and mother all my great-grandfather's children, the first wife was barren.
- 3-2: My grandfather married in a year of my great-grandfather's death according to Chinese culture. My grandmother was betrothed to my grandfather before they both born and mother all his children.
- 3-3: I heard my great-grandmother's last name was Yu (于), my great-grandfather's head security guard's last name was Yu (于), my grandfather's private assistant's last name was Yu (于). All these Yu are not related to each other. *I really don't know my great-grandparent's names.
- 3-4: All these Yu have families and relatives involved in this radio program producing. I am the major featured person. Head security guard Yu's offspring is in Shanghai entertainment. Private Assistant Yu's offspring and almost all his sibling's offspring are heavily involved.
----June 6th, 2018
06-05-2018 All about what is Trust Inheriting and related (都是有关信托继承及其相关的)
Heard this morning's talk about American "Pejoves" Fund Company (中文附后).
My response: This was referring the U.S.government's rescue financing during 2008 financial storm to the auto industry. The American "Pejoves" had received U.S. government's help together with the Ford Auto as one of its investors. It was in the newspaper that all these financings on Auto industry have been paid back with interests. And Ford Auto is famous for it only needed a few financing helps and it was when the interest rate was more comfortable. The American "Pejoves" Fund is still a 100% private company.
Owning a car or owning a house need to be registered with the RMV or the local government to pay auto tax or property tax, owning a company also has a company registry as well to pay the company taxes. I heard in the government record, this company has been registered 100% fully owned by its British Investor Fund company, and its British Investor Fund company has been 100% fully owned by a French company. All since the year 1600 or so. O'Connors' confusion is similar to this.
I had experienced the feeling of the similar, it was when I found out my ancient grandfather (唐玄宗) was not the last Emperor of the Tang dynasty as I had so comfortably thought, there were over ten Tang dynasty Emperors after him.
----June 5th, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about the conflicts between my grandfather's offspring and his private assistant.
My response: It was rumored that there were 1/3 of the bank savings that my grandfather's left behind had been transferred to this private assistant's bank account. My father's siblings had experienced "annoyed" attitude from this private assistant when they went to ask financial help and they had eye-witnessed the huge difference of the financial situations ever since my grandfather's death. My father was similar, especially that my mother has been a low-income wife who is not good at managing family finance.
I heard my grandfather had given my father and my father's siblings a letter(last will) in 1965, each in person, and I heard my father did not receive a bank note or a check as his siblings had was the reason my father threw out my grandfather's letter. So, I don't know if this 1/3 of the bank savings was given by my grandfather.
I heard my grandfather had entrusted 5 Million Silver Dollar to the birthmark girl from his eldest & birthmark son's line (my father's line) which left himself only 150,000 Silver Dollar to support his family in 1948 when my father, being the eldest, was still a high school student.
I heard my grandparents had been kept rejecting my father's any demand but spoiling my father's siblings' for anything financially ever since. I had made the financial arrangement about my father's health care and emergency support ever since the day I inherited my Trusts and I will be the one to comfort my father if that bank transfer to the private assistant was indeed from my grandfather's wish.
I have expressed my willingness to gift my father's siblings ¥500Million each, each is about 10% of what that 5 Million Silver Dollar in 1948 worth today. I heard my great grandmother who raised my father was often in tears to see all her children had to calculate the money to make the ends meet, so I am willing to gift my grandfather's siblings' families the same size gifts. I am not willing to gift those who I never met nor heard of even if they are my father-side cousins by blood, because I did not take their money, and I did not owe them any money nor them any caring.
Like I stated before, I am stilling listening instead of accusing immediately regarding what happened to the ¥9,000monthly providing since my birth because all my grandfather's offspring had been safe during the difficult time of the Culture Revolution (Red Guards Revolution).
----June 5th, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about what means inheriting.
My response: This confusion has been pissing me off all this time. Since June 30th of 2004, I kept saying I inherited and I was kept being told that I have to know this or that living person refuses to give me money.
Yes, I inherited Trusts means I got my money from some deceased persons who were my own birth grandfathers from different generations.
----June 5th, 2018
买车买房要向政府RMV注册登记交纳车税地税,办个公司也要向政府注册登记交纳公司税。我听说这家公司的政府注册登记的记录是从成立至今,这家公司都是100%归其英国投资公司所拥有,其英国投资公司是100%被更上级的法国投资公司所拥有。让欧家困扰不已的那家美国基金公司也是类似情形, 且都是从1600年左右成立就如此。
06-04-2018 Is this a Social Project or an Organized Crime?
Heard producing team felt being dis-appreciated regarding their efforts to "teach me to behave when I am just an unwanted woman without a child".
My response: How could I possibly appreciate them? I can totally imagine what it is like when I heard those Fords' wives complaints broadcasted publicly on the radio program was "without searching the entire house, the process to verify that child is not associated with their marriage just can't finish." Why this is necessary? What kind public curiosity can it be?
Regarding "teach me to behave", this must be motivated by the proud decisive power wanton producers to match me with prostituting industry standards they so grow up with. Otherwise, how "unwanted" can be the teaching subject for a lesson to a financially independent female? The organizer's family education must be prostituting so that to confuse knowledge-teaching education with the prostituting practicing growing up experiences.
Regarding "throw the same kind to be a match in socializing", I heard it is so appreciated to be promoted as a home-pussy and expected to be the envied of in Chinese community. Well, I don't think this home-pussy proud can be very popular among Chinese who is not a born whore-beggar. Plus, I already denounced myself from the Chinese communities abroad. And because I am a non-lesbian female, so, I say, I refuse this kind of opportunities of being thrown a home-pussy at to let this whore-beggar proud to be appreciated by born whore-beggars.
Since ancient time, a polygamist marriage in China had been similar to a polygamist Muslim marriage in the Middle East. Only after 1920, in Republic of China time, a polygamist marriage means a Concubine wife was either a whore or a beggar. I heard this may be related to the 1920's New Culture movement(新文化运动).
I came from a traditional polygamist marriage that my grandmothers were all from decent families who were not married for food. Both my grandfather(married in 1930) and my father has only one wife.
I am the heir of my ancient polygamist family who is expected to be a male-privileged polygamist in my marriage. I am never the same kind to a Concubine wife.
I expect my children to carry their fathers' names and to be part of their fathers' families if I have a polygamist marriage, so, my children's fathers will never be the same kind to a Concubine wife equivalent.
Regarding the barren. If a barren woman deserve to be trashed to make the trashing process a "social project"? I assume this is law professions' evaluation of what degree of the felony this can be. By the United States Laws, discriminating a female for barren in reproduction is forbidden, not to mention to make it a "social project" to trash a "barren" female so outrageously public.
Also, a barren can be helped by the modern medical technology of In vitro fertilization, and further helped by a surrogate mother to have a biological child. This is what I did to help myself to have my biological children. And I saw a lot of news reports how a maiden mother or sister reached out to help a barren to have a biological child. Why trashing a "barren" can be such a "social project"?
My daughter was announced in 2012 in the most comfortable way for all parties, for the best interest of hers as well, why public curiosity means searching everyone's house to impress the public "no such child", just to publicly trash her as so unwanted by any Ford anyone ever heard of, can be necessary to produce a radio program?
I heard there was some confusion if that is a physically biologically realistic child or just a painting is the reason for verification necessary, well. why it is already verified it is a video instead of a painting of a biologically realistic child is not enough?
Why identify the birthfather, to interview the birth father and to introduce the birth father to the public is so important? It is to whom it is so necessary that the birth father has to be presented?
For the best interest of that child, why the fact that the mother has own financial resources to support the child is not enough?
If there is any private curiosity or confusion, why this female or that female can be so privileged to ignore the fact that the United States laws forbid to abuse the child nor to harass the birth father in any way nor by any means? How dare this can be said as a public interest?
----originally published on June 3rd, 2018, updated on June 4th, 2018
Heard the confusion from Chinese community that what happened to me is just a social project.
My response: "The social project" must be referring to all these organized harassments and harms conducted to me, and public robbery conducted to my money, via the producing and promoting of the radio program, so I say this social project is the nickname stands for organized crime to kidnap me in poverty. and the organization that hosting this organized crime is the radio program producing & promoting related. No wonder I have to constantly contact law enforcement for help.
Organized crime is a category of transnational, national, or local groupings of highly centralized enterprises run by criminals who intend to engage in illegal activity, most commonly for money and profit (Wikipedia)
In the United States, the Organized Crime Control Act (1970) defines organized crime as "[t]he unlawful activities of [...] a highly organized, disciplined association [...]". Criminal activity as a structured process is referred to as racketeering. (Wikipedia)
----June 4th, 2018
06-03-2018 Wanton producers' whore curiosity can't be mistaken as the public curiosity
Heard this morning's talk about why it takes law enforcement's help to have a providing check signed.
My response: Well, because there was some confusion if that British Investment in America is an independent American company or owned 100% by a British investor company.
I heard in the government records, this American company has been registered as a British Investment in America as well as paying taxes as a British Investment in America since the year 1600 or so.
I heard this confusion caused the American company refuses to sign the providing check as instructed by its British Investor was the reason for law enforcement's help to have the British Investor's instructed providing check signed.
I don't know a lot, but I am comfortable because what I heard tells me that my Trust is an investor from up-stream has been acknowledged and I have been protected by laws. I don't know anything beyond that there is some confusion but I am protected.
----June 3rd, 2018
Heard this morning's curiosity about how I provide for my children if I do have biological children?
My response: I heard that was the office-mate Raquel from Janus Associates. The intellectual income was the software based on Secure_Transport prototype that was broadcasted as the cool software that can transmit data securely together with video.
I heard my share of intellectual income from this software prototype has been either in investment on my behave with good intentions or have been "deserved taken with an announced ruling" which I have called law enforcement's help.
My biological children should have been provided for their daily expenses, and they should also have been covered by mine for emergency protection and special concerns such as skin care and cotton dresses. The arrangement for my side coverage was decided as not from my intellectual income.
----June 3rd, 2018
Exactly what is the public curiosity regarding my biological children?
My response: I heard there are "public curiosity" who is the exact "seeder" to them and exactly which bank accounts pay for them, I doubted this can be from any public curiosity, so I did call law enforcement's help on this possible child abuse intended and harassment intended.
From my understanding, the efforts to dig-out all from this producing group's curiosity is beyond normal or ordinary already, and all these intentions are to manage the "seeder's" underwear or to gain access to the "seeder's" underwear to trash the children and to have access to the bank accounts to steal or to publicly rob the money.
It is already well known they are not on any radio program producers' personal spending. It is never any wanton producer's deserves to know their exact whereabouts nor their exact financial situation, nor to express the wanton producers' own opinions on who can better serve their "seeder's" underwear, nor how unworthy the children can be to have a father who loves them only.
This is entirely the whores' curiosity, never a public curiosity.
----June 3rd, 2018
Heard producing team felt being dis-appreciated.
My response: How could I appreciate them? I can totally imagine what it is like when I heard those Fords' wives complaints broadcasted publicly on the radio program was "without searching the entire house, the process to verify that child is not associated with their marriage just can't finish." Why this is necessary? What kind public curiosity can it be?
She was announced in 2012 in the most comfortable way for all parties, for the best interest of that published girl as well, why searching everyone's house to impress the public just to publicly trash her as so unwanted by any Ford anyone ever heard of can be necessary to produce a radio program?
I heard there was some confusion if that is a physically biologically realistic child or just a painting is the reason for verification, well. why not verifying it is a video of a biologically realistic child is not enough?
Why identify the birthfather, to interview the birth father and introduce the birth father to the public is so important? it is to whom it is so necessary that the birth father has to be presented?
For the best interest of that child, why the fact that the mother has own financial resources to support the child is not enough?
If there is any private curiosity or confusion, why this female or that female can be so privileged to ignore the fact that the United States laws forbid to abuse the child nor to harass the birth father in any way nor by any means? How dare this can be said as a public interest?
----June 3rd, 2018
06-02-2018 Do I dare to claim who I am after this morning's broadcasting? Yes, I do.
Heard this morning's broadcasting of agitated cohort team.
My response: My personal opinion, if this is the cohort team I am a member of, why can't they confront me on the school blackboard? why the need to go the route of the radio program instead of getting the answer from me directly? I publicity is preferred, why not after confronting me and publish the answer together?
The great part is, this is the cohort team has technology person, several medical people, accounting person, a business professor, and a lot of them either are veterans or having Chinese colleagues or Taiwanese friends. The even greater one, this west coast college has a law school.
I already published some references on the blackboard in MBA506 to ask for the cohort team to confront me that I even sent out several emails asking, "please confront me". I am confident about my authentication regarding who I am, and I am a scientific-enough person to know it is realistic to adjust inaccuracy. I am comfortable confronting all these denials and seek the answer to why this organized denials regarding who I am? Why all these hostilities and who is trying to arouse these hostilities?
----June 2nd, 2018
Heard some agitation expressed this morning, I explain what I can.
1: Why the CEO refuses to talk about rumored "drag out" experience?
My guess: Possibly, the rumored experience is a pending lawsuit. If so, it is not a surprise because this is the United States.
2: Do I dare to claim I am a U.S. Military 3-Star General from now on?
My answer: Absolutely. The "verification" group is not the authenticating group nor any experienced investigating group so that their conclusion can't be the decisive one nor the authoritative one.
I was well-known recruited with a 3-Star rank in a teleconference in January of 2004 by the United States Military, I accepted with no pay and no station-office.
I was well-known asked to leave on July 1st of 2004 with the stars taken back in the teleconference.
I heard I was recruited as a 3-Star General Strategist of a research institute, a combat role.
I heard I have my rank kept because of my lifetime contribution.
So, I am a 3-star U.S. Military General Strategist.
3: Why I say I have children?
My response: Because it is announced with a published Digital Video that resembles me. I resemble my ancient grandmother of 7th or 8th century and I don't resemble any of my modern-time relatives.
The published girl resembles my grandmother from the ancient family painting that I have inherited, and she resembles me from a 2012-published 1997-recorded Digital Video. I heard she has a brother who also carries my blood.
I heard the broadcasted arguments were between some O'Connors and some Rockefellers, I heard both parties have been confused as the public and both are in-laws to some unrelated Fords, but how can that broadcasting be the reason that I should not have biological children? or how dare I say I have my biological children after that "so critical" broadcasting?
This entire time, this radio program has been ridiculous on who can have what sayings on what matters. In old saying, this is called "not behaving" or "not even educated" of the producing team, well, you heard the response that was broadcasted was they are the "proudly spoiled decisively powerful wantons".
----June 2nd, 2018.
06-01-2018 My Own Birth Grandfathers' love I received is also the huge responsibilities I inherited
Heard this morning's talk about the Cohort team.
My response: I have expressed myself as "I go to school for education, not hyperthyroid". So, I do my explanation on this blog, and I will stay clear of the anxiety from the excited cohort members. I am a resident on the east coast so I really don't know why they are this excited on the west coast.
This refusal to have hyperthyroid is also the reason I stay clear from this or that name who have their own confused romances with this or that man whom I have nothing to do with romantically. I refuse to build up some allergy symptoms if the blackboard posts are from free spirits.
I had been accusing this or that name's romances kept on harassing me whenever I try to study, now I get the points expressed that the intention understood was I study academically is to take over this or that wealthy man's family businesses. Well, the ridiculous thing is this or that man are not the same persons who have associated with me romantically for their own romances to have this misunderstanding or anxiety.
Some insist on this or that is the same person who moved on already. Well, if this is the case, it was already clarified on July 1st of 2004 that I can be consulted by his family businesses because of the romantic association, but my decision won't be the final one nor mandatory. The person himself is the decision maker on his own business as well as his own family businesses. I am the decision maker on my own businesses.
Do I have my own businesses to study for or to make decisions about? Of course, I do. I have very handsome blessing from my own birth grandfathers, and I already inherited them on June 30th of 2004 when I was only in my thirties, unlike this or that person who can be this lucky enough to still be an apprentice to their own loving Senior to build up the experiences.
I am not this lucky to be shielded by the loving protective Senior, I have been guided but I have no shelter to my own responsibilities on my inherited. My father is the typical scientific scientist and my grandfather passed away before I was even born. I understand the huge inherited wealth also means the huge responsibilities to look after what I have inherited. I am lucky enough already to be guided all this time by the great entrusting groups, and I am learning to have the academic knowledge to understand them.
