
Chinese version

Chronicle Note

**I have not heard one single episode of this radio program myself for a lot of reasons. To do a radio program majorly featuring me was discussed on 07/01/2004 conference call. Radio program has been produced by United States 106.7FM or Clear Channel and on air since 2005??suppose??. I am, a Chinese, the major featured person(suppose). Following are what I gathered from impacts of being major featured person and may not correct. Please contact me at somebodyinMA@gmail.com if content is seriously incorrect and please provide references including broadcasting channel and time, thanks forward.

07-23-2017 It is what it is even if only ugliness (是什么就是什么,就算只有丑恶)

Heard this morning's his revenge effort for my yesterday's blog article.
My response: It is what it is even if only ugliness. I said my piece and it won't be my business. I have no need to regret anything but move on.

Heard the question why Chinese hate me like so if I am the authentic heir of a Chinese ancient Emperor.
My response: Similar problem with what you heard today that I myself can not identify other than why this or that female is my money to pay or provide knowing I do not even have a penis.

Also, the hatred against me from those Chinese you heard on the radio is not about me being my grandfathers' heir but because of penis fight. The rumor that Chinese producing team is all-prosecutors-or their-child(ren) (brothel tribe) team may not just rumor. From all those penis fights they pick up, the scream "unwanted deserve no money " and willful power to meddle everyone's penis and cunt matching, I do consider my romance is what Chinese government fighting against that reflected on the radio program they participating to produce. I keep saying I am a US citizen since June of 2015.

In 1980's time in China, no one can afford to assume anything out of expectation of people's decency. I am currently in this mess that I already turned on "attorney's ears" to take in any "announcements" have been made on the radio program word by word according to its dictionary definition. You would know what I mean if you heard something like what I call PRC80.

----July 23, 2017






07-22-2017 Performing or Prostituting? (是表演还是在卖淫?)

Head this morning's argument of why that Chinese woman can not be fucked as she wish.(中文附后)
My response: In US and by US laws, a man can not be rapped the same as woman can not be rapped.

In US and by US laws, prostituting is a crime even helped by government employees in performing arts name.

A performing artist do not need real penis to enter to perform a love scene. Tons of prostitutes have used "performing arts" to attract their clients.

If a woman is performing instead of prostituting, she would ask to stop when it is beyond performing boundary.

I do not know this person's current personal relationship beyond what I have been impressed by the radio program broadcasting. I do not know how could he be harassed like this if it is not some helped harassment. I do not know why he can not fuck that Chinese woman as he wish privately if fucking her is his intent but need help from those of his publicly announced romances to publicly prove they have no problem even being helping towards that Chinese woman's determination of fucking him? I speak up based on the understanding he is a freeman of his sex life as a US citizen that is guaranteed and sworn protected by US Laws. **Heard the reason is he is understood by his "publicly announced romances" that he is the person need some push to have sex activity. I am one of his living proves that this is a lie.

I do not know why US Foreign Department is not protecting a US citizen but helping a foreigner's determination against a US citizen's fucking freedom? Whose interests these US Foreign Department employees representing? I heard my own US citizen children have been abused for similar reasons is the reason I called US Laws help on my children.

I do not understand Chinese government's effort of helping out of all these. Why Chinese government helping prostituting effort knowing it is a huge crime in People's Republic of China? I did accused Chinese government prostituting gang organized or helped of whore ring harassment. I did call Chinese government, Chinese Foreign Department, Chinese National leaders and Military leaders all kinds whore business referring names.

This is also the huge complain I accused Tina O'Connor and Albert Gore, the spend my money as if that their own in the name performing or in the name of proving a point which they have no intention to pay the money back. The theme they performing entire time has been " Min Fang is a disgusting beggar. Min Fang's lawful money is anyone's to claim to own and to spend". I called laws help and accused them did public larceny and public robbery. And I accused it is insiders helped larceny and robbery.

----July 22nd, 2017





除了广播剧播出内容给我的印象,我完全不清楚他的个人生活。我不明白如果没有任何帮助他怎么会被骚扰成这样?我不明白如果他想操那个中国女人,他为什么不能私下由他自己直接就操了她, 却需要由他公开宣布的”恋情们”公开表达不介意甚至愿意促成实现那中国女人“就是操定了他”的决心?我今天说这些话只是基于我的以下理解:美国公民拥有美国法律所赋予的性交自由,这自由是受到美国法律保障的,这自由是受到美国法律誓言保护的。**听说他“公开宣布的恋情们”认定他需要一些帮助才能有些私人性生活。我是他众多之一的“活生生的证明”这根本是胡说八道的谎言。



这也是我对Tina O'Connor 和 Albert Gore(艾尔伯特·高尔)的投诉指责。他们用演出或证明一个观点的名义就把我的钱该花了并且从未打算归还。他们演出的主题就是“方敏是个恶心的讨饭花子,方敏的钱是谁都应该可以号称拥有并使用”。我是报警求助指控他们公然当众偷窃及公然当众抢劫。我是指控这是由内部人员协助的偷窃和抢劫。


07-21-2017 Mother fucker's argument and Father sucker's imagination(操亲妈的观点和舔亲爹的想象)

Heard this morning's arguments of  complete denial toward my contribution in BioGate project.(中文附后)
My response: Contributors arguments on my share of financial returns from BioGate should be about if size of my share is rightful. As far as I know, the original technology evaluation company owned by a handsome young guy in his 30's  was hired by Janus Associates management in 2004 before he met me on July 1st of 2004. Heard the technology evaluation after July 1st of 2004 was done by IBM or Intel associated Technology Evaluation company. I was intend to sell BioGate to US military who have tons of patents of their own and very familiar with technology evaluation related may be one of the reasons..

The Mr. Bryan Cockrell worked on Bio-Authentication module from beginning and everything else from the working prototype version that I handed over to him. This is the truth and was reported by the same radio program. I did not know anything or heard of anything about him after he got married. Any accusation I comment on him are all 100% ridiculous lies.

That Chinese mainland woman need to be checked out by psychiatrist what's wrong with her. She clearly know she worked on the same BioGate project since 2007 and I left in 2004. How come she kept saying she worked on it all. I was kicked fuck out by the effort of "get rid me from possible financial returns". I have been protect by US labor laws and intellectual property related laws. Matt Lane was the person I accused sexually harassed me. This woman can claim she already took over my achievements  and called me a fucked-out-from-Janus-Associates like so, I speculated she must be sexually fucked till shits out by that Mate Lane to have the urge of making this kind comments.

It is a mother fucker's argument that I do not even have a share of contribution to BioGate project. I heard in last couple of years that there were tons rumors flied around in Stamford, CT in 2003. I was rumored a secret mistress to Albert Gore who I never even imagined had anything to do with me. I was a resident on H1 visa, not a green card resident and not a citizen to fancy political party activities. Never heard of him in my associated. Never imagined he would have anything to do with me. I did hear that it is rumored that he has been (or was) a young lover to to a his-one-year-junior's mother. The one year junior rumor may not correct.  But I do feel very comfortable to call him a mother fucker. Who the fuck he think he is, by rumors, to make all these take-my-money-and-spend -it campaign. I accused him of murder for money because, according to his effort that I heard, he expects that I am suppose to die in poverty and abusiveness of hatred.

You heard tons of shits threw at me regarding British Prince William's stories featured in radio program that inspired rumors of children I share with him. The 15 years difference between me and Prince William of Britain is the reason I am targeted of all these shits-throwing and he has been called names. I heard Albert Gore is the organizer of this radio program's shits-throwing-efforts since November of 2015. Now you know the real reason is, by rumors, Albert Gore himself is a mother fucker who is too confident of his own disgusting penis power.

----July 21rd, 2017

Heard the rumors of "I got such inheritances means possible sexual relationship with my own birth father".
My response: That must be inspired from this rumor generator's own birth-father-sucker's experience.

I got inheritances from my grandfathers' as "the heir girl who carries their heir both-palms-matching-lines birthmark". To my grandfathers' who entrusted those funds to me, my father is just another boy heir like themselves. All my grandfathers passed away before my father got married and certainly before I was born.

I heard my father has something entrusted to him, also heard that it was his decision to let me have it. This may inspired the rumors of these hatred expression from those who want money. I lost contact of my father since 2010. Do not know if this rumor is true. I do not aware if I received any entrusted funds of my father's as my father's wish.

I speak up on what I know, what I heard and what I speculate:
What I know:
I inherited what entrusted to me in 2004 when I was then in my 30's. My father had been in US upon my invitation and was my guest between 2000-2001, during which no inheritance related events ever happened. He was then in his late 60's( he was almost 70). I kept in touch with him till sometime in 2010, no such inheritance related events I was ever informed by my father. He had been in China that entire time.

What I heard:
My grandfather had given each of his four children an envelop and a piece of jewel from his wife (my grandmother ). My father's siblings also got a handsome certificate of deposit for about ¥10000 from my grandfather. It was in early 1965. My father's elder younger sister got ¥15000 which include her new born son's ¥5000.

My father aware he is the expected heir ever since he was born, and he was in his early 30's when he received only letter from his father and a piece of hand-lace from his mother, He was pissed off as you can imagine so that he threw the unopened the letter out together with the hand-lace he angrily broke. But he never complain about it to his siblings and to my mother and his children (my and my younger brother).

Heard my father's younger brother picked that un-opened letter up. Heard it was in his keeping ever since, heard it was edited to change my father's name to his own name.

Heard my grandfather passed away a month later after he gave out his last wills to all his own children.

My Speculation:
My grandfather might have saw or heard of what happened to that letter. Everything he wanted my father to have was written in that letter. Everything he entrusted abroad was written in that letter.

I can totally imagine what a hot shit my grandfather was on when he saw or heard of what happened to his letter. I can totally imagine what kind strong will power sustained him for a month longer life in this world to take care of the possible mess. He was in hospital bed when he gave out his last wills to all his children. I heard he managed to live one more month afterwards with my father around him and took care him that entire month.

I speculate this is the possible reason of the saying that it was my father's own decision of letting me have his inheritances. He made that decision in 1965 before I was born.

