10-03-2019 华人好奇:"方敏,你的历史名人继承人身份是否已经有效的登记了?”


这次我也向联邦警方查询了我是否是蒙古王子乌玉(Yuelun)的继承人,蒙古王子方令的继承人(据说是方令的妈妈Yueyun给方令的,),据说Yuelie,Yuelun,和Yueyun三个Borjigin女儿是嫁给了一家,是很多蒙古人都知道的。 据说Yuelie 是方令儿媳,是乌玉同母的忽必烈的一等亲王子蒙古可汗的女儿,据说Yueyun是成吉思汗的女儿,乌玉的婆婆,也有一个成吉思汗册封的一等亲王子蒙古可汗的爵位。



  • 因为这是已经核实了的真实(即已经有效登记了的)。
  • 前几年有关我是否是否是唐太宗李世民的继承人的争议,其实也同时宣布了我是唐太宗李世民继承人的核实结果是真实,是非常平静的陈述。
  • 只是当时的争议集中在是否可以排除其他已经由中国政府登记为“继承人”的那些人,以及中国政府所登记的其他李世民继承人为何不可以从外国公司领取钱款作为生活费用等等,都是很大声很大声的愤怒争议,类似最近上海方面参与公布的我是多罗贝勒育伟明的血脉传承的音响效果(各界听众只听到了“但是。。。”)。
  • 所以,各界听众都没有听见我是唐太宗李世民的血脉传承继承人的核实结果是真实。我本人也没有就当时的争议而过多争执,因为财产的法律所有权是依据法律可以撇清的。



附篇:Article: Confusion about this blog's publishing (from 《寻宝日记》 )

The confusion about if I published any Rockefellers' money as I claimed.
  No, I did not publish any Rockefellers' money as I claimed.

All those companies I claimed have been doubted if this or that name's family wealth, the particular is the "Pejovic" company that I claimed as the third year's providing instruction company. This "Pejovic" company has never been owned by the "Pejovic" family historically has been clarified so that this company is not Rockefeller in-law's family wealth.

All those companies I claimed are not Rockefeller money because
  • Each of all of those companies I claimed is not owned by any individual Rockefeller's name as individual investment.
  • Each of all of those companies I claimed is not owned by Rockefeller's names as the family names' shared investments.
  • Each of all of those companies I claimed has never been owned by any Rockefeller's in-law's family names as the in-law's family names' shared investments.
----October 3rd, 2019

The confusion about O'Connor's family name
There has been a lot of anger from O'Connor regarding my mentioning O'Connor names on my web blog. The reason I have to update my blog is to clarify some "why mention?", all the reason has been that I have been confronted fiercely or commented negatively, by O'Connor name's affiliated, regarding my inherited wealth I stated in my blog articles. So, I list my reasons why I agree there shouldn't be any mentioning for both parties:

1) After the 2017's clarification of the American company's ownership as both don't own, that there shouldn't have any reason for any O'Connor affiliated to be confused about me stating my inherited wealth, nor for me to mention O'Connor name, which purely because I am not socially nor professionally associated with O'Connor name at all.

2) After the 2017's clarification of the American company's ownership as both don't own, there should be no reason for me to be agitated regarding O'Connor name's family wealth, and there should be no reason for any O'Connor's name affiliated to be confused with my money and my money spending-ship, purely because O'Connor's family wealth is not associated to my inherited wealth.

----Sept. 26th, 2019

The confusion about my money-spending-ship and my any paid-in-full service:
  I assume, all police officers and law peoples, at least in the United States, would agree with me that any money lawful ownership confusion can only be resolved by calling the police to do the law investigation, or file a civil lawsuit. I firmly believe nobody can replace the police on law investigation or enforcing laws, and I firmly believe nobody can replace the Judicial court on clarifying the money lawful ownership's legal confusion.
----Sept. 26th, 2019

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