I haven't been enjoying the luxury of my wealth nor having the luxury to experience any normal romance. I know it had been my own fault that I was not interested in dating at all before my inheriting. I am working on to improve my life quality because I want to enjoy my romance life at the same time when I can academically understand my entrusting groups.
I hope my decision on taking care of my parents' health has protected them well so I can reunite with them soon, I hope it can be soon enough that I can really look young and healthy pretty as I have wished, and I hope my healthy children are well-beloved and well taken care of when I am not around. I have not been available to my parents and my children, but I have been the "Western Union -- Connecting families around the world" to them ever since I inherited on June 30th of 2004.
----June 1st, 2018
05-31-2018 Inheriting means money received is from a deceased who should be a dead body corrpse already, never from a living prominent
Heard this morning's talk about $400Million.
My response: Since this $400 Million is American money in confusion, so I use English to explain what I heard of.
First of all, I said, "I inherited money" and I was never corrected the entire time on both June 30th and July 1st of 2004. Inheriting means I got my money from some already dead persons who died on or before June 30th of 2004. The intention to use the money ownership confusion theme to curse all these living prominent rich is never from me.
Second of all, I inherited is the Trust Inheritances, not the family inheritances. The difference can be illustrated as: A grandfather of mine gave me a gift of Trust as a Christmas gift on the morning of a Christmas day, and he died in a car accident on the next day which is the December 26th of the same year. Is that Christmas gift of Trust can be counted as what he left behind? Never, of course. The Christmas gift of Trust is what I inherited, what my grandfather left behind his death was the family inheritance. I inherited my Trusts from several generation grandfathers after their deaths so that these Trusts are my Trust Inheritances. I inherited each of my Trust inheritance as the sole beneficiary person according to the settlor grandfather's will.
Third, I heard there are actually 2 instances of $400 Million in this morning's broadcasting. One was transmitted on November 1st of 2014 which is the one currently in Connecticut's New Haven area, the other one argued that is still in Washington area is the one transmitted to Treasury Department on November 1st of 2016. Both have $400,000 service fee paid each month to the Treasury Department for a full year from the November 1of the paying year. These 2 instances of $400 Million are from two different Trust Inheritances of mine. This $400Million a year is my daily living expenses providing that Treasure Department agreed to help to transmit to me on July 1st of 2004.
Fourth, this morning's Chinese producing team, I heard, is heavily staffed with the offspring of the siblings of my grandfather's former private assistant. This private assistant's own offspring and related are also involved. I heard they have been involved in producing efforts since 2014.
I heard, this private assistant was the receipt person in Shanghai who had received ¥9000 RMB each month since the month I was born till I left China in 1996 when I was 29years old. My parents never received a penny from this ¥9,000 RMB monthly living expenses providing ever since I was born.
I heard, this ¥9,000 RMB per month had been part of the $10,000 U.S. dollar per month which had been paid by the American "Pejoves" Fund, the exchange rate had been fixed $1=¥1 till 1980 or so. I heard the amount of $10,000 has not been changed since it started in July of 1967.
My grandfather passed away in 1965 before I was born, I heard this private assistant became my grandfather's assistant since my father joined the Chinese Army in early 1949 and served my grandfather until his death. I heard this private assistant Yu(于) was a son-in-law to my grandfather romantically involved ex-girlfriend's cousin. I heard my grandfather never involved with this private assistant's mother-in-law. I heard the ex-girlfriend's marriage family as well as her child from the marriage, biologically, have been Hong Kong residents since 1948. The Trust this grandfather set up for me is the Hong Kong Trust which has nothing to do with any $400 Million in the U.S. Treasure Department stories but $500Million transferred from Hong Kong in 2004 story.
I was born in the crazy 1967 when China was having the Culture Revolution (Red Guards Revolution) and I grew up smooth are the reasons that I am listening what happened instead of accusing immediately. But you can hear from this radio program's broadcasting, it is all about who truly deserve this living expense providing instead of who lawfully own this $400 Million.
----May 31st, 2018
05-30-2018 每月一万美金是怎么回事以及我现在究竟有没有生活费用
05-29-2018 My apartment from Boston Housing Authority
Heard about this morning's talk of how I moved into this Housing Project Apartment.
My response: I heard the enrollment specialist Veronica who enrolled me into my current MBA education of a west coast college in 2017is the same social worked Veronica from Boston Hope Found who had signed me this apartment I currently living in Boston, MA in 2010.
She is the same caring helpful on my MBA education. I heard she enrolled me through random enrollment campaign call, and I assume it must be really surprising to her that the person who picked up the phone was the Boston Min Fang she knew as a homeless.
She was the person tried to ask me some questions when I was homeless she helped as a social worker. I regret my rejection, I should let her probe a little because let me be a homeless was advised by a person who might have been provided for by that $10,000 monthly living expenses providing from the American "Pejoves" Fund since I was born in July of 1967 till I left China in October of 1996. I heard the adviser was mothered by a sister of the person who had received this monthly providing in Shanghai to sent it to Nanjing to my parents but my parents never received a penny.
I heard this receipt person was a private assistant (于)to my grandfather after my father joined the Military in 1949 till my grandfather passed away in 1965, I heard all his own offsprings and his siblings' offspring and some of their marriage families associated have been in the Chinese producing team of this radio program.
I heard this private assistant's wife was not fathered by my grandfather and his mother-in-law was never involved with my grandfather romantically. At least, this "not fathered by" certainly can be verified by a DNA test.
This morning's story about how my grandfather willing to financially support dating activity instead of academic advances. This story was this Mr. Private Assistant's family saying about my father's relationship with my grandparents whenever my father demanding something he really wanted. Well, if you read this blog, you already knew with me this was because my grandfather was so eagerly waiting for me to be born to ease his financial strains. He entrusted 5 Million silver dollar to the birthmark girl who should be born from my father's line, the Hong Kong Trust I inherited, and all he had was only ¥70,000- ¥80,000 at the time to support his entire family which included his 4 adult children and my grandmother for the rest of his & my grandmother's years.
This Boston housing apartment from Boston Housing Authority was booked on July 1st of 2004, together booked some food stamps with cash assistance for my homeless adventure. I moved in since 2013 and got my food stamps at the same time. But it was only supposed to be one year in this apartment and I only on-and-off got $300 cash assistance for Massachusetts' disabled since January of 2015.
I wish I could tell this angel Veronica that Boston refuse to listen to my story that I inherited money is the reason I got stuck in my current housing. I kept screaming I said I inherited something to a lot of people from Boston on July 1st of 2004 which means I got money from someone who died already on or before July 1st of 2004, my inherited money should not be from any living one.
Trusts I inherited have been paying everything on time as decided on July 1st of 2004. I suppose to have food and cash from Boston or Massachusetts Food Stamp card but amounted as a computer programmer's salary income since 2014 or 2015, I should have moved into apartments with paid maid-service since 2015, etc. All these should have been paid on time already. Rumored $400 Millions yearly providing is not paid to Boston or Massachusetts but these should be paid to Boston or Massachusetts. Since 2015, everywhere I asked has kept quiet to my inquiries which seems to imply no such money should have been allocated, now I know it was not a secret that all these prominent males had announced nothing to do with me at all or moved on already through some channels. But all these should have been paid by my own money that I inherited from my own deceased birth grandfathers, not some living prominent males.
It is already 2018 and I heard this morning's announcing efforts from the radio program to evict me from this apartment because it is so confusing to some females how I could have money without a sex partner. Well, my money is either inherited from a deceased grandfather or my own making. I am currently waiting to be "rescued".
----May 29th, 2018
05-28-2018 My "rebut" on this morning's Judges' Rulings
Heard this morning's broadcasting of the Chinese American Judge's and the People's Republic of China's Judge's ruling.
My response:
I never contacted such 6 patrons nor anyone for any financial providing to me nor the children who I have claimed my biologic children.
I have already asked U.S. law enforcement's help on the possible child-abuse efforts from the radio program producing & its related promotion to target the 2012-published girl.
I have already contacted the U.S. law enforcement regarding radio program's intentional blackmail against my public image.
I have already contacted the U.S. law enforcement regarding the efforts of the radio program producing to intentionally culture hate against me being the financially independent female.
The efforts of my biological & same parents' younger brother and his marriage family to take-over my father's own apartment had caused my biological lawful father currently being missing and being legally announced the death.
The efforts of my biological & same parents' younger brother and his marriage family to take over what I lawfully own have caused my financial well-being together with my personal safety in jeopardy.
I have informed the U.S. government's official and the People's Republic of China's government officials that I refuse to be provided by my biological & same parents' younger brother nor his marriage family for any reason, and I refuse to provide for my biological same & parents' younger brother nor his marriage family for any reason.
My life has been threatened by Albert Gore's murder-intended-for-money publicly announced
multiple times on the radio that produced to call for actual murder action in reality on the soil of the United States, and today also in the name of protecting this marriage family on the soil of the People's Republic of China.
I have already contacted the U.S. law enforcement regarding my accusation against Albert Gore's public robbery and public murder-attempted-for-money through the radio program producing since 2007.
I have contacted the U.S law enforcement regarding my income from this radio program has been, rumored, illegally taken with the help from the American rich Rockefellers' family.
I have already contacted the U.S. law enforcement regarding severe sexual harassment and hate culturing efforts that targeted me in the producing & promoting of this radio program.
----May 28th, 2018
05-27-2018 A MBA Student's analysis of what the Radio Program is trying to demonstrate (I) - Decision Power
The PPC curve is related to the market model of demand and supply, and the most important is how the curve is shifted as a whole versus the output combination shifted individually.
The demand and supply curve in any industry including special industry is by the local LAWS of demand and supply.
I will use the human nature of mating desire to illustrate the demand and supply even though that sounds like a demonstration of the special industry of prostitutes, but it is the demand purely from human sexual desire without any further consideration of possible restriction if matrimony is not in consideration.
I have been a "loner" resident of Boston, Massachusetts since mid of 2004, I had heard a lot of rumors related to this morning's broadcasting that I think the demonstrated effort pf this broadcasting is to "efficiently push the current output combination out of the wealth of the PPC Curve". So, I analyze it as the following:
What would move the PPC curve, versus what would move the current output combination
Satisfying a requested-demand is restricted by the supply of the resources in quality as well as in quantity in a market economy but by the wish, ill or decent, of the chief provider who has the decision power of what demand to satisfy in a pure command economy. The demanding law from the desire to own good quality resources as cheap as possible also determines the prices of the resources or the strength of the decision power of the chief provider.
Well, the realistic "rumor demonstration" is: To highlight a private economy's (obviously a pure command economy) chief provider's decision power of refusal that is based on its own self-illusional demands which have never actually been requested from the owner of another completely independent and completely not-related market economy (obviously I am a market economy on this matter). Even though his is totally against local harassment LAWS, this is the Blackmail Strategy called "Prevention Purpose" from the Economy in Transition (the People's Republic of China) without any LAWS nor the knowledge of what is its economy's possible boundary, nor the appropriate training education to prevent its government's representatives to worry if the Chinese economy of a government’s Central Reserve is eligible to supply a U.S. citizen's living expenses on the U.S. soil.
In this demonstration, I am the illustration of "the loud refusal to pay for the past sexual activities have been loudly broadcasted without any such demand ever has been requested by me at all". and I am the person actually have concerned "if rumored transacted-already $5000 is paid from my account that is totally another independent economy which I am the self-provider in charge", and it did arouse the question if I have to seek local laws help to find out who actually paid that $5000? It is great to hear that it is announced this morning it should not be my concern at all in a lawful country. Thus, this "rumor demonstration" is obviously a good example of different decision powers from a pure command economy, a market economy and an in-transition economy which makes the PPC curves of each economy so confusing in this inter-economy world, and how the PPC curve of a market economy can be impacted or moved by the decision power of another economy's concern of whether to satisfy a demand, which demonstrated as move inwardly by never-made-demand or move outwardly by the concern of whose money paid that $5000, in this mixed world together with the pure command economy and the in-transition economy.
The demanding law which decides the price of the supplied resource is from the desire to own, and if the supply can satisfy the demand is related to the price but based on quality and quantities of the resources supplied.
In prostituting industry, the quality is the female's sexual attraction and the quantity would be how many sexually attractive females in the supplying chain. The aged female body certainly would reduce the quality of sexual attraction to the reality of "should lower the asking price" and the refusal of the acceptance of this reality would certainly reduce the demand that may have mixed sexual attraction expectation with "some affection". A pure command economy can be the example of purely wish based economy that the chief provider's decision power can change a locally famous unwanted story* to be a world-wide announced wanted story just several years later without any rumored connection in between, or to showcase an unattractive aged can never change to be attractive no matter how hard the female insists on to demand the "price expected should be the original asking price". Well, this characteristic prostituting industry's supply-demand market model would be a true statement to any independent economy including the People's Republic China which impressively has a state-supported prostituting industry to facilitate this demonstration of this decision power this professionally with the proud as a government.
*Actually, I heard new rumor is that money-paying has been since the Boston Cafeteria month, on the same day it was announced on the radio program which was merely a couple of day's late than the Boston Cafeteria's day.
----May 27th, 2018
05-26-2018 我父亲家里究竟有钱没钱?我所继承的究竟是什么钱?
据说从1997年起,这每月一万元的福特控股支票是以我的名字“方敏(Min Fang)”作为支票支付原因。我当时已到美国生活也已经认识了一个福特先生,我听说这就是为什么福特先生们的恋爱关系女士都是各个扯着嗓门的在广播剧上说自己才是收到每月一万美金的生活费用那一个,不怕比。今天早上的那个听着有点闹吃醋的是个拉丁美洲裔女士,我听说是广播公司的高层,是一个福特夫人,她丈夫和我一点关联都没有,闹吃醋似的就是因为这个每月一万美金的原因。
1996年我来美国之前这钱都是付到中国的,从2007年起至2018年4月,我听说这每月一万美金是支付给了一个Jessica Petroves,据说就是现在在波士顿96.9FM上做节目的R夫人。我还是同样的想法,就是我用英语已经表达的,不管什么原因我没有收到一分钱的生活费给付,这每月的一万美金和我继承的信托规模根本没法比,我相信让我能够安全继承比收到这每月一万美金重要。经历过2004年我的继承日大花钱之后,我更是不会多想了。那一天加上投资在唱歌跳舞上的,我一共花了有40-50亿美金。就是这40亿到50亿美金的花销让很多人说我那天一定是花了洛克菲勒家的钱,其实不是,我从来都是在花我自己的钱。当时是有一些我想投资于唱歌跳舞的那些钱是被R家给“花了”,这也是为什么从广播剧上你们听到了洛克菲勒家族公司的一些非洛家血脉的机构投资公司代表所发出的“洛家族人把投资机会都给抢走了”的抱怨。
据说那个被我爷爷方智仁带着去接我父亲火车的,就是负责替我爷爷的朋友将国外送的礼物转给我妈妈的人, 听说是姓“于”。我估计这“北京前女友”是认识了这人。把我妈妈的结婚礼物拿走是至少6-7年以后的事了。据说她在广播剧上说她家1967年以后是每个月都有生活费可以拿,后来不知怎么就停了,我就回答说那是因为方智仁的孙女我没当过兵,坐了飞机一路冻得哆哆嗦嗦就飞到了美国。
05-25-2018 The impacts on me from the Family Story and the Produced Stories
Heard this morning's mention of the impact of the O'Connors' Confusion.
My response: Ya, I felt it too because I haven't received my rumored $400Million providing for the year 2016 yet.
I heard O'Connors are so confused because they have the family story that there had been over 30 years hard saving in order to invest in this American Fund Company
What I heard was there were two Mr. O'Connors (father &son) decided not to pick-up their attorney-fees no matter how they had been persuaded to, and Accounting Department of this company needed their signatures to complete the accounting procedure were the reasons that O'Connors has this family story.
So, I heard this O'Connors' family saying is true but this American Fund company has been 100% privately owned by its British investor in this entire time since it has been established 400 years ago. All of O'Connors saving plus the interest-incurred, together with the first year's agreed-upon providing, were given to the first Senator O'Connor. I heard this are all in records.