----July 21st, 2017

我的回应:如果争议是从也有贡献的人那里来的,争议应该是关于为什么我的贡献值这么多钱而他们的贡献却没有多的价值。就我所知,当时30岁很英俊的那个特技鉴定公司的那个是Janus Associates 公司管理层在2004年7月之前聘请的。他的公司很小。我是在2004年7月1日才认识他。我听说正式鉴定是由IBM 或Intel 有工作关系的技术鉴定公司做的。2004年7月1日我是想把Bio Gate卖给美国军队。他们的工程兵集团有一堆的他们自己的发明技术专利权。他们很清楚技术鉴定及专利相关可能是原因。

只有生物鉴别模块是Bryan Cockrell先生从一开始就做的, 其他模块都是我做好已可使用的实验模型后他才开始接手。这是事实,也是这同一个广播剧以前如实报道过的。我在他结婚后就不清楚甚至没听说过他的任何事情,更不用说对他的什么事情评头论足。所有这些指控说我对他有什么指责或对他工作婚姻说三道四的全是100%胡说八道的谎言。

那个中国大陆来的那个女人真是应该找个精神科医生做个检查她为什么如此胡搅蛮缠还理直气壮。她很清楚她自己是从2007年才开始做同一个BioGate软件项目,而我是2004年就已离开, 她怎么还说全部都是她做的?我是2004年被人“赶着滚出去”就是为了掠夺我对BioGate软件研发所作贡献的经济回报。我始终都有受到美国劳工法及智慧产权法对我的保护。我一直有指责Matt Lane对我进行的性骚扰。这个女的可以吆喝她已经把我的成就全归她自己了还用如此怒不可竭的口气说我当年是被”滚出去”方式从Janus Associates给赶走的 ,我就说她一定是被那个Matt Lane性交媾给操到屎都出来才会有这份愤怒的激情和必须如此表达才过瘾的需要。

只要操自己亲妈长大的才会说我对BioGate软件项目没有任何贡献。前几年我听说2003年的时候在康州斯坦福传言满天飞说我是Albert Gore(阿尔伯特·高尔)的秘密情妇,2003年我更本连想象都想象不出来他可能会和我有任何关系。我当时是H1 工作签证的美国居民,既不是美国公民也不是什么有美国绿卡的居民,没有任何参与美国什么政治团体活动的兴趣。我在我的社交圈里可是连听都没听说过有人会提到他的名字。从来就没想像过这个人能和我有什么关系。我是听说他是一个什么人的年轻情人,那女的自己的孩子就只比他小一岁而已。小一岁的说法可能不是什么正确传言。但我确实是觉着叫他“操着自己亲妈长大的”很过瘾。他妈的他以为他自己是谁啊,传言他是到处宣传“把我的钱拿空全当自己钱花”。我是有指控他谋财害命,我是听说他的努力就是他想要让我在穷困潦倒中被别人仇恨凌辱而死。

广播剧播出的英国威廉王子故事引发了我和他有小孩的传言,你一定听说了所有因此而对我进行的羞辱谩骂。就因为我和他之间这15岁的年龄差距,我是被一路羞辱谩骂,他是被叫各种不雅称呼。听说Albert Gore(阿尔伯特·高尔)就是广播剧从2015年11月开始对我进行谩骂羞辱的策划组织者。现在你知道真实的原因就是:Albert Gore (阿尔伯特·高尔他自己才是操他自己亲妈操到对他自己恶心烂屌的能耐能有如此自信。














07-20-2017 I am "...ing" on my birthday (我连生日都在忙着“。。。”

Happy Birthday to myself. ----From myself. I am going to celebrate it today.
Happy Birthday to me ---- I am sure from my father, my mother and my kids.
----July 20th, 2017

Heard this morning's Chinese government's clarification of the fake announcement I complained yesterday. (中文附后)
My response: Thanks very much. Truly appreciate this swift response to my complain.
Truly appreciate this clarification amid of all these confusing "announcements mountain, announcements sea" everywhere you turn.
----July 20th, 2017

Heard about this morning's Rockefeller Holding investor's fund confusion.
My response: Thanks for bring out my inheritance fund confusion arguments as reporting. Truly appreciate this.
Truly appreciate this clarification amid of all these confusing "announcements mountain, announcements sea" everywhere you turn.
----July 20th, 2017

Regarding the confusion of Rockefeller Holding's investor fund -- 500 years entrusted French fund.
My response: The fund was entrusted about 500 years ago by a grandfather of mine. I heard this fund is my inheritance this year. I inherited more than one or two my own birth grandfathers' entrusted funds on June 30th, 2004 according to their own written wills. This is obviously one of those. I am a Chinese Asian.

This fund also has a letter story caused similar confusion like O'Connors families share. The letter was written about 200 years ago by an representing attorney whose family had been representing this fund since about 300 years ago. It was written after that first Senator O'Connor's famous "so confusing to Tina O'Connor" letter. All those confusing "grandfather's letter", from all those funds that have "fund's representing attorney grandfather wrote a letter" story, were all written after that famous confusing letter written by first US Senator O'Connor.

I have to clarify, from what I heard and gathered, that the representing attorneys for my this fund, just like for my other funds, have been historically well paid to represent. They have worked hard just like the fund's staff (current or in the past) and earned their well deserved representing attorney fees.  I understand their confusion the same I understand O'Connors confusion. Heard some O'Connors, if representing as non-entrusting attorneys, are paid non-entrusting representing attorneys fee that is not part of "agreed-upon providing ( entrusting representing attorney fee is part of $200 million agreed upon providing.) I assume it is the same for this fund.

Please check links about O'Connors similar confusion.

That fund is seriously my money, never a joke

( My inheritance fund, that Tina O'Connor is so confused because of her great grandfather's letter, is about $300 Billion size fund. A quarter size of my this fund is about $75 Billion which is totally never hers to claim. Entire O'Connors families (about 200 O'Connors families ) total agreed upon providing was about $200 Million a year transferred to one single account one installment a year.
----July 18th, 2017)

Heard some "true confusion": if this or that fund is my money, how come they can not spend from it?
My response: I am a female who do not have a penis on me to confuse you, whatever gender you are, as if my money is your to spend. Who the FXXX do you think you are.

Some said why can't I watch my language. 
I say: you try this out yourself and see if you can watch your language.
Every penny I made that paid with check titled in my name was deposited to this or that person through some "voluntary" accountants because they all deserve some money and some of them did spent some of those money as their own. Every inheritance fund I own from my own birth great grandfathers is encouraged to be announced as "not my money" and spend like so. It is the"understanding" that I suppose to live in poverty disgusted as long as nobody give shit to me to give me any of these money.
What language will you use when you are harassed by those who deserve your money because they already produced children carry their own blood that got nothing to do with you but on your behave "voluntarily" to own everything you have?
I am a female already make me so much better since I have no urge to beat somebody till their shit out. I only verbally shit swear them and call them names including "Penis Bilking", "Mother FXXXers", etc.(I did call law enforcement's help).
----July 20th, 2017




这基金也有一个和O'Connor家一样的一份信的故事。这个基金是大约500年前信托的,现在的基金代表律师家里已代表这个基金约300多年了。这一封造成困扰的信是在200多年前由这家当时那一代的基金代表律师所写的. 那信书写日期是在第一代O'Connor参议员所写的那封“让Tina O'Connor很困扰"的那封信件之后。所有这些有着一个“当基金代表律师的爷爷写了一封信”的基金困扰故事中的这份很“让人困扰的爷爷写的信”,其书写日期都是在第一个O'Connor参议员所写的那封信之后。


请参阅有关O'Connor 加困扰说明的链接:


我所继承的那个基金, 就是Tina O'Connor曾曾曾祖父的一封信很让她困扰的那个基金,大约有3000亿美金规模。四分之一就是750亿美金决没有任何可能归Tina O'Connor所拥有。整个O'Connor家(共有200多个姓O'Connor的)一共是每年2亿美金每年就只支付一次,全部2亿美金是由基金账号转账这2亿美金的全部进入O'Connor家族的一个账号(只有唯一这一个,2亿美金转入这唯一的账号后再由O'Connor家族自己处理转入其各家帐户事宜)—2017年7月18日 发布。


听说有些人"真的很困扰": 如果是我的钱怎么他们不能花?

我是个女的已经好太多了。起码是没那份冲动要用自己的拳头把这些人给揍到屎都给揍出来。我也就是痛骂“天价烂屌行骗” “操你自己老妈长大的才会这么了不起的烂屌”,等等。(我有报警处理)

07-19-2017 Professional Ethnology and Overseeing Laws (职业道德和相关法律)

Heard this morning's broadcasting clarified a Chinese mother of one 7 year old child.(中文附后)
My response: No wonder Chinese community was like crazy how dare I can have 2 children. Now I say it is obviously now they are not the same man as he himself made it very clearly this morning. She has a friend in Beijing Central People's radio station should know she is not me. They (males)  may both carry their family look as cousins.
----July 19th, 2017

Talking about Chinese Central People Station announcement regarding my visit to China. Heard this morning's saying "Yo do not need to"
My response: Other than promoting violating US laws to belittle US lawful country image, why else you need to visit US? Why People's Republic of China is a privately owned land to announce I do not need to visit at all if I do not have good relationship with this or that individual person, even that is a government official ? Is this People's Republic Republic their privately owned backyard or a brothel courtyard to announce me unwelcome because I refuse to pay to be called un-fuck-able to their national leaders  ? Who is the proud almighty private owner of this land governed by People's Republic Of China's government publicly announced as a country?
----July 19th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting about who is that Tina O'Connor.
My response: Currently there are two Tina O'Connor among first generation Senator O'Connor's children, about 200 O'Connors, who both work or worked for US foreign Department and both married to an attorney last named Stephen.

That is the reason I say either one representing US Foreign Department to handle any case involving me is inappropriate. By their cousin relationship and by confusion they share regarding that fund I call "Lion King Fund" which often confused as O'Connors' family wealth.  And I say so because the limited knowledge I have about US administrative laws and other US laws including Criminal laws.
----July 19th, 2017

If you heard my scream this morning about "Tina O'Connor, who the FXXX do you think you are".
My explanation: She intentionally confuse everyone who I am and promoting this idea that I have no money but on her charity of "caring" which I call maliciously meddling whenever I am calling my own attorneys’ help. And she claimed this is out her consideration of historical reasons. What are the historical reasons other than her family have been representing my inheritances? The experience of "dating him" only makes this called intentional sexual harassment case, a criminal case according to US laws, instead of historical reasons.

I heard she used promoting this radio program rating as excuses, that is after she propaganda that I have no money on the radio,  to request transferring money from my inheritance fund to her own accounts by rumoring  "it was ruled to her in a private hearing". I, being the lawful owner of that fund, did not even need to hear about this private hearing but the announcement of "not my money". The most appropriate response from me for this kind rumors is : "Who the FXXX she think she is". I did call law enforcement's help regarding tons of rumors like this about that fund.

She was telling everyone she lived with him for 7 years as if earned his life long debt to her to privilege her to shit both of us. I have to clarify: He never needed a don't-get-along roommate who he had only one time sexual intercourse experience before she moved in by refusing to leave his apartment doorway after he answered the door bell. It was an emergency effort to reallocate him from his one-bedroom to a two-bedroom in that same building that night. (that's a big noisy hassle that everybody knows). Ever since that day, he only got one room in that two bedroom in his own father's own investment building. Everywhere is hers to occupy that you certain heard about the similar from last week's episodes which featured one of her cousin's visiting stories. A mother of her own late husband's two children who visited him for a weekend as his cousin's widower but ...you heard rest of the story on the radio.  That is his version of that 7 years roommate story I heard of.

Plus what I heard form some of his ex-girlfriends: He took girls to all fancy places but mate girls had to be in that one room (Heard he spent big chunk of money on everything else just not on mating bed). Always entering that simple apartment with a loud announcement " That's my room" when he was bring a girl to his place. She was dating her own boyfriends entire time in that 7 years. Never anything close to "couple moved in together" experience.

Heard that mother of two's visit and prolonged staying both were per Albert Gore's daughter's advise as a psychiatrist (psychologist, but she has a license of psychiatrist ). The mother of two missed her late husband terribly (it was a car accident) was the reason she liked to snuggle on to his bed (occupying it). Her late husband carried their family look he also has, had similar built and the same first & last name. I was disgusted by the adviser's sick advise like this . According to what I learned from Medical school(Shanghai Medical University, Basic Medical System (BMS))  this is the advise she can be sued to AMA(American Medical Association) Medical License Board Ethnological Committee to lose her psychiatrist license, it is surely if that mother is her psychology visit patient.

