06-30-2019 有关伟哥专利话题的郑重声明

06-30-2019 有关伟哥专利话题的郑重声明





From Article Elements to recognize an opportunity to succeed :
About Viagra, the curiosities have been about how I can contribute without participating in any lab work.
  • I recognized the frustrations were all about the known medical dilemma that blood vessels in the sponge area don't react according to the regular mechanism for blood pressure adjustment medications.
  • From my research experiences as a computer programmer, I realized this can be helped by re-consider the research hypothesis in order to isolate the area as an independent module.
  • I did help out advising how to develop some isolating hypotheses and related. 
  • The rumored public relation category reward is actually in the intellectual category as well, for the research facilities' commercial rental savings related.
----July 16th, 2019

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