This Ameican Fund Company has been 100% privately owned by its British Investor Fund Company. The Trust I inherited in 2004 has been its investor through its upstream investing chain.
I am the sole beneficiary of the Trusts I inherited that any of my relatives don't have any share in any of my Trusts.
I have to clarify that any of my relatives don't have any investment in this American Fund Company's investments in China.
To this American Fund company and its British Investor Fund company, I am investor owner similar to a stockholder of a public listed company who receives yearly dividends but not part of its business operation nor its management. This is the same to all of its investments.
----May 25th, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about $400Million of the Pejoves name.
My response: I heard this $400 Million is my year 2017's living providing that paid out by the American "Pejoves" Fund company to the Treasure Department as decided on July 1st of 2004.
I used "Pejoves" name to identify this American Fund company but what I referred is actually a British family's name that associates with this American Fund company and its British Investor Fund company. This American Fund company is a great-grandchild investment of a Spanish Fund company through its British Investor.
I heard the Miss Pejoves featured in this morning's broadcasting is a Spanish lady, not a Hispanic, who works for the Treasury Department. Her name has the spelling and her family is from Spain are the reasons for this morning's featured joke.
Rumored this has been a produced story intended to take away the $400 Million paid-out providing.
----May 25th, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about my cohort study.
My response: I am an east coast online student registered at a west coast college who obviously has very limited social with local online students.
My current financial thrift situation is not a secret in Boston, Massachusetts where I am a resident of, and I am comfortable with this in the cohort class. Those "romance shits" on the radio have made me the well-known target of all kinds of gossips as well as severe sexual harassments, and I am not comfortable to be part of any gossip of any confused romances that I have nothing to do, are the reasons I will stay aloof in this cohort class at least for this semester.
I heard this morning's $60,000 was announced by a Miss Jessica "Pejoves". Well, I heard this announcer is a British-American female who adopted her last name from her birth mother. I heard she is the same Jessica "Pejoves" who is the announced mother of David Petraeus' child or children.
Both David Petraeus and Jessica "Pejoves" are none of my business people. As long as this announced $60,000 is not paid by my money, it is none of my business whatever this Miss Jessica "Pejoves" wishes to announce to pay. I heard this Jessica "Pejoves" was the female sitting at the table in college cafeteria rumors in Boston.
It is rumored this Miss Jessica "Pejoves" has deposited some of my major-featured-person fee-income from the radio company into her own bank account and paid tax in her name as well. I did call law enforcement's help on this rumor. I refuse to pay anything that David Petraeus or this Jessica "Pejoves" has announced.
----May 25th, 2018
05-24-2018 作为可能的继承人母亲处女身进了我家的门结婚,我的奶奶们没有一个是妓女收房的 (All my grandmothers were married a virgin, none was a brought-in home-pussy)
Heard Chinese government has been so confused if any of my grandmothers was a brought-in home-pussy, so I assume this may be the reason of so-supported home pussy's
professional shit-throwing radio program (中文附后).
My response:
All my grandmothers were married a virgin. None of my grandmothers was a brought-in home-pussy.
Among Chinese dynasties, only Song dynasty and Ming dynasty were known for certain of their first-born son inheriting rule, all other dynasties in Chinese history have each's own inheriting rule that some of which are very certainly not the first-born son inheriting while others may not be the first-born son inheriting.
My grandfathers were all born by decent virgin daughters from local officials or local squires. Only one of my grandmother was the first wife, all others were not is a true statement, but none of my grandmothers was concubine nor brought-in home-pussy.
Being local officials or local squires, the reason that my grandmothers' maiden families willing to let their daughters marry my already married grandfathers with the handsome blessing from their maiden families, was because every one of my grandfathers was in for a decent polygamist marriage to have the heir of the family.
All my grandmothers were married a virgin, none was a brought-in home-pussy。
----May 24th, 2018
作为可能的继承人母亲处女身进了我家的门结婚,我的奶奶们没有一个是妓女收房的 .
Heard the confusion expressed this morning is the Chinese tradition of Firstborn Son Inheriting Custom.
My response: First Born Son inheriting is not the custom of Chinese Emperors' family.
West Han dynasty (西汉, 206BC - 8AD), East Han dynasty(东汉, 25AD-220AD), Tang dynasty(唐朝, 618AD - 907AD), Yuan dynasty(元朝, originated from Genghis Khan, 1279AD-1368AD) and Qing dynasty(清朝, 1644AD-1911AD) were having own inheriting rules that were not according to the firstborn son inheriting custom, especially Tang dynasty, Yuan dynasty and Qing dynasty are well known not firstborn inheriting. I do not know if Yuan dynasty or Qing dynasty had female heir disguised in male's appearance to inherit. I am the female heir of Tang dynasty Emperors and I had a grandmother crowned herself a Wuzhou Empress with the support from her Tang dynasty Emperor husband's heir son (my grandfather). Her Emperor husband was Emperor Gaozong of Tang(唐高宗李治)
西漢 (West Han dynasty)
(1) 漢高祖 劉邦 (前206-前195) (my grandfather)
(2) 漢惠帝 劉盈 (前194-前188)
(3) 漢高后 呂雉(漢少帝 劉恭,漢少帝 劉弘) (前187-前180) (a wife)
(4) 漢文帝 劉恆 (前179-前157)(竇皇后)(a wife)
(5) 漢景帝 劉啟 (前156-前141)
(6) 漢武帝 劉徹 (前140-前87) (possibly my grandfather, 东汉的开国皇帝是光武帝)
(7) 漢昭帝 劉弗陵 (前86-前74)
(8) 漢宣帝 劉詢 (前73-前49)
(9) 漢元帝 劉爽 (前32-前7)
(10) 漢成帝 劉驁 (前32-前7)
(11) 漢哀帝 劉欣 (前6-前1)
(12) 漢平帝 劉衍 (1-5)
(13) 孺子 劉嬰 (6-8)
----January 9th, 2018
05-23-2018 请出示够资格向我索要钱财的法律条款及事实依据
4: 请出示我方敏必须按照中国法律和美国法律必须归还本应由你及你的家人予以继承的财产的事实依据及法律条款依据(中国法律和美国法律)。
6: 请回答为何不上民事诉讼法庭解决所有这些民事法庭上就可以依据法律解决的金钱纠纷?我方敏的态度是一定会追究这种坚决不上民事法庭却通过恶意制造负面社会舆论对我方敏实施敲诈勒索的行为的刑事责任。
( 信托----维基百科 )
第二条 本法所称信托,是指委托人基于对受托人的信任,将其财产权委托给受托人,由受托人按委托人的意愿以自己的名义,为受益人的利益或者特定目的,进行管理或者处分的行为。
第七条 设立信托,必须有确定的信托财产,并且该信托财产必须是委托人合法所有的财产。
第八条 设立信托,应当采取书面形式。
第十三条 设立遗嘱信托,应当遵守继承法关于遗嘱的规定。
第十五条 信托财产与委托人未设立信托的其他财产相区别。设立信托后,委托人死亡或者依法解散、被依法撤销、被宣告破产时,委托人是唯一受益人的,信托终止,信托财产作为其遗产或者清算财产;委托人不是唯一受益人的,信托存续,信托财产不作为其遗产或者清算财产;但作为共同受益人的委托人死亡或者依法解散、被依法撤销、被宣告破产时,其信托受益权作为其遗产或者清算财产。
第四十三条 受益人是在信托中享有信托受益权的人。受益人可以是自然人、法人或者依法成立的其他组织。
第四十四条 受益人自信托生效之日起享有信托受益权。信托文件另有规定的,从其规定。
(中华人民共和国信托法: 中华人民共和国信托法 )
第二条 继承从被继承人死亡时开始。
第三条 遗产是公民死亡时遗留的个人合法财产。
第五条 继承开始后,按照法定继承办理;有遗嘱的,按照遗嘱继承或者遗赠办理;有遗赠扶养协议的,按照协议办理。
( 中华人民共和国继承法 中华人民共和国继承法 )
05-22-2018 I am a Female and I have no willingness to pay for another female's sexuality
Heard this morning's broadcasting of the Vietnamese Anh's story again.
My response: This morning's broadcasting certainly is demonstrating if a decision is purely based on willingness, then this decision can be expected to be changed.
The Vietnamese Anh's story is so unique and worthy to be featured is that this Vietnamese Anh is a College Cafeteria's famously unwanted story in Boston, MA just several years ago, and now she is the proud of a rich man's hard to get the wish-come-true story. This intended theme of this morning's featured story may be the reason for the confusion if that is the same rich man.
Well, it is the same or a different rich male is totally none of my business. My only concern is whose money actually is the paying account. I heard a male has announced his willingness to pay to let his family enjoy life as his family wish, but I already had some bad experiences that all these kind of announced spending's actual paying account is rumored from my $4.5Billion income as a major featured person.
I totally against this broadcasting theme to imply if giving me endlessly enough time and put me under the condition of no-chance-not-to-bent, my refusal to give out my money can be changed with the joint efforts. I accuse this kind of efforts is armed kidnapping.
I came from a long history polygamist family as a female heir with the expectation of a male's privilege in marriage if I have a polygamist's marriages, and I have no moral issue with whoever's wish to live their romance life the way as announced this morning.
My only anxiety is if that is my cash again or why my money? It is purely because I am a Female and I have no willingness to pay for another female's sexuality, and it is also because I came from the culture that no tolerance on overlappings among polygamists' marriages.
Also, I came from China that I heard enough how an honorable-name can mean nothing if I just wait for the never-going-to-happen-paying-back of my own money. So, I did ask Law enforcement's help and expressed myself that I have no willingness to be abducted in Poverty nor wish to be washed-clean by rich names own malicious abusiveness towards their own names.
I have this doubt all this time that why the Chinese government's strong supporting voices are in this sort of the broadcasting theme of Mistress Proud To be Paid For Sex parade?
The People's Republic of China is known for how its ruling government determined to against Corruptions which includes corruption of taking its central reserve's money or corruptions of keeping a Mistress in a marriage ever since the 1949 establishment by the Chinese Communist Party.
Why this shouting to support this morning's efforts of making a Marriage with a Mistress a public known acknowledgment is actually from the current administration of the People's Republic of China that is still completely governed by the Chinese Communist Party? Is China really governed by the rumored "Brothel administration" currently?
05-20-2018 Why I say "I refuse you abuse my money, I refuse you steal my money, and I refuse you publicly rob my money"?
----May 22nd, 2018
05-21-2018 I would listen to what my father says and On different proud in a team of a successfully implemented project (我会听我父亲方文海怎么说)
Heard this morning's talk about my father (中文附后).
My response: My father was pushed out of a moving vehicle after he was invited into the chauffeured Chinese Premier Li's office's equipped-car was a complaint I filed to the People's Republic of China's Government via an email to Chinese Consulate New York.
What I heard was my father was invited to share a ride in Nanjing City by the Chinese Premier Li. There was a female on the other side of the Chinese Premier Li who was very agitated and initiated push. I heard her agitation was because of my inheriting, her maiden name is my same last name and from same hometown origin of Nibo City , but I am not certain if she has any blood association with me or she is the same branch of the " the real Zu's family heir" who has the Fang last name who has no blood association with me at all (only 79% similarity from DNA test).
I heard it was a hard fall that my father couldn't get up immediately but he did not say anything either. I would definitely ask and would listen to what my father says about what happened and what else.
Attached at the end of this blog is the letter I sent to Chinese Consulate New York.
----May 21st, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about being a creative person.
My response: In a movie-making project, a creator is different with script-writer, producer or director, not to mention the movie-making crew.
In a technology related project, other than each project's team member definitely has a different assignment on own specialty that the successful implementation of the project would bring out a totally different proud from another team member which obviously not on each other's toes, the proud of making a successful project is also different among the project's leaders.
A project initiator who normally is a business person.
A project leader who has to be a technology background and technological enough.
A project coordinator who may be a technology person, or a business person, or an administrative person.
Obviously, the proud of implementing a successful project is not going to be on each other's toes for the entire technology project personnel.
For a business related or a social related project, a local community project or statewide project, from the human resource perspective, a firm sized big is the same as a region sized big. All need some project members, as a group or as an individual, who has a different assignment but work together on a different aspect of the same project. These team members as the group or an individual who got different assignments, certainly don't step on each other's toes on their contribution to the success of the project, some fights may exist in the same group who has the same assignment.
Example for this would be me and the Viagra(blue) research team on our contribution to it. Nobody needs to argue what I contributed which was how much research time plus research money I contributed to saving, but there may be tons of arguments on who contributed more to research academically among its research team members.
The project team leaders of a business project or a social project would be similar.
A project initiator who may be a representative of a community, a community leader or state leader, or a commoner who has a great idea that these leaders agreed.
A project leader, who has the professional knowledge of the business or the true understanding of what the community needs that can prioritize and organize the project resources, and also has the capabilities to manage the project team. This person may be a business leader, a community leader, or assigned by a business leader or a community leader.
A project coordinator, who most likely is a business leader, a community leader or even a state leader.
Well, obviously, the proud shared among these business project or social project leaders shouldn't be the same and shouldn't be on each other's toes.
----May 21st, 2018
我听说的是我的父亲在南京被中国的李克强总理邀请才上的李克强总理的小轿车。 在中国总理的另一边坐着一个女的,那女的情绪很激动,最早开始推推搡搡的就是那个女的。我听说那女的很情绪是因为我方敏继承财产的事,她娘家姓方也是宁波镇海人,但我不清楚她和我是否有血缘关系或者和那个姓方的“明朝朱家的真正大少爷”是同一支的。那个广播上播出的方姓“明朝朱家的真正大少爷”也是宁波镇海人,但和我是一点血缘关系都没有 (DNA鉴定结果只有70%左右的相似度)。
M F Tue, Jan 16, 2018, at 12:13 PM
To: 纽约中领管侨务
1: 我弟弟的婚姻注册妻子与中国总理李克强有性关系,据说是拉上窗帘但房门打开方式,就在女方的娘家居住地附近。
2: 我父亲现在是失踪,而且我父亲是人所共知的没有发生任何财产继承的一个。我父亲所有的全部 就是他自己买的那一套房子以及他被从那房子里赶出去时没能带出来的全部积蓄。我父亲从被从自 己家里赶出来的那一天起,就是靠他那每个月发放的退休金生活着。
3:我听说的是:我父亲就是在南京的北京东路上,就是在大白天,就是在天文台宿舍大院的前面被 公然推出已经启动的汽车而当众摔倒在地的,就在我父亲好不容易从地上站起来回到家里的同一天 (或者第三天),就收到他儿子的老婆递上的装着我父亲身份证件的小塑料袋并被告知永远别回来 了。我2015年一月打电话回家时, 我被那女的告知的是我父亲已经走了。
4: 我的父亲是被人拖着上的小轿车,再被人从已启动的车里给推出去,那人是看见我父亲摔倒在地, 没等我父亲能够站起来,就轻轻松松扬长而去的。但我没听说是什么时间。
05-20-2018 Why I say "I refuse you abuse my money, I refuse you steal my money, and I refuse you publicly rob my money"?
Heard this morning's broadcasting of "Rockefeller Investor Group"
My response: Why I say "I refuse you abuse my money, I refuse you steal my money, and I refuse you publicly rob my money" this morning?
First of all, this morning's is the newly formed, as you heard on the radio a couple of months ago, "the Rockefeller 100% Chinese Only Investor Group".
Second of all, that $400 Million is my income from my Trust (investment income or dividend income ) that I withdraw to cover my living expenses. No reason for me to live on a welfare standard (housing project, food stamp, no cash assistance) in order to invest this money.
Third of all, this $400Million had paid $400,000 per month service charge for consecutive 12 months to the same place but the different office and paid investor tax for the same paying year.
Fourth of all, I had bad experience since 2015 that there were so many males I never even heard of had shouted on the radio program that he never wanted me, followed by a female' announcing herself a true love to that him, and rumored, followed by Albert Gore's arranged announcements to have some of my intellectual incomes which actually transacted on the same day after each broadcasting without me even need to hear about it. This was when I was frantically searching where is my money because I was living on Massachusetts' welfare. I have been constantly calling laws help since.