-----July 19th, 2017


我的回应:除了推广违反美国法律来藐视美国是个法制国家外,你还能有什么需要来访美国啊?中华人民共和国什么时候已经成为私人拥有的960万平方公里领土,为什么可以因为我和这个那个就算是顶级领导人也还就只是中国法律面前的一个公民而已,所谓的个人关系很不好就可以宣布不准我私人访问中华人民共和国的领土,领海和领空, 中国960万平方公里是他们私家后院还是他们私家妓院,就因为我是坚决不肯付钱让人叫“没人要操”就可以如此宣布不准我做私人访问?谁是私人真正拥有这个表面公开宣称是有政府管理的一个国家叫“中华人民共和国”。

听说了今天早上广播所表达的“究竟谁是哪个Tina O'Connor”的困扰。
我的回应:目前在第一代参议员O'Connor的后裔中(200多个O'Connor),有两个在家里都叫Tina O'Connor, 都在或曾在美国外交部任职, 也都嫁给了一个姓Stephen 律师。


你要是有听到我今天早上的大吼:“Tina O'Connor, 你他妈的你以为你是谁啊?”
我的解释:她故意混淆视听,让人认为我没钱。每当我叫我自己的律师处理一些我自己的事情,她就出面叫人来“处理”,其实根本就是恶意胡搅乱搞, 还一口咬定这还是看在历史因素份上好像在“施舍我”。什么历史因素?除了她娘家一直是我所继承几个基金的代表律师外,还能有什么历史因素?说和同一个他“谈过恋爱”是原因也就是说是存心故意在进行性骚扰我的行为,这可是美国法律界定的刑事犯罪行为, 从来不是什么合法正当的原因。

我听说,在她利用广播剧广为散步我没钱言论后,她利用推动广播剧收听率的活动到处散布谣言说我所继承的基金财产已经“私下判给她了”就应该把基金的钱按她要求转到她私人的账上。我作为该基金的合法主人连听也没听说过这么个“非公开听证会”就已经“被宣布钱不是我"的了。听到这种事情,最恰当的回应真是只有“Tina O'Connor, 你他妈的你以为你是谁啊?” 我是就听到的一堆有关我这个基金的此类传言报警处理。



听说那两个孩子妈妈的周末探访和逗留延长都是由Albert Gore(高尔)的女儿作为精神科医师的建议(应该算心理科建议,但高尔女儿拥有的是精神科医师的行医执照)。那女的很思恋她因车祸去世不久的丈夫是那女的喜欢钻到男的床上的原因(连床都占领了)。她去世不久的丈夫和男的是堂兄弟,长得很像,身材也很像,又是同名同姓。我真是对建议人做的这个恶心建议感到太恶心了。按照我从医学院学到的知识(上海医科大学基础医学部(BMS)),这个建议人是会因为这个建议被告上美国医生协会(AMA)医生执照鉴定发放机构的道德委员会而失去医生行医执照的,如果那两个孩子的妈妈是这个建议人的病人那是确定这个建议人会因此挨告的。


07-18-2017 English Literature and Viagra 及新闻联播

Heard about this morning's broadcasting of my accusation.
I repeat: I had sent out letter in January 2015 to express myself healthy enough to finish entrusting of my wealth. I declare myself loudly: "I want to finish my entrusting."

My inheritance fund, that Tina O'Connor is so confused because of her great grandfather's letter, is about $300 Billion size fund. A quarter size of my this fund is about $75 Billion which is totally never hers to claim. Entire O'Connors families (about 200 O'Connors families ) total agreed upon providing was about $200 Million a year transferred to one single account one installment a year.
----July 18th, 2017

Heard Tina O'Connor argued that she shit me so happily is to prove she can achieve that by saying in English Literature way. Heard she considered that $50 Billion as her intellectual income of doing so.
My response: I though that is the reason hatred crime and harassment are define necessarily in English waterproofed valid as Law. He intellectual talent on spreading hatred in English Literature way should be rewarded by punishment defined by Laws instead of my money. She did that on a commercial radio program that can't make money by her doing so but "truely thought" deserved $50 Billion paycheck from my private saving. "Who the Fxxx she think she is?" is best to describe how I feel.

I can totally achieve what she said need English literature major skills in presentations as my following broken English: 

I saw Tina O'Connor by my own eyes that she sucked a real authentic biological male dog's penis in her mouse eagerly to arouse it, and it was Tina O'Connor I saw who was trembling violently under its thrusts and screaming that it is her real husband to satisfy her (Tina O'Connor) like that, only this dog can make her (Tina O'Connor) trembling like that ... I watched with my mouth unable to close for that entire 15 minutes. She was kneeling in its shit po. She burried her head in that shit po, her mouth was opened to that shit po sucking it.  I never knew a dog can make her trembling like that. I never knew she can hold on to its thrusts with her mouth already forming with its shit po, I was so scared if should I call 911 to help her from that dog? Later she told me that dog always make her like that.

This is my broken English no literature but performing purpose introduction of Tina O'Connor (Helena O'Connor, the wife of an attorney Mr. Stephen.)

----July 18th, 2017

Heard she is proud she can ask help from her English professors.
My response: I say her English literature professors must have their Law professors friends to wonder how she can be helped to violate US laws in practicing English Literature's name?

For her English Professors reference check purpose: Her father is entrusting representing attorney who represented my inheritances from three of my grandfathers.
----July 18th, 2017

I am so thrilled to realize there are so many great law professionals in Boston local Law Schools:
I am so thrilled to realize there are so many great law professional in Boston colleges' law schools. I provide one reference about my intellectual income for anyone of them who is interested to help me out on law matters: Viagra. Heard I have accumulated about $800 Million intellectual income from helping this go marketing. Viagra is a Boston local research medical product is the reason I think it is appropriate to be mentioned as a reference to verify. Also because this is a case that my share in it is so clear in accounting numbers. The research team and marketing team were both teamed up for their contribution and share of intellectual income. heard I was very individually clear on accounting numbers for how much I contributed financially on helping Viagra go marketing.

In Business, everybody knows what "the deal" means to a business person, to attorneys would be "the case", and to researchers is "the research". Biogate project independent research experience made it my "the research." Please check more on link: To succeed is never easy

I heard those checks titled in my name deposited into some Viagra users name through accounting firm to reward their "Viagra usage contribution" is the reason I do not have intellectual income tax paid in my name. Asked for laws help. Heard why I deserve this money is the reason of understanding that reward should be more appropriately to go to Viagra users.

My anger: Even if so confusing to Viagra research outsiders why I deserve this money, why never thought this money should stay in the company till it is clear?

About my inheritances: I filed green card application in 2000 went missing was the reason I have to refile in 2002. I relocated to Stamford, CT in November of 2003, only three months after I moved to Boston, MA, was never out of my own wish or special arrangements from my grandfathers' entrusting attorneys. My grandfathers were all US foreigners, their entrusted wealth willed to me (on H1 Visa) were not applicable to US Estate laws when I inherited them on June 30th, 2004. Connecticut had AA type inheritance exempt in 2004 (grandparents to grandchild inheritance) was the reason I had no inheritance tax either.

----July 18th, 2017


Tina O'Connor 和她的律师丈夫(Mr. Stephen)及她的律师弟弟甚至她的律师父亲从来不是替我处理任何我要求我信任且代表我的利益的律师来处理的任何事物。他们家和我之间的唯一历史原因就是他们家200年来都是我2004年所继承一些财产的代表律师。没有任何其他历史因素。


07-17-2017 My response against Chinese producing team(我对中国制作团队指责的回应)

Heard this morning's accusation why it is my business to say who mother them.
My response: Because I am the one they shitted all over in order to date who I have dated or they assume I have dated.
Because I am the one who being an female professional scientific engineer with 2100 years clear family history, was called worldwide a "slut, whore and hooker" by those who are so proud they are the real authentic generational practicing hookers.

My problem with them is that they consider man or men they assume who are mine to be their potential customers to kick me out, and they consider their own husbands (men) who got nothing to do with me as their customers to demand me to pay. They are grouped and organized to do so. I refused in either case.

Otherwise it is indeed none of my business. It is none of my business to feel despised regarding those who came from special family background because they don't step on my toes and that's totally none of my business. It is none of my business to feel sympathy regarding what may put those mothers in that situation because those mothers never asked that from me. It is totally none of my business regarding what those came from.
----July 17th, 2017

Heard curiosity about British and American producing team.
My  broadcast: Heard British team is ballerinas' children team and American is dancers' children team. Basically, they both entertainment professionals' children team.
----July 17th, 2017

How about some featured participants?
My speculation: Most likely their situations are similar to "related to me announcement" situation. On the radio, they announce their owns true statement, but "announce" me related fakes  is one of the reasons I accused radio program blackmailed me. Now they are the ones in the same hot shits. I am very happy. But honestly speaking, they can be proudly presented by their fathers as their fathers' heir sons already clarified everything. Their fathers' families are local enough or reach out able enough to know all about their mothers' maiden families they need to know. Females would be the same.
----July 17th, 2017






07-16-2007 What is the competition and with whom?(谁在和谁比,比什么?)

Heard this morning's broadcasting of fierce breasts & butts competition.(中文附后)
My response: Let's see who is competing and competing what.
Heard the one has "promising" Chinese breasts and butts to deserve to have a child with a rich stranger, is the granddaughter of a prominent grandfather in People's Republic of China who had been to Tibet about 10 years ago with a famous you and handsome Chinese prominent guy who also has prominent parents.

Competing Attributes:
Heard her strong argument of smooth Chinese butts and well sized Chinese breasts (B cup Chinese special designed style bra).
I am famous for airport runway flat chest.
No competition needed.

Heard her strong argument that she deserve to mother a rich stranger's child with her proved greatness from her dating history.
I was talking about having children with those I dated or met already and I refused entire time to consider anyone that I only heard of except that famous young Prince. I only comprised to those, who I only heard of, to say let's wait 10 years to see if you still want me.
No competition needed.

Heard about her strong support from Chinese government and her possible "brothel tribe(all hooker -whores' children group)" family.
I had been US resident for 7 years already in 2004 and my dating activities was never involved or supported by Chinese or United States or any country's government. I have a "family" from my own biological grandfathers who were Chinese Ancient Emperors entrusted good wealth to me, but this family do not help to sell my breasts or butts because I am already the rich bastard they call.
No competition needed.

----July 16th, 2017

Heard there is fierce competition of who is the real powerful and capable one in radio program producing team competing "who the fxxx do you think you are".
My response: Let's see who is this and competing attributes.

Heard there is a female leader in producing team who works as Chinese government senior official's office staff and is in charge of supporting Chinese producing team. Heard she is not Chinese senior government official's wife but she is indeed also a famous Beijing hooker's grandchild.

Competing Attributes?
Heard she is the "big sister" of this "brothel tribe (all hooker-whores' children group)" who supports.
I am a spoiled brat who do not do pure research in Science Academy kids society. I prefer to be a leader with supporters.
Not in the same category to compete.

Heard she is the figure can move the mountains to achieve.
I elaborate more what I heard on this:
Heard some rumors a couple of years ago. There was a man who married a woman, and somehow his wife was assigned another job in another city that not easy to commute. Heard he refused to consider to divorce his wife. Heard later he was tied to let a woman sit on him to mate. Heard it was in his office with him crying and a lot of his colleague aware what was going on in his office. Heard that was a mission for a special force like group. Heard he was left tied and later rescued by some of his retired former colleagues. Heard this female big sister was the organizer. Heard it was a huge famous "story" in that city. Heard this is the powerful to describe her. Heard he was feeling freezing cold and requested to transfer from his department permanently.

Not in the same category to compete.

