
Chinese version

Chronicle Note

**I have not heard one single episode of this radio program myself for a lot of reasons. To do a radio program majorly featuring me was discussed on 07/01/2004 conference call. The radio program has been produced by United States 106.7FM or Clear Channel and on air since 2005??suppose??. I am a Chinese, the major featured person(suppose). Following are what I gathered from impacts of being the major featured person and may not correct. Please contact me at somebodyinMA@gmail.com if the content is seriously incorrect and please provide references including broadcasting channel and time, thanks forward.

01-15-2018  Should A Public Media's big Investor "Pay to be shited even name harm is the only intention?" 这届中国政府根本就是篡党夺权的政府

Should A Public Media's big Investor "Pay to be shited even name harm is the only intention?". (中文附后)
My response: I refuse to pay to let this “cousin” tell everyone she is the person actually "having attorneys" and capable of "resolving issues".

I did hear this “pay to be shited" was organized by Albert Gore. And I refuse to pay to be shited from those who shit out of hatred.

I never hired no-attorney-licensed Albert Gore to represent my any lawful interest or any lawful rights. I refuse Albert Gore's public robbery attempted that aimed at my own financial power over my own money.

It was well-known I publicly rejected Albert Gore to be supported by my financial power over my own inheritances on July 1st of 2004, I have called Law enforcement's help on the money including my handsome intellectual making that he has stolen from me as well as this organized public robbery of my own power over my own finance.

I am constantly threatened that if I refuse to pay to be shited like you have heard on the radio, then I should not be allowed to be a big investor to own a public media, so what is the difference between "abusively use public media to commit a crime of public name harm" and public media's fair reporting or probing into issues related to public interests that maybe not correct?

----January 15th, 2018

Heard this morning's broadcasting of Chinese government's announcement of the investigation.
My response: I was like "how? They are the beneficiary group of all these announcements to promote activities, what needs to be investigated when it comes to the rumors that they are not promoted by former Chinese administration, but promoted by a female they have shared sexual relationship with since youth time, and by that female's publicly announced their "deserved fast promotion" on the radio program with her another sexual partner's (Albert Gore) support, and promoted her announcement without former Chinese administration's authorization?"

How could I possibly expect the National Leader who committed a crime according to Chinese Criminal Laws by pushing my father out of a moving car and drove off while my father still on the ground could possibly organize any lawful investigation?

How could I possibly believe this National Leader, that obviously well-supported by current administration of the People's Republic of China's government, can do a fair investigation, when what I heard is he invited my father to push my father out of a moving car in order to support my younger brother's wife to kick out my father from his own home that he bought by his own saving and his long years' employment he had worked for the Chinese Purple Mountain Observatory he bought this apartment from? I heard it was the same day (or the third day) that my father got up from the ground, he was ousted from his own home.

My father was a Chinese citizen, at least at the moment he was pushed out of a moving car. How could possibly that can be a lawfully elected Chinese national leader that dare to publicly commit such a Chinese Criminal Laws' defined crime?

I believe all these because of my own experiences living in the United States. I only met this Chinese Premiere Li once in 1991 and moved to the United States in 1996. Entire Chinese government administration, former and current, are all aware I never contacted him other than a faxed letter in January of 2015, addressed  to Chinese Consulate New York because of the radio program's featured stories of his romances ,that informed him I was looking for information of my inherited wealth which did not even include a single tiny request that implied the intention of asking his help.

He broadcasted his "romance stories" on the radio after he fathers a Taiwanese woman's children, and he insisted on change my wealth ownership to his lawfully registered wife. By intentionally using the confusion of who is his wife and who mothers his child(children), he insisted on to own my wealth and insisted on to abusing my hard earned fame as if I want to stuck-on him, and actually his desire of own my wealth is the real reason of all his "practicing of this kind performing arts".。

I think it is possible that Chinese Premier Li, Keqiang(Kejiang, 李克强) and his partner Chinese Chairman Xi, Jinping(习近平)and this administration of People's Republic of China's government is illegally formed because they completely ignore the fact that the people's Republic of China is not privately owned by their beloved shared female but by all People's Republic of China's citizens.

I think it is possible that Chinese Premier Li, Keqiang(Kejiang, 李克强) and his partner Chinese Chairman Xi, Jinping(习近平)and this administration of People's Republic of China's government is illegally formed because they are possibly not promoted by the former administration of the People's Republic of China's government who is a group of people believes in China is a Lawful Country and Chinese People are industrious and brave( 勤劳勇敢).

I think it is possible that Chinese Premier Li, Keqiang(Kejiang, 李克强) and his partner Chinese Chairman Xi, Jinping(习近平)and this administration of People's Republic of China's government is illegally formed because no lawfully formed government would violate own laws to create any situation for personal gains in finance or in power. Not to mention live on other people's money and demand to be provided for without money owner's willingness by abusively using a Nation's government's powers and human & capital resources.

----January 15th, 2018

Heard some concern what will happen to my father after I publicly speak up?
My response: It can only be better. China that I came from is the People's Republic of China, not a privately owned whorehouse China substitution.

Everyone who ever heard me talking knows I never criticize Chinese government's any internal or foreign policy before Dec. of 2014, and violent swore about the notorious Chinese Premier L, Keqiang(Kejiang,中国国家总理李克强)and his romantic relationship.

My silence about I only met this Chinese Premiere Li, Keqiang did not help ease the situation that my inherited wealth kept being demanded by his lawfully registered wife but severed it because the reason to own my wealth is"That is his wife's inherited money and/or lawfully earned money and I am his lawfully registered wife Chenghong(程虹), why can't I use that money".

And my swearing about this Chinese Premiere Li, Keqiang(Kejiang,中国国家总理李克强) did help to clarification who his wife is worldwide, but severe the demanding to own my wealth by Chinese government official participation of this public rob my money through radio program's "announce intended ownership on the radio program without any lawful authorization and insist on changing the ownership according to the radio announcements to to really own what announced in reality by promoting the radio program as practicing some performing arts" scheme in 2015.

This substituting scheme of changing "who is the lawful owner of the money ", by practicing performing arts, to "who is the real wife is the person who deserves the money and should own the money" is the reason I say the organizer of this practicing this kind of performing arts is the "usurp party and state power group (篡党夺权团伙)"

My personal eperiences how I need to regain my own financial power over my own money including how I need to regain my lawful power to spend my own money as I wish, and my personal experiences that part of my fights to regain my own financial power over my own money have been against this administration of the People's Reublic of China's government that led by the Chinese Premiere Li, Keqiang (Kejiang, 中国国家总理李克强)and Chinese Chairman Xi, Jinping(中国国家主席习近平) is the reason I would think this administration of the People's Repubic of China's government must be a  "usurp party and state power group (篡党夺权团伙)". The difference is just it is a different kind of powers, and that is all.

----January 15th, 2018







我的回应:我的反应就是“他们查?怎么查法啊?他们自己可能就是因为整个事件而获得利益的团体。 按照海外传言,他们自己就不是由中国的前一届政府推荐选拔提升的,而是由和他们自己都有两性关系的同一个女人,及通过这同一个女人的有两性关系的外国人(阿尔伯特·高尔)通过广播剧在全世界公开宣布他们就是应该被快速提拔的人才,再通过有组织的推广这个广播剧的宣布就是有效宣布等等一系列的活动,在未经前一届中国政府的授权下就通过广播剧在现实生活里在事实上被提拔了。碰到这种传言,他们自己再在同一个广播剧上宣布由他们自己查?怎么查啊?

我怎么会认为一个拖着我的父亲上了他的小轿车,再把我父亲从已启动的车里给推出去,看我父亲摔倒在地, 没等我父亲能够站起来,就轻轻松松扬长而去的这么一个人,一个明显已经违反了中华人民共和国刑事法法律的犯罪分子,却还继续可以当中华人民共和国的国家领导人的这么一个人,会有可能组织一个符合中华人民共和国法律的事件真相调查?