Fifth of all, I am allergic to R's name associated romances is because with the full house shitting me on the radio, my $3Billion income of being the major featured person from radio program (2005-2012) was taken by announced R's romances in the mid of 2016 and rumored, another $1.5 Billion in 2017. With each full-housed shit spelled at me that followed by who might be the real deal romance announced, I have built up the anxiety to call law's help to find out whose money would cover this or that romance's really wanted "own financial security" while I am living on Massachusetts' welfare.
I know the Rockefellers' names, at least some, are decent names from this experience, and I really don't know anything at all, but I did develop some allergy about "handling my affair" from the Rockefellers' names associated. I did refuse to let the Rockefeller Investor Group handle my money.
I do have my own inherited wealth that I have my own independent attorneys and accountants groups who have been handling my investments all these time, before and after my inheriting in 2004, is the reason I really do not need any of Rockefellers' romances to handle any of my own financial matters.
I am not responsible nor obligated to provide the financial security feeling for anyone of Rockefellers' romances. I am not willing nor privileged to spoil anyone of Rockefellers' romances.
I am upset, not because I don't take Rockefeller a decent name, but the reality I can't have access to my own providing because all my cash providing and all my intellectual incomes have been in this similar situation no matter how many situations have been taken care of by the decent ones.
----May 20th, 2018
05-19-2018 Boston's Chinese Supermarket C-Mart and Residential Kensington Palace (波士顿的中国超市和肯辛顿宫居民楼)
Heard this morning's broadcasting of Chinese Supermarket C-Mart in Boston City(中文附后).
My response: Most likely, all four were on the conference call on July 1st of 2004. Plus, there were other from another major Boston Chinese Supermarket, a joint-venture with C-mart (平价超市). I can imagine what was the shock when they were informed I am such a "fake" right after that conference by Chinese Foreign Department. But another C-Mart's joint venture "Jiahe Supermarket"(家和) did open in 2012 or so as well-expected after 2004, at the corner near the same famously expected newly-built "Kensington Palace(肯辛顿宫)" residential building.
They were the people might even have seen me counting my fingers and how I was interrupted "Is that 5 enough (male underwears)? by Chinese diplomats, and how I obviously not satisfied by only 5 fingers. Well, what happened was I was counting which grandfather in China, from how many generations ago, had blessed me this handsomeness locally in the United States. So far, the American Fund company has been operating on the America soil for 400 years already, 5 generation only covered about 200 years. Obviously, 5 fingers were not satisfying enough.
Yes, I heard this American "Pejoves" Fund is a co-investor of these Chinese supermarkets was the reason a Miss Jessica Pejoves told them I was never a Ford woman this morning. This is the Fund has been paying my $10,000 a month providing upon its British Investor's instruction since I was born in July of 1967. My father-side eldest cousin was born in the mid of 1964, and my younger brother was born in the mid of February of 1969 were the reasons of this morning's broadcasting of July of 1964, June of 1967 and January of 1969's accounting record of this monthly payment.
It has been smooth whenever I went grocery shopping in the past, so, I am not concerned what it will be like after this morning's broadcasting those yellings from the four brothers who own the majority of C-Mart supermarket chain: "I hate this Chinese woman Min Fang in Boston's local Roxbury area."
Also, it was mentioned on July 1st of 2004 that my first cousin would be in "Jiahe Supermarket" to learn to run his own company. He has been in the grocery business since 1992 or so and has a very successful career as an independent agent representing some big foreign investors in Shanghai were the reasons for that conversation. That discussion never meant to make him a CEO or the Investor Owner of "Jiahe Supermarket" but sort of a "visiting trainee".
I currently seldom go grocery shopping is because of my health, I still feel tired and need to lie down often. And I seldom go luncheon out because of the same reason. I often make do with porridge and throw-in some meat and vegetable. Ya, I need to pay attention to my nutrition. And I am still on Food Stamps.😃
----May 19th, 2018
他们有可能还亲眼看见了我在数手指时是如何被中国外交部吓阻,问我“5个(男裤档)够不够啊?”, 而我还真是明显一副意犹未竟的态度。我的解释:当时是我在数一数究竟可能是由我的哪一代远在中国的爷爷能够给我这么一份在美国当地的丰厚投资。现在知道了,这个美国基金公司在美国这片土地上营运都已经有400多年了。5个手指头就只有5代爷爷最多也就200年左右啊,很明显是不够的。
对,我听说了美国“Pejoves”基金公司是这些中国超市的投资人之一,这是为什么这家的一个小姐Jessica Pejoves 今天早上会对这几个中国超市老板说我从来就不是什么福特的女人。就是这家美国Pejoves基金公司按照其上级英国投资公司的指示从我1967年出生就每月支付我一万美金的生活费用。我父系的大表哥是1964年的年中出生的,我弟弟是1969年2月中旬才出生是今天早上播出这每月一万美金生活费未在1964年7月及1967年6月支出而在1969年1月就已经有该支出财务记录存在的原因。
05-18-2018 Radio Program Producing is not Judicial Justicing (制作广播剧不是在进行司法上的裁决)
Heard this morning's talk about a "Chinese delivery guy" Peter (中文附后).
My response: I had not even attempted to contact this "Chinese delivery guy" Peter since the year of 2001 or 2002, which is after I was told by a Miss Li, who picked up his apartment's phone I called, that she already moved into his apartment as his romance.
I knew nothing about his life or his life experience since 2001. I am not obligated, nor interested to know anything about this "Chinese delivery guy" Peter at all. I am not obligated nor responsible for anything about his life or his interest.
If anyone concerned about this featured story in this morning's broadcasting, please contact the LAW enforcement.
----May 18th, 2018
Heard this moring's talk about the "radio-program-announced ruling".
My response: I heard that those rulings announced on the radio program were announced by the Judge-licensed, but do not have the court ruling sequential number of the year from the Court that announcing Judge belongs, nor related court-records number, nor related case name or number as part of the court's records keeping references from the Court that announcing Judge belongs. I heard there is no court record at all for all those radio-program-announced rulings.
----May 18th, 2018
05-17-2018 I have been provided for $10,000 per month since I was born (从我出生开始就有每月一万美金的生活费用给付)
Heard about this morning's mention of I have been provided for since I was born.
My response: I heard this morning's talk of $10,000 monthly providing since I was born in July of 1967 that paid by the American "Pejoves" Fund Company upon its investor British Fund Company's instruction.
It is true my parents and I only heard of this today. I know it is very handsome size even in the United States, not to mention how handsome it was at the time when my parents only got the joint income of ¥45/month in China in 1967. The exchange rate was one to one till 1980 or so.
Looking back, I don't know a lot why I had not received a penny but I knew I grew up with affluent food (may have received some subsidy on food 😋), good shooling, best college and education I wanted, and easy childhood growing up. My parents and my younger brother had not got affluent food as much as I got and my parents had to worry about how to make the ends meet each month may be the impacts I can think of regarding I hadn't received a penny of this handsome monthly providing.
Compare to the handsome blessing I inherited, the American Fund Company itself is about $400 Billion and the British Fund Company is even bigger, this $10,000 per month is not the size would make me itching even I fully aware what this $10,000 per month means in my childhood time in China. Plus, after I heard some historic stories that already called "tradition" in Britain, I really have no reason to complain at all why this $10,000 dollar had been spent all these years knowing I hadn't received any. I heard the paying to China had stopped soon after I left China in 1996.
Regarding what happened to this $10,000 per month providing, I don't know anything beyond my mother hadn't received her wedding gift yet which was given before I was even conceived. If I received this $10,000 dollar monthly providing, I would be raised by my birth parents but provided by my ancient birth grandfather instead of raised by my birth parents' own hard-earned salaries.
By the way, the Trust invested in this American "Pejoves" Fund company was set up for me by my ancient grandfather who was already in hometown Nanjing city a thousand years ago, the second Emperor of Southern Tang Li, Jing (南唐中主李璟 即 南唐元宗 916-961年8月12日, https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%9D%8E%E7%92%9F/29096 ). My mother had been telling me ever since I was little that I am a premature-born, my due-birthday was August 4th of 1967 or so.
----May 17th, 2018
我所继承的信托所投资的这个美国基金公司就有大概$400Billion 的规模,其上级英国基金公司规模还要大。和我所继承的信托规模相比,就算我很清楚这没有收到的每月一万美金会让我在当年贫瘠中国的童年富足很多到什么样的幸福程度,这金额都不是会让我心疼肝疼肺都疼的一笔支出。再说了,在我听说了一些历史真实都已经在英国被称为“传统”了,我更是没有任何理由抱怨为什么明知我一分钱都没收到还继续支付这每月的一万美金。我听说在我1996年离开中国后不久就已经停止了这每月的一万美金对中国方面的支付。
顺便提一句,那个投资于美国“Pejoves”基金公司的信托是由我那个1000年前就已经在江苏南京(金陵)的祖爷爷南唐中主李璟为我设立的(南唐中主李璟 即 南唐元宗 916-961年8月12日, https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%9D%8E%E7%92%9F/29096 )。从小我妈就告诉我,我是个早产儿,预产期应该是1967年的8月4日左右。
05-16-2018 Investor Ownership can only be by LAWs, never by some published arguments
Heard this morning's "the husband shares the wife's children with his mother-side cousin biologically".
My response: I heard this conclusion is drawn from the arguments, confrontation and frustrated verbal fights among the Chinese producers and their invited guests.
I just can't stop laughing because I also heard over a year ago that this same wife mother all her husband's children are the facts that factually supported by physical DNA test results conducted by the trustworthy groups and tons of curious groups.
----May 16th, 2018
Heard this morning's talk of the O'Connors confusion.
My response: I heard the real reason to produce the two pieces of the O'Connor confusion and above "clarification through arguments" together to broadcast is to "turn over the case" of who owns that American Fund that I call "O'Connors' confusion." I heard the efforts are from the Chinese producing team. "The CEO since 2011" is a Chinese as you heard from broadcasted clarification later in this morning's same episode.
Somehow, it was understood in China and Chinese Communities abroad that I have some investment in that American Fund via its investing chain is only a "truth of the arguments" through an episode broadcasted several months ago.
By factual & physical company legal registration, by its factual & physical tax-paying history, and by the company's factual & physical internal records, this American Fund company (I call O'Connors Confusion) is lawfully owned 100% by its British Investor Company since it was founded around the year of 1600AD. A Trust I inherited lawfully has some investment in the American Fund company via its investing chain. Investor Ownership can only be by LAWs, never by some published arguments.
Well, I have explained a lot about this already. I am the heir of an ancient Chinese Emperor is by the fact I have this Emperor's famous inheriting birthmarks physically and biologically on both of my father's hands and both of my own hands, and by the fact I inherited the Trust set up for me by the known Emperor heir of this ancient Chinese Emperor on June 30th of 2004.
I inherited this Trust because I am my father's daughter who has this family birthmark and my father's name is listed as the beneficiary person's father-by in the entrusting legal documents together with all my ancestor grandfathers from this known Emperor heir of this ancient Chinese Emperor.
That American Fund's ownership is not decided by any arguments, broadcasted or not broadcasted, but by LAWs. That broadcasted piece is announced by the O'Connors family as the guided exposures of the true O'Connors' confusion. The confusion of O'Connors family and my anxiety over this O'Connors' confusion have impacted the American Fund company in a lot of ways which includes the rumors of over 400 employees (40% of all its staff) have been laid off from that company since 2013.
By factual & physical company legal registration, by its factual & physical tax-paying history, and by the company's factual & physical internal records, this American Fund company (I call O'Connors Confusion) is lawfully owned 100% by its British Investor Company since it was founded around the year of 1600AD.
A Trust I inherited lawfully has some investment in the American company via its investing chain.
----May 16th, 2018
05-15-2018 If I owe money? should be a case of a lawfully valid Judicial Court, instead of being the reason to build public hate and hostility through public channel broadcasting
Regarding today's title (中文附后)
My response: My understanding, there are tons of confusion if I earned my intellectual incomes or if I indeed have inherited some money or why I am the only one in the family who got the money that may have caused a lot of public confusion, but the public confusion should be broadcasted by the guidance of laws to report and to clarify the confusion instead of mounting these "why not give out money"complaints & frustrations only, and via a public channel's broadcasting, in order to demand money without any legal grounds and to arouse public anger and hostility against my refusal of all these ridiculous and illegal demands of financial arrangement that I call Extortion efforts.
----May 15th, 2018
Heard of this morning's broadcasting about another orphan.
My response: What I heard earlier was that Chinese producing team has prepared 6 female orphans to demand the acknowledgment of birth daughter relationship and to demand financial arrangement as a birth daughter acknowledged. I heard radio program has already broadcasted 2-3 orphans' such demands. I am not certain if this morning's broadcasting is the fourth orphan or one of the already broadcasted. All my life till today, I have not yet been pregnant yet.
The orphan who I have mentioned in my web blog that may be a birth daughter to He, Guoqiang ( from the Shanghai Communism Youth Party), I heard she is a Chinese Communist party member, born in the year of 1989-1990. Her mother was a resident of Chongmin before her mother entered college, I heard her mother had been a resident of Shanghai city after college graduation and came to the United States and had well-known worked in restaurants since mid of the 1990s. All above is what I have heard of and have mentioned on my web blog. To sue my web blog conducted name-harm to He, Guoqiang's name, etc. using this morning's broadcasting materials will be understood as bilking.
----May 15th, 2018
Heard this morning's broadcasting of "No Money & No Property is painful, how dare Min Fang refused to give out Min Fang's own money?"
My response: What I inherited according to my several generations grandfathers' wills are Trusts that my grandfathers specially set up for me, which are the gifts to me from these grandfathers before their deaths. What I have inherited are never family wealth that left behind by my grandfathers at their death. My closest grandfather who fathered my father died in 1965 which was 2 years before I was born. Ever since I was born till I was college graduated, I was raised and had been provided by my own parents' on their own salaries.
According to Laws, the United States' Laws as well as the People's Republic of China's Laws, to those who I have no obligation nor responsibility to raise, nor to take care of education & medical expenses, nor to shelter with housing & senior care, I have no obligation nor responsibility to provide financial arrangement to pay for housing, nor living, nor education, nor medical, nor senior-care expenses. I have no obligation nor responsibility to provide financial arrangement means I refuse to give out my money.
If anyone deserves to have my money, I expect that person to provide lawful pieces of evidence of why I owe & how much I owe to the lawfully valid judicial Courts.
----May 15th, 2018
05-14-2018 Heard this morning's broadcasting of the car accident.
Heard this morning's broadcasting of the car accident.
My response: I have heard the saying that this Fund shares the same great grand or the grand investor Fund of the American (Pejoves) Fund which I have already announced that had provided for me for the year 2017 on this web blog, and I agree what has been announced about this American Fund's on the radio program.
Regarding my own ancient birth grandfather's Trust that may have been the sole investor of this American Fund through its investing chain as announced on the radio program:
- I am the well-known lawful heir of my long history birth family by my birth family's biological birthmark inheriting rule.
- I am the well-known lawful sole beneficiary person of my own ancient birth grandfather's Trust, to the descendants of those who had carried the wealth out from China in ancient time and those who have worked for the Trust as well as this Fund historically.
- I have inherited my own ancient birth grandfather's Trust on June 30th of 2004.
----May 14th, 2018.
05-12-2018 引发奥运会创意人困扰的原因
05-11-2018 True statement in reality
Heard this morning's talk about the Chinese in-laws.
My response: That was the big Chinese wife I have complained about in my blog articles several months ago.
I am the sole beneficiary person of the famous Asian Man's Trust is the real true statement in reality.
----May 11th, 2018
05-10-2018 谢谢中国法律和美国法律依据事实的调查澄清了2008年北京奥运会开闭幕式的创意人是我方敏的事实。
我方敏2004年6月住址是美国康州斯坦福市夏街900号的4E套房,就在夏街1010号的Janus Associates公司傍边。我是2004年7月-9月搬到麻州的波士顿居住至今,Janus Associates公司也在2004年2月我离开公司后不久就已搬离该地址。
*physical evidence:看得见摸得着的证据。
*中美警务人员(非演员)的现场事实调查:我听说今早所播出片段是录音室现场事实真相调查而不是现场案件调查,由在录音室现场的中美警方职业调查员进行,不是由演员进行的表演。 I heard the in-studio investigation of the factual truth regarding "who is the creator of the Opening by factual evidence" is conducted by the law enforcement's investigators presented at the studio. The broadcasted piece is not a piece of performing art but in-studio investigation of the truth (not the case).