----July 16th, 2017



听说她强调她的屁股线条很滑, 她的奶子也够丰满(中国产胸罩B型)。

我2004年当时只和那些我认识对我有兴趣或已和我谈恋爱的聊些生儿育女的事,我是一直就在拒绝和那些我只听说过的人聊这些(除了那个有名的年轻王子)。当我说等十年之后再看你还愿不愿意和我在一起时, 我是给“逼的”没办法只好退一步说而已。









07-15-217 It‘s my money; it’s not my penis (那基金是我的钱。我没有男性性具))

Heard this morning's broadcasting of the saying of the "private lawsuit winning".(中文附后)
My response: I am the party that no private lawsuit can exclude on the matter if that fund is my money or not. Please check this following link for reference of that fund's ownership: 

That fund is seriously my money, never a joke

No money from this fund or any fund I own can be put on any table in format for any show performance excuses, or giving out as any per demand purposes, or "telling you not a joke but will take to spend" but understood as jokes in name for reasons. I call these effort public racketeering crimes. I did call law enforcement's help regarding organizing or arranging this giving out my entrusted money or my making against my own wish activities that I call insiders participated stealing or robbery crimes. I am not willing to pay to let my own money to be given out to prove "not my money at all". I did keep calling law enforcement's help to fight against this abusive entrusting attorneys' power. I have been constantly expressing my wish to finish entrusting of my inherited wealth since January of 2015 when I sent out my first letter asking verification of my inheritances.
----July 15th, 2017

My reasoning: "No Judge practicing US laws can rule this fund not my money. No private letter can rule over US Laws. "
My explanation: The letter first Senate O'Connor wrote was before he was elected lawmakers. The letter was written to eligible him, as asked, to serve United States. This letter has no legal validation power of taking over client's wealth. This letter was signed as mentioned Fund's representing attorney O'Connor almost two hundred years ago. (Signature used in singing letter was: "Representing Attorney his-first-name O'Connor ").

If there were similar letters written after this first letter,  all will be understood as criminal evidences of representing entrusting attorney's effort of taking over client's wealth.
----July 15th, 2017

Heard this morning's saying about small child fund's ownership.
My response: Using fund's money to setup child fund won't change the ownership of the money. Child fund owned by legally owned by the parent fund.

It is the same like a bank employee using banker customer's saving to buy a house won't make that bank employee the owner of that house.

Representing entrusting attorney using entrusted fund to setup child fund won't make that attorney's family to own this child fund.
----July 15th, 2017

Heard this morning's saying of a born in 1971 uncle of Tina O'Connor's.
My response: I had some near death experience in 1997 when I was a cashier in "China Fun" Chinese restaurant located at corner of 65th street and 2nd Ave in Manhattan, NYC. It was in a afternoon easy hour between 1 PM to 3 PM or so when I dozed off in China Fun's downstairs' nobody-could-hear-me bathroom. This incident was reported on the radio program, as my story version then, that I thought I was too tired. It broadcast-ed what I recalled that how I had all my joints went so loose that unable hold my body and how I had to lie on the ground before I could move. I tipped law enforcement's about this incident after I heard about glass house cancer a couple of years ago. Heard the rumor that that sayings about an uncle of Tina O'Connor's who was born in 1971 was related to this, and if so I won't appreciate for the reason this near death experience.
----July 15th, 2017

Please refer following related articles regarding who owns that fund:

The fund is seriously my money, never a joke

Heard this morning's broadcasting about hookers' children ("brothel tribe") radio program producing team.
My response: This "(Brothel Tribe) producing team" is the saying about Chinese producing team, The sayings of British and US producing team, since Nov. 2015 to present, have been "everybody's time sensitive matters ex-girlfriends assembly team" or mostly so team.

It is imaginable that around 1949, 1950 time there were special permitted hookers to serve those Chinese Liberation Army officers when China was in transition to peace time. Heard the speculation that those locked up hookers or labor camped hookers during that time were those who failed to fight for this special permissions. Those factories' cleaning personnel hookers were unpopular ones.

My complain: why I am demanded to pay breast & butts fee knowing I do not have a penis?
Why Chinese government officials have been supporting their male friends or male colleagues to demand me paying for their male friends' (colleagues') own women's breasts & butts fee knowing I have nothing to do with their male friends or colleagues. I have no such willingness to pay such breasts & butts fee or to have anything to do with these males at all.

My shock: how this can be such a phenomena in China if you heard how I was shitted in China?
How this can be such Chinese nationwide effort to demand me to pay breasts & butts fee?

----July 15th, 2017




我的解释:第一位O'Connor参议员写的那封信是在他当选为立法参议员之前所写。那信是O'Connor先生当时作为应邀参选参议员服务美国时,所自己书写来作为参选资格证明的。这封信没有对客户任何财产拥有权的法律效应。大约两百年前的O'Connor先生当时是用基金代表律师身份签署的这封信。(签名栏所使用签名为:"代表律师 他的名 O'Connor")





听说了今天早上也提到Tina O'Connor 有一个1971年出生的叔叔的事情。
我的回应:我在1997年在纽约曼哈屯65街及2大道街口的中餐馆“China Fun"打工做收银员时有过一次差点死掉的经历。那时是下午1-3点餐厅不忙的时间,我是在楼下厕所里打盹后发现全身松软无法站立。广播剧对此有过报道谈的是我当时对此的理解:就是打餐馆实在太累了整个人的瘫掉了一样关节松软根本没法动,我得在地上躺一会才行。前一两年我听说了脑控癌生物技术后就写信报警。听说今天早上提到的Tina O'Connor 叔叔的事情(1997)就和我当年(1997)这经历有关,如果真是如此,我绝不会对造成让我差点死掉的经历表达感激。







07-14-2017 Argued about heir of Zu's family (朱家少爷)

Last night I had this arguments with...
I elaborate: I complained a lot about this radio program Chinese producing team, last night there were some arguments that an heir, an Chinese military engineer officer acknowledge by a tribe, of Ming dynasty Emperor is the one supporting this radio program Chinese producing team's blackmail efforts.

I said, if he is the heir of that Emperor, he should well behaved to know me, heir of Tang dynasty Emperors, or my money is not his to meddle. I have not gotten any idea why he is fighting for males' underwears knowing himself is not a gay?

On this radio program, you can hear the desperation of having power and money in every corner. I said if he is the heir of this Ming Dynasty Emperors,  how could it possible he can this this producing team to make him impressively fighting the breasts value to be acknowledge by me (a female ) as gangster whorehouse helpers? Why there is this desperation of demanding power to be given so impressive in the radio program, not earned power like government officials elected or have it, power of authority, by blood acknowledged like himself already should but demanding it to be given to be beneficial on money?
----July 14th, 2017




07-13-2017 Jokes: Iodized salt over dose (笑话:碘盐过量型甲亢)

Heard this morning's Iodized salt has been enhanced in entire China for the past two decades.
I would say: No wonder I  had been screaming and yelling. I was "violently vividly shaky echoing" all over China's "National Iodized over dose Hyperthyroid gingering" that reflected on Chinese team's radio program producing.
----July 13th, 2017

There is a joke currently in Chinese community abroad: If you have some anxiety, listening to this radio program will help you to turn to a cardio specialist; If you are on cardio medication already, emergency room would be the place you are expected to look for.
----July 13th, 2017




我就随便说一句:要是中国国内现在只有碘盐买,你看能不能找找关系去盐场买点简装(找个塑料袋装装就得)没加碘的原盐, 或买点腌咸菜的粗盐用水化开纱布过滤一下烘干或将此盐水冰箱储存食用, 或者去超市买进口盐,多用酱油等等,直到能买到不加碘的盐。



可能的解释:都知道甲亢病人要是被人看了一眼是有可能一发通宵大骂,很多人不知道的是如果看那一眼的是个英俊小伙或是个漂亮女子,那一眼可不是在挑衅而是在表达无限恩爱, 回应不是通宵大骂而可能就是走哪跟哪不停表达“非常愿意”。这是不是甲亢型花痴?(甲亢引发的过度敏感)


07-12-2017 Who is that hooker pig or dog ? 谁是那妓猪狗?

Heard this morning's broadcasting about "biological parenting are not necessary" (中文附后)
I response: This is ridiculous enough, I am a US citizen now, even my kids were born when I was a Chinese citizen to be understood as from  my Chinese citizen's eggs, they were born US citizens. It is not appropriate for Chinese government officials to argue any authoritativeness over my biological kids.  It is not appropriate for any US citizen to be authoritative on my kids parents "be assigned" knowing my kids have both lawful biological parents with them. A mother or a father is not suppose to be understood as a hooker on sex plus a pig on pregnancy or reproduction.  Who is that hooker pig mother or father to have this kind ridiculous saying?
----July 12th, 2017.

Heard there is a Chinese Tribe started in Ming dynasty that has a rule to blindly (abandon like )exchange new-born.
My response: I am not from that tribe. Even there were rumors that my mother whose family certainly been through Min dynasty (1368-1644), like everyone who is still in China or from China after that period time, may be part of that tribe, this kind rumors don't make me as heir of Tang dynasty (618-907) Emperors to be considered as part of that tribe. Also my mother grew up with her obvious biological parents by the family looks she carries. This is just the effort to belittle me and to assign me a "boss" from that tribe which totally rejected by me formally and officially now. I will take legal actions against this kind abusive efforts towards my biological children.
----July 12th, 2017

Heard this morning also featured a Chinese female who grew up in an orphanage stating her longings to be with her birth mother.
My response: I am still having my virgin belly with no child birth related medical records in China or in US, My biological children are children via pregnancy mothers was broadcast-ed on the radio. I am not her birth mother.  I refuse to take her in as an adopted child or similar. She is an adult in her late twenty already and biologically mature enough to start a marriage family to be a mother of her own child(ren). **If you pay attention to how radio program produce its featured stories and you read some of my responses, you may already knew who are the parents of this orphaned girl.  My guess, 27 years old is the same orphaned of the 21 years old, 41 years old bachelor is the same person that said 45 years old, the crying hard to forget which almost freak me out episode is definitely not about a registered marriage with me. The orphaned girl is grown up in an orphanage since several months old with no known parents.
----July 12th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting argument about who owns the house.
My response: Some of my attorneys are so familiar with this O'Connor style arguments. In the past several years, the agreed upon providing has been in process of stopping. Majority of O'Connors have voluntarily stopped this providing, some requested prolong because of their financial concerns. The piss you off "some O'Connors' style" is if you indeed agree to let them stay in Fund's property free of rent as an example, they would use that special arrangement as points of arguments to prove they own this property otherwise they won't be able to live there for free. Tina O'Connor, her father and some of her cousins including this morning's Miss O'Connor, who is  a widower mothers her late husband's four years old and one years old,  obviously let you heard how this can be presented as "evidence" of ownership. And this arguments were presented to the attorneys group who agreed to prolong the agreed-upon providing out of special considerations. Like you heard this morning, the accusation of "You don't need to live in this house" because "if this is not my house, how could I possibly live in there free" was yelled at the owner of the house who thought let her live in there rent free was to help her situation.


我的回应:我不是这一族的。就算有传言说我母亲娘家,就像所有现在还在中国大陆生活或那些在明朝以后才离开中国的, 都是从明朝(1368-1644)一路血脉传承下来的所以都有可能是那一族的,我方敏作为唐朝(618-907)皇帝的继承人都没有任何可能是那一族的。何况我的母亲是由她自己的血源双亲抚养长大,我母亲长相明显和她的父母兄弟姐妹是血缘父母兄弟姐妹。这种努力也就是想扁低我方敏并且扔给我一个“什么主子而已”,我方敏在此严辞正式拒绝这种努力。我会就这种针对我血缘孩子们的虐待行为及尝试努力提出法律诉讼。



07-11-2017 Blog essay on my MBA study and leadership

I started my MBA education this year. In MBA so far I have learned or in process of doing so, that Leadership, Critical thinking and Decision making are major skills other than some financial knowledge for MBA graduates.

