09-26-2019 血缘愤怒:“财产继承,应该是法律上的说法,不是你方敏自己的说法!”



  • 原因:没有任何个人也没有任何机构可以取代各国自己警察执行各国自己已经施行的法律,
  • 原因:没有任何个人也没有任何机构可以取代法院有效法庭对于财产的法律所有权相关的法律纠纷的裁判权裁决权。

  • 信托继承是必须依据遗嘱的;
  • 信托里并没有他们因血缘关系亲属关系事实而可以继承的任何份额,
  • 方敏和他们之间没有任何法律上的抚养责任义务关系,
  • 方敏没有任何依据法律应该偿还给他们的财务欠债。
  • 必须提供事实依据向法院说明引发纠纷的财产及该财产的现有法律所有权归属,
  • 必须提供事实依据向法院说明纠纷原因的法律依据,
  • 法院从来不接受任何“认为或者可能”的没有任何事实依据的纠纷案件。


  • 要求举例1:“你有钱,我和你是校友,虽然你并不认识我,可是为什么我就是不能花你的钱?”
  • 要求举例2:“我们家有个姑娘嫁到你们家了,虽然是至少几百年之前的事,可她当年的嫁妆在哪里?凭什么(放在信托里)由你继承?”(据说有二十五代的方家奶奶的娘家姓氏是如此需要问问家里祖上的钱事的)



附篇:Confusion about this blog's publishing
摘自 《寻宝日记

The confusion about O'Connor's family name
There has been a lot of anger from O'Connor regarding my mentioning O'Connor names on my web blog. The reason I have to update my blog is to clarify some "why mention?", all the reason has been that I have been confronted fiercely or commented negatively, by O'Connor name's affiliated, regarding my inherited wealth I stated in my blog articles. So, I list my reasons why I agree there shouldn't be any mentioning for both parties:

1) After the 2017's clarification of the American company's ownership as both don't own, that there shouldn't have any reason for any O'Connor affiliated to be confused about me stating my inherited wealth, nor for me to mention O'Connor name, which purely because I am not socially nor professionally associated with O'Connor name at all.

2) After the 2017's clarification of the American company's ownership as both don't own, there should be no reason for me to be agitated regarding O'Connor name's family wealth, and there should be no reason for any O'Connor's name affiliated to be confused with my money and my money spending-ship, purely because O'Connor's family wealth is not associated to my inherited wealth.

----Sept. 26th, 2019

The confusion about my money-spending-ship and my any paid-in-full service:
I assume, all police officers and law peoples, at least in the United States, would agree with me that any money lawful ownership confusion can only be resolved by calling the police to do the law investigation, or file a civil lawsuit. I firmly believe nobody can replace the police on law investigation or enforcing laws, and I firmly believe nobody can replace the Judicial court on clarifying the money lawful ownership's legal confusion.
----Sept. 26th, 2019


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