05-09-2018 我方敏从未反对中国共产党,我方敏从未反对中华人民共和国的法制建设。
我方敏从未反对中国共产党对中国960万平方公里土地的管理和统治权, 我方敏从未反对中国共产党,我方敏从未反对中华人民共和国的法制建设。
我方敏坚决反对阻碍中华人民共和国法制建设的任何行为, 我方敏坚决拒绝特意向违反中华人民共和国法律的人士提供任何财务资助的任何企图。
I, Min Fang, never against Chinese Communist Party's ruling over the land of China.
I, Min Fang, never against China to be a lawful country.
I, Min Fang, refuse to provide financial assistance specially &intentionally to anyone who is convicted by the Laws of the People's Republic of China.
I, Min Fang, refuse to let any unauthorized person spend my money.
I, Min Fang, refuse to let anyone spend my own money against my own wish.
I, Min Fang, refuse to be the victim of the helped harassment through glasshouse cancer. Anyone who deserves to have a place to chat important matters can certainly be redirected to their own glasshouses via the webpage-similar redirecting technology.
----May 9th, 2018
05-08-2018 MBA Education and Economic Theories
Heard this morning's talk about what is the general administration in MBA.
My response: I decided to go for MBA education is because of my ambition to be a business person that inspired by the book of <Macroeconomy>.
An Economy is a financial entity and careful managing of it. The Macroeconomy is about the financial entity that has the size of a country or of a region while the microeconomy is about the financial entity that has the size can be small as a coffee shop or big as a multination corporation.
I entered the world of economics from the Macro side which is about the infrastructure of producing, trading and financing the microeconomy in a region or a country that opened my view that is above the size of a multination corporation, but I lack the understanding of how to carefully manage a multination corporation or a coffee shop in its daily operation and in its detailed business transactions. The is the answer I gave when I am asked what I want to learn from an MBA education: When I step into an empty room that I rent to open my first coffee shop, where should I start? Other than the knowledge about how to arrange counters and brew coffees, what else I need to know to run this coffee shop business to make profits?
I read that Macroeconomy when I was a college student and I had worked in a one staff company to take care of all non-managerial matters after college graduation. General Administration of the MBA is the education that I lack in between is what I am studying now: General Administration of the MBA.
My work experience as an independent computer programmer has helped me to bridge the gap between the Macro and Micro of the economy. I had worked in a team that had only 3 full-time and 2 helping hands staff on a window's security software project under the guidance of a former IBM R&D director, the fact that I had to work independently in each assigned module has helped me to learn to work from the infrastructure conceptual to detail out any software's coding issues systematically.
Under the guidance of the former IBM R&D director, I learned to approach each assignment from the effort of understanding the theoretical concepts of the assignment, then to break down the assignment to the theoretical research of each concept in order to create my own module based on the theories of the concepts.
With this independent research experience, I have been confident that I can correctly assess a technology project's progress in just several brief exchanges with the project team. Ironically, this quick assessing ability that impressed a lot of technology people on June 30th and July 1st of 2004 that I have been so proud of myself was how I got the title of "a performing actress who kept on saying things that are universally correct and applicable".
Actually, all those things I said were all infrastructure-approaching of the project assessment that each brief question & answer exchange had ceased only when the frustrations and issues had been discussed effectively. I am working on to build this confidence and ability in managerial related progress assessment.
.----May 8th, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about how I could possibly learn without reading enough.
My response: This MBA is the first major I do my homework is a true statement, but I had been a very intense learning listener in most of the in-classroom sessions for the other two majors I graduated, which is a BS in Pharmacology major and an MS degree in Computer Science major.
I was known for doing nothing at all beyond classroom sessions attendance in my entire college years and in my entire graduate education in computer science, while a lot of my college mates needed to study till 1AM-3AM and got up at 5AM daily for some semesters that heavy loaded with Basic Medicine System plus Pharmaceutical courses in pharmacology major. I heard the broadcasting of my saying that I did learn a lot from my college education has triggered a lot of anger from my college mates from both colleges. I only meant to express that I did learn instead of didn't from my college education, how much I actually had learned is surprising to myself as well. Most likely, the real anger is related to how I could earn intellectual incomes so hugely different with their salary incomes from this lousy learning experience.
I am currently a "cancer" patient under constant micro brain surgeries that certainly affected my reading ability. I am a full-time student who can only read for less than 15-20 hours a week. My treatment progresses well that I can now finish most of the required basic reading materials plus do my homework on time.
I may need to learn those what I haven't from some work experiences and I know I will be guided like I always have been.
.----May 8th, 2018
05-06-2018 What is the need to announce "No Such Children" on this Mother's day?
Heard about this morning's talk of "No such children".
My response: I heard the Ford house featured in this morning is the 5th or 6th generation offsprings of a Miss O'Connor, and this grandmother Miss O'Connor was a Senator's daughter.
No wonder these Fords' mating is O'Connors' to authenticate.
My anger has been why O'Connors so impressively do not allow me to have a child or children? No one ever has expected any O'Connor to concern or to raise my children, why my mother-hood is O'Connors to deny?
So, what is the need to announce "No Such Children" on this Mother's Day?
My anger towards the name Rockefellers is that why this name supports the efforts to belittle a female's value to the degree that completely deny a female's value can be beyond attraction to the biological mating desire from a male? Especially when I am being the female who never attempted to contact anyone from this name in the past to demand anything, how this name needs to have this enormous agitation so impressively in broadcasting as if I have demanded a lot?
But Rockefellers' name is the name insist on to clear out the PPC curve* of my Trusts' investments in their family business as "no association announced". So, I do not know what Rockefeller name means in the matter.
----May 6th, 2018
Heard about this morning's broadcasting about "Judge's Ruling".
My response: My complaint about this radio program has been how it has organized these unrelated & unprofessional to debate these none-of-their-business matters on a public broadcasting channel in the authoritative tone as if announcing the "final ruling", the same as the debate in Chinese you heard from this morning's broadcasting.
I am angry at the fact that all these "performing debates" to devoid me or my wealth are still going on, not for the entertaining purpose but for announcing unauthorized financial transactions purpose.
All my intellectual incomes have been debated by unrelated people through this kind of performing arts, and "ruled" by these Chinese who own Judge licenses as you heard from this morning's broadcasting, and factually transacted in reality since 2007 by rumor.
There never have been cases filed by me or the companies who granted these intellectual incomes in any judicial court for anyone who has a Judge license to rule. And all these transacted money never went to anyone who has intellectually contributed to the companies to deserve a reward that has been in any disputes with the companies who granted these financial rewards of received intellectual contributions that I contributed. These are the rumors I heard and I did call laws help on why my intellectual incomes have been deposited into whoever's bank account and paid taxes in whoever's name?
These efforts are organized by Albert Gore to take over my intellectual making and giving out against my wish is the reason I have to declare Albert Gore's manhood is not privileged to change what I have declared as what I want or what I refuse.
I do not have any association with this Albert Gore is a common knowledge. So, why this Albert Gore's manhood activity is my money to pay or to compensate? Why my wish of how to spend my own money is this Albert Gore's privilege to deny or to challenge? Who the Fxxx this Albert Gore is?
----May 6th, 2018
05-01-2018 My anger is why my name is O'Connors to shit all over on the radio?
*PPC (Production possibility Curve), is commonly understood as the scope of the wealth.
05-02-2018 I refuse sexual harassment
Heard about a Vietnamese-Chinese girl Anh was featured in this morning's broadcasting.
My response: I heard she is the same Chinese Anh in the same cohort team of risk assessment of mine.
And I heard she was associated with some rumors related to Boston University was the reason she was featured this morning and the announced $5000/month. And I heard this is to encourage this Anh to register for any class that I register from now on.
None of these is my business as long as that is not my money which includes the paid-out $3Billion that was taken by the announced mother of this same person's child. Entire Boston may have heard of this rumor since 2016.
Well, all I care is I am protected by the U.S. laws from sexual harassment and this Anh is not the person privileged to harass me.
I refuse to be harassed by this Anh for any excuses including the blackboard discussion. There is no team project for this course.
The other patrons associated with Charles Ford/Charles Schnieberg name are also not privileged at all to harass me by registering for this online course.
----May 2nd, 2018
05-01-2018 My anger is why my name is O'Connors to shit all over on the radio?
Heard this morning's talk about O'Connors anger of me yelling their family name.
My response: I have the same anger why my name is their's to shit all over on the radio in the name of performing?
1: My providing has nothing to do with their providing.
My providing is from American Fund company's capital account (Investor's dividend account), their agreed-upon providing from this same American Fund company's own operating expenses.
Upon my receipt of my providing, the paid-out amount will eventually be deducted from the Trust I inherited on June 30th of 2004. My providing is part of my Trust's dividend income from this American Fund company, not this American Fund company's own expense. O'Connors don't have any saying over my providing at all.
2: Why fight with O'Connors for the ownership of the company owned 100% by a British company?
Well, O'Connors had claimed they own 100% of this American Fund company because of their great grandfather's letter, but this American Fund company is the investment of the Trust I inherited, I knew this for certain on June 30th of 2004. This American Fund company is the one which associated with the Black Freedom story. I don't know how much share my Trust has been investing in this American Fund company, but after O'Connors have claimed 100% of it, where my share can be caused this ownership argument, and if they insisted & emphasised on the agreed-upon providing is the factual evidence of their claimed ownership, what else can be the answer other than "it is in process of stopping."
3: The MBA graduated business person Charles Ford /Charles Schnieberg romance.
Tina O'Connor has been a wife and mothers an attorney's children already, why her marriage issue can be the reason my biological children are not allowed to exist? No matter who father them, by this Ford or not, they should not be O'Connors to raise or to concern, why they are O'Connors to clear out the legitimate ship as if they are in all O'Connors' door-step that so deserved to be kicked out, who the Fxxx O'Connors are?
-----May 1st of 2018
04-30-2018 No reason to be freaked out (不用过于害怕担心)
我自己是一直都是自己付费也一直都是在治疗当中, 除了整天被气死,然后经常要躺一躺之外,不担心健康是否可以恢复,美国有技术可以100%治疗到100%康复。
未经授权参与脑控癌生物工程的的研究项目被称为感染。如果有人担心可能被感染而脑控癌的治疗又还未对公众开放期间,担心感染人士可以使用广谱抗菌素,加上抗蛔虫类药物,或者抗寄生虫类药物等(需同时使用)来控制一下所担心的感染症状。脑控癌可以被彻底治愈,只是目前治疗很贵也没有对公众开放。如果担心感染人士是在美国, 可以试试一些加拿大生产的一些药物是不是不需要处方就可以购买,但希望担心感染人士向当医生的朋友咨询后使用。
----2017年12月23日, 2018年4月30日增加“(需同时使用)”
11-05-2017 都是有关脑控癌的
Heard this morning's "No Ball" man.
My response: First of all, this might be the typical pathetic psycho Tina O'Connor's invention of "perfect man" who may have nothing to do with my biological children.
Second, if this is a man who fathers my biological children, by the United States laws, being who he is to me should not be the reason we are punished together no matter how pathetic and daring this Tina O'Connor might be.
Third, this rumored "no ball as if never born with" can be treated completely in only several hours time (emergency treatment) by currently already available medical treatment technology. I heard its full function is approximately 100% of his same-old, but I would say only his wife would know the accuracy of the real number in percentage if that is the same-old performance. And I heard the office-hour-visits treatment is the testimony of practicing patience, a really lengthy patience practicing but visibly well progressive.
*The treatment has not open to the public, but if being a victim can have needed emergency treatment, the law enforcement has the much louder voice than any currently enlisted or any veteran. Regarding if emergency treatment is needed, that would depend on if the possible infection reason can be removed effectively by enforcing laws and infection can be treated by medication.
----April 30th, 2018
Donation for treatment is not financially practical because this is not nature disease that has rare chance to re-occur once completely cure. This is a man-made bio-medical situation that can be infected at the moment after it is treated completely cure. Donation may encourage corruption that spur this re-occurrence experiences which may impact on patients of being never healthy again.
Currently, from my own experience, United States law enforcement and United States government are working effectively on to make infection or unlawful-recurrences be effectively blocked by enforcing laws and effective management. And treatment technology is there already to achieve complete cure. As I said in the morning, the current effort, from my own experience as a patient, is to make treatment affordable to the majority.
*Glasshouse cancer is some bio-engineer research can only be authorized to participate. Unauthorized is called infection.
*Unauthorized participation of glasshouse cancer bio-engineering research project is called infection. If anyone is concerned of possible infection during the time that treatment of glasshouse cancer has not been offered to public, this someone can try some medication such as wide spectrum antibiotics, combined with roundworm treatment drugs, or Antiparasitic drugs and other medications (need to intake together) to take care of the possible health situation. Glass house cancer can be cured completely but currently the treatment is very pricey and not open to public. If in the U.S., this someone can try if some Canadian made medication does not require prescriptions. Check with a medical doctor friend prior to usage is advised.
----Dec. 23rd, 2017, April 30th updated "(need to intake together)"
Good news: Critical treatment package includes treatment for some implantable cancer alike infections, current average treatment is 1 hour treatment time. Same rate, same deposit.
04-29-2018 My Trust is "about the Rockefellers size" is what I was told on June 30th of 2004
Heard this morning's important announcement related to me.
My response:
The Lady Judge is not the grandmother of the person or the group of persons I intend to sue severe sexual harassment.
The "Charles Ford(Charles Schnieberg)" who fathers that in-hiding child is the person who never has anything to do with me.
My trust is about the Rockefellers' size. That is the same as what I was told on June 30th of 2004 after I inherited Trusts my grandfathers set up for me which includes the famous Jew Freedom Fund and Black Freedom Fund.
I did not realize that a lot of people who heard this "Rockefellers' size" on July 1st of 2004 from rumors had thought me being a "self-imagined-owner of the huge Rockefellers wealth". I did not realize I am a publicly well-known "hard to imagine nonsense" ever since that July 1st of 2004.
Well, to be honest, ever since June 30th of 2004, I do have the attitude that impresses people I am a Rockefeller richer who is much wealthier than a Ford. I never have argued if a Ford can provide me or my children better than myself because this "the Trust is about the Rockefellers' size" is what I was told on the June 30th of 2004. And I have never felt if I am more prominent than a Ford name.
----April 29th, 2018
All these American Funds announced by me have been operating on the soil of America since the year 1600.
The Rockefeller House is famous for their family wealth originated from the Colorado or Texas Oil Industry after the year 1900;
The Ford House is famous for their family wealth originated from the Automobile Industry after the year 1900;
The Walton House is famous for their family wealth originated from the Sam's Club & Walmart after the year 1900.
All these American Fund companies I announced that provided for me are all never investor-owned by the Rockefeller House historically, and never investor-owned by the Walton house historically, and never investor-owned by any Ford house historically.
I have announced all these American Fund's provided for me because my Trusts have been investing in these American Funds companies since the year 1600.
----April 21st, 2018
04-22-2018 没有了你们永远都不意味着失去。
Heard this morning's broadcasting of "under arrest".
My response: The person under arrest is an identified person to the public audience, I doubt this can be a broadcasting-purpose only announcement, especially when this is the broadcasting that is saying this is a government official* performing the law enforcing duties, the under-arrested is a currently enlisted identifiable Military officer. *I heard that is a Military officer.
By the United States Laws, show business never means the privilege to destroy an identifiable person's name honor in public channel's public broadcasting for broadcasting purpose only.
My own personal experience is all those announcements regarding me on this public channel's nationwide broadcasting that I have kept on call law enforcement's help about was never meant for broadcasting-purpose only but mean to destroy my life permanently in reality. I am protected by the United States Laws.
----April 22nd, 2018
----published on 2018年3月16日。
我方敏是唐太宗李世民的血脉传承的继承人是真实,我方敏是1996年离开中国的,我现在已经是美国公民了。我方敏是否有政治立场已经和中华人民共和国及海外华裔社区没有任何关系, 请不要以任何借口认为我方敏没有中华人民共和国或者海外华裔社区就难以生存以避免不必要的误会。我方敏会捍卫我方敏自己作为美国公民的合法权利和利益,我方敏也绝不会就此犹豫妥协。如果任何人认为有需要向北京政府或海外华裔社区广为告知我方敏对此事实的态度,我方敏不会阻拦。
----published in April, 2018
04-21-2018 All these American Funds announced by me have been operating on the soil of America since the year 1600.