I keep saying I am an engineer and I am happy to notice financial officer has a basic rule for making every decision so practical like an engineer. I have not yet start my managerial finance course yet and I am looking forward to enjoy this so familiarly practical spirited course.

On leadership and critical thinking, I assume my independent research taught me a lot of this from research practices. When a research person is in the area that leading in this research, the leadership role is not assigned, or inherited but earned, the difference is the research person may not have staff under this research person's management or not sure how to if there are helping hands. For a research person, critical thinking and decision making are no choice situations constantly in practicing that "not good at it" may have some time and funding impact on research project. A leading research person would be, as expected, a pretty experienced with solid track person that great on critical thinking and decision making.

I am glad that MBA education offered a lot of theoretical education on  critical thinking and decision making that I can enjoy to learn. And I am looking forward to learn what is leadership other than ethnology expectation for a leader. I have the willingness to be the real leader who leads in my own inheritances -- blessings from my own birth grandfathers, I have the willingness to be a leader that ethnological leadership practicing expected, and I have the willingness to add & emphasize "listen with analyzing ears up" to my research experiences of critical thinking and decision making.

----July 11th, 2017

07-10-2017 If extension a knowledge, if connoisseurs matters?(延伸也算知识?能鉴赏重要吗?)

Talking about I have handsome intellectual property income, I heard some complains that some patents registered even they are just some  extensions.(中文附后)
My response: My understanding, inventions or similar always start with an extension. Like DNA science nowadays, it started from a thing excitedly discovered in animal biological cell, it was named DNA twists as an extension to cell science and recognized a door to new science -- DNA science.
My understanding, most of new ideas are inspired by existing knowledge, patents are for those not- existing-yet-but-extensions-of-existing-knowledge.
---July 10th, 2017

Another thing that I assume I was misunderstood regarding Chinese language performing artists' market is in China.
My explanation: My understanding, the important to any performance is that artists talents are acknowledge rightfully. If those connoisseurs of Chinese language performing arts are in China, even artists like to live abroad, artists certainly can have their talents presented in China and live abroad as they prefer with the good income they made from their talents.
Somehow, my saying in 2004 that US is English speaking art market was interpreted as "Speaking English is how a Chinese can be an performing artist in US."
I complained how I was not even allowed to talk on Boston 96.9 FM while some Chinese read a printout to showcase how better possessed English. I have a lot similar outcries on this competition style. I was wondering if this competition style is assumed acceptable in performing art competition abroad(outside China) as apparently assumed by Chinese artists? And I can't stop wandering why competing with me?
----July 10th, 2017



07-09-2017 Who else has a screwed-up mind? (还有谁脑子坏掉了?)

Heard this morning's broadcasting about a 45 years old deserve to be provided and an British in her mid 30's have the same deservness.(中文附后)
Mt response: Now I got those screams from NYC were the same like I made.

I probably never even met this 45 years old, but he is so privileged to demand providing ( rumored $40,000/month) because some China big person assume he is so privileged only because he is an old, unwanted and soured leftover bachelor in China. I totally disagree with this big Chinese who assume so, so I say "Let this old unwanted soured leftover fxxx your own wife and fxxx your own birth mother to express Chinese citizens' true love to you following People's Republic China's tradition of  " Chinese Communism sharing wives" and as "Mother Fxxx-er Nations announced" as (both) announced on the radio by Chinese producing team. " I also add with a loud steady voice: "WHO THE FXXX DO YOU THINK YOU ARE".
----July 9th, 2017

Now I would express my understanding of what I heard about this morning's theme broadcasting.
The theme of this morning's broadcasting is : Since I have my own inherited wealth and I have my own handsome making, so I do not deserve to have a marriage as I wish but should pimped with a leftover disgusting who what money. Even if I stay with the person who father my children, I only eligible to be understood as a whore hooker because there is a female soured leftover deserved to be provided by his wealth as a wife. This is British Royal's Value deserve to be understood worldwide publicly.

So I ask my question: If this is to say that "British Royals are a group who only have sexual-function-values but demanding too much providing" is the common understanding why British Royals are advocates of this whole radio program broadcasting since 2015?

This is precisely the reason I no longer fancy British young and handsome Prince romantically. The British Prince is the one who has title, inheritable and everything, but by the rumor I hear his marriage partner is the one himself acknowledged deserve to have a open marriage, he is only a son-equivalent public image as a adult male in his marriage, he only deserve a little money called allowance but it is his responsibility to ensure his marriage partner to have all his making plus his providing from his wealth, also it his own effort to ensure everybody understand he himself can be shitted allover and belittled publicly by his marriage partner as her love expression.

I was shocked this British Prince was called a screwed-up when I first heard rumors that some engineers are so agitated. Later I figured out it was referring to "Why would he do this to himself" and I said same thing to explain why I no longer fancy him romantically -- I am an engineer myself and I would be the similar none-stop-agitated if I am privileged to know a lot more about what he is(will be) doing --purely for the logically complete ridiculousness.

----July 9th, 2017


我可能从来就没见过或听说过这么一个45岁左右的人物,他却是已经够资格要钱要东西(听说价格是4万美金/每月)。某些中国的大人物认为就凭他是个老的没人要的变馊了的中国光棍他就够资格。我坚决不同意这些“如此认为”的中国人,所以我说:“按照广播剧中国制作团队向全世界所宣布的中华人民共和国的传统,‘中华人民共和国是共妻共产主义的中国’, ‘是操自己亲妈学做男人的人民’,应该是让这个没人要的馊剩货‘很操你们自己的老婆, 很操你们自己亲妈’来表达中国公民们对你们这些中国重要人物的热爱”。我会用很平缓的口气加上一句:“你他妈的你以为你自己是谁啊?”




我第一次听说有些工程师一类的又急又气痛斥英国王子是个“已经坏掉了的”的时候很吃惊。后来我意识到那是说“他只有脑子坏掉了才会这么对待他自己”, 我自己也是这么解释我对他不再有浪漫想法的--我自己也是工程师啊,我要是有优越条件知道多点他在做什么或他会做什么,我恐怕是不停的又急又气“真是脑子坏掉了”--就为逻辑上的岂有此理。


07-08-2017 My complains and my explanations(我的抱怨和我的解释)

Heard this morning sayings about government "don't do anything about this". (中文附后)
My response: I add what I heard: Tina O'Connor (Helena O'Connor) was, may still is, representing US Foreign department on anything about me. Heard she and her husband both have some cousins also work for US Foreign Department. I will sue, if what I hear is true,  this obviously helped sexual harassment or may be hatred crimes according to laws of US as we all citizens of.
----July 8th, 2017

The radio program continuing broadcasting has been upon my request as "blackmail propaganda" victim. It has been almost two years I have kept calling US government's help via sending emails to its Justice and Internal representatives FBI.

My complains about US government are not about radio program producing, but possible participation of promoting this radio program. Why I need to be a disgusting, horrible and unwanted to a man through promotion of this radio program, why I need to be shitted like this or to have public image like this by government agency?
----July 8th, 2017

Heard this morning's anger about all those "what I want" on July 1st of 2004.
My response: I did hear anger explosion from his family attorneys when I was all about "what I want" on July 1st of 2004.
I knew myself and a lot of my representatives who really care about him did not knew he really thought I do not have my own wealth, we all took his complains of my spending as a hearty joke to express his congratulations of my inheriting. I assume there were some who care about him aware his complains were real, but may not feel appropriate to inform him about my inheritances in the meeting or they failed to let him to understand I was spending my own money based on the assumption he must have heard or knew about my inheriting just the day before, I heard he was assured and promised those "I want" won't be his spending or his father's at the meeting.
So I say if I was indeed spending his money, I would experience the same "cut off" immediately by his own effort. Heard the rumor that the complainer was a recording studio staff on June 30th of 2004, it is possible she could be this anger because she may be helped to forget what she had heard before she was ordered to leave studio. Heard she was uncontrollable excited and was screaming to tell everyone what she heard when she was ordered to leave studio on June 30th, 2004.
----July 8th, 2017

Heard this morning's complain that I am not privileged, no matter how real achieved or wealthy I am,  to look down Chinese mainland-er to call them like "rural came to the city".
My response: I am this privileged. I was shitted as you heard on the radio and in Chinese Community from those Chinese mainland-ers for the past decade. Compare to those blackmails which they call "teaching" they did to me based on the "rich knowledge" they knew about US or "Western Upper Rich class"as Chinese citizen & residents,  it is very appropriate, as one also came from Chinese mainland, to remind them they do sound like they are vividly from Chinese slang "rural came to the city".
I called them that on Boston 96.9 FM when I was screaming why they don't let me talk. They yell "shut up" to me whenever I tried to talk, and in the mean time reading a printout of something( not some announcements) just to show off their English. I was frustrated to pissed off. That was my complain "Why China do not let me say "Lion King Fund" is my own money?" "Lion King Fund" is the nick name I call to refer the fund commonly mistaken as O'Connors' family wealth.
----July 8th, 2017

我的回应:我加上我听说的:Tina O'Connor (Helena O'Connor") 过去(可能还包括现在)都是美国政府外交部代表处理有关我的一切事物。听说她和她的丈夫都有一些亲戚在美国外交部任职。如果我听说的是真实,我会就这种明显是得到帮助的性骚扰甚至仇恨犯罪行为提出诉讼,这是做为美国公民(统统都是)在按照美国的相关法律进行法律处理。



我知道我自己和我的一些非常关心他的代理确实不知道他真的以为我没有自己的财产,我们都把他的抱怨当成很让我们开心的"恭喜你继承了"玩笑而已。我猜测有些很在乎他的可能知道他的抱怨是真实而不是玩笑,但可能因为一些原因觉得不太适合当时纠正他的误解,或是也都以为他知道我前一天的继承而试图向他解释我是在花我自己的钱但没被他听明白, 我是有听说他当时是一再的得到保证我花的一定不会是他或他父亲的钱。


听说今天早上的抱怨说我就是再真实有钱有成就, 都没有资格瞧不起中国大陆新来的把他们说成是”乡巴佬进了城“。
我是在波士顿96.9FM上嘶吼他们为什么不让我说话时讲这话的。当时是每逢我想说话,他们就大吼“闭嘴”而他们自己是朗读一段英语文章(不是什么申明之类)来表明他们英语好的不得了。我是给烦的气极了。这也是为什么我指责“为什么中国不准我说“狮子王基金”是我自己的钱?” 我喜欢用“狮子王基金”来称呼的那个基金经常被误认为是O'Connor家族的财产但其实是我的钱。

07-07-2017 it was never about her but alimony(就只是在谈离婚钱从来没谈过她)

Heard this morning's broadcasting featured a question why her name was mentioned in my nonsense.(中文附后)
My response: Heard it was the question from Deng, Wendi, I did mention her name to clarify that I never heard her name was ever mentioned or a Chinese wife was implied in the meeting on July 1st of 2004 when I was talking about alimony.

The whole chat was sparked by someone's headache of alimony that I thought everyone understood. The headache of providing for a spouse to live a luxury life, doing pretty much nothing but dress pretty and hanging around while in marriage; and pay big sum, if marriage broke, to let himself have a chance to be shitted all over as disgusted, old and useless with good-size-shrunk-wallet only while watching her having a young and handsome provided by his hard making that called her alimony.