我那有可能会相信这样一个国家领导人,一个还明显被这一届中国政府鼎力支持的这么一个人,做所有这一切就是为了协助我弟弟的妻子把我父亲给赶出我父亲自己出钱买的天文台的职工宿舍的家门的这么一个人,会有可能做任何公平的调查啊?我听说的是:我父亲就是在南京的北京东路上,就是在大白天,就是在天文台宿舍大院的前面被公然推出已经启动的汽车而当众摔倒在地的,就在我父亲好不容易从地上站起来回到家里的同一天(或者第三天),就收到他儿子的老婆递上的装着我父亲身份证件的小塑料袋并被告知永远别回来了。我2015年一月打电话回家时, 我被那女的告知的是我父亲已经走了。















01-14-2018 Why it is my business to point out what is not Os families' lawful wealth?

Heard this morning's broadcasting of why I need to point out that Fund is never O'Connors' money.
My response: Tina O'Connor, through the radio program and related promotional activities,  promoting the idea that I am not allowed ("not deserved") to be provided for by the Fund even the money is verified as lawfully paid for my exclusive usage, and she took every penny my second year's providing (for 2016) that paid by the fund to cover my daily living expense, etc. All these had made me a public well-know "fake rich person but a real beggar" that actually live on government's welfare is the reasons for all these clarifications.

Most likely, my first year's providing (for 2015) has been taken by Albert Gore or his related. My third year's providing (for 2017), rumored, taken by a "Jessica Pejoves" (one of the four or five daughters of the Duane-Reade retired pharmacist father and the actress mother Anne Pejoves).

Currently, I heard my one-bedroom apartment is "paid for 50 years but not allow to re-allocate" because Albert Gore is not going to "donate another payment". I have not seen a penny of my other two years' paid-out providing.
(*My first year's providing was paid in 2014 by the Fund that I asked Albert Gore's uncle's and father's attorney firms to represent on July 1st of 2004. They are no longer representing that Fund since mid of 2015.
----published on January 13th, 2018)

(*I needed to have new attorneys on that day was because my misunderstanding on why I was neglected to constant crying when I was in Janus Associates, a computer consulting company in Connecticut. I did realize in 2016 that I directed my anger wrongfully to the female attorney in 2004 and I sincerely apologize to her here again, this time is also from my understanding that let me safe inherit my trusts is more important than help to stop my cries.
----published on January 6th, 2018)

I heard all these payments was promoted by these people as some rich persons' donation that nobody would donate ever again and nobody would care if I am the beneficiary person of these "donations", because I really have nothing to do with any of these "donors" romantically, and it is unlikely they will have anything to do with me at all in the future after this "radio program's clarification of who the fxxx this Chinese woman is".  And the reason for these rich persons' willingness to make these donations was only because they have too much money and that is all.

This is another reason for all these clarifications that including clarification on this Jessica Pejoves who took my third year's providing is not the person owns that fund because her parents and herself were not born to have that fund nor inherited that fund. I inherited that fund by inheriting my trust that set up that Fund on June 30th, 2004.

I did call law enforcement's help on all these, and I did inform Massachusett's General Attorney's office about some of these rumors I heard of that related to the MA taxpayers' help I received and what I know about my inheriting and what was decided on my entrusting meeting that held on July 1st of 2004. I remembered one of the decisions was my providing would be appended to the regular donations in order not to let my providing eat into regular donations by mistake or by confusion.

----January 14th, 2018

I heard some confusion regarding what I said in the meeting about more investment instead of intellectual income.
My response: What I mean and what was understood was: I trade my intellectual income for some extra investment shares. The reason was invention fees has no comparison with possible returns from extra investment opportunities.

It means the company would not pay invention fees or patent fees if they gave me extra investment shares.

I was told at the meeting to accepted invention fees and I agreed that was a good idea because my inheritances' investment opportunities are my contributions to what my grandfathers had made but this invention fee is purely my own making. So, I did not trade my invention fees with more investment opportunities.

What happened was a lot of those companies either did not know which is my inheritance Fund or did not think I need some extra investment opportunities because too many people wanted those investment opportunities. So they did not trade investment opportunities with company's saving of some expenses on invention fees.

It is either the company not pay for invention fees but gave me extra investment shares, or the company pay for my share of invention fees and gave me my shares of investment opportunities. It was never that the company could just give out this money from company's expenses to whoever.

So, the result is I have intellectual Income hard earned.

----January 14th, 2018

01-13-2018 My Father is Safe now and about O's frustration

Heard this morning's broadcasting that my father is safe now.
My response: I am so happy to hear this. BIG THANKS. I can't wait to reunite with him.

* I heard I might be demanded by 1980s style's "thanks need to be paid not just said", "happy need to be expressed visibly not just felt invisible".
I would respond with, that is if I am demanded, "I am expressing my happy feeling in word "happy" visibly on this blog, and I am paying my attention of thanks properly."

----January 13th, 2018

Heard this morning's broadcasting that I can only invite my father when I no longer live on Massachusetts(MA) taxpayers.
My response: It was never my intention to live on anybody. And I have been provided with my own money all these time I have been helped. Currently, only my apartment has been covered by my first year's paid providing. My first year's providing was paid in 2014 by the Fund that I asked Albert Gore's uncle's and father's attorney firms to represent on July 1st of 2004. They are no longer representing that Fund since mid of 2015.

I did email Massachusetts' General Attorney's office to tip what I know about my inherited wealth and my possible Intellectual Incomes. Being an MA resident, my Intellectual Incomes are subjected to MA income tax and it is my responsibility to report.


----January 13th, 2018

Heard this morning's broadcasting of a "two children".
My response: I made myself very clear already, no need to express myself further on what this means.

I never lived on this person's money and I am providing for my own biological children handsomely but invisibly. I can totally provide them handsomely and visibly as well.

----January 13th, 2018

Heard this morning's broadcasting was associated with some O's real frustration.
My response: I can imagine their frustration, each family's financial change is about $100,000 - $ 1Million a year a household. Of course, a lot Os are imaginably jumpy frustrated.

I was asked why it has to stop?
I answered, "Because there is no reason to continue."

I was asked why not in 1970s time when there was no reason to continue already?"
I answered: "Because of this expected frustrations. It was not  just Os but all who were born into the similar storied families were expected to be impacted."

I was asked why some adjusted well and some not?
I answered: "That's is certainly imaginable. Some may have started to pay attention to invest since 1970s, some may not good at financial planning."

I was asked will it be possible till everyone adjusted?
I answered: "That is unlikely. I can imagine the frustration. From my own experiences of running my own roof in a place that I call foreign and have no relatives around which certainly means there is no easy solution to make the ends meet, I would think it is better to rationalize what financial anxieties might be and focus on what can be done about them."

I heard a lot of mothers' frustrations of "I want my kids to have this or that and now I might not be able to afford them".
I answered: "I would make this or that as part of the list of what needed to be done and prioritize them, then focus on how. I would think financial managers or professionals may have a lot of advice on this kind of how-s".

I heard "I am the person providing comforts but not sharing the frustration when I was told if the bonus is a fair evaluation, now..."
My response: "I would put this feeling into the list of what needed to be done and prioritize it, then focus on how to get this feeling back. I would think financial managers or professionals may have a lot of advice on this kind of how-s as well"

----January 13th, 2018

01-12-2018 老爸爸:我的电邮地址: somebodyinma@gmail.com

Heard this morning's broadcasting about my father.

My response: I saw yesterday on Chinese Consulate webpage that my father has been searching for me since 2013. I contacted the number listed on that webpage yesterday and left my contact information. 

I heard my father is found from satellite image records. I hope I can hear from him and reunite with him soon. 