All these American Funds announced by me have been operating on the soil of America since the year 1600.
The Rockefeller House is famous for their family wealth originated from the Colorado or Texas Oil Industry after the year 1900;
The Ford House is famous for their family wealth originated from the Automobile Industry after the year 1900;
The Walton House is famous for their family wealth originated from the Sam's Club & Walmart after the year 1900.
All these American Fund companies I announced that provided for me are all never investor-owned by the Rockefeller House historically, and never investor-owned by the Walton house historically, and never investor-owned by any Ford house historically.
I have announced all these American Fund's provided for me because my Trusts have been investing in these American Funds companies since the year 1600.
----April 21st, 2018
04-19-2018 Pharmacologists' Anger
Heard this morning's broadcasting of "Pharmacologists' Anger".
My response: My college major was pharmacology may be the reason for this "pharmacologists' anger."
I have a blog article about exactly what my contribution to Viagra (Blue)is.
What I have figured out 7-years after I heard male sexuality enhancement is very lucrative business abroad is:
"Why not increase sponge area to satisfy sexuality enhancement instead of trying to resolve the entire issue of reproduction?"
On that June Sunday in 2004, I extended this research question to:
"Is there any element in those traditional herbs, etc. can improve this sponge area's local circulation?"
I heard my vogue question on a June Sunday of 2004 had echoed by the research professionals in this specialty who acknowledged that my contribution to the Viagra research was not too late.
I heard my explanation about what my contribution might be to the Viagra had brought understanding from those Viagra researchers who acknowledged that as long as my saying about the contribution is accurate and the reward given to me is based on the fair evaluation.
I heard my explanation also angered a lot of pharmacologists who are not in this specialty. So, I try to explain it again here and I put the link to my explanation below, please let me know if there is any missing piece. It had taken me 8 years to have this vogue contribution to this Viagra.
Obviously, the Professional Knowledge on this specialty is the Key to acknowledge if I contributed to the Viagra.
11-27-2017 All About Viagra(Blue) and Why is my contribution
----April 20th, 2018
Heard this morning's sad stories involved the two former radio program producers.
My response: I heard they are cousins who never romantically involved with me, both are pharmacologists, and both have been angered about how could I possibly have contributed to Viagra as a pharmacologist.
So, I heard, from their unhappy in-jail experience, one got an unwanted child from the voluntary sex partner, one got my intellectual income from the Viagra.
So, I wonder, why my money is involved in this none-of-my-business jail experience?
I heard it is done by Albert Gore again. I don't understand why Albert Gore can be so comfortable to evaluate anything that he obviously does not possess the knowledge to evaluate? Plus, from the attorney professional knowledge that Albert Gore should possess, this Albert Gore should know it is a judicial Judge's privilege to evaluate any monetary disputes and to make a ruling if any correction is needed, this is never any radio program's any producer's privilege.
I am not willing to be evaluated by this Albert Gore, and I am not willing to be the person to compensate for that pharmacologist's unhappy jail experience.
----April 20th, 2018
04-18-2018 都是有关我的方家亲戚以及方家后人的
我方敏是唐太宗李世民的血脉传承的继承人是真实,我方敏是1996年离开中国的,我现在已经是美国公民了。我方敏是否有政治立场已经和中华人民共和国及海外华裔社区没有任何关系, 请不要以任何借口认为我方敏没有中华人民共和国或者海外华裔社区就难以生存以避免不必要的误会。我方敏会捍卫我方敏自己作为美国公民的合法权利和利益,我方敏也绝不会就此犹豫妥协。如果任何人认为有需要向北京政府或海外华裔社区广为告知我方敏对此事实的态度,我方敏不会阻拦。
老爸爸方文海,你其实是被我给信托了, 我所信托的财产很安全,你也很安全,请尽快和我联系,或者联系南京紫台025-8333-2227,请赶紧和美国领事馆联系(任何地方的美领馆, 上海021-8011-2400),不用担心你是否有有效证件证明身份,他们可以做DNA鉴定来确定你和我的亲生父女关系的。如果老爸爸你因为自己的亲身经历,想在国内找找妈妈王博贤的消息,也最好是在和美国领事馆核实妈妈是否已经在美国之后,或者至少和我方敏取得联系之后,再一起商量商量如何找妈妈并和妈妈取得联系。紫金山天文台http://www.pmo.cas.cn/ztjj/lxfs/
你也可以看一下你是否有如下医院的保险:上海国际医院名单, 索引文章
我很清楚我的父母才是在我同父同母的弟弟饿的时候管饭, 冷的时候添衣的人,从来不是我。 我很清楚我自己只是一个和他一起长大的姐姐, 从来就没为他的头疼脑热不能安眠。
在我得知我弟弟支持我的父母年迈后是不需要有人在乎是否冷了饿了 ,更不需要有人知疼问病之后, 在我知道了生我养我的父母是被我弟弟的婚姻家庭因为要我父母的房 子或被气的一病不起或被公然赶走, 我就已经表明了立场是我选择在乎生我养我的我自己父母, 我不会幻想我弟弟或者我弟弟的婚姻家庭会在乎我的死活, 更不用说他们是否会在乎我的生活起居或者我的情绪跌宕。 我也决不会去幻想我的生活会需要他们的小孩来过问照顾。 我的生活里永远都不会需要他们。我很习惯没有他们的生活。
我不会要求他们以及他们背后那些人的改变, 我也不在乎他们是否改变, 就因为他们对我父母及我方敏自己的立场是我父母及我方敏自己在这 世上留个骨灰都多余, 从未给我父母留有第二次机会可以享受我作为女儿可以提供的舒适生 活。我只会永远祝福那些真正造凶的人可以灰飞烟没永世不得翻生。
我相信我的父亲很好,我也在找我母亲的故事。 我不会允许我自己及我自己婚姻家人的生活被他们所吵闹骂砸, 我更不会允许我自己及我自己婚姻家人的法律权益被他们所践踏。 该报警该采取法律行动时,我从未犹豫过,我也永远不会犹豫。
01-09-2018 有关中国古代皇家继承规则以及我的皇家头衔
我方敏是唐太宗李世民的血脉传承的继承人是真实,我方敏是1996年离开中国的,我现在已经是美国公民了。我方敏是否有政治立场已经和中华人民共和国及海外华裔社区没有任何关系, 请不要以任何借口认为我方敏没有中华人民共和国或者海外华裔社区就难以生存以避免不必要的误会。我方敏会捍卫我方敏自己作为美国公民的合法权利和利益,我方敏也绝不会就此犹豫妥协。如果任何人认为有需要向北京政府或海外华裔社区广为告知我方敏对此事实的态度,我方敏不会阻拦。
----published in April, 2018
你也可以看一下你是否有如下医院的保险:上海国际医院名单, 索引文章
01-09-2018 有关中国古代皇家继承规则以及我的皇家头衔
All these American Fund companies I announced that provided for me are all never owned by the Rockefeller House historically, and never owned by the Walton house historically, and never owned by any Ford house historically.
I refuse to be sexually harassed by "Child Bilking" or "Children Bilking" efforts.
----published on April 15th, 2018
04-17-2018 About my gifting to my father's siblings and my grandfather's siblings.
Heard this morning's talk about Fedexed money from China.
My response: I heard there are two impressions about this saying.
1: it means money from the People's Republic of China's Centre(Federal) Reserve.
Well, unless this is used by the non-U.S. residents, otherwise, this income needed to be reported to the U.S. government for tax reason.
2: It means Chinese woman Min Fang's money.
This is the same rumor how my intellectual incomes have been taken by those "privileged women". I heard a good numbered people are announced on the radio for their deserved sexualities by Albert Gore himself or by Albert Gore's help to be announced, and I heard most of my intellectual incomes have been demanded to be sent there right after each of such announcement was broadcasted.
----April 17th, 2018
About my gifting to my father's siblings and my grandfather's siblings.
My response: I am so glad to hear my $700Million from my Hong Kong trust is on its way to my ID-name (Min Fang) accessible bank account. This $700Million includes my promised gift to my sibling, my father's siblings, and my grandfather's siblings, but the updated gift size has not been decided yet because I have not been fully informed accurately how the condition of this gifting has been violated.
I was asked why not all grandfathers' siblings' offspring. I am explaining that I did not give out my gift just because they are my father's or my grandfather's siblings. I was willing and I am still willing to give out this gift is because they had been nice to my father and me.
My father grew up with my great grandmother who lived with my grandfather's younger siblings before they got married. They had enjoyed my father accompany that made my father's childhood a great memory I often heard my father mention. My father's siblings had made my 5-years college time in Shanghai could always have a place to look forward to be whenever I longed for some family time for weekends.
I heard some of them have been pissed off why they need to receive this gift from me instead of inheriting their own father's money from the Hong Kong Trust. It is because the Hong Kong Trust which I inherited in 2004 was never their inheritable.
The Hong Kong Trust I inherited was set up by my grandfather in 1949 which was 16 years before 1965 when my grandfather passed away, the money that my grandfather had put into the Hong Kong Trust was no longer my father & my father's siblings inheritable. According to my grandfather's will, the Hong Kong Trust was never their inheritable.
I can imagine the anger of "refuse to understand" but I am not comfortable to be in the troubles as if I deserve to be "cursed" or "robbed" whenever they visit. I have to say that I am not willing to receive any visit from these relatives of my father side till they have fully consulted their own attorneys to know that I truly did not take a penny of their deserved money. And I won't hesitate to call 911 if there is any such situation.
----April 17th, 2018
According to the historic referring to the fact that I am lawfully the sole beneficiary person of the "Asian Man's Trust.", I am the British East India Company's Financier.
According to the British Crown Prince William's wish, I have no child nor children biologically shared with the British Crown Prince William. No Such Child. No Such Children.
----April 16th, 2018
That four British children residing in the United States do not carry my biological blood is the reason I won't provide for them. They are provided for by some other company that has East India in the company's name. I was asked if I am certain of this four children's blood or if I need to do a DNA test myself, I say I can do a DNA test myself but I doubt if that is necessary because There is no logical reason at all for the British Crown Prince William to have the children born for the denouncing purpose without any lawful benefit at all to himself or the British Royals.
Don't listen to such rumors that it is by laws that I won't be able to visit those rumored "denounced my biological British children", that is equally saying I should give out money without check out the blood of the rumored "denounced children". No Such Child. No Such Children.
04-15-2018 Exactly, Who is the British East India Company's Financier?
I have argued about O'Connor family regarding an American Fund I remembered I should have inherited in 2004 on Boston 96.9FM in 2015-2016. The following is what I heard of and what I know. please contact me at somebodyinMA@gmail.com if there is any. I have no intention to spread wrongful rumors but I won't be able to correct anything without authentic and authoritative correction.
Heard this morning's talk about the British company.
My response: I heard there has been several hundred "British.. East India .. " company ever since the great success of the British East India Company. I am not certain which one was the one broadcasted this morning that declared has nothing to do with me at all or have provided for a Bostonian yearly.
The British East India Company has been over 400 years old already, and I heard the British East India Company's French Financier Fund has been over 600 years old, this British East India Company's French Financier Fund's British child Fund company is the one I claimed that has entitled me the British East India company's Financier for about 200 years because I am the sole beneficiary person of that famous "Asian Man's Trust".
I heard: I was provided by the famous "Asian Man's Trust" that I inherited in 2004 via this British East India company's British financier Fund company through its American child company one time only in November of 2015. So far, I have been provided by 4 of my grandfathers' Trusts since November of 2014, one grandfather one year.
This one grandfather's Trust per year is the reason you have also heard a French actress performing this morning of the confusion over a French Fund's American child company's paid-out in Nov. 2017 and Jessica Pejoves's confusion on the radio for another British Fund's American company's paid-out in Nov. 2016. And some American Pejoves and some American Petroves are cousins may be the reason you also heard some American Petroves' confusion over the same paid-out from the American company that historically never associated with some American Petroves name. By the rumor, the two American name associated two American companies share the same Spanish great grandparent company.
And you have also heard Albert Gore's desire to own a $200 Million from a Portugal Fund's American child company's paid-out in Nov. 2014. The ridiculousness that Albert Gore's name only associate with that American company since July of 2004 may have been why his name needs a reason to demand his desire to own the money.
As far as I know, as the British parent company has been clarifying about the confusion between me and O'Connor's family, the correct relationship is:
- The once-in-argument American company is 100% fully owned by its British parent company solely.
- My Trust is an investor Fund which is at least 4-5 layers away from this American company.
- The O'Connor family historically never own this American company, nor its British parent company, nor its French grandparent company, nor its Spanish great grandparent company.
I understand this is the same which is:
If I bought stocks of a Publicly Traded Big International Bank JPM Chase Bank Company from the stock market to be its investor, I should not expect myself to claim the ownership of this JPM Chase Bank Company's global branches nor ATM machines because each branch & each ATM machine are fully owned by the JPM Chase Bank company.
My anger and agitation are: some O'Connor, some American Pejoves (some American Petroves) and Albert Gore have intended to take that paid-out money by confusing everyone regarding who owns the money Lawfully through this radio program's biased unfactual broadcasting. And their intention is to do this every year to ensure that I have no money of my own but to live on welfare. I am constantly threatened to be "evicted" from welfare's help by this same group.
Together, I heard this same group of people took every penny of my intellectual incomes (including the IheartRadio company's paid-out of $3Billion major featured person fee) and my Hong Kong Trust's $700 Million to ensure I have no cash money to hire expensive attorneys and they have been blocking possible free attorneys service by expressing their willingness to recruit whoever deserve to have a better job publicly on the radio indirectly.
I have called law enforcement's help. And I refuse to let the paid-out-s to be deducted from those Trusts I inherited till I receive these paid-out-s in full.
All these American Fund companies I announced that provided for me are all never owned by the Rockefeller House historically, and never owned by the Walton house historically, and never owned by any Ford house historically.
I refuse to be sexually harassed by "Child Bilking" or "Children Bilking" efforts.
----April 15th, 2018
04-14-2018 All those American Fund companies I announced had provided for me handsomely are historically never owned by the house of Rockefellers, nor Waltons, and nor Ford.
Heard this morning's announcement of my bladder issue.
My response: My bladder issue was caused by severe harassment through glasshouse cancer technology, rumored performed by Chinese community remotely from Chicago and some O'Connors. An American company that 100% owned by a British company, the same American company which has caused ownership confusion from the O'Connor family, rumored has a Foundation in Chicago that has some O'Connors participating in its management team.
If the harassment is the reason of my bladder issue, I agree that my health situation would get better because the British company is clarifying that American company is 100% owned by the British company which means the O'Connor family do not own that American company at all.
----April 14th, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about Four British Royal Children.
My response: These rumored four children do not carry my biological blood, and I have not been harassed by the rumored British Royal father of the children for providing. I do not know anything beyond this knowledge.
I assume the confusion if I mother any British children should already have been clarified after the British Royals' smash since November of 2015.
No such British children and I refuse to be harassed by "Child Bilking" or "Children Bilking" efforts.
----April 14th, 2018
About this diplomat "director" David Rockefeller.
My confusion: Rumored this Mr. David Rockfeller is a U.S. diplomat who works in New York City area. Rumored this Mr. David Rockfeller is in his late 40s or so.
I had met a Military officer David Petraeus before August of 2004 when he was already in his 50s, rumored is family name is first by James or Tom (Tim). I have been a resident of Boston, MA since August of 2004.
I do not understand why this Mr. David Rockefeller needs to meddle my private life as if he has such desperation to self -rescue from my stuck-on efforts. I do not understand why he needs to make the public impression as if I am a sex-offender?
I have to publicly announce that I never show any interest in this Mr. David Rockefeller. If anyone impressed that this Mr. David Rockfeller has this desperation of me harassing him, please help this Mr. David Rockefeller to realize that is 100% purely from his own illusion.
All those American Fund companies I announced that have provided for me are all never owned by the Rockefeller House historically, and never owned by the Walton house historically, and never owned by any Ford house historically.
I refuse to be harassed by "Child Bilking" or "Children Bilking" efforts.