It was just a generic talk saying if not willing to be in this situation, like what happened to me on the radio, and not willing to disadvantage his child or (children) from an ex, why not separate providing to his child (children) from alimony for the ex. And that is all.

There were some sayings about Wendi Deng's divorce in Chinese community implied that her motherly decision to let her children got good size of their father's love left herself "no comparison shabby alimony" made her a victim of my chat on July 1st of 2004. Her divorce was in 2014 which apparently had nothing to do with my chat happened on July 1st of 2004.

I have to mention this name to say: Deng, Wendy was never my victim of any kind scheme.

----July 7th, 2017







07-06-2017 ¥100 a pin is possible and Imaginable (¥100 铁丝费有可能也能想象)

Heard a little story about some ¥100(s) was told about my college time.
My response: Unheard of it when I was in college. Heard there were some disputes in that dorm I often visit sometimes, but unheard of this "money punishment" story. I can totally imagine this college time dorm-mates fights.

That dorm was the same as mine on 6th floor of Building 16th, right across one of the water closet. There was a pretty girl from Chongqin, Sichuan province, among its 8 dorm residents who always dressed very nicely. They were all very friendly to me whenever I visit their dorm. I never asked anyone about their family background or income situation as a college student as you can imagine. Her dress were not party type nice so I never attempt to borrow any from her, like sometimes I did in college time, to go to some parties.

Some say is it possible for her to have ¥100 to be punished in that time? I say it is possible if her parents were private business owners, and it is possible if her both parents were Chinese Science Academy employees or similar and she is the only child. Imaginable in both case she could be crying in this dorm fights and facing "money punishment" situation. Private run business started in 1980 time in China and we were in college between 1985-1990. Science Academy employees around my parent time was ¥153/month, both parents would be ¥306/month and if she is the only child her share of monthly providing from her family should be ¥102. I have only my father was Science Academy employee(¥153) but my mother was accountant promoted from bookkeeping(¥53), so my share of providing from my 4 person family was only ¥50/month. This "college student providing share decided by family income evenly divided" is a typical way of calculating monthly providing amount among Science Academy or College Faculty families, it is similar among almost every Science Academy family. This is no kidding at all.

Why rich private business owner's kid would be imaginable to be in this $100 fine situation got nothing to do with their wealthy finance, but everything to do with how they became private business owners in a planned economy China. They were either rural small town residents, or the spanned-out group from China's formal planned economic that represented stable income with pension financial system. They were the "social out-caster group that lack of appropriate social respect" because of this "they became private business owner only to survive". The following link is an article in Chinese about this.

----July 6th, 2017






07-05-2017 Penis Bilking-China's Policy? (龟头行骗--中国国策?)

Heard this morning's broadcasting end with a Chinese citizen (or Chinese heritage US Citizen) saying he spent 6 years to search why I do not provide for his parents.(中文附后)
My response: Who the fxxx he think he is. He is most likely in his 50 years, married or unwanted (unable to find a suitor to get married) who absolutely got nothing to do with me at all.  He "deserve" to be provided for by my money because "he got this dry, old disgusting, hard to stand-up penis that no body would take a second look look if naked on the street just like his 70 years old mother's naked breasts." Who the fxxx is this psycho? Why Chinese producing team have to feature this psycho on radio program? Is this Chinese Policy of "Penis Bilking"?
----July 5th, 2017

If you are harassed by this effort of "demanding BIG money by throwing you an nothing-to-do-with-you but old disgusting penis" in People's Republic China's government name, and actually supported by People's Republic of China's government, will you shit this term People's Republic China's government a "whore and whore-born" term government?
----July 5th, 2017

Another scheme I was harassed is throw me child or children who do not carry my blood. Also supported by saying " this is the child or children born for you". I simply say "Save your own child or children to yourself." Sometimes, I have no choice but shit swearing because this response won't stop the harassment. This is possibly from the similar understanding that non-Chinese males are "not capable to reproduce as if" but rely on charity deeds from Chinese females who are willing to bring their Chinese seeded offspring abroad to honor some to be called "daddy".
How will you react when the matching making using "you can have a child now since she is a mother." (Not a made-up joke).
----July 5th, 2017

我的回应:这婊子养的以为自己是谁啊?他可能已经50多岁,已婚或是没人要找不着对象的垃圾货。和我一点关系都没有。他就是“应该由我付钱”就因为他有一个又老又干又恶心还起不来的老龟头,他要是光着屁股走到街上,他的老龟头就和他70岁的老母光裸的奶头一样就没人会看第二眼的烂货居然够资格到我这儿大把要钱。这婊子养的是谁啊?为什么中国团队就是要这么制作广播剧?难道"龟头行骗“是中华人民共和国的基本国策?所以”只要中国公民有个龟头就是必须必须付钱,因为中国政府支持?” 那中国人民共和国真是应该改名叫“中国龟头”。


还有一种骚扰方式就是把他们自己的小孩子扔给我。也是有人支持强调这是“替你生的小孩。” 我一般只是简单回答:“你自己的小孩你自个留着吧。” 有时候如果这种回答不能停止骚扰,我就只有干嚎痛骂加有色言语乱飞。这种骚扰可能是出于和“好像外族裔男人自己都不能生育似的”同样的谬误。外族裔男人好像是只有接受中国女人的施舍才可能会有人叫爹,那还得有中国女人乐意带着她们自己的中国种孩子千里迢迢到国外来才行,那可真是叫“看谁能有这份荣誉”让他们这些外族裔可以有这份“被人叫声爹的机会.”
当做媒的说“她是个孩子的妈妈,你现在可以有小孩了叫你爹了”,你会如何回应? (这是真实,一点没开玩笑。)——

07-04-2017 Why jealous of my sex life from China as a government? (为什么中国对我性生活的嫉妒是出于中国政府?)

Heard about this morning's broadcasting.(中文附后)
My response: I repeat what I heard had broadcast-ed this morning: "If without People's Republic of China, I can live a life free of racketeering, live a life free of threatens and blackmails, live a life free on my own money I made and lawful inherited wealth as I wish, live a life with my beloved as I wish, I choose...."
----July 4th, 2017

Background of this:
My complain: I have lived in US for over 20 years now, Chinese government organized "whole Chinese performance" to present "jealous“ for  Chinese Premiere Li who I only met once in 1991.

Entire Chinese government know for sure I have no contact, including email contact, with this Chinese Premiere or his associated in the past 20 years. I had three teleconferences in 2004. January's conference was to identify if I am the heir of entrusted wealth according to wills that, of course, invited Chinese government to attained. There was some discussion in the meeting valuable may be the reason Chinese government representatives were invited to the June 30th and July 1st public meetings without participate specific private meetings that my inheriting related(June 30th) or I entrusting my inheritances related(July 1st). Chinese Premier LI, as he himself announced on the radio, participated all these public meeting with Chinese government representatives in Beijing, China. I was with my attorney in his law firm in CT, US.

So far, Chinese government has presented on the radio, based on this "jealous", Chinese central government and Chinese NPC, Chinese Military major leaders, Chinese local provincial leaders, China Institute of Science (Science Academy), Major cabinet members to express their determination of WHAT? In China, expressions of this true anger of "Why her (an American).., She is a whore" have been covered excessively by major newspapers and major television networks all over China. Why is their business as government to call me Whore knowing I have nothing to do with them and live my own life in US?
----July 4th, 2017

What I could assume:

Possible explanation: It is well known that an innocent glance at a hyperthyroid patient may cause a big fight for whole night long. It is not known to non-health-professionals that if this innocent glance is from a beauty or a handsome, the result may be stalking and endless expression of "willing to be loved".(over react caused by Hyperthyroid). In Chinese community abroad, it is well known, and reflected on the radio program, if a non-Chinese male is interested in and dating a Chinese female, it is understood that this male wants all Chinese female genders, which is due to the understanding that any Chinese female gender is "of course better" than the one this male is dating.  If you are the dating couple facing this challenging of "why her not me knowing I am of course so much better(than her)", how will you react? (competition from over react caused by hyperthyroid from over dosed Iodized salt?)

----July 4th, 2017

我的回应:我重复我听说今天早上已播出的:“如果没有中华人民共和国,我可以:有一个没有敲诈勒索的生活, 可以有一个没有造谣诽谤恐吓威胁的生活,可以有一个按自己心愿花费自己合法挣来的钱及花费自己合法继承财产所能提供的生活, 可以过一个按自己意愿和自己选择的所爱在一起的生活,我会选择。。。”


整个中国政府都很清楚我和这个中国李姓总理在过去20年里没有任何联系,包括没有任何电邮联系。我在2004年有过三次电讯会议。一月份会议是核实我是否是遗嘱指定的所信托财产的合法继承人,所以当时有中国政府代表受邀请参加会议,可能因为会议中的一些内容有价值, 中国政府代表也参加了6月30日及7月1日的公众电讯会议,但中国政府代表没有参与我私人继承及信托相关的小型私人电讯会议。中国李姓总理,就像他自己在广播剧上所宣布的,是和中国政府代表一起参加会议,他当时是在中国北京。我是在美国康州我当时律师的事务所里由律师全程陪同参加所有会议。

至今为止, 就因为这份”嫉妒“, 中国政府已通过广播剧呈现了: 中共中央政治局,中国全国人大常委会,中国中央军委主席及四大军区司令,各主要大部委领导,中国地方省市政府(上海市长,江苏省省长)及中国科学院党委书记来表达他们的”什么决心“?中国国内更是各大主要报纸电视台铺天盖地痛骂“凭什么是她(美国华人)... 她是个婊子”,为什么这是由中国政府各级官员出面来痛骂我这个在美国过自己的日子已经20年,和他们没有任何私人关系的美国公民是个”婊子“?


可能的解释:都知道甲亢病人要是被人看了一眼是有可能一发通宵大骂,很多人不知道的是如果看那一眼的是个英俊小伙或是个漂亮女子,那一眼可不是在挑衅而是在表达无限恩爱, 回应不是通宵大骂而可能就是走哪跟哪不停表达“非常愿意”。这是不是甲亢型花痴?(甲亢引发的过度敏感)


07-03-2017 Why they are so self convinced "so wanted"(他们怎么就认定了”别人想要“)

Heard this morning's broadcasting featured continuing pimping effort from Chinese producing team.(中文附后)
My response: Heard the guy is a married Chinese US citizen. I assume he must be in "special profession" we call "duck". Another possibility is illusion has been developed by too much "Iodized salt". Long term intake "Iodized salt" may develop hyperthyroid("bad temper" as symptom) and my also develop such illusion as featured stories produced by Chinese team as you heard on the radio. Chinese mainland has been offering "Iodized salt" as the only kind food salt over several decades maybe. It is a popular salt In Chinese community supermarket abroad. I stopped completely when I developed hyperthyroid in 2007.

In past 10 -12 years, if you were in Boston, MA area, you probably already heard in Chinese community the effort to shit me so unwanted as "only eligible to beggars".

Heard this has been the effort from Chinese Government representatives (diplomats) is one of the huge problem that I have with Chinese government.