If anyone who reads this blog knows my father's whereabouts, please pass along my contact email: somebodyinma@gmail.com

----January 12th, 2018




Min Fang <fang.m.min@gmail.com>Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 7:48 AM
To: 兰兰 <1925778648@qq.com>




Min Fang <fang.m.min@gmail.com>Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 8:34 AM
To: 兰兰 <1925778648@qq.com>




Min Fang <fang.m.min@gmail.com>Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 9:08 AM
To: 兰兰 <1925778648@qq.com>



2018-01-12 8:50 GMT-05:00 兰兰 <1925778648@qq.com>:

----January 12th, 2018

01-11-2018 (2) My Father is looking for me since August of 2015 (我爸爸的寻人启事)


01-11-2018 Origin of my Private Wealth and My College Education

Heard this morning's broadcasting about my college education.
My response: I speak up here what I heard early last year when I was trying to apply my current MBA with an undergraduate and graduate school records. I sent out 2 emails, multiple addresses each time, but I did not get any response.

It was already rumored around if I had any college education since 2016's radio program announcement from P.R. China's government that Shanghai Medical University was no longer existed (because of name change) but broadcasted with editing technique to produce the public impression of a fake college.

What I heard was Chinese Premiere Li went to Fudan University Shanghai medical college with a group of people one day that is sometime after 2012, and practiced some performing arts of "shred alumni's school records and burn them all". I used records because I heard there were four alumni's school records were destroyed permanently in this way that day. I did not hear how often this way of practicing performing arts had been performed nationwide in the People's Republic of China.

Fudan University Shanghai Medical College is currently addressed at 138 Yixueyuan Rd, Xuhui Qu, Shanghai, P.R. China, it is the same address of the Shanghai First Medical College I was enrolled in 1985 and it is same address of the Shanghai Medical University I graduated from in 1990.

Luckily, like I said this morning, I do not need their lies about my education. Tons of countries can use their own satellite image records to verify my saying of "went to Shanghai Medical University since 1985, went to classrooms and/or test lab daily, and lived daily in an 8-persons a room's student dorm till graduation in 1990."

I also heard similar stories of this kind performing art practicing in the United States. The performing objects were accounting books and related records, the practicing of performing was to shred and burn it all after taken those records out of a safe box. I did tip law enforcement when I heard other related rumors.

I heard tons of rumors this kind. I am apparently completely cured of the anxiety disorder. I am apparently very well protected by the Laws.

----January 11th, 2018

Other rumors I heard about what else this Chinese Premiere Li did in China.
My response: There are tons of rumors about my father.

I speak up here what I have heard:
I heard it was broadcasted on the radio program that my father had walked out of a hospital and went missing, what else I heard was, sometime after that, Chinese Premier Li invited my father to get on to his chauffeur equipped car, but once the car started moving, my father was pushed out when the car door opened. It was in public place with bypassers watching my father fall to the ground. *I heard this was verified from satellite images already.

My father was in his 80s already when this happened (born in 1932).

That is not the only rumor I heard how my father had been abused. I did ask laws help on my father after I heard fake news from my younger brother in 2015. My whereabouts have been well-known in Chinese community since 2004, I should be able to hear any news about my father if the news is important. Chinese Community is not all evils.

----January 11th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about the origin of my private wealth.
My response: I published this on somebodyinBoston.blogspot.com in 2016.

My family wealth originated from Emperor Private Wealth which was generated by 3% tax collecting. The tax collecting is similar to modern tax laws 1% tax incentive to reward patron's great contribution to regional economic growth. There is no special collecting for this modern 1% incentive tax but reward by the government from already collected tax, the same no special collecting for Emperor 3% tax but 3% of all collected tax transferred into Emperor's private wealth. As modern tax laws to condition tax incentive by evaluating contributions to regional economic growth, being an Emperor to earn this 3% tax as income is not easy at all either. Being the head of an Empire, an Emperor needs to perform the tasks as to keep the Empire in peace, to stimulate economic growth and culture prosperous, to make subjects in Empire happy being Emperor's subjects, to make neighbor countries have no complaint but admire of Empire prosperous., etc. It is never an easy job for a CEO of any company to ensure company keeps growing in fierce competition, it was not easy to achieve these things on a large scale like a big country as China. "Golden Years" and “Keiyuan Spirit" are the performance evaluation given to my ancestor grandfathers by Chinese history. My family wealth origins are, like nowadays government employees paychecks and benefits, well deserved hard earned private wealth. *Note: 3% is an example tax rate. Emperor tax rate was not a fixed value rate but vary by Dynasty and/or by Emperor.
(----published in early 2016)

I repeat what I said this morning in Chinese, all these historic taxes rates and Emperor's share in collected taxes were all recorded in Chinese historical books. I do not need to explain.

It is well-known to all countries that have a government, Royals' private wealth is separated from the Kingdom's Central Bank's Reserve. A state-run company's savings is separated from its CEO's own money. I don't need to explain either.

----January 11th, 2018

我家的财产最早是起源于占税收3%的皇家税。这皇家税的征收办法是和现代税收里的1%增进地区经济发展税是一样的,不另外特别征收,而是从已征收的税收中拨转已征税收总额的3%至皇家私库,属于皇家私有财产。就像现代税收里这1%的奖励税是需要通过特别审批才有资格获得一样,皇家要挣到这3%的皇家税也不容易。作为一国之君,一个皇帝需要做到的事包括:保障帝国的疆域安全,促进帝国的经济发展文化繁荣,让帝国子民快乐幸福而实现国泰民安,让邻国艳羡推崇帝国的繁荣昌盛但不嫉妒怀恨抱怨,等等。就像一个企业的总经理要想在一个竞争激烈的环境里领导企业发展从来就不是一个很容易的事一样,要想在更大的作为一个国家的中国的范畴内有如此成就更是一点都不容易。中国历史上的“贞观之治” 和“开元盛世”就是中国历史对我爷爷们治国表现的推崇。我的私有财富的起源,也就是源自于现代社会所说的政府公务员的工资和福利,都是来自国家征收的税收收入却是100%辛勤工作挣到的合法私人财产。*注:3%的税率是一个假设的数字做解释使用。皇家税率不是固定的,因朝代和皇帝而异。




01-10-2018 About this morning's "a mother since 18 years old" and the joke of "Are you sure she has any money"?

Heard this morning's broadcasting of a woman who mothers a rich person's child since 18.
My response: As long as he fathers another woman's child or children, he is a none of my business people. I don't care who that woman might be, young or old, ugly or pretty.

I was never provided by this rich person. I have lived on my own wealth that I inherited from my own birth grandfathers. I don't care how well he can provide for whoever. I am provided well by my own birth grandfathers' blessing.

----January 10th, 2018

Heard this morning's joke about a Mr. Jimmy Geithner.
My response: The joke is because this Jimmy featured in this morning's broadcasting was on July 1st of 2004's meeting as well.

I am the person not sure who is the one I called "my finance guy" which means "my accountant".  I was correctly understood by everybody who heard me introducing "I have an accountant" proudly on June 30th and July 1st of 2004. The original wording is "That is my finance guy". I introduced this "my accountant" to a group of Taiwanese after Smartphone related chats on June 30th of 2004.

I heard the person who signed out my providing checks since 2004 that including my $400 Million medical treatments spending and my current housing that I am residing in is the person I assumed my accountant. I am much relaxed now even though I have not received my food & cash providing yet from the same check that covers my current housing.

I did hear this morning's "joke" with the question "Are you sure she has any money?" has happened often and frequently since 2004 to the person I introduced as my accountant. He has been insulted all this time, and I had been agitated to be called a stuck-on beggar all this time.

----January 10th, 2018

The difference between Royals, me and Don Quijote de la Mancha.
My response: Well, I have some ancient titles and wealth entrusted since ancient times but both inherited, not some craziness out of my fancy ideas to practice some ancient-hood.

I did joke about hiring some security guys in my own self-designed uniforms to perform some marching on my own private property, and have all my kids watching this "phenomena" on a balcony with titles I lawfully entitled them.