04-12-2018 继承信托和继承遗产的区别
01-09-2018 All About my Imperial Ancestry and My Royal Titles
What I have inherited are trusts that my birth grandfathers set up for me before I was born.
My name (Min Fang) is in my trust (Example Name: XYZ), this trust XYZ has invested a company ABC, this company ABC only has the trust XYZ as the name of its investor in its capital account (owner's account which means company ABC's owner is the trust XYZ). The company ABC further invested a company ABC-1, the company ABC-1 only has the company ABC as its investor in its capital account which means ABC-1's owner is the company ABC, etc. that there are these company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1-1, etc. My named account (Min Fang) is only in my trust XYZ, but my providing can be paid by the company ABC-1-1-1-1 that later deducted from the company ABC-1-1-1's profiting share, and subsequently deducted from company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1, company ABC, and then deducted from my named capital account ( Min Fang's capital account) in my trust XYZ.
Another way to get my providing is to let my trust wire that money directly to me which is seldom used by investors because of inconvenience caused by tedious procedures. Also, the Investor's tax for each providing check is paid to the country according to its signing local company's geographic location.
01-09-2018 All About my Imperial Ancestry and My Royal Titles
----February 27th, 2018
04-11-2018 For over 200 years, I am historically referred as the Asian Man's Child ---- the British East India Company's financier
Heard this morning's broadcasting of a 5-months old British company.
My response: I heard a lot this kind of stories that very impressively about how daring and challenging Chinese communities abroad are nowadays.
I heard I was the inspiration for this demonstration of daring and challenging ever since 2004. Well, I have to say I do have attorneys to ensure that I am guided by laws.
I have been addressing myself the British East India Company's financier because this has been how I referred historically in Britain and in France ever since the great success of the British East India Company. And I will continue to address myself the British East India Company's financier because I am the sole female beneficiary child of that famous Asian Man's Trust.
The British East India Company is a 100% owned by its French parent company, and its British brother company owns its American investment 100%. This American investment is the same American Company that I had argued with Tina O'Connor about ownership. This American company is 100% owned by its British parent company.
----April 11th, 2018
04-09-2018 "A Female's Brain never equals to a Female's Buttock, A Woman's Profession never equals to a Prostituting Occupation, A House Wife never equals to a Pig-Reproduction"
Heard this morning's talk about "grabbed a wallet on a street".
My response: I once grabbed a handbag on a street in Nanjing, China.
It was a summer, I was locking my bike when I saw a passing-by couple behind me was carrying a same strapless handbag in her hand, it was the exact same as I was carrying that day. I chased after her and grabbed that handbag, her innocent look on her face when she turned prompted me frantically searching for my own. You can certainly imagine the humiliation when I found out my own handbag was in my own hand the entire time.
----April 9th, 2018
Heard some rumor that why paid-out investment became expenses?
My response: I heard this confusion is the reason I am blamed for spending other people's money which I didn't.
I heard the investments have been paid back with decent returns (profits). The best is to ask the person who received the original paid-out investment about updates or who received that paying-back check of the original investment plus the profits.
I heard this radio program has been paying the investors' profits from this radio program together with the producing team and me (major featured person) since late half of 2005. It has been paid monthly to the bank account provided by the investor, my major featured person has been accumulated in the radio company's account, the $3Billion paid-out in 2016 was my major featured person fee between 2005 to Dec. 31st of 2012.
I handle my expense separately with my making. I reject anyone to take my making and(or) spend my money without my authorization. I refuse to let my income routed to anyone's expense without my authorization.
----April 9th, 2018
I was asked who I am fighting about what.
My response: I am fighting for what my authentic intellectual achievements are,
I am fighting a female's pants-on achievements from a non-prostituting profession can't be confused as if the same value as a female's sexual glamour.
As broadcasted on the radio some time ago, I have been fighting with those males about what is mine or what never theirs, and about those males are not privileged at all to take what is mine because I have nothing to do with all those males.
I am not fighting whose lap I deserve to bare-butts on because I choose to only bare-butts on the lap of my love, on the lap of my marriage partner, on the lap of my marriage family who I share my life with our children together.
I am not fighting for whose child deserve to have more money provided from whom because I am making enough to provide for my own blood on my own, and I have been providing for my own blood handsomely on my own birth grandfathers' blessing.
So, shut the fuck up if you already know I can afford to have my children wealthy enough without a bit of your biological blood.
And, shut the fuck up to stop confusing anyone as if you are the only person who can have a sperm.
I don't want to comment on if your sperm can be any good for my biological children, but I say to you to shut your fuck up and go fuck your cheap as you wish.
From the enormously determined presentation of the only possible source of any woman's money, by the efforts of this radio program's never-strayed producing trend, I wonder who are the rich supportive investors of this radio program that have been providing to their own birth daughters from their Joyful Stick. And, is it possible every single one of all the wealthy daughters of this supportive investor group has been provided for by a Joyful Stick and calls it the allowance from the birth father?
Luckily, this is definitely not the Chinese Tradition my maiden family came from. Plus, all my grandfathers who blessed me wealthily have passed away before I was born. Not a chance to be wondered.
----April 9th, 2018
04-08-2018 My questions about if China has a government and how Albert Gore got such huge financial power?
Heard this morning's talk about the Chinese government.
My response: When I have been shitted all-over "a shit fake" world widely with the public support of this administration of the People's Republic of China, why would me fancy this same Chinese government has intended to pay me a penny of the Intellectual Income for my creative ideas of 2008 Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony? Over 90% of that 2008 glamour Beijing Ceremony was based on my creative ideas. And this won't be difficult at all for a government to verify. Can you tell me a reason to believe this administration of the People's Republic of China do intend to pay my deserved Intellectual Income? About the saying my inherited Trusts is the reason for all these "deserved sharing of my money", well, according to the People's Republic of China's own laws that have been valid on Entrusting and on Inheriting in 2004 and currently, at least all valid laws according to P. R. China's own publishing, I am the sole beneficiary person of all those Trusts I inherited in 2004.
Is that a government other than the almighty ruling power from a dictionary definition? Or, is it more appropriate to have the doubt if the People's Republic of China has laws as published by this ruling government?
This entire radio program propaganda is to support Albert Gore's willingness, which is totally not my willingness, to give out my money including my $400 Million yearly living-expenses-providing without my authorization at all. This has been my accusation against this Albert Gore. I heard the ambition is to grab every penny whenever any of my inherited Trusts dare to pay-out any providing to cover my living expenses, the same way as what they have so proudly announced on the radio program and so proudly succeeded on some of my intellectual incomes for real. And this ambition can be so small is only because this Albert Gore and his gang failed to grab my Trusts entirely.
Can my accusation be a real one? Where this Albert Gore got all these financial powers to having his decision power over a commercial radio company? Obviously, it is not some political power because his term as the U.S. Vice President was finished in January 2001 which was almost 20 years ago? How many laws they should have broken to have this power?
About Mr. Christopher Lu. Being an immigrant, I can imagine the annoying to watch an anonymous me sitting in a meeting to have my opinions expressed without concern if any was welcomed. I had explained enough that I was sitting in an office alone with my then attorney when I did my chatting style opinion expressing. How this " annoying" can be so beyond the boundary to become such intolerable? How can anyone on the U.S. soil so ignore the fact I do have freedom of speech granted by the U.S. Constitution ever since I stepped on the U.S. soil? Plus, I heard he was not even in any of 2004's meetings that I attended.
----April 8th, 2018
How much is Gore worth?
In addition, he starred in the 2006 documentary on climate change, “An Inconvenient Truth,” which pulled in over $24 million domestically. Al Gore has a total net worth of $300 million as of May 2017, according to Celebrity Net Worth. Wondering how your net worth compares to that of a former vice president?May 25, 2017
Albert Gore:
- May 4, 2004 - Announces intention to purchase Newsworld International from Vivendi Universal SA for an undisclosed price and plans to transform it into a network aimed at viewers ages 18-35.
- August 1, 2005 - Gore's cable television channel, Current TV, debuts.
- 2006 - His crusade against global warming is featured in the book "An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do about It " and documentary "An Inconvenient Truth."
- 2007 - Publishes "The Assault on Reason."
- February 9, 2007 - Joins Sir Richard Branson at a press conference announcing the $25 million Virgin Earth Challenge, a prize for a design to safely remove man-made greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Gore and Branson are among the judges.
- February 15, 2007 - Announces a series of concerts called Live Earth to be held on all seven continents on July 7, 2007. The 24-hour music event is the kickoff of a campaign to "Save Our Selves (SOS)."
- February 25, 2007 - "An Inconvenient Truth" wins an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature.
- March 21, 2007 - Testifies at separate House and Senate events, urging legislation to curb climate change.
- October 12, 2007 - Is co-winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for work on global warming.
- October 26, 2007 - Receives the Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation.
- November 12, 2007 - Announces he is joining the venture capital firm of Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield and Byers. He will help the company invest in start-up "green" companies. Gore will also donate his salary to the Alliance for Climate Protection.
- November 2007 - Receives the International Emmy Founders Award at the 35th International Emmy Awards.
- December 7, 2007 - Accepts the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway.
- February 12, 2009 - Receives NAACP Chairman's Award during the annual Image Award ceremony. The honor is given in recognition of special achievement and distinguished public service. This year's award is shared with Dr. Wangari Muta Maathai.
- June 1, 2010 - Gore and wife Tipper, announce they are to separate after 40 years of marriage.
- January 2, 2013 - Qatar-based broadcaster Al Jazeera purchases Current TV for a reported $500 million, personally netting Gore an estimated $70 million.
Christopher P. Lu
(卢沛宁; 盧沛寧; ) is a former United States Deputy Secretary of Labor. He also served as Assistant to the President and White House Cabinet Secretary for United States President Barack Obama from 2009 to 2013, as well as the co-chair of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Lu graduated from the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University and from Harvard Law School, where he was a classmate of Obama's. Following Obama's successful 2008 campaign for presidency, Lu was appointed executive director of the Obama-Biden Transition Project. When Obama appointed Lu as Cabinet Secretary, The New York Times described him as "one of the highest-ranking Asian Americans in the Obama administration".
卢沛宁 (英文名Chris Lu),美籍华人,2008年成为第44任总统巴拉克·奥巴马的核心幕僚,被委以白宫交接小组执行总管的重任,与奥巴马同在1991年毕业于哈佛法学院。他曾任奥巴马的参院办公室立法事务总监(legislative director),后来被擢升为办公室幕僚长。11月24日,被美国当选总统奥巴马提名为内阁秘书。
(Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Lu )
04-07-2018 I refuse any request for me to provide for this woman or anyone in similar stories
Heard this morning's talk about a child.
My response: That man factually never has anything to do with me.
I did hear some rumors in 2016 that there was a man jailed for some reason, and a woman was assigned to his jail room because she was willing to help release his sexual agitation.
I don't feel bad about that woman's tears, if there is any, because I truly don't know the truth and I truly don't like that I am the person be demanded to ease her financial concerns by, rumored, Albert Gore who I accused of attempted murder for my money. I heard Albert Gore has taken some of my intellectual income as well as has announced to let others have my intellectual income, and I heard he has publicly announced on the radio program about his dedication to murder me by letting me get infected or implanted through some advanced biological technology. I haven't been able to visit the public library because of some possible severe on-and-off infections. I refuse any request for me to provide for this woman or anyone in similar stories.
I also heard rumors there is an "Order Form" that anyone can fill out to request me to be abused through biological technology remotely. It is rumored that this "Order Form" was invented by Christopher P. Lu (卢沛宁, the former United States Deputy Secretary of Labor.) and routed by participating employed (Chinese, majority) without any internal order-transmitting authorization, into those facilities that have the biological technology to achieve what has been requested. All these requested have been achieved because it was transmitted to facilities from trusted offices. The fact that any abusiveness requested can be achieved through this "Order Form" is the reason I am constantly threatened "If you dare" by the Chinese community, plus what happened to me on the radio program and my father in China, I have denounced myself, the authentic biological heir of over 10 Chinese ancient Emperors of two Chinese dynasties, from the People's Republic of China and Chinese Communities abroad by sending my statement to the Chinese Consulate New York together with the U.S. Consulate in Shanghai early this month (April of 2018).
My father was announced "death" on Oct. 4th, 2013 by a Chinese herb hospital(江苏省中医院)which was not my father's primary care hospital and also far away from my father's residence. I heard, since that day, that my father's pension has stopped and my father was not allowed to live in his own apartment. My father's current status is missing without any valid Chinese identification. I was told in January of 2015 by my same parents' sibling that my father "died" on that day. I have contacted the Institute my father retired from and the Chinese Consulate in New York City after I heard all these ridiculous rumors in February of 2018, I have not heard any feedback from them about my father but the rumored broadcasted stories on the radio that there can be multiple volunteers to be paid to be "the father get provided for" since March of 2018 which was after my contacting efforts. I am certain all those broadcasting were not out of any confidence in my father's well-being.
I am lucky I have entrusted my father to the same group I have entrusted my Trusts. I have also entrusted my mother as well but my mother's story was in 2006 when China was ruled by the former administration of the People's Republic of China (current administration started since 2012). So, I am still listening to rumors about my mother and I am confident about her well-being.
----April 7th, 2018
我方敏是唐太宗李世民的血脉传承的继承人是真实,我方敏是1996年离开中国的,我现在已经是美国公民了。我方敏是否有政治立场已经和中华人民共和国及海外华裔社区没有任何关系, 请不要以任何借口认为我方敏没有中华人民共和国或者海外华裔社区就难以生存以避免不必要的误会。我方敏会捍卫我方敏自己作为美国公民的合法权利和利益,我方敏也绝不会就此犹豫妥协。如果任何人认为有需要向北京政府或海外华裔社区广为告知我方敏对此事实的态度,我方敏不会阻拦。
----published in April, 2018
04-06-2018 Rumored his old neck still needs the Cervical Braces(Metal Neck Collar) to support
Heard this morning's talk about pseudo named Mr. Jack Rockefeller.
My response: I remembered that was the name once on Massachusetts Police Amber Alert in 2009 for abducting his own younger child from the mother. It was announced on the radio that is a pseudo name then.
I also heard this same pseudo named Mr. Jack Rockefeller almost got his neck broken by his adult daughter in 2007. It was because his beloved adult daughter Jessica announced her sole ownership of the Javits Center in New York City on the radio program, and she went to the center to insist on demanding rent should be paid to her after the broadcasting. That was before she married to the authentically young and handsome Mr. Rockefeller. The result was his old neck was almost broke by the anger explosion from those real owners of the Javits Center.
Well, she announced a lot more on the same radio program after her marriage which include the announcement of owning everything I own in 2014, and rumors that she truly has gone to everywhere to tell everyone that everything I own is actually owned by her had prompted me called police officers help but I don't know how police officers do their normal fights.

(source: https://www.depuysynthes.com/patients/aabp/researchingtreatmentrecovery/braces)
By the way, she was the person wrote letters to say the paid-out arrangements to cover my living expenses are actually should be hers/ Actually, the Fund that had paid-out the $400 Million check for my living expense in 2016 (obviously delayed) together with a $400 Thousand monthly service charge is not associated with the famous Javits Center in New York City but famous London building.
----April 6th, 2018
04-05-2018 The O'Connor family's shared confusion is the reason for some O'Connor-s' frustration.
Heard this morning's talk about notorious Tina O'Connor's "successfully conceived" story.
My response: My own children are factually not biologically associated with her birth children.
----April 5th, 2018
Heard this morning's correction on Mr. James Rockefeller's age.
My response: I have no problem to remove the Mrs. Petroeus title from Miss Jessica Petroves. It is still a great marriage even though she is a Mrs. Rockefeller only.
----April 5th, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about if my inheriting complete.
My response: It is none of anyone's business because I am the sole beneficiary person of the Trusts I have inherited. No confusion if there is any other possible beneficiary person so that there is no eligible person to confront anything about my inheriting. The money in those Trusts is none of anyone's business at all.
I am the sole lawful owner of those Trusts that set up for me.
----April 5th, 2018.
The O'Connor family's shared confusion is the reason for some O'Connor-s' frustration.
My explanation: To me, it seems O'Connor family's shared confusion is their great-grandfathers' contributions have been under-valued.
Also, it seems that some O'Connors' frustration is these arguments on what is appropriate recognization has gone beyond the boundary. By the way, these frustrated O'Connors are Politics profession O'Connor-s, Attorney profession O'Connor-s, and Accounting profession O'Connor-s.