Heard Chinese Premiere (Li) even have a "sexual intercourse prelude tape" that had been requested by Chinese diplomats to play to whoever that had participated 2004 meetings including their families. The tape was Chinese Premiere's accusations against me being polygamist and it full of sound of "exciting"-ment including short breath out of agitation. **Herd it was over 100,000 people have to hear this tape upon Chinese government representatives request several years ago. By rumor, Chinese Premiere has 2 sons abroad who are exactly after him and mothered by his girlfriend he publicly acknowledged had 7 years relationship on radio program in 2015 when the eldest was 6 years old.

I only need to express myself as "so truly truly felt disgusted by this low low basement effort." (Entire time you heard on the radio that I am such a downstairs, this is what they mean that I have to correct they are the basement-ers.)

I will end this article as "Who the fxxx do you think you are ?"

----July 3rd, 2017








07-02-2017 O'Connors' Confusion and my headache.(我头疼啊)

Heard about this morning's broadcasting about O'Connors' confusion, I had expressed enough of my response, so, I just re-post what I had published.(中文附后)

05-31-2017 To O'Connors

06-03-2017 (2) Not a joke but a reaon

05-22-2017 Ownerships of Lion King Fund and others

My headache:
Not a Joke extension: I am harassed by some women deserved to be provided for because of my gender. They kept providing supporting arguments that they had really being enjoyed by this or that man to demand their deserved financial providing from me with the emphasis that this or that man who got nothing to do with me at all, who never wanted me and who are so disgusted by me. They also expressed their determination of insist-on demanding till they got (those money) they deserved from me. I kept responding politely or harshly saying "I do not have that thing on my body no matter how delicious you are proved by credible prominent connoisseur group."
----July 2nd, 2017


"不是笑话"的一个延伸:我被一些女人们因为性别混淆而骚扰坚持要求”为他们支付应得的金钱供给“。他们是不停的提供相关的证明性辩论:都是再三强调是被这个那个和我一点关系都没有,从来就不会要我并且打心眼儿里嫌我噁心下贱的男人享受过, 所以必须从我这儿拿大笔钱,就是必须必须还要坚持坚持就是不拿到钱誓不罢休。我是不停的用或礼貌言辞或粗言秽语表达"随你是个怎样已被识货的鉴赏家们证明了的是如何的美味秀色可餐,我身上就是没那个东西."

07-01-2017 What this morning's announcements impress you? 今天早上的宣布你听着是些什么?

Heard this morning's featured announcement " There is no private number I can call."(中文附后)
My response: Not sure who this is address to, heard this was announced by Nanjing government officials.  Heard this past Wednesday there was a similar announcement was made on the radio by Shanghai government officials. Did alert FBI about "Next Kin" rumor I heard a couple of months ago. Do not know who this next kin might be this time. Last time this was how I lost contact with my father. I was not informed about anything. I just called Nanjing and it was picked up by my younger brother. Sounds like he can't hear me is the reason he hung up the phone.
----July 1st of 2017

Background of Nanjing and Shanghai.
Shanghai, China
My great grandfather died of unexpected death in Shanghai in 1930.
My grandfather and his siblings were all born in Shanghai, also my father and all my father's siblings.
My grandmother's side families are also in Shanghai.
My grandfather past away in Shanghai in 1965.
My father left Shanghai to join Chinese military in 1949 when he was 18 and assigned a job in Nanjing after graduated from Nanjing University.
I attained Shanghai First Medical College (1985-1990).
I met a guy (Mr. He) once in College in 1988.

Nanjing, China
My mother moved to Nanjing from her Shandong province hometown in 1950 or so.
My parents got married in Nanjing in 1965 or 1966.
My mother's eldest sister's family are in Nanjing. She and her husband both past away. A grandchild (mothered by adopted from her youngest brother) is in Nanjing.

I attained Nanjing Fourth Middle School for Junior High (1979-1982) and Nanjing Teachers' College Affiliated Middle School for high school education(1982-1985.
I had a job in Nanjing Institute of Drug Control (1990-1996) and left China in 1996.
I met a guy (Chinese Premiere Li) only once at a dinner in Nanjing in 1991.
Heard this guy's ex is in Nanjing. Heard she works for a military singing & dancing group in Nanjing.
Heard several alumni from Nanjing Fourth Middle School also work or had worked for the same singing & dancing group.
----July 1st, 2017

我的回应:不确定这个“你”是指谁。听说这是由南京市政府官员宣布的。听说这个星期三上海市政府官员也在广播上做了类似宣布。我是赶紧通知警方一两个月前我所听说的“(不给钱就)至亲继承”传言。不知道这次的“至亲”是谁。上次我就是这样和我父亲失去联系的, 我从未没有收到过任何信息。我刚打了电话给南京,我弟弟接的。他好像听不到“喂喂”两声就收线了。



06-30-2017 A spoiled wife should provided by the husband 

Heard this morning's featured broadcasting clarified something associated with my personal life.
My response: I repeat what I heard this morning and before. A 41 years old Jessica is David Petraeus' wedded wife since 2007 and his bed occupier daily. The wedding was performed with the participation of Holly Knowlton who is the wife published on David Petraeus introduction web page.

I never had any agreement or attempted agreement with any Jessica or his any other romantic partner to cover their romance to let myself being abused as "Who the fxxx do you think you are." I never had this kind discussion or attempted discussion to hide his non-Knowlton-romance before 2004, in 2004 or after 2004. The only similar discussion was with the condition " if he choose to be with me" after planned 8-10 years from July of 2004. I do not owe any debt to 60 years old Holly Knowtlon or a 41 years old Jessica (Holly) Pejoves or a 47 years old Jessica Lissette because of 2004 meetings.

As his wife Jessica Petraeus (Jessica Pejoves) and David Petraeus publicly announced and as all his closely associated privately expressed everywhere, I (Min Fang) have no sexual or legal association with them to be confused as "who the fxxx do you think you are" mutually.

I do not know why David Petraeus paid for my security expense till end of 2004 as agreed upon even he moved on in 2007. I, Min Fang, do not know if this paying is beyond legally appropriately after 2007, but I did ask my accountant(s) to pay back every penny he paid for security fee in early 2015. I, Min Fang, do not assume David Petraeus considered that should still be called my money.

I, Min Fang, state my clarification here: Any David Petraeus' wife or his women's deserved providing are David Petraeus' spending, Any David Petraeus' own wiliness of any deserved financial help is his own money to reach out. It is never, and should never, my questions that who should be his wife or who is his real wife and how he should provide for his proudly announced wife.

My money, rumored $800,000 taken by Jessica and Holly, is his debt to payback and I assumed his paying back, as his father announced on the radio, backed soundly by his father on one-day basis. This $800, 000 is the ground of the joke he made that "I live on him" because of $1000 paying back monthly. Heard planned paying back account numbers is not to resolve my current thrift financial situation but the original source account numbers.

----June 30th, 2017

Heard this morning's Shanghai government's announcement.
My impression: Sounds like there is some money there but no need of my immediately visit to Shanghai. Not sure if that is inheritance related. So I ask my attorneys that Mr. Timothy Geithner (assumed) and Mr. Henry M Paulson (assumed) knows that presenting me and I trust to check if my impression is correct and let me know if that is actually my income that I need to inform General Attorney of Massachusetts. Thanks forward.

----June 30th, 2017

06-29-2017 If the ruling announcement is not to imply a lawsuit already

Heard at this minute (7:29AM) a group of people are proudly parading on NYC street.
My comment: They are may grouped by
1: A female Hispanic Jessica who carries a child. She, by rumor, was locked into his bedroom with Tina O'Connor securing the door to FXXX to have this child to parade. My kids were told they are not good enough, if that Jessica could be conceived,  by Tina O'Connor right outside that locked door. I tipped FBI after I heard rumor. That is around the day I posted on my web blog stating that I have to take my children from him if this is the true rumor. By the rumor, since that day my my girl has been all agitated. Tina O'Connor hates my children like so and if he is willing to be Tina O'Connor's friend to let this happened to my children are good reasons enough that I file for restrain order to forbid him to visit my children forever. Anyone from his side family who helped this pimped sexual intercourse activities are among those who I sue for all these criminal activities.

Heard this Jessica is not good enough to mother other more prominent name's child is the reason she can be a Ford's mother. Heard the name Jessica is a precious name, not sure if that is still a true statement after I tipped FBI, in entertainment industry because who has this name as birth name deserve to mother prominent names.

2: This Jessica is surrounded by attorneys last named Stephens. They are Tina O'Connor's husband cousins. Some of Tina O'Connor's husband Rick Stephens' third cousins are the attorneys who filed lawsuit which was ruled " no mine own children" as announced this morning. I did not authorize these attorneys to represent me at all and I even did not hear there was a lawsuit filed on my behave already. These attorney Stephens are not even eligible to represent me to file anything regarding my children by huge interest conflicts they impose would be the reason I challenge "if the ruling is based on valid lawsuit".

Tina O'Connor, maybe real named Helen O'Connor as she herself announced on the radio program, has a dating service company by rumor. Not sure if this is how she got into professional whore business like she presented on this radio program. Heard she is currently the only non-radio professional participated on radio program producing.

----June 29th, 2017

06-28-2017 No Chinese citizen can yell at my personal matter 没有中国公民可比划我私人事

Heard this morning's broadcasting about Chinese woman choose to be with a Chinese guy only means a loser herself and my personal life is a living proof of that.(中文附后)
My response: Entire time I am saying this Chinese government organized performance is a whore business advertisement.

If Chinese woman choose to be with Chinese guy is only because she is not a loser, is it should be understood by audience that Chinese guys are losers only according to P. R Chinese citizens?

If I do not choose to be with any Chinese guy only means a prove of this, is that imply I have to have a Chinese guy for fxxx only purpose? Is this further imply a Chinese guy is a pig only fxxx-able?

With my analyze above, with another a Chinese female citizen supported by Chinese government officials insist on "have to have a child with a rich stranger" story that radio program also featured, I got the conclusion this is whore ring business organized activities.

----June 28th, 2017.

Why I screamed why this radio program try to impress audience that United States is a colony to People's Republic of China?
My explanation: As a citizen of United States, as a citizen who is ruled by US laws including Constitution, why my US lawful money can be announced on this radio program as denied by Chinese government officials? Why my personal life can be announced by whoever as long as Chinese government officials stand by them?

Evidence: 1:The fund often confused as O'Connor family wealth. This fund is my lawful money according to British laws and US laws, why my lawful ownership constantly insulted by Chinese government officials on this radio program?

2: Yesterday, my representative attorney announced I have inheritance entrusted 2100 years ago represented by him and his announcement was insulted 2 minutes later by a Chinese government stating "she has no money" on the same episode of the same radio program. Is this to say US attorneys announcement according to US laws means nothing at all as long as insults being supported by Chinese government officials?

3: US marriage conducts are freedom granted by US constitution. Why my personal life constantly insulted by Tina O'Connor's "truly felt" as a US Foreign Department employee as long as she got Chinese government officials supports? I decided to sue her to everything she did in US government employee's name.

My statement: There is no Chinese citizen can yell managing my personal matter including my private romance and my private wealth.

----June 28th, 2017








What else to freak you out? 吓死人的婚姻登记


证明: 1: 常被混淆为O'Connor家财产的那个基金。按照英国和美国的法律,基金就是我方敏财产,为什么我的合法拥有基金事实却经常被中国政府官员通过这个广播剧加以挑衅?

2: 昨天, 我的代表律师宣布我有一笔2100年前的信托由他代理,他的声明2分钟以后就被中国政府官员在同一集广播剧里以“她根本就没钱”进行挑衅。这是不是在说只要有中国政府官员支持挑衅,美国律师根据美国法律发表的声明就只是胡说八道而已?