But there are huge differences between me and Royals, or me and Don Quijote de la Mancha.

Royals are residing in a country with respectful subjects, Royal laws, and Nationally acknowledged Royal Privileges, etc.

I live a modern life in my own properties on the soil of a country I am a same equal citizen of. But I do have some inherited, and ancient, and valid, and lawfully respected titles I can entitle my own children.

Don Quijote de la Mancha lived in his own invented fantasy of practicing knighthood in his adventures.

----January 10th, 2018

01-09-2018 All About my Imperial Ancestry and My Royal Titles

Heard this morning's broadcasting if I am the heir of Tang dynasty Emperor Taizong of Tang or just an Imperial offspring.
My response: I am the heir of Chinese Emperor Taizong of Tang.

----January 9th, 2018

Heard the confusion expressed this morning is the Chinese tradition of Firstborn Son Inheriting Custom.
My response: First Born Son inheriting is not the custom of Chinese Emperors' family.

West Han dynasty (西汉, 206BC - 8AD), East Han dynasty(东汉, 25AD-220AD), Tang dynasty(唐朝, 618AD - 907AD), Yuan dynasty(元朝, originated from Genghis Khan, 1279AD-1368AD) and Qing dynasty(清朝, 1644AD-1911AD) were having own inheriting rules that were not according to the firstborn son inheriting custom, especially Tang dynasty, Yuan dynasty and Qing dynasty are well known not firstborn inheriting. I do not know if Yuan dynasty or Qing dynasty had female heir disguised in male's appearance to inherit. I am the female heir of Tang dynasty Emperors and I had a grandmother crowned herself a Wuzhou Empress with the support from her Tang dynasty Emperor husband's heir son (my grandfather). Her Emperor husband was Emperor Gaozong of Tang(唐高宗李治)


西漢 (West Han dynasty)
(1) 漢高祖 劉邦 (前206-前195) (my grandfather)
(2) 漢惠帝 劉盈 (前194-前188)
(3) 漢高后 呂雉(漢少帝 劉恭,漢少帝 劉弘) (前187-前180) (a wife)
(4) 漢文帝 劉恆 (前179-前157)(竇皇后)(a wife)
(5) 漢景帝 劉啟 (前156-前141)
(6) 漢武帝 劉徹 (前140-前87) (possibly my grandfather, 东汉的开国皇帝是光武帝)
(7) 漢昭帝 劉弗陵 (前86-前74)
(8) 漢宣帝 劉詢 (前73-前49)
(9) 漢元帝 劉爽 (前32-前7)
(10) 漢成帝 劉驁 (前32-前7)
(11) 漢哀帝 劉欣 (前6-前1)
(12) 漢平帝 劉衍 (1-5)
(13) 孺子 劉嬰 (6-8)


----January 9th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about Beauty Da (Daji?).
My response: Now everybody already familiar with PRC80 style talk.

What this morning broadcasted was: It was not because of her blood or there is an ancient painting to prove that she resembles the Beauty Da ( Daji?, 1766 to 1122 BC).(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shang_dynasty)

She is a "real beauty Da(Daji)" is because her lovers appreciated her with the words copied from a Chinese historic book that described the Beauty Da(Daji)".

----January 9th, 2018

Heard this morning's broadcasting of a grandmother's wish.
My response: This morning's broadcasting is not from the British Crown Prince William.

I don't care what that male's grandmother's wish is. I refuse to consider any romance possibility with that male.

I did not hear British Crown Prince William had made such saying. And the rumors about possible children between me and the British Crown Prince, which has been clarified untrue already, was because I am the owner of the British East India Company Financier. 

I reject any idea to match me with a male who is an old man to another woman's child or children already.

I was born with Royal titles with handsome wealth that set up together with my trusts. I do not need to consider matrimony to advance myself financially or socially, and I already worked very hard and already advanced myself academically very good.

I refuse to consider any romance with anyone that can be described as Old even that is a male of 20 years of age but a biological father of another woman's child already.

I do have a huge problem with the Radio company's management called-in all these people to produce such dry-cries of themselves to broadcast on a public channel's radio program.

----January 9th, 2018

How can a Royal title be set up with a Trust?
My response: Well, as part of the gift, as long as that is from an Emperor or a ruling Empress.

I am the first girl in 2500 years who shares my Emperors grandfathers birthmark.This family birthmark became my family's heir birthmark since East Han (25AD). This is the reason I received some trusts as gifts from my grandfathers.

It is publicly well known that a King or a Queen can entitle a subject, but the highest title in a hierarchy system that is equivalent to King or Queen can only be titled to themselves, or gift to the Crown Prince or Crown Princess with the condition set as valid upon inheriting.

I don't know if my ancient Emperor grandfathers had entitled themselves that can be inherited which I can refer to as family titles to differentiate with those associated with the Crown or the Emperium, and I don't know if my father had given-up his inheritable family titles at the same time he gave up his financial inheritable that made my grandfather had no choice but gifted all to me, I did inherit Emperor or Empress equivalent titles (such as Ingonyama) on June 30th of 2004 with the wealth that set up together in those trusts I inherited on June 30th of 2004.

----January 9th, 2018

01-08-2018 Loud and Clear is the "Voice of the Law People" and "a Mother's Obligation"

Heard this morning's broadcasting of "the voice of the law people"
My response: I am thrilled to hear "the voice of the law people" is now loud and clear on the radio program.

----January 8th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about my biological children is a pair of my true statements.
My response: It is my obligation to tell the entire world they are my beloved.

----January 8th, 2018

Heard yesterday's talk of a Chinese Mr. Li.
My response: I heard this Mr.Li is a 3rd cousin to me by DNA test result which means his great-grandfather was my great-grandfather's half-brother. Mr. Li is very proud that his great-grandfather was one of the earliest group of students that studied in France and became earliest members of Chinese Communist Party.

I did not hear his great-grandfather had any inheriting abroad related rumors. My inheriting or my inherited wealth has nothing to do with this Mr. Li or his great-grandfather.

I heard his great-grandfather's hostility against my grandfather was a major reason that my grandfather was not popular among those earliest members of Chinese Communist Party. My grandfather decided to entrust wealth abroad was from the concern of widespread rumors that after 1949's liberation, " Chinese government would buy private wealth at the price that would be equivalent as private wealth had filed bankruptcy".

----January 8th, 2017

Heard this morning's talk about Rockefeller and O'Connor name.
My response: I heard it is from some American Rockefellers and some American O'Connors, together with an American Jessica Petroves and an American David Petroves that forbid the public to be aware that I have my own biological children.

It is my obligation to tell all these people that these two children do have a mother willing to let the entire world know that those participating Rockefellers and O'Connors have to be pig-borns to be so confused that these two children are never theirs to manage or to have any saying over. This is regarding the "insist-on efforts" to express the opinion of "should raise these two children in monk style living forever".

One of the rumors is there is a Miss, parented by an American Rockefeller and an American O'Connor, is in financial desperation that frantically intend to pick up a left-over old man who fathers these two children and truly consider this would be a huge financial victory if succeed because pretending rich means nothing practical. I say, if so, why not make it public that is just a beggar-raised Miss Poor. The only curiosity left is, why this she would think she is eligible to have this fake name-power to be in another person's consideration of matrimony? That is not a practical consideration at all but a stupid enough one.

Another related rumor is an American David Petroves is a cousin to an American Jessica Petroves. The funny thing about this rumor is this Jessica Petroves shares the same mother with her half-sister Jessica Lissettes (radio Jessica) but looks like identical twins. The rumor is the mother had two birth of twins, but the 4 girls look like quadruplets. How two children from the same mother but a different father can look so identical? If you haven't heard, the rumor is the famous Duane-Reade pharmacist like to practice the performing art of "magically hol-hol-raise a chair" with his 4 identical looking girls at outdoor space often.

I heard this "Jessica Petroves", not sure which one in these two twins,  kept on insisting to have this saying or that saying over my anything, I say I can't understand why she can insist on as if she has this power from I would want her sexuality desperately. I reject her illusion like such and I refuse to let anyone encourage her psycho fantasy like such.

The third related rumor, all these names have some power that related to "glass house cancer". I did call law enforcement's help regarding a lot of similar rumors.

----January 8th, 2018

01-07-2018 Chinese government inveighs me "fake" to rob my intellectual making and harm me biologically to rob my inheritances? (中国政府痛骂我 “假冒伪造 是想掠夺我的智慧产权伤害我的身体健康是为了抢劫我所继承的财产?)

Heard this morning's broadcasting of why don't you explain to the Chinese government in Chinese? (中文附后)
My response:

When the Chinese government has been fighting for "the lawful rights" to teach English native American some English on a U.S. public radio channel just because they are all English major graduated from Chinese colleges?

When Chinese Premier Li is a Chinese college English major graduated as well and was in all three of 2004's meetings as himself stated in "no inheriting meeting" testimony,

When Chinese government insist on to broadcast confusion as if they don't know if I never have a biological child born in China, in college or in Nanjing Institute of Drug Control,

Why anyone would think in Chinese or in English makes any difference at all while knowing all they want to say is: "It is impossible that Min Fang can have any achievements" to help Albert Gore to rob every penny of my intellectual income to make their own share of "service charge".

I heard, since 2007, Albert Gore has used big accounting firms' good reputations to deposit checks' titled pay-to in my name to his own desired banking accounts the same day he announced "his desired ownership of the money" on the radio without any authorization from the lawful owner of the money (me on the pay-to title of the checks or the company that signed-out the checks), and I heard accountants' share of helping fee made the tricks of all my complained public robbery, is it possible that this is how some Chinese government officials intend to make their own private wealth? Or is it possible those fees have already been very handsome that I have been inveighed by the Chinese government as such, as so many people have heard from the radio? According to People's Republic of China's bribery rules developed since 1980, 20% of total transacted amount is considered appropriate share.

----January 7th, 2018

Heard this morning's broadcasting of me accusing Chinese military's participation of harming my health.
My response: From rumors I heard, the Chinese government has sent out its military staff to the U.S. to help make me full body infected of some virus, etc. since the same day Albert Gore announced his murderous intentions on the radio as "Let the little creature to take it over" in 2017.

I heard recent attempt of implanting some cancers on me according to published known cancer mechanisms was announced on the radio as "plan of letting me have this dynamic infection" by Albert Gore or his associated. I accused Albert Gore attempted murder for money.

I am protected by the United States government and the United States laws on my lawful intellectual making and my lawful inheritances.

----January 7th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about 1989 Student movements and 1950 times government taking over private wealth in the People's Republic of China.
My response: I add some related that I heard of when I was in China:

1978, Chinese chairman Deng, Xiaoping announced Chinese government policy of "Allow some people to self-improve their lives through generating their lawful private wealth".

1980 times Chinese government announced policies of "Let Chinese citizens buy those for-sell factories or companies". Those for-sell businesses were selected because of their financial situations were all on-the-verge of bankruptcy.

I heard such selections were made from the consideration to keep the main economic system healthy to benefit the majority of the Chinese People.

The troubles it generated are: 

Not many Chinese citizens could afford to buy in full if fair priced which caused a lot of controversy of how those businesses were sold.

Majority of those spin out business need to find their own way to survive, those employed and retired would lose their pension or salaries together with medical coverage permanently if fail. There was no major job market opened for them at all (only some affiliated companies by in-system business to benefit their own employees' families), and there was no social security provided for them by the government or China's then main economic system. Some of them were driven to the financial desperation that generated a lot of legal issues I named as PRC80 style scheme.

Those businesses were all on the verge of bankruptcy and how some of those businesses being fueled to thrive caused a lot of controversies that intellectual properties owned by "the Chinese People" who worked as scientists or engineers may have been robbed of their hard-making intellectual income.

In 1980-time, People's Republic of China start to have Patent Laws, but because of this "Owned by Chinese People" communist economic system, what should be the lawful share between the concept owner of "All Chinese People", the Institutes, or the scientists (engineers) were not clearly defined yet. This may have resulted that intellectual properties created by Chinese people who were scientists (engineers) of a research institute, were taken by another group of Chinese people who need these inventions free of any patent fees, all because both groups were part of the concept owner "The Chinese People" of those inventions.

My own experiences are what I have been complained about this "One-Eyed-Joy Bilking Scheme" through a public channeled radio program. The human's reproduction organ "One-Eyed-Joy" is like an umbrella concept that covers everybody's deservedness of my money on the radio, either being the authentic one truly enjoyed by a One-Eyed-Joy or owns a One-Eyed-Joy that associated with a person who owns a One-Eyed-Joy and participated some teleconferences in 2004.

Based on my own experiences of what happened to me through this radio program's producing, I assume the concept owner "the Chinese People" is like an umbrella that makes the lawful ownership transacted illegally through some organized purposeful explanation of Chinese government Policies of "Let Chinese citizens buy those for-sell factories or companies" is to "Allow some people to self-improve their lives through generating their lawful private wealth".

----January 7th, 2018

About 1989 Students movements and this administration of People's Republic of China's government.
My response:

First, this administration of People's Republic of China's government is grouped by those who were in their 30s in 1989. Those students, undergraduate and graduated, who marched on the streets were aged from 20-30s in 1989.

Second, 1989 Students movement was organized by whom? It started off by demanding memorial services to Chinese Youth Parties former leader: Hu, Yaobang (胡耀邦), how it turned violent that Tiananmen square was occupied by marching students?

The appeals students demanding were "Anti-Corruption (sexually and financially) and Democracy in China's Politics (National Election)". I was the person reported to China's Communist government that students’ movements on the streets were abnormal because these appeals were ridiculous.

For one
, there had no single case of any media coverage of any government officials involved major corruption case that could cause this massive violent anger expression among college students.

If Chinese government policies in 1980 had sparked a lot of issues in China's then economy that hugely impact a lot of colleges' students' families and colleges' faculties and staffs, those appeals made by marching students had completely missed the points. All these issues were caused by China's government did not open the major job market for those laid-off or provide some level of social securities, or patent laws related issues, all may have some level of government officials’ involvements, but not really corruption issues.

For two, appeal to National Election a the major symbol of democracy, how a National Election could possibly achieve overnight? How to vote according to the understanding voting is to choose a person who could lead the nation without knowing the person-in-voting at all? Without this national election mechanism that could introduce the person-in-voting in place, national voting is just to vote a person to lead the nation by choosing this person's name blindly. My own personal opinion, a former administration's selection of the new administration, at least, wouldn't be so blindly as public of the People's Republic of China's citizens. How this "Introducing the person-in-voting" mechanism could possibly be developed overnight by answering college students marching on the streets?

And I also reported big amount donation collected on the streets were suspicious. Now, looking back, those suspicious activities may have something to do with those financially desperate laid-off workers. I do not know exactly what happened to those donations collected from streets in 1989.

After May of 1989's colleges' meeting, it was Chinese government organized to let students release our passion to express our love to China but not block traffic to negatively impact nation's economic activities or nation's economy.

----January 7th, 2018

About rumors that this administration of People's Republic of China's government is revenging for what happened on June 4th of 1989.
My response:
I repeat, this administration of People's Republic of China's government is grouped by those who were in their 30s in 1989. Almost everyone in this administration was in 1989's Chinese colleges' meeting organized by then Chinese government administration.

The huge problem I have with the People's Republic of China's government is why records of the 1989 Chinese Colleges' meeting cannot go public? All these confusion and anger about if 1989 Tiananmen square was a massacre was because these records did not open to the public. What is the reason Chinese government not willing to let Chinese citizens know Chinese government never order to kill those 1989 students. The order was to evacuate Tiananmen square with force.

"June 4th of 1989" was the People's Republic of China's then administration's decision. It was never a massacre. I suggested to use Chinese Military was because China had no anti-violence Police mechanism. Chinese then police officers were known for catching violent criminals by sacrificing their own lives since all the policing tools police officers could use were handcuffs. The problem was how to handcuff a violent criminal was not addressed by then Chinese justice system.

I suggested using tanks was because I knew Chinese Military's uniforms are made of fabric to keep enlisted dry and warm but not bulletproof, nor stoneproof or glasses-proof. I expressed this same understanding of History of Wars in Europe to the U.S. Military in January of 2004.

In 1989's colleges' meeting, I suggested open fire to those refuse to vacant Tiananmen Square was because of my consideration of the cost to evacuate the Tiananmen Square. I also suggested police officers and local Beijing city government to ensure anyone who was willing to evacuate from Tiananmen square could leave safely on forceful evacuating day: with police officers using speakers loudly asking everyone to leave and to awake anyone that possible in sleep, with the street lights on to point the safe road, etc. How about the safety of those Chinese Military's enlisted that being deployed to this mission? Stones and glasses could be deadly weapons that could cause some casualties. The Chinese Military open fire in Tiananmen square in 1989 was never meant to kill but to evacuate the Tiananmen square with force. Those bullets never after those who were leaving.

To protect deployed through advanced technology and medical technology as much as possible was also a major part of those orders I gave to U.S. Military Supply Corp as an active-enlisted U.S. Military 3-Stars General Strategist on July 1st of 2004.

**I am truly happy that I heard on January 8th of 2018: From satellite image records, there were protesters walked out of Tiananmen square alive after Chinese military's shooting out on June 4th of 1989. Please verify this information. (----January 8th, 2018)

**Some said, the Chinese government couldn't public the records of the 1989's College's teleconference is because there were some scary conversations that some anonymous people insisted on Chinese government needs to pay big money to govern protesting students. I say if you have heard radio program's 2017 Christmas times two weeks broadcasting, you know this is not scary but 

Do you hear what I hear? Is that an Alzheimer or a psycho?( Third Item)

(----January 8th, 2018)

----January 7th, 2018



1980年代,中国政府公布了一系列政策“让一些人可以购买效益不好的企业(公司工厂)。” 那些可以让私人购买的公司工厂很多都是效益不好面临倒闭的公司工厂。




绝大多数被主要的经济体制边缘化的企业都需要自负盈亏,如果这些工厂公司难以实现自负盈亏,企业的员工就面临永远没有了工资,永远没有了退休金,也永远没有了医疗报销的处境。当时既没有主要的再就业市场(就只有一些效益好的企事业单位办的"三产"照顾他们自己的职工家属), 也没有由政府或由当时的主流经济体制可以向他们提供的所需的社保医保。他们中的一些人就此面临家庭收入绝境而产生了很多的被我称为PRC80模式伎俩的社会和法律问题。








游行学生的诉求是:“反贪污,反腐败,要民主!” 听说了民主诉求主要是想要通过公开选取来产生政府。是我向中国政府汇报学生在街上的游行示威某名奇妙且很不正常。








我对中国政府很大的一个投诉就是为什么不公开1989年全国高校会议的记录? 所有这些因为1989年是否是中国政府在屠杀学生都是因为当时的全国高校会议记录没有公开。是什么原因中国政府就是不愿意让中国人民了解中国政府从来就没有下令屠杀天安门广场的游行学生。当时的军令是武装清理天安门广场。

1989年的“武力六·四清理天安门广场”是中华人民共和国当时那一届政府的决定,从来不是什么屠杀。是我建议了中国政府使用中国军队进行武力清理, 原因就是当时的中华人民共和国没有防止及处理暴力事件的防暴警察机制。中国当时的警察只有不惧牺牲自己才能制服穷凶极恶的犯罪分子是很有名的,当时的警察所能使用执法工具就只有手铐,但是当时的中国司法部门可能没有考虑到如何才能把手铐拷上犯罪分子的手上其实是很有挑战性的。






我有没有听错啊, 那是一群老年痴呆,还是一群精神病人啊?(第三段)



01-06-2018 Some Issues of My Intellectual Incomes--Radio Program's Producing Team and Albert Gore

Heard this morning's broadcasting of the argument why my mother needs to survive?
My response: This is the question similar to why I have to be homeless or my father needs to survive?

I heard that on July 1st of 2004, the person advised that I needed to be homeless is the same person advised that my mother needs to survive. This same person also advised that my father should not be united with me if intend to live longer.

The person's name is Fang, Zhiqiang( 方志强), this Fang, Zhiqiang ( 方志强) has no biological association with my father, my mother or I. I heard he was invited into the July 1st of 2004's meeting or offered the microphone on July 1st of 2004's meeting by Albert Gore. I heard this Fang, Zhiqiang ( 方志强) was once featured on the radio program as a possible heir from Zu's family(明朝朱家) and I heard that same episode cleared it is untrue by Zu's family.

I heard my father in the current needs-to-survive situation is because of Chinese Premier Li. Chinese Premier Li is rumored an in-law to Fang, Zhiqiang( 方志强)

----January, 6th, 2018

Why Albert Gore's name is in all these?
My response: I was told he got a key to enter my locked-door self-paid apartment to have sex with me during my sound sleep. And I was told in the same meeting later that his friend uploaded an evidence video clip of this on the internet for at least several minutes.

I doubted that in 2004 very much because I knew for certain that I had checked if my apartment door locked before I went to bed daily. It means Albert Gore had raped me if what I was told is true and it means I was threatened if I dare to say I was never a whore at all to this Albert Gore.

I came from an Emperors' family that I knew what this means to the person I never even met in person. Other than a possible chance in 2001 or 2002 that he was with a political campaign group visited my complex in Corona, NY, I never met Albert Gore. That group was a 4-persons group that includes 2 Chinese. One of the two is John Liu(刘醇逸)。They only stayed in my building's hallway outside my apartment for less than 5 minutes and I only saw them for less than one minute. I did not recognize anybody in that group at that moment.

I chose to do something necessary about the internet broadcasting of the rape video but tried to leave some room in case there was something fishy. That was the reason I asked his uncle's and his father's law firms to represent one of my inheritance Fund.

I needed to have new attorneys on that day was because my misunderstanding on why I was neglected to constant crying when I was in Janus Associates, a computer consulting company in Connecticut. I did realize in 2016 that I directed my anger wrongfully to the female attorney in 2004 and I sincerely apologize to her here again, this time is also from my understanding that let me safe inherit my trusts is more important than help to stop my cries.

I heard Albert Gore was the person kept complaining that U.S. Military should not let me giving those orders to Supply Corp on July 1st of 2004.

I have to say I was an in-service 3-Stars U.S. Military General Strategist on that day and I gave out my orders to U.S. Military Supply Corp when all the U.S. Military 5-Stars and 4-Stars Generals were presented. I was authorized to make all those requests because they all knew I was doing so as a U.S. Military's Strategist on an assignment to improve U.S. Military's combat capabilities. That was the reason I could give out my orders to U.S. Military's Supply Corp when I was a U.S. Military's combat officer.

I was a citizen of the People's Republic of China on that day, but there was no war or interest conflicts at all between the People's Republic of China and the United States on that day. All those requests were not aimed to weaken the People's Republic of China's Military's combat capabilities.

I have nothing to do with Albert Gore. I rejected to have any romantic possibilities with Albert Gore even in-jokes on July 1st of 2004. I have some huge problems with Albert Gore currently because his name is on almost all these issues I have kept complaining and I have kept asking Law Enforcement's help.

----January 6th, 2018

Heard this morning's broadcasting of "Who the fxxx you think you are".
My response: I heard that were from four most famous American-Chinese movie stars: Joan Chen(陈冲), Lucy Liu( 刘玉玲), Bai Ling(白灵), and Vivian Wu(邬君梅).

I do not know why they are so angry since they all aware I was never in movie or TV industry. I only have this radio program which I never participated any producing efforts. My relationship with the entertainment industry is just being an investor.

This is the same reason nobody doubted that I have nothing to do with another famous Chinese famous movie star Zhang Ziyi's(章子怡) romance stories in 2009 or so.

And this is the same reason that I am currently in this situation that my own radio program has been the reason I have been shited all over.

----January 6th, 2018

About this radio program producing-share and my share of being a major featured person.
My response: This has been the major hurdle of understanding the anger towards me from a lot of literature persons.

It was broadcasted some time ago that some writers could not understand why it is half-half on intellectual income share-split between my and producing team. Fiction writers never need to pay for anybody inspired their books. Why I am paid handsomely?

The difference is fiction writers are just inspired by the story, this radio program is to produce my story. It is similar to the difference between a script-writer and fiction-writer. The script-write writes based on fiction-writer fiction, this producing team produce based on stories of my life and my video-audio materials from recordings of my life that I provided.

The producing team's proud is different with my proud, it is similar to the different proud that script-writer has when the movie is based on a popular best-seller.

 I heard there are at least two professions, by laws, are not allowed to be creative: Accounting Profession and Law profession. Both will be facing federal and state felony charges if dare to build-up an accounting book or build-up a case.

This is maybe the reason it has been very hard for my attorneys to understand what all these anger towards me are about: According to laws and regulations, half-half on intellectual income share-split between my and radio program's producing team already means I have not been participating any radio program's producing efforts at all.

A reference to this, the literature person in this illustration is the script-writer:

Heard about confusion how intellectual contributions can be appropriately acknowledged and rewarded.
My response: I use a very publicly familiar group of people, movie producing team, to illustrate this.

I have this great idea this "blah blah" can be a great movie;
A literature person agreed and write a script from my "blah blah" story.
A person who knows how to make a movie agreed and called in a group to make a movie.
This group of people includes a movie director, actresses and actors and supporting staff.

My "blah blah" story thus turned into a very popular movie.
I am so proud I am the creator of this movie that attracted so many people.
The literature person is so proud of being the scriptwriter that wrote so many great lines.
The producer is so proud this is a popular movie.
The group of people is so proud of the directing, or the roles they played, or the settings/costumes designed, etc.

Who contributed what,  or how well contributed, or what is the appropriate reward is all very clear to all of us that participated this turns "blah blah" into a popular movie.

It is the same in manufacturing industries or service-providing industries.

----Dec. 8th, 2017

----January 6th, 2017

01-05-2018 This morning's two Chinese children and confusion of Creator of Beijing Olympic Opening (今天早上的两个中国小孩以及谁是北京奥运会创意人的困扰)

Heard about this morning's broadcasting of two children. (中文附后)
My response: They are both People's Republic of China's citizens, their parents are as they announced. The British East Indy Company Financier is not the Fund I own.

I own the British East India Company Financier Fund and my children are U.S. citizens who can pronounce the differentiation between "India" and "Indy".

It is rumored they were invited by a Jessica whose husband had met me in a Hyatt Regional Hotel's Bar on the next day I met a group of U.S. military officers in 2003. He made some comments about if I have a dancer's body in 2004 that bothers this Jessica very much.

----January 5th, 2018

Heard about this morning's broadcasting of helping me manage my money.
My response: I do have accountants and business representatives helping me managing my investments.

I did make such a joke in 2004 or in 2007 that I can let my father managing my allowance to let him satisfy some craving of spending some money but spending has to be according to my instructions, I joked about this in more than one occasions including saying it to my father himself. But on each occasion, I made it very clear it is my own biological lawful father I was joking about, never anyone else.

I enjoy teasing my own father, I heard that is how my ancient grandfather(李隆基) had enjoyed teasing my beauty grandmother(杨玉环). It is the teasing between me and my own birth father.

I heard someone says why don't I let myself be teased by whoever? I respond it with:"Who the Fxxx do you think you are? I send you to the court every time you try, civil or criminal, ."

Now I am announcing here that I changed my mind about it. I refuse to let anyone manage my any non-investment money which includes my allowance.

----January 5th, 2018

About rumored confusion of who is the creator of Beijing Olympic Opening.
My response: I heard the confusion is from a video CD that was broadcasted on the radio in China. The female in that video CD dressed in Chinese ancient style, not sure if voice data is the same as mine. This can be checked by forensic technology(司法鉴定), voice or recorded time. Mine was done and should be recorded in June of 2004.

I heard mine was recorded in June of 2004 by FBI during their investigation of possible intellectual properties related case that I reported in January of 2004, and I heard it was an FBI agent who gave the copy of this recording to the Chinese Consulate in New York City.

I think the Chinese producing team of the Beijing Olympic Opening/Closing Ceremony, the group of people who have been very familiar with performing arts, know the difference between the voice of a creator or a voice of a performing actress. The difference between the video images is the same.

I created those ideas from the Chinese culture that I brought up with and I have lived my life by,  instead of creating some ideas from what I thought should be introduced to the world according to what Chinese have achieved over the history. I was introducing the Chinese culture that has made me a being of a Chinese.

I created those ideas from the depth of my understanding of the Chinese culture that the mimic performer won't be able to reproduce. It was not the confidence or just the passion in the voice that makes the difference but the true reflection that I have the in-depth knowledge of what I was talking about. The video images are the same.

A performing artist won't have that reflection of the knowledge in the voice that a person who has the knowledge can have, no matter how well this performing artist can mimic the person who has the knowledge.

----January 5th, 2018

我的回应:听说了奥运会创意人的困扰是来自一盘影碟,这影碟2008年北京奥运会之前有在中国国内的广播电台里播出过。影碟里的女性身着中式衣服或者中式古装,不清楚声音资料是否还是我方敏的。但这是可以通过司法鉴定来查实的, 不管是声音或是录制时间(可以精确到千分之一秒)都有技术可以鉴定。我是在2004年6月的一个星期天做的北京奥运会的创意,录影录音时间也应该是同一天。







01-04-2018 Why all these willingness to pay for someone to trash me?

Heard this morning's broadcasting of my gifts been thrown out.
My response: I did hear this rumor before yesterday and I did send out a message asking if the dumplings I made as a gift would be thrown out. Anyway, she threw as she wishes and I did get the point this is not the person need my gift or my companionship.

Also, I heard this morning a Mr. Petroves announced $1000 monthly providing each to the same person and another person, it is of course as he wishes as long as that is this Mr. Petroves own money. This Mr. Petroves does not represent my inheritance Fund and he should not have his individual capital account in my inheritance Fund (agreed-upon providing is not in an individual's name but in the family name, one payment in full per year). He has no access to my money unless he makes an inappropriate phone call to the F holding's investor American Fund which is a British Fund's child Fund, and a French Fund's grandchild Fund. My capital accounts are not in these Funds but in my trusts that set up these Funds, and I did call law enforcement's help on a lot of rumored inappropriate phone calls of performing-arts of demanding money from business-spending-budget that made by some other people already.

The only curiosity is why this Mr. Petroves would willing to give money out to reward this two person who is willing to throw out my $20-$40 or so gifts. I only gave out two gifts this year. The other person is the one I adopted my cat from($150 adoption) last year. If he is a brother to a Jessica Petroves, why would this wealthy Mr. Petroves let his sister a Mistress equivalent to another wealthier person? I received this responding message:

This is the message I sent this morning after I heard rumors about radio broadcasting and I did remove the entry from my contact list: "Hello, I am so sorry I am not going to continue my Bible study with you. And I knew I made a very inappropriate promise yesterday about if I have money I will help you to have your own biological child while you are very certain I should not, so I take every word back. Please remove me from your contact list as I am doing now. Thanks for all those past Wednesdays"

 I received this responding message: "I don’t understand what you mean.  I never said that you shouldn’t have your own biological child!  I would never impose on you like that.  Frankly, I’m too old for a child, biological or otherwise... Well, I apologize for any misunderstanding we may have had.  It saddens me that we can’t have a conversation about it.  However, as you wish.  Truly, It’s been my pleasure to introduce you to the Creator of the Heavens and the earth. Take care of yourself ".

Heard this morning's argument about Petroves'(Pejoves?) money.

----January 4th, 2018

Heard the rumor there is a British entrusting attorney of mine is a notorious person's in-law.
My response: That person is notorious for organizing this shit-me-all over to make illegal financial gains. This rumored British entrusting attorney is most likely part of such scheme as well because this rumored attorney is expected to have the power to give out my money. Last year or so, there were some members of Chinese my inheritances supervision committee insisted on having saying over my spending, possibly the same scheme.

----January 4th, 2018

About so many confusions regarding my biological children.
My response: I did make my points on Boston 96.9FM in November or December of 2015 when it was rumored he is not good enough to be his father's heir and anyone who is willing can be called the father of my biological children.

My point I made was: If he does not need to be his own biological father's heir and he does not need to be the person who father my biological children, who he should be or where and how this radio program intend to place him?  I add my explanation about my point here: Is this means he can just be a worker with a new name to work in a factory to make some minimum wage for some food on the table? Also, who should be his replacement to his wealthy birth father? With all these confusion if I have biological children and who should be their father, exactly, who needs all these confusion and what is the purpose?

I have my own personal experience of how I should not enjoy my own hard-earned intellectual making or my own birth grandfather' hard-earned money I inherited, but to work in some restaurant for some food and live a beggar's life as you all heard from the radio program. I did call law enforcement's help constantly with this kind of personal experiences.

For my own experiences, it is rumored that there is a radio program's director, a Shanghainese, who thinks that I do not need anything at all to be my ancient Emperor grandfather's heir. And I did respond to this rumor that this Shanghainese director certainly does not need his biological limbs (his arms & his legs) as well as his hip section with his buttocks and his penis) at all to be a director of this radio program and beyond.

It also rumored that this Shanghainese director is an in-law to the female who mothers several most important Chinese national leaders' only child. The rumor means the only child for each most important person, of course.

----January 4th, 2018

01-03-2018  Sexual harassment is a Crime for very good reasons and who my father and grandfather resemble (性骚扰是犯罪行为及我爷爷和我父亲长得像谁?)

Heard this morning's broadcasting about not privileged to shit his relative no matter how agitated I am.(中文附后)
My response:Well, I heard the person saying so is actually a cousin to Albert Gore, the person who organized all these shits threw at me in order to illegally own my lawful wealth through radio-broadcasting all these shits towards me to perform this public robbery by using made up stories to belittle me and to arouse public hostility against me.

But let me apologize to the person I thought I was shitting and the family I shitted by mistake, and explain myself a bit here. In order to perform this public robbery, the scandal like radio program shamed my name to single out my biological children to be exposed as no mother's protection and unwanted by father side's relative to be such easy targets to be abused by whoever is willing. I have no choice but to make my voice heard that they do have a wealthy mother who does have their mother side's own resources to protect them even if they are unwanted by the father's side. The boy and girl are well known my biological children for real to everyone who has dealings with them. They are over seven years old now. And I appreciate greatly for all the efforts to shield them from becoming possible public targets.

Everybody in New York city may already be heard all those shits threw that intend to abuse my children are from some O'Connors. It is rumored that either this Miss O'Connor or that Miss O'Connor has to be his wife or my inheritance Fund has to be owned by O'Connors. I have been refusing all these kinds of threats I heard from rumors.

----January 3rd, 2018

Heard this morning's Jessica Lopez's such powerful curse.
My response: I heard this Jessica Lopez's powerful voice is not powered by the "rich husband" she announced on the radio, but powered by her sister being the wife to a cousin of Albert Gore.

----January 3rd, 2018

About my Ancestors featured in those paintings that were published in 2011 or so.
My response: There were four paintings published with year-certificate displayed as 1 year's old to tell they were just copies. Those painters copied them from originals' digital copies.

One of the huge problems I have with this administration of People's Republic of China's government is that a disk contains digital copies of all those published has been sent to them before those copied paintings were published. I had mentioned this on Boston 96.9FM in 2015 time.

In that disk, there were 6 painting featured with its originals' year-certificate and detailed zoom-ins to present techniques used in those paintings which certainly can be identified by historians who are specialized on these.

I am excited this morning because I heard the two not-published paintings included in that disk were to present my father's(方文海) resemblances to my ancient grandfather Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (唐玄宗李隆基)in that 6 boys painting. That generation there were 6 Princes. The other one who featured 4 Princes was to present my grandfather(方智仁)resembled my ancient grandfather Emperor Gaozong of Tang(唐高宗李治). If anyone can verify this would be really great.

I was like I finally realized that no wonder my father is known for blind-equivalent because of nearsighted with Retinal detachments since I was in high school, it is because I resemble extremely to the beautiful wife of my ancient grandfather Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (唐玄宗李隆基) who he resembles extremely.

My poor old man, he had been stationed in desserts alone when he was an enlisted bachelor surveyor-cartographer. After he has me, it has been all about what I want and how to stop me from squirring I want this or that, things I wanted had been ranged from food to everything else. I heard recently when he is already in his 80s, he was asked if he could recall any achievements from his profession of Astrophysics. And I published on this blog to tell him that I am his provider that providing him the same as myself on medical health related even that is our shared grandfathers' money I inherited. He knows I am the daughter he can live on.

----January 3rd, 2018








01-02-2017 About my investment in China and 我当然会说这些话啊。(中文附后)

Heard this morning's talk about my possible investment in China should be destroyed even if run by local Chinese.
My response: With this morning's broadcasting, and regarding rumored People's Republic of China's government would block my inheritance Funds to invest in China, I publish here what I had published on my school MBA506 discussion board two or three months ago: If my investment in China means business only needs to get very busy with tons of nesses but definitely not the profits, and my capital account in the investment means deserved to reduce against my wish, blocking my inheritance Funds to invest in China can only be understood by me as Financial Security provided. I am adding here with: it may be an extreme measure in orange colored (maybe even red colored) alarming circumstances caused by a possibly severely corrupted government. I also said in this web blog some days ago that it sounds like a criminal gang insists on calling themselves a government but specialized in performing illegal whore business, bilking and threatening for money in excuse of severe jealousy caused by self-illusion-ed fake romances, etc.

----January 2nd, 2018



就美国公民阿尔伯特·高尔公然利用广播剧破坏方敏名誉以掠夺方敏智慧产权收入,方敏已寻求美国警方协助要求将方敏我自己挣的智慧产权收入的每一分钱都按照法律归方敏我自己拥有, 中国政府方面可向美国联邦调查局核查是否已立案处理。








                                                         01-01-2018 Happy New Year

To my own biological children:

                                                   Happy New Year, my dearest darlings, my sweethearts.

To my own children's father and grandparents:

                                                   Happy New Year!

To everyone who I owe my BIG THANKS for their caring and love towards my own children:

                                                   Happy New Year!

To my own birth father:

                                                   Happy New Year!
                                                   老爸爸, 新年快乐!

To my own birth mother who I wish with all my heart can still alive and read this blog:

                                                   Happy New Year!


要不是你把爷爷方智仁给你的亲笔遗嘱信看也不看就给扔了,让亲眼看见你扔了遗嘱信的爷爷方智仁像热锅上的蚂蚁似的在病床坚持了整整一个月,我小时候的日子会好点,我来美国留学也不用打餐馆,可我就没有机会在2004年7月1日态度很好的表态说:老爸爸的生活当然是有我负担啦。我当时就说了就凭我自己挣的钱都够, 你和妈妈的健康医疗供给和我是同等规格。












----January 1st, 2018


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