Let me do the explanation on what I heard of.
About 200 years ago, there was a chance that the young United States needed a railroad. The company set up a team to compete for this opportunity with some other companies. The team worked as business representatives of the company to make all the contacts and to arrange all the necessary meetings, it took them over a year to present the company to be good enough for this railroad deal.
Well, Senator O'Connor's significant contribution was achieved quickly but not easily. Senator O'Connor's great vision and explicit points were expressed clearly by his robust elaboration to make everyone understood the importance of reaching this deal with the company. He achieved this deal by only several of his great speeches.
I heard both the representing team from the company and Senator O'Connor were greatly appreciated by the company. The appreciation was understood as appropriate by both the representing team and Senator O'Connor at the time.
The frustrated arguments I have been participating is O'Connor family shared confusion if their great-grandfather's contribution to the company has been undervalued because that deal was the fundamental reason of why the company is this great today.
Well, being a new immigrant who has not participated the glorious developing history of the company, all I could hear from these arguments have been "the Chinese don't deserve anything". And my frustration has been that O'Connor family can't ignore the fact it is the Trust I inherited that has been participating the funding to all these great achievements. I understand I have not sweated for this company's growth but I deserve to point out that the Trust I inherited is my ancient grandfather's hard-earned, and I do share the company's enthusiasm to support O'Connor family to devote themselves to serve the United States when O'Connor-s' talents were needed but public posts were not paid-jobs .
The reason of current argument if Senator O'Connor's contribution has been undervalued that O'Connor family deserve to have the entire ownership or some ownership of the company to justify it, to my understanding, is that some O'Connor-s have ignored the facts that it has been everyone else's sweats in that company to make that signed railroad contract a real transportation. To my understanding, this is precisely the reason some O'Connor-s are really frustrated about this beyond boundary argument.
The fact is it was the construction crews on the field sweating to lay down the logs, that fact is it was the management team who overseeing the logs been sent to the worksite, the fact is it was the administration team who ensuring those logs and construction crews got paid on time, the fact is it was the entire company's sweats to ensure those tracks kept on extending. O'Connor family can't deny it has been everyone's contribution to make the company this great today. Some said, well, the everybody employed by the company only got paid by salaries. I say, well, all those invested-in money only yield at an average of 5%-7% a year. *This Trust I inherited in 2004 has been investing in this American company through its parent company for about 400 years now.
By the way, I got the similar frustrations about my Intellectual Incomes from those frustrated O'Connor-s who understand it has been the sweats from the entire company. These frustrated O'Connor-s are the ones who have supported the understanding that it is the sweats from the hard working people in those companies that made Taiwan's touching glass an industry, not my two minutes brief "neuron talk", or my half an hour smartphone annoying conversation.
Well, I say to these frustrated O'Connor-s that if they believe their own great-grandfather's great vision and explicit points were the real contributions to the company, the same greatness as their own contributions they are currently making in their own professions, please don't say my hard-earned intellectual incomes are nonsenses. I have sweated 5 years in a medical college and another 2-plus-5 years in computer science to have the knowledge & vision to make that half an hour talk.
----April 5th, 2018
04-04-2018 Why not Seeking Free Volunteer Attorney's Help?
Heard this morning's talk about what it would be like if I "beg" for some help in Chinese Communities.
My response: I heard that was said by Lu, Pei ling(卢沛宁) and his rumored romance (mother of his child).
I was advised to seek free volunteer attorney's help through Bar Association's referral service. I did not go to a volunteer attorneys association in Boston once in 2015 to file bankruptcy to clean my band debts to open a bank account, but I was rejected because I stated in my letter that I have my inherited wealth under entrusting.
I have no problem to seek free volunteer's help when I am in need, and I have no reason to restrict myself to only seek help from Chinese communities because I can communicate in English about my frustrations thoroughly.
I haven't sought any free volunteer attorney's help regarding my frustration from the radio program, my concern is the possible hostility employment opportunity offering from the party who has been frustrating me.will have huge impacts on my lawful interests. If Jessica Petroves can spend $400K U.S.dollars a month to promote that I have no money, it takes a no-brainer to imagine that this Jessica Petroves would have no problem to offer this $400K U.S. dollars to employ an attorney who happens to be a volunteer attorney helping on my case. And I know for certain this Jessica Petroves is not the only person who frustrates me this way.
I have constantly called law enforcement's help and completely ignored "so annoying" rumors, this comfortableness is from the confidence I learned from the American cowboy movies what "the badge of laws" means to the United States' law enforcement, plus, I do have inheritances that come with local attorneys who can work with my entrusting attorneys if needed. I am protected by the United States laws.
I don't know what it was exactly like in this morning's broadcasting because of my own personal experiences regarding this same radio program, I have never met this Mr. Lu in any occasion, and I don't foresee that I would call on his help from his attorney's professional knowledge. So, most likely, I am being honest to state that I may not have the opportunity to meet this Mr. Lu in an occasion even if I am in a situation.
----April 4th, 2018
04-03-2018 $400 Million = $400,000 monthly providing X 83 years (It is Never her saved money)
Heard this morning's talk on a Jessica Petroves.
My response: I heard this is the family name associated with Javits Center in New York City as well as Ford Business. Obviously, she married well to be a Mrs. Rockefeller & Mrs. Petraeus.
But I don't get why she thinks I am so afraid of her? And why she needs me to be another terrified one? Obviously, her husband and her in-laws are all enormously terrified by her, it is really hard for me to imagine that strong attraction towards the multi-aspects of terrifying.
And I don't get the idea why she needs to spend her maiden monthly providing of $400,000 to tell everyone I have no money? Why would she say that could be a strategy when it is actually abducting me in poverty efforts according to the United States Criminal laws? I just don't get the idea what she intends to achieve? By the way, it was this Jessica Petroves this morning who announced my SSI from SSA would stop.
Also, why she insists on getting my money? The accusation that I spend some of her husband's or her inlaws money is a fake accusation if not misunderstanding. As far as I know, those accused unwillingly spending during the 2004-2005 time were all actually profitable investments on hot popular shows or profitable hospital that those popular shows already handsomely paid back their original investments together with the average yield returns (profits).
I am wealthy enough compare to her husband, I have no reason at all to need her husband's money. That $400Million paid-out by a Ford Business in Nov. 2016 or so is $400,000 thousands to cover my 2017 living expenses which would eventually be deducted from my own Trust that I inherited on June 30th of 2004, well, it has to be upon my receipt of it.
1: I am not the person and I won't be the person terrified by this Jessica Petroves because there is no imaginable reason at all.
2: That $400 Million is the size of over 83 years savings of every penny on a $400,000 per month budget which is so clearly obvious that $400 Million is never her money. Never her Money.
----April 3rd, 2018
What I have inherited are trusts that my birth grandfathers set up for me before I was born.
Another way to get my providing is to let my trust wire that money directly to me which is seldom used by investors because of inconvenience caused by tedious procedures. Also, the Investor's tax for each providing check is paid to the country according to its signing local company's geographic location.
----originally published on February 27th, 2018
What I have inherited are trusts that my birth grandfathers set up for me before I was born.
My name (Min Fang) is in my trust (Example Name: XYZ), this trust XYZ has invested a company ABC, this company ABC only has the trust XYZ as the name of its investor in its capital account (owner's account which means company ABC's owner is the trust XYZ). The company ABC further invested a company ABC-1, the company ABC-1 only has the company ABC as its investor in its capital account which means ABC-1's owner is the company ABC, etc. that there are these company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1-1, etc. My named account (Min Fang) is only in my trust XYZ, but my providing can be paid by the company ABC-1-1-1-1 that later deducted from the company ABC-1-1-1's profiting share, and subsequently deducted from company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1, company ABC, and then deducted from my named capital account ( Min Fang's capital account) in my trust XYZ.
Another way to get my providing is to let my trust wire that money directly to me which is seldom used by investors because of inconvenience caused by tedious procedures. Also, the Investor's tax for each providing check is paid to the country according to its signing local company's geographic location.
----originally published on February 27th, 2018
我方敏是唐太宗李世民的血脉传承的继承人是真实,我方敏是1996年离开中国的,我现在已经是美国公民了。我方敏是否有政治立场已经和中华人民共和国及海外华裔社区没有任何关系, 请不要以任何借口认为我方敏没有中华人民共和国或者海外华裔社区就难以生存以避免不必要的误会。我方敏会捍卫我方敏自己作为美国公民的合法权利和利益,我方敏也绝不会就此犹豫妥协。如果任何人认为有需要向北京政府或海外华裔社区广为告知我方敏对此事实的态度,我方敏不会阻拦。
03-31-2018 Pass down the Family Wealth ----The Husband's Financial Support to All His Wives & The Father's Love to All His Children(分家产的时候----是丈夫在提供对他所有妻子的财务保障,同时也是父亲在表达对他所有孩子的爱)
Heard about this morning's broadcasting of the family story (中文附后)
My response: That is what I heard of too.
Every generation is similar to this. At the time when the Senior was about to go, the dying Senior would call in family accountants (账房先生)to make the financial arrangement. My family has been long history polygamist family, the dying Senior knew multiple wives with clustered children would mean big fights if he did not make financial arrangement before the time he had to leave. So, the family wealth inheriting has always been done by each generation's dying Senior himself, the proof is there hasn't been any family story about this kind fights happened in any generation.
I certainly would believe the dying Senior would allocate enough money for each of his wives to financially support his wife for the life. I certainly would believe he would allocate enough money to raise all his children from each of his wives, he would allocate some father's love to bless every one of his young daughters' marriage, and a son's share for each of all his sons. This morning's story was about how the dying Senior protected his younger son's share by setting up a Trust for the younger son. I can certainly believe this is the same father's love in every generation. None of my grandmothers had remarried.
My family has been long historically rich, and there has been a family tradition (祖制) of how to decide a son's share and an heir son's share. Every generation's dying Senior had been advised to follow the tradition to avoid too many arguments and I would assume every generation's dying Senior would have no problem to follow the family tradition to shower the father's love to all his children.
I heard this morning's broadcasting also mentioned I had been "the extra son" of each generation caused a lot of agitation that my share is from the dying Senior's other sons allot at the time when each son's share was decided. I doubted my share eat into theirs because even my grandmother (the Senior's wife) would fancy doing that but my family's tradition (祖制) is not what my grandmother could disregard or ignore, plus the dying Senior would not think that would be necessary.
The first grandfather who blessed me was an ancient Emperor grandfather of 1200 years ago, what he decided how to calculate my share has been the family tradition (祖制) for my other grandfathers to follow. This grandfather was a very rich and well-beloved Emperor when he passed away, so I think he must have made a very appropriate family tradition. What I mean is when he decided the total share for all his non-heir sons, he decided the appropriate share size with me in his mind as an extra son already. If the non-heir sons' total share has been allocated by percentage, I would be more or less blessed by the Senior of each generation according to how many sons that dying Senior fathered from how many wives.
1: The trusts my grandfathers set up for me before I was born are the loves showed me from my grandfathers that no one can take away.
2: The shares I got never eats-in other non-heir sons' share in any generation.
3: In 2004, I was asked to make inheriting arrangement. That discussion was never an arrangement because I was(am) not a dying person as well as there was no such biological child(ren) from me who need to have such arrangement. The Chinese who asked to have arrangement never have associated with me romantically or biologically. This Chinese was the same person who "predicted" that my father "can only live a year" if I dare to reunite with my father, this Chinese was the same person who suggested it was necessary for me to be a homeless on that same day in 2004. It was rumored that he had been the person who monitored me when I was in China as a Chinese secret service.
4: It is nothing surprising ever since 2015 when it has been so public that my grandfather's decision to stay in the People's Republic of China may have made him, me and my father the objects being monitored which certainly means my family was never welcomed in the People's Republic of China. If this is the truth, well, it is the truth I have no reason not to publicly point this out. It is the fact that I am the heir of Tang dynasty Emperor (唐太宗李世民 )by blood, I left the People's Republic of China in 1996 and I am a U.S. citizen now.
----March 31st, 2018
5: 我方敏是唐太宗李世民的血脉传承的继承人是真实,我方敏是1996年离开中国的,我现在已经是美国公民了。我方敏是否有政治立场已经和中华人民共和国及海外华裔社区没有任何关系, 请不要以任何借口认为我方敏没有中华人民共和国或者海外华裔社区就难以生存以避免不必要的误会。我方敏会捍卫我方敏自己作为美国公民的合法权利和利益,我方敏也绝不会就此犹豫妥协。如果任何人认为有需要向北京政府或海外华裔社区广为告知我方敏对此事实的态度,我方敏不会阻拦。
I am a registered online MBA student, and I appreciate this morning's broadcasting of truthful report to reflect my current life focus which is my health and fulfilling my longtime dream of being an MBA student. Other than my wish to be reunited with my family as soon as possible, I am happy with where I am now. I just wish my school and the cohort team won't be harassed till pissed off.
*I have arranged the same great health care for my parents on July 1st of 2004 is the reason there are tons of rumors about my parents. The medical health arrangements include general care on anxiety and on malnutrition, etc. which certainly means my parents' anxieties over housing and food providing have been covered together with other anxieties over unknowns or uncertainties. I do not know my mother's story yet, but the broadcasted "cremated story" was not her story.
---- March 30th, 2018
03-29-2018 "this company is 100% owned by a British Company"
Heard confusion of "this company is 100% owned by a British Company", exactly what this means?.
My response:
It means the CEO of this company can't issue any stock or Initial Publis Offering (IPO).
It means this company never had an Initial Public Offering (IPO).
It means nobody can demand any dividend from this company.
It means this company only has the British company as its one and only owner (Aka investor).
It means this company is never a publicly listed company (Aka stockholders' company).
It means there is no stock share (common or preferred) has ever been issued by this company.
It means no stock share of this company can be publicly or privately tradeable in any market.
It means no stock share of this company at all.
It means only the British company's investor (Aka owner) can be this company's investor (Aka owner).
It means no individual patron nor any private family can be the owner (Aka Investor) of this company.
It means nobody can demand any providing from this company.
----March 29th, 2018
How about my providing from this company?
My response: I have explained that my providing is paid by my trust who is the Organizational Investor of the British company.
Explanation: What I have inherited are trusts that my birth grandfathers set up for me before I was born.
My name (Min Fang) is in my trust (Example Name: XYZ), this trust XYZ has invested a company ABC, this company ABC only has the trust XYZ as the name of its investor in its capital account (owner's account which means company ABC's owner is the trust XYZ). The company ABC further invested a company ABC-1, the company ABC-1 only has the company ABC as its investor in its capital account which means ABC-1's owner is the company ABC, etc. that there are these company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1-1, etc. My named account (Min Fang) is only in my trust XYZ, but my providing can be paid by the company ABC-1-1-1-1 that later deducted from the company ABC-1-1-1's profiting share, and subsequently deducted from company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1, company ABC, and then deducted from my named capital account ( Min Fang's capital account) in my trust XYZ.
Another way to get my providing is to let my trust wire that money directly to me which is seldom used by investors because of inconvenience caused by tedious procedures. Also, the Investor's tax for each providing check is paid to the country according to its signing local company's geographic location.
----February 27th, 2018
----March 29th, 2018
Explanation: What I have inherited are trusts that my birth grandfathers set up for me before I was born.
My name (Min Fang) is in my trust (Example Name: XYZ), this trust XYZ has invested a company ABC, this company ABC only has the trust XYZ as the name of its investor in its capital account (owner's account which means company ABC's owner is the trust XYZ). The company ABC further invested a company ABC-1, the company ABC-1 only has the company ABC as its investor in its capital account which means ABC-1's owner is the company ABC, etc. that there are these company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1-1, etc. My named account (Min Fang) is only in my trust XYZ, but my providing can be paid by the company ABC-1-1-1-1 that later deducted from the company ABC-1-1-1's profiting share, and subsequently deducted from company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1, company ABC, and then deducted from my named capital account ( Min Fang's capital account) in my trust XYZ.
Another way to get my providing is to let my trust wire that money directly to me which is seldom used by investors because of inconvenience caused by tedious procedures. Also, the Investor's tax for each providing check is paid to the country according to its signing local company's geographic location.
----February 27th, 2018