3:美国的婚姻相关法律体现美国宪法所赋予的自由。为什么我私人生活经常被Tina O'Connor 的一句句“我真的这么认为”来挑衅就只因为她是美国外交部雇员且受到中国政府官员的支持?我已经决定就她以美国政府雇员身份所做的(侵犯我私人合法权益)一切诉诸法律。



06-27-2017 Olympic Game  -- My Ancient Grandmother?(奥运会--我奶奶?)

Heard this morning's broadcasting featured if I am real and my family history. (中文附后)
I guess: I am the person know "not much" but have full imaginations of my ancient family with history . So let me speculate here as the authentic heir.

2100 years ago, that is Han dynasty in China. I stated my long history family started from East Han Dynasty (25 AD) which was started by a child from Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD) that referred as West Han dynasty because its capital-ed in west of nowadays' Shanxi province of China. The starter of West Han Dynasty Liu, Bang was the first grandfather of mine who had his famous palms recorded in history book, his two palms had three  horizontal lines matched exactly just the same way mine and my father's palms over 2000 years later. I speculate my grandfathers since him in West Han dynasty were his firstborns like my grandfather, my father and me. But somehow the firstborns were no longer his palms line in the late West Han dynasty was the reason my grandfather Liu, Lu (25 AD) started East Han dynasty and set the family inheritance rule as "Matching Palms Inheritance Rule". Heard what was announced this morning, I am so happy I got something valuable from a grandfather in this historic transition period time.
----June 27th, 2017

Heard this morning's rebroadcasting of 2008 Olympic Games Opening's announcement in Beijing, China " This is the Original source of Olympic Games...".
I speculate:  I have a grandmother who was the one and only Empress in Chinese history. She claimed she was the heir of Zhou Dynasty (1027 -211 BC) when she was "Mother of the Emperor" in Tong Dynasty (618-907 AD). I have been puzzled like "how?", She had nephews carried her maiden family name recorded in history books of Tang dynasty, why she was the heir?  But I know nothing about if those nephews were from her brothers' or from her cousins and which cousin, etc. Anyway, her one-and-only child who was my another Tang dynasty Emperor grandfather devotedly supported her who made his Emporium called hers of WuZhou(武周) dynasty (690 - 705 AD).

About Zhou dynasty (1027 - 211 BC) that my Empress grandmother claimed she was an heir of. I was not good in history class when I was in school, Zhou dynasty is very "unfamiliar" to me. I had checked online about this grandmother of mine, I read on the internet that her grandfather in Zhou dynasty maybe Wen Emperor (周文王)who maybe the heir son of Zhou dynasty's starter Wu Emperor (周武王). By the way, I have two grandfathers in Han Dynasty are titled Wu Emperor(汉武帝) and GuangWu Emperor (光武帝). Another interesting thing about Zhou dynasty is Emperors of Zhou dynasty are called "Son of Heaven"(天子). This "Son of Heaven" (天子)is the nickname later to refer Emperors in China.

A very interesting in my family that had been broadcast-ed on the radio program was me and my father's "sound sleep". It was recorded in history book that my Empress grandmother also famous for that and she liked to say those naps were her meetings with her grandfather Wen Emperor (周文王 )(”梦周公“)。 It is a famous Chinese phrase later to describe sound sleeps. Now you know how dedicated me and my father have been in these meetings with our grandfather Wen Emperor of Zhou Dynasty.

So I haven't figure out how to speculate the relationship between myself and Olympic Games yet, so I will continue to speculate when I figure this out.

----June 27, 2017

Chinese history Chart (2017) Retrieved from


2100年前的中国是汉朝时期。我所过我家历史是从东汉时期 (25 AD) 开始。东汉是由汉朝皇帝的一个孩子建立的,早期的汉朝因为首都建在现今的陕西省西端常被称为西汉时期。西汉的开国皇帝刘邦是第一个独特掌纹被记入历史书籍的我的爷爷,他双掌的三条横纹完全吻合, 我父亲和我双掌的三条横纹的完全吻合就和2000多年前的爷爷刘邦一模一样。我猜啊,西汉开始时候的头胎儿子都有刘邦的掌纹,像我爷爷,我父亲和我都是头胎兼有掌纹;到后期可能有掌纹的不再是长子了,所以我爷爷刘璐干脆就建了个东汉(挪到现陕西省东边建了个首都),并且明确规定从他开始家里继承规则是“掌纹继承”。今天早上讲的估计就是这段“掌纹和长子”争执时期的一个爷爷特意留了点东西给我,我真是很开兴。

我猜猜:我有个中国历史上唯一的女皇帝奶奶武则天。她做为公元618-907 时候唐朝的太后宣称自己是公元前1027-211年时期的周朝的继承人(或类似)。我就一直很奇怪"哪有可能啊?”。她有她娘家的武姓侄子们就在唐朝的历史书上记载着呐,怎么会她是继承人啊? 但我不清楚这几个武姓的侄子们是她娘家亲兄弟的,或是她娘家堂兄弟还是几等亲的亲戚的。我就知道,她唯一的孩子也就是我的另一个唐朝皇帝爷爷是全力支持他的母亲自封女皇帝把他自己的帝国被称为是他母亲的武周帝国(公元690-705)。





06-26-2017 Shits means friendly? (痛骂是表达友善?)

Heard this morning's broadcasting featured Shanghai government announced no plan of any co-developing project with me(中文附后).
My response: Sounds like my name has been used to request business opportunities in Shanghai, China.  I, myself, am not specialized in trading with China or Shanghai, China.
----June 26th, 2017

Heard this morning's expression by Shanghai government that won't consider throwing shits as friendly gesture.
My response: This is exactly what I expressed to British Royals and my complains regarding this almost two years now real set performing shows organized by Chinese government. I, Min Fang, never criticized or judgmental about any  Chinese government policies or related. I , Min Fang, only criticized racketeering efforts helped by Chinese government via organizing this almost two year long real set performing to shits and to blackmail. This so called shows have been performed daily in P. R.China and abroad, and still on non stop.

----June 26th, 2017

My complain toward Chinese government:
In a country that whores and hookers are not considered lawful hard working professional body communicating labor workers, how could government officials confuse me who a computer programmer who live with no man around in the past 10 years with hookers, refer me in "you are just hooker " tone and organize "throw shits to a hooker show" as Chinese Government?
Should Chinese government be expected to know that to inherit family wealth is by blood relationship as result of coupled sex,  instead of whores' or hookers' labor fee by sex intercourse experience during processing sex intercourse procedure. 
I inherited wealth that is not the money made by sex intercourse experience.
----June 26, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting also featured some my same last names complains.
My response: I heard my father also has something entrusted by my grandfather, not sure if this is the reason I lost contact of him or if this is the reason those same last names saying "don't come to me" for. I left Shanghai after college graduation in 1990 and moved abroad since 1996. So far what I inherited are all "expected female heir's share " but not this generation heir's share. My father is this generation's heir as my grandfather's son and I am his heir. His would be no comparison size with mine because he only got his father's blessing and I also got his grandfathers' blessings. Heard he is currently in similar situation as I am.
----June 26th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting expressed some people's sigh "if you have money and you got nothing to do with him, why not let him have some"
My response: I heard a lot sighs like this for Chinese and for non-Chinese. I would say: Indeed, I have nothing to do with this person and I have no pain without this him in my life. But this fits for 1.3 Billions Chinese citizens and 4.4 Billions humans on planet earth. Why this him specific who I have nothing to do with and disgusted / being disgusted mutually?
----June 26th, 2017

Heard concerns of me may have too much money.
My response: I am concerned if this is lawful world anymore in this excuse.  I am not concerned if I have too much money like everybody would not, but I am indeed concerned how many children I need to have till my precious birthmark heir finally be born.
----June 26th, 2017

我的回应: 听着像是有人在用我的名义向上海市要求生意机会。我本人不是做中国或上海的进出口的贸易的。

我的回应:这正是我对英国王室所表达的立场, 这也是我对中国政府所组织的这场近两年的所谓实景表演的投诉。我方敏从未痛骂或评论中国政府对内对外各项国策及其相关主张,我方敏只痛骂过中国政府利用组织“全方位”骚扰我生活近两年的所谓实景演出来达到谩骂恐吓造谣诽谤以协助敲诈勒索目的得做法。这所谓的演出现在还在中国及海外每天上演,拒不停止。


是不是应该认为中国政府是应该知道家族财产继承是根据夫妻性交的结果所产生的血缘关系来继承, 而不像婊子妓女的体力劳动工钱是根据性交过程进行中的性交体验来收费的。


我的回应:听说我的父亲也有我爷爷信托的财产, 不清楚这是不是我和他失去联系的原因以及这些方姓人士说”别来找我"的原因。我是1990年大学毕业离开上海1996年移居海外。目前我所继承的都是给我这个“期待中的女(继承)掌纹者”但都不是这一代继承人的那份。我父亲是我爷爷的儿子这一代的继承人,我是我父亲的继承人。他拿到的那份估计和我拿到的没法比。他只有他父亲的一份祝福,我还有他的爷爷们的祝福。听说他现在的处境就和我一样没钱惨兮兮。




06-25-2017 Earned and Inherited(继承的和自己挣的)

Heard this morning's broadcasting featured Shanghai same last name cousins' different understanding. (中文附后)
My response: I do not know if I deserve all my inheritances, but I know my own biological grandfathers' entrusted wealth can be inherited by me according to my grandfathers' own will only because I am their girl from their heir line who carries their blood & their inheritance birthmark palms. 
----June  25th, 2017

Heard the different understandings are, rumored, from inheritances related legal documentations.
My response: I heard the same rumor. But those "deserved-ness" were never required by my own biological grandfathers according to their own expression recorded on their own hand writing wills. I heard the "requirements" were entrusting attorneys' hopes of having a good boss expressed in their own handwriting letters as representing attorneys. The rumored "legal documents(documentations)" are documents(documentations) prepared entrusting attorneys who have (had) valid attorney licenses to practice laws, those documents(documentations) are "legal documents(documentations)" only because those are all about legal matters, some recent years of those may be typed instead of handwritten. I heard one of these famous attorneys' "I hope" letters is collected and featured in College Literature Textbooks as one of American literature classics but they were never inheritances requirements. My grandfathers' wills have been only valid authentic inheritances legal documents(documentations) for me (female (heir) palms) to inherit. I know for sure I did not earn any of these entrusted wealth but I know for sure I inherited them all on June 30th, 2004. I entrusted them all to original entrusting groups on July 1st of 2004.
----June 25th, 2017

**When I heard about those handwriting "I hope" letters, I was so excited that I can own them all as my private collections. I invited my current attorneys to hand write some "I hope" documents(documentations) "according to traditions" to be part of this long history private collections(owned by me 100%) on Boston 96.9 FM in 2016.
----June 25th, 2017

**Just heard about copyright ownership doubts.
My response: All these similar articles are all paid fully as attorneys' salaries already at the time these were written as part of entrusting attorneys job related documents(documentations) and collected as part of entrusting documents(documentations). I am the one received all these as part of my inheritances and inheritances related in 2004. I own 100%  of ownership of all these which should include their copyrights. I did alert law enforcement about copyright doubts.
----June 25th, 2017



**当我听说这些“我希望”的手书时,我特激动这些统统都属于我的私人收藏。我于2016年在波士顿96.9 FM 公开邀请我现在的律师们也来“按照传统”手写一些“我希望”的文件(文书)成为这个有悠久历史的私人收藏的一部分(所有权100%归我所